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May the 4th be with you!

Discussion in 'Events Archive' started by Dimitra, Apr 26, 2016.

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  1. Dimitra

    Dimitra 安心。 Forum Legend

    Oct 22, 2010
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    Greetings, young Padawans! (or should I call you my young apprentices..)

    May 4th is approaching, and one could not go without honoring my newest favorite thing in the world - the official Star Wars Day!

    May the 4th is celebrated as the official Star Wars day with events, gatherings and celebrations, and we of course have to taste some of the space fun.

    A task you must complete, and rewarded you will be ;)

    In this event, you are required to first choose a side: Sith or Jedi.
    Upon choosing your side, you are asked to pick two items that you would use to fight the opposite side in an intergalactic war of factions.
    For information about the Sith, look here.
    For information about the
    Jedi, look here.

    The two items you will be choosing must be:
    1 Item from the Databse (you can choose anything you wish but NOT WEAPONS and certainly NOT the blades that resemble lightsabers since these are the obvious choices), and 1 imaginary item of your own that is NOT Aion related (no weapons aswell)!

    Immerse yourself in the Star Wars world, pretend you are a Sith/Jedi in that universe and talk from the perspective of that character and not yourself. Your entries need to have the Star Wars theme and your entries should NOT be entries that would apply to any battle with a different theme.

    ∞ The items you choose will not be weapons (since you are not allowed to choose a weapon) but there are plenty of things you can use AS weapons, and plenty of other things you can use during a battle for both defense and offense. Be creative!

    ∞ You must explain why you chose the two items, and how you would use them during the raging battle.
    The explanation I want for your two item choices should be a few lines in length, not too small but not too big.

    ∞ The 1 item you choose from the database doesn't have to fit its use and description, but the item's title must match your explanation as a theme.

    An example of two valid items (having chosen the Jedi side) would be:
    Insignia of Light Protection - A gift from my master upon finishing my training. He told me that it was said that the insignia could reinforce my power due to its strong connection with the light side and make me stronger, braver and quicker during battle. I must utilize every single power given to me and every attraction I have towards the force to destroy the Sith once and foreall - and the insignia will be my courage.

    Jedi Mind Trick - Mind control is something I excel at. It's supposed to be for the weak minded, but who told me the Sith are not exactly that? If not on them, my power will be of excellent use on their troops. Maybe I can make them turn against the Sith. Yes ,that would work in my advantage.

    The 3 people who will think of the best, most creative and original pair of battle items will be our intergalactic winners!

    [​IMG] Everyone is welcome to participate, excluding staff members.
    [​IMG] Accounts that were created on the same day or after the event was posted are not allowed to join.
    [​IMG] You are allowed to only have one entry per person so make it count.
    [​IMG] Plagiarism is strictly not allowed. If you are found copying someone else's entry, you will be disqualified without a warning.
    [​IMG] You are allowed to make changes to your entry while the contest is still running.
    [​IMG] If your entry does not include 1 Aion Item (no weapons) and 1 Item of your choice (real life or imaginary, but not Aion related and no weapons again), it will be deemed invalid.
    [​IMG] Participating with more than 1 forum account will get you disqualified without a warning.
    [​IMG] Entries that are not at all creative will be deleted.
    [​IMG] You may use small pictures (icon-sized) before the names of your items to show us what you mean, but big ones will be deleted.
    [​IMG] Not following the rules will get you disqualified.

    Choose your side (
    1 item from the database + explanation:
    1 non-Aion related item + explanation:

    For an example of a valid entry, look at the top of the page under Mechanics.
    If your entry is valid, I will like your post.

    If you want to make changes to your entry while the contest is still running, just use the edit button on your post, DO NOT make another post to update it.

    3 Winners: [​IMG] Any costume of choice (1 piece, pre-4.9)
    Participants: [​IMG] Scarlet Aether Blade (to those who entered as Sith) / [​IMG] Emerald Aether Blade (to those who entered as Jedi)
    + [​IMG] [Title Card] 'Destiny Ascendant'

    Event ends: May 5th, 9PM GMT (Use this website for that)
    Winners announced: 1-3 days later

    Good luck to everyone, and May the fourth be with you.
    Nero, Patatas, Avalyn and 17 others like this.
  2. Felsig

    Felsig Bad Boy 4 Life

    Jan 5, 2012
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    Im on a highway to Hell...!!!
    IGN: Bunny
    Server: Siel
    Choose your side (Sith/Jedi): Jedi
    1 item from the database + explanation:
    [​IMG]Specialized Kaisinel's Plume: Magic Boosting Power -
    An item bestowed upon deserving Jedi Masters, it aids them in maximizing the use of the power of the Force. With this item equipped, I, as a Jedi Master, will have my knowledge of the Force increased greatly, and thus utilizing its great power to aid me in defeating the Sith Lords.

