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hello. server refresh + buff for eu players - aion

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by alexander1st, Apr 3, 2022.

  1. alexander1st

    alexander1st onetwothree Top Notch Youtuber

    Dec 6, 2017
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    Hey guys, as there is now some time passed since the launch of GamezAion and as we are growing in playerbase, but at a much slower than we could possibly be, I have come up with a few ideas.

    I really feel at this point that we could start collaborating with elyos race when it comes to forts. If we would allow elyos to take a fort, or have a seasonal forts/gp reset, it will entice new players to come play and elyos to go out and compete for forts.

    Maybe making fort rewards 2x on Cera Medals also wouldnt be a bad idea after a change like this.

    At this point sieges are very lame, everyone on asmo side camps the NPC spots (me included, cus thats what you do) and we pvp with the few elyos that attempt to get a few GP points. I feel like it s far from being too late to start making changes that will keep the server balanced long term, regardless of how many players will keep joining asmo race or so.
    Maybe giving some extra starting bonuses to elyos also wouldnt be a bad idea.

    Also, for the people who said that the seasonal gp reset is a bad idea because many use Great General sets or w/e, I think that this is no longer a plausible argument to keep the server from being refreshed, as people have now had way more than enough time to run EB or gear up in proper 2* ap gears which they will no longer lose.
    We want to offer new players the idea that regardless of how much time people before them have played on the server, they still have a chance to catch up and someday do something.

    So I'm suggesting 2x Cera rewards on sieges and that Seasonal GP/forts reset are reinstated.

    I feel like that if the siege rewards would be made 2x Cera Rewards and Tia siege would also be buffed with Cera Medals (2x per/ maybe), this would also allow EU players to gear a little bit faster, since we are not enough to run our own EB and people usually run it when there is 4-6 AM for us; and since the Kata/Danaria sieges are at ~6PM GMT+2 time, and Tia Siege at 11PM GMT+2, so both would be allowing players to get a daily amount of 10-30 medals per day from it).
    So this could possibly bring new EU players with more incentive to start here, as they will be able to gear up solo as well, in a similar time with people who run EB and such.

    Just some ideas, I hope they will help somehow! :D
    Last edited: Apr 6, 2022
    Floette likes this.
  2. katykat

    katykat Proficient Forum Legend

    Jul 11, 2010
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    I agree, having a GP / Fort reset could be beneficial, my only thing with the GP is many people have stacked up AP and kinah so they can just instantly be governor / commander day 1. With Arena tickets stacking for 7 days, that is easily 2 star officer back day 1. A GP reset honestly won't do much if the Ap to GP vendors exist.

    I totally agree to having forts give x2 medals if you own the fort and base medals if you don't and got contri. This way here both sides can have a chance and get medals regardless of who owns them. I've previously.
  3. alexander1st

    alexander1st onetwothree Top Notch Youtuber

    Dec 6, 2017
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    AP to GP vendors are the only real grind there is in 4.6 after you max out. You can only farm AP and turn for GP tbh. Maybe a limit of how much GP one can earn a day from these npcs would be a good idea. Maybe like 2k GP a day max? Thats 2 mil ap, it's quite decent.
  4. katykat

    katykat Proficient Forum Legend

    Jul 11, 2010
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    incorrect thse NPCs did not officially release until 4.7.5 was released which introduced Levinshore. and when that came out for the first week or 2 the quests were repeatable, which they changed ASAp
    alexander1st likes this.
  5. alexander1st

    alexander1st onetwothree Top Notch Youtuber

    Dec 6, 2017
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    Im not good on Aion patch data tbf :D You may very well be right. But I'm glad we have them here. They come in handy and let's see how...

    Let's take a look at the players who cant attend sieges because of timezone differences (which is not that small of a percentage). :D People with a normal NA schedule get 1.5k~+ gp per day from sieges. To allow players from all over the world to keep up with the ranks, these NPCS come in handy. You have to realise that for 1k gp an average player has to farm roughly 2hrs. 1k GP from sieges comes after 1hour.

    As I've said, having the NPCS but with a 2k GP usage daily limit would be optimal and surely fair for every player regardless of his schedule. If the focus is mainly on NA (since this is an NA server, given the hosting location, after all) then yes, these npcs could be removed because they are not so beneficial. :D Keep in mind guys, these NPCs are there for everyone, not for some people. Everyone can take advantage, and many people have. And if you still feel like this is a bad idea because of the people who are stacking AP and will automatically jump to ranks, this is where the daily 2k GP exchange usage limit will come in place. I'm not sure how hard it would be to change/code this though so that might be an obstacle.