    1 non-Aion related item + explanation:
    upload_2016-4-27_2-21-57.jpeg R2-D2 -
    Even with my vast knowledge of the Force, I cannot impose my will on everything with my Jedi mind tricks, specially computers. So I need the aid of this android unit to help my get into places with ease by bypassing the codes of locked doors and gates. He can also help me get needed information about enemy plans by hacking their main computer network.
    Ren, Ryablo and Dimitra like this.
  3. Crit

    Crit Noli Me Tangere

    Jun 2, 2013
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    Planet of the Apes
    IGN: Critiiical
    Server: Siel
    I will Choose The Dark side The Force of Sith.
    1 item from the database + explanation:

    Blessing of Growth - Upon gaining my position as Dark Lord of the Sith. I will bless you with this kind of Blessing. A blessing that will Give your Great Wisdom in Order to Learn a Great Defense against the Jedi side, Not only a Defense but also a maximum long lasting life for them to stay long in the Battle. I will Bless myself as a Dark Lord to easily conquer the entire Korriban, to cast the side of the Light side Jedi and to be Vanish Forever.

    "Peace is a lie, there is only passion.
    Through passion, I gain strength.
    Through strength, I gain power.
    Through power, I gain victory.
    Through victory, my chains are broken.
    The Force shall free me."

    1 non-Aion related item + explanation:

    Force Power: Telekinesis is a powerful ability that able to control everything. This is the most powerful ability to defeat Jedi, this power will meltdown the hearts of Jedi I will slowly torture them. The sounds of each Jedi Crying, Screaming, Grinding of Teeth, The sounds of Flesh being teared apart. I will show no mercy to every Jedi that will defy my will. I am the Chosen one.

    "There is no death; there is only the Force ..... and I am its master! ."

    Ren, Wangfei and Dimitra like this.
  4. Destiny

    Destiny ✮The Hoarder✮

    Jan 3, 2011
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    IGN: Destiny
    Server: Lumiel
    Choose your side (Sith/Jedi): Jedi
    1 item from the database + explanation:
    Marble Chair

    I would use this marble chair against a distracted sith using a powerful force push, thrusting the table in my unsuspecting dark adversary's back.
    1 non-Aion related item + explanation:
    Battle meditation
    A powerful technique that boosts the power of the user and it's allies while weakening the resolve of their foes, this is the perfect technique to use against the sith and end their power hungering quest for galactic domination.
    TheUnderdog, Ren and Dimitra like this.
  5. Picex

    Picex Divine Rapier

    Apr 5, 2016
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    IGN : Inztrukturz
    Server : Siel
    Side : Jedi
    1 item from the database + explanation :

    Ophidan Headband - A Powerfull Headband Can make Sith lord Diffucult to touch Jedi in a fight , Created from the space rock . Headband make Jedi Fast As light , Strong As Balaur , Pain like a get Squezzed Door , Smart as Sherlock Holmes
    1 non-Aion related item + explanation :
    Secret Transformation Bagpack
    - A secret bagpack created self by Jedi , Used to bring Equipment to defeat Sith Lord . Its can transformed into great armor in conjuncture , Armor will protected Jedi from any Laser Attack & Reflect Damage back to enemy .
    Last edited: Apr 26, 2016
    Brones and Dimitra like this.
  6. BlaseKing

    BlaseKing The KING

    Mar 7, 2016
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    IGN: Kinime
    Server: Siel
    I choose SITH
    1 item from the database + explanation:
    Corrupt Judge's Hat -

    A rare mask lost in the most remote part of the galaxy, it is said that some belonged to the legendary Sith , guarded by a powerful monster that feeds on fear and anger day . This reflects a burn seen heavy fighting . Whoever can defeat the fearful monster enjoy a power and control of the infinite dark force , capable of destroying entire empire even the entire galaxy. Aviable only to Lord Sith, who port this mask increase the force power to defeat any Jedi or Padawan.
    1 non-Aion related item + explanation :

    Flash of Dark Energy -

    A rare lightsaber lost long ago with a peculiar flash, contains in its handle a disc recorded in a rare ancient language.
    "إن حامل هذه صابر تتمتع السلطة قتامة و الخوف"​
    Is said that once belonged to the most powerful Sith in the galaxy .
    Only a true sith is worthy of wielding the lightsaber
    has the ability to see inside the enemy knowing all fears they may have on him, making it easy to control the enemy and take him to the dark side of the force , like one time Lord Sidious take to dark site the powerfull Darth Vader. Only for Lord Sith, this weapon give a magic power and increase crit strike on Padawan and Jedi Master.
    Last edited: Apr 26, 2016
    Dimitra likes this.
  7. Daniel

    Daniel Håx

    May 23, 2014
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    IGN: Outstanding
    Server: Siel
    Choose your side (Sith/Jedi): Jedi

    1 item from the database + explanation:
    [​IMG]Elemental Stone of Resurrection - I choose this powerful stone to revive the great knights whenever one is slained , as some of the Jedi Master's are getting old day by day, this will serve as key to a successful leadership as time pass by as it will allow us to resurrect the Great Masters from thy death.
    1 non-Aion related item + explanation:

    Telekinesis - Telekinesis is the ability to lift or manipulate objects using the power of the Force. For a sufficiently skilled practitioner, the size of the object did not matter. One could lift something as small as a piece of fruit to an X-wingsStarfighter, as well as dispel gaseous substances. I choose this Skill/Ability to make it easier on reviving my fallen fellow Jedi people by lifting them all at once and use the great Elemental Stone of Resurrection, as i serve as there back bone, with this skill, it will lead us to a success.

    TheUnderdog and Dimitra like this.
  8. Ollo

    Ollo Proficient Forum Legend

    Oct 26, 2014
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    In-game name: Woolloomooloo
    Server: Siel
    Choose your side (Sith/Jedi): Sith

    1 item from the database + explanation:
    icon_item_ta_combineskill_ws_r_60a.png Ancient Red Crystal -
    The power of the Red Crystal compatible with the Dark side energy, embedded within the Light-sabers of all Sith and the Dark Jedi. With the destruction ability to potentially destroy the sabers of the opponents, overloading the matrix and shattering that of the user.

    1 non-Aion related item + explanation:
    Mind Control -
    The dark power to manipulate the minds of the Jedi's to turn one against another. With this power, the Siths can turn those Jedi's onto their side and have the army expanded even further in order to rule over the universe! Not only can Mind Control manipulate the mind of the opponents, but can also dig deep into their mind and read them like a book.
    Last edited: Apr 29, 2016
    Dimitra likes this.
  9. Senryu

    Senryu Getting there

    Feb 23, 2016
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    Under your bed
    IGN: Beel
    Server: Siel
    Choose your side (Sith/Jedi): Sith

    1 item from the database + explanation:
    Jester Hat :
    A omnimous hat said to belong to the feared intergalactic Dark-clown Sith, who roamed the galaxy for eternity. Wrapped with pure dark force those who are not destined to wear this were consumed in madness. With pure dark force it allows a Sith user to fully utilize the unfathomable dark force within, capable of bringing genocide upon those likes of a Jedi.

    1 non-Aion related item + explanation:
    Dimensional speed force :
    is the extra-dimensional dark force source of Sith's power. this ability allows the user to enhance their movement and reaction abilities. Perception is also vastly enhanced. The attacks from the enemy, due to speed appears to be in slow motion. Upon mastering the force and be one with it, a Sith is capable of returning back to time and affect the fabric of reality.
    Last edited: Apr 27, 2016
    Seika and Dimitra like this.
  10. Malicious

    Malicious Nightfall

    Aug 27, 2013
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    IGN: Ashatia
    Server: Siel
    Choose your side (Sith/Jedi): Sith

    Only those with the power to control the dark side can ever truly be free

    1 item from the database + explanation:
    Abyss Blade Fragment: When choosing the path of the Sith and the endless power of the Dark side of the Force, I was given this fragment. I was told that once my training is done and have full control of the Dark Force, the hidden abyssal power will emerge from it and fuse the darkness with my lightsaber. And after, I shall become a Sith Lord and then, my Master, no Jedi will have the will to stand against us. Once we defeat the Jedi scum, the Galaxy shall be ours to rule and then everyone will obey the Sith Order.