    Again, I think a GP reset is a very good idea, sooner rather than later. And I feel like this is not only my sentiment. The elyos need a reset badly, since there are active people who are waiting to take advantage of the top ranks and help the race create some balance.
  6. katykat

    katykat Proficient Forum Legend

    Jul 11, 2010
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    I completely agree with the timezone difference we have so many EU and NA players who both can't make certain seiges. I'm lucky because I own my own business so I can take time to participate if im not super busy. However we do not need the NPC for AP to GP. Here is why. we have arenas and glories. Arena you can get 500-740 a win, a loss is 200-500 a lose (these ranges are for value boost / no value boost). If you win doing a Harmony I think you get around 500 + or so a lose depends on participation so low 70 high of 200 or so? Never mind doing Glory 1st place is 4k gp last is like 700 gp.

    If you own forts and go and get good contri a day you could get 1k + gp depending the forts vulnerable.

    GP should not be this easy to get (unless forts). Arena you could only get like 100 or so on a win and a lose was like 20-50. I still say remove them and than maybe implement increase GP for doing EOB an Kamara battlefield. these are 2 instance we easily have the player base to run on the daily. Bring more PvP and less PvE grind to get rank, as is we have several people GP feeding in arena. There has legit been 1 person spamming /3 on Elyos stating they join arena so asmos get more gp. I've seen an asmo spy standing outside of arena feeding their asmo (no proof on this, but it's obvious), been doing it for probably 2 weeks still in noob gear, shows up for sieges and afks in the ally watching every move. I'm sure elyos get fed too, but not something I can see myself, but my point is the rates you get GP / AP on arena there is no need for the vendors. My SW farmed arena, sieges constantly and I made it to great general, had I used the vendor I could have easily taken commander by now.
    alexander1st likes this.
  7. alexander1st

    alexander1st onetwothree Top Notch Youtuber

    Dec 6, 2017
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    Yes but everyone has access to arenas. So people with a decent schedule have siege + arena while international players have access to arena only to earn gp. It s not like if you remove the ap gp vendors the gp rat race will be any fairer with just sieges and arenas. Arenas are being skipped a lot even with arenas not being one of the only two ways of earning gp. There will be other problems. If people have time/interest to farm ap I feel like it should be rewarded :D It's not like the farm spots are hidden, everyone can contest and go farm ap. So by all means, people should do it if they want extra GP instead of complaining abt it.

    I agree though, having the npcs without a limit can create this bad situation where people farm like crazy and then they quit and they leave gov rank inactive, so a daily limit will have to be put in place.

    If not npc GP daily limit then an overall daily GP limit would not be a bad idea. (For example: 3.5k GP daily limit ( arenas + sieges + 1.5k gp - this could be IS gp, EB gp, other sources of gp)

    As for some guys feeding themselves with ely toon, I can think of one I reported not long ago. It was plain obvious what the guy was doing. Hopefully that gets solved soon :D . While, I guess, siege ap feeding is w/e since they re chaotic either way, arenas should not give people the chance to feed themselves wins like that. Certainly not to skip ur arena for 80% of the people applying, just bcus u didnt get ur toon.

    But this point with the arenas being used for unfair gp also gives more strength to my point abt the gp rat race being more unfair with only arenas and sieges. Imagine that I m an Eu player, I log in for arena, I get skipped for at least one... Without value pack that is around 400~ gp from 2 arenas. You telling me that having a gp reset with removed apgp npcs does not make the international playerbase obsolete to rankings makes me say that u need to think again. ^^
    Last edited: Apr 6, 2022
    katykat likes this.
  8. katykat

    katykat Proficient Forum Legend

    Jul 11, 2010
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    Then maybe remove the x10 arena and glory GP and put at x5 instead. Implement x10 gp / ap for doing PvP instances / add a daily GP gain from actually PvPing. like max of 500 gp. Add GP to tia sieges / cera medals (randomly got one today so if not perma make perma). If the AP to GP vendor stays make it once a day for the 51 and 510 gp and make the 5k gp one a weekly quest. this way here you can do it, but not as quick and it makes it fair getting 550k ap a day is super easy w/o farming Tia eye. Hell just 1 EB run yields 450k lol.

    All of the people I have talked to about the AP-GP vendor on Elyos side either didn't know about it or did and refuse to use it because they don't like it. I've always hated this feature, I remember quitting official for a bit because of it too. People went from 2 star all the way up to governor / commander because they fk'd up and made it repeatable and it was too late for that change. Which with what you said previous and what I just said above I think if they stay it could work this way, but changes have to be made.

    it don't make them obsolete, arenas are open 3 times a day and you can save your tickets for weekends where arena is open all day. There are plenty of EU players on and capable of showing up for early siege. Sieges has always been the main focus for gaining GP in this patch at least and EB.

    The only other option would be just to remove Transformations all together and i know plenty of players who want that and plenty who don't. I mean we can all siege w/o xform so it's not truly needed and i've seen some servers have success disabling this feature. Can also disable the Governor armor so this way everyone is on an even playing field. lol i know most will hate this idea.

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