    1 non-Aion related item + explanation:
    Chrysalis beast: My Dark Lord, with the knowledge you gave me, I created this creature. I started to create more of them, but the process is long and very hard. Once I return, together we will create an army of chrysalides. This long forgotten beast is fearsome and ruthless. The creatures are so strong, they can destroy even a droid easily. They show no mercy and I will take this one with me on my mission. I will not betray your trust and I will order it to kill everyone who refuses to follow our path.
    Dimitra likes this.
  11. Valenthine

    Valenthine New Member

    Apr 2, 2013
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    IGN: Callamity
    Server: Siel
    Choose your side (Sith/Jedi): Sith
    1 Item from the Database + Explanation:

    [​IMG] GREATER WEAPON SHARD: This greater weapon shard enhance the Strenght of Sith's Army to Defeat Jedi's Army. This greater weapon shard is used by the sacred crafters of Dark Universe inside the Large Quasar to make the Sacred Sword of Sith which will destroy the Jedi's Forces. The Greater Weapon Shard also enchances the Pride as a Sith's follower which make stronger than the normal Jedi's follower. Greater Weapon Shard also gives a special Dark Aura which can wipe out light from the heavenly bodies, also known as Dark Matter. The Dark Matter (which came from Greater Weapon Shard) fires a Massive Black hole - which even light and sound cannot escaped. Until now, Jedi's Force can't face this great discovery of Sacred Crafters of Dark Universe. This might be the Key for Victory!

    1 Non-aion related Item + Explanation:
    [​IMG]SPECIAL MINION TYPE UNIT: This special type unit, was used to destroy Jedi's Head Quarters. This Special Minion Type unit, kills thousands of Jedi's follower and spread the Darkness throughout the whole Universe! This Special type unit was created by Albert Einstein which is inspired by the Chronosphere. This Special type unit can move faster than the speed of light which can provide severe damage even in a large Planet. This Special Type unit moves about 400,000,000 Kilometers per second. Even Jedi's Researchers can not explain how this Special Minion Type Unit, overpowered their whole Colony. The Victory is for Sith's Side!
    Dimitra likes this.
  12. Nueve

    Nueve DØ THË BŪRST Forum Legend

    Oct 10, 2015
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    IGN: Shankies
    Server: Siel
    Choose your side (Sith/Jedi): Sith
    1 item from the database + explanation:
    [​IMG] Shedim GM Costume: After the Clone Wars, We Sith, made a suit that will cover every one us that can lead to Jedi's armies go down by its Activation skill Dark spear which is coming out from the suit that can cover a thousands of kilometers by diameters that almost covers a planet. It took many years for us to create this Ultimate weapon of Sith's army. Even before the Clone Wars, we already start this project and gave all our best just to defeat the Jedi. And this Shedim GM Costume is the very awaited ultimate weapon which will be the reason our Victory against Jedi.

    1 non-Aion related item + explanation:
    Sound Waves: I believe that this is the answer for us Sith, to defeat the Jedi's. It has something to do with their mental. Their mind will be irritated if they're attack by the sound waves coming from us naturally. And with this weapon, we can easily defeat Jedi's armies. They will be weaker if they've been attack by the sound waves and can lead them to mental disorder which will be the reason for our Victory against Jedi.
    Dimitra likes this.
  13. Kyzyl

    Kyzyl Proficient

    Feb 8, 2016
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    IGN: Kyzyl
    Server: Siel
    Choose Your Side Sith/Jedi: Sith
    1 item From the database + explanation:
    [​IMG][Black Star/Static] Greater Divine Life Serum- A potion Made only for the Sith Members with the rarest and finest recipe in the Galaxy. A Perfect Serum I could use in the battle to heal my comrade who are badly injured. With this serum no one will die and suffer. We will let the Jedi's felt what we really made of and wit this serum No One Can Stop Us.

    1 Non-Aion Related item + explanation:
    Precognition is the ability to predict the future and With this power, We Sith can make better strategies in battle and easily defeat The Jedis. This is an Ancient Ability Unlocked for those who are worthy of the Power and He/She will Rule and lead The Sith To victory. It is a power that can make the Sith Unstoppable.
    Last edited: May 3, 2016
    Dimitra likes this.
  14. Nubia

    Nubia Getting there

    Apr 12, 2016
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    IGN: Deevzzz
    Server: Siel
    Choose your side (Sith/Jedi): Jedi
    1 item from the database + explanation:
    [​IMG] - This simple vegetable's that discover by Jedi's Order that can vivify and stimulates body by being hitting an enemy with a weak strike and mental alertness that identiting an enemy's position. All Jedi's is determined to defeat the Dark Force Side.

    1 non-Aion related item + explanation:
    Shade Detector - Jedi's in Galactic Republic is preparing for the clone wars. Grand Master think much about a device that can tell if a substance or objects is present, a device that detect a presence of an Sith Warrior. Jedi's Order made it and give it too all Jedi's, Jedi's in the Galactic Republic use this for detecting Sith an a lost weapon, and to detect Sithtin Lord and slained him.
    Last edited: Apr 30, 2016
    Dimitra likes this.
  15. Ryden

    Ryden is Playing Uncharted 4: A Thief's End

    Jan 16, 2016
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    IGN: Hardbastard
    Server: Siel
    Choose your side (Sith/Jedi): Jedi
    1 item from the database + Explanation:
    [​IMG] Courage Insignia:
    You have proven your allegiance to the cause of good accept this insignia commemorating your Courage and Determination by exterminating all the remnants of the Sith and protecting the Republic from the Dark Sith against the Sith Empire in the Great Galactic War. This insignia is strange with odd engravings belonging to the Jedi Master and if you collect enough of this, you may be able to turn them into Legendary Jedi's Armor with this armor you can use a barrier, typically made of raw energy or charge particles, that protects you and preventing the siths from getting close to you.

    1 Non-Aion related Item + Explanation:

    [​IMG]Jedi's Freezing Gaze: Those siths wont unable to escape in this Hypnotic Gaze, they will be immobilized as frozen to death like no other grips their soul with this power they will cry out for mercy as their blood turning to ice in their veins, chills down their spine and brain started to get deep freeze till there is no life in them.

    Last edited: Apr 29, 2016
    Dimitra likes this.
  16. Rhythmix

    Rhythmix New Member

    Jan 7, 2016
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    IGN: Rhythmix
    Server: Siel
    Choose your side (Sith/Jedi): Sith

    1 item from the database + explanation:

    [​IMG] Kisk: This great piece of stone is used by the glorious warriors of Sith, it serves as their temporary obelisk for coming back to life after being killed. This Kisk is also use for faster traveling away from their base or advantage and it can be use to camp near Jedi's base. These can be a nuisance, as Sith's force allow them to quickly run into Jedi's force, enabling them to raid all of their base with minimal threat.

    1 non-Aion related item + explanation:
    Rhythmix's last resort device:
    A scouting device, which gives Sith's force to show their targets location, temperature and humidity of the environment, and the wind speed. This scouting device can control multiple lazer rifles and also this scouting device can see very well in the dark and able to aim their enemy accurately.
    Swag, Zahel, Aedre and 2 others like this.
  17. Daze

    Daze D. Vampire

    Dec 31, 2013
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    IGN: Exalpha
    Server: Siel
    Choose your side (Sith/Jedi): Sith

    1 item from the Database + Explanation:

    Raiments of Mastery -
    Robes of my former master which I took as a prize for my revenge to him and to the Jedi Council for deeming me not worthy to become a Jedi. The robes have a special ability to grow alongside its user thus making my affinity with the Force more powerful than the Jedi Masters. It's color adapts to the Force of its user thus making it terrifying to those who sees it. With these robes, my presence on the battlefield sends chill to those who try opposing me and disarming them with eyes filled with fear. How intriguing would it be to destroy those Jedis with this unstoppable power.

    1 non-Aion related item + Explanation:

    Myriad Illusion Barrage - One of my "Annihilation" skills using the Force. It creates ten-thousand medium-sized invisible black holes and any living organism it touches are destroyed inside-out. The very essence of life will twisted by my power and nothing shall stop it. I'm sure my lord will be proud of me how I crush those rebels who attempts to thwart our plans and how I master the Force.
    Dimitra likes this.
  18. Aedre

    Aedre m α j є s † í ç

    Mar 8, 2015
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    My House...
    IGN: Aedre
    Server: Siel
    Choose your side (Sith/Jedi): Jedi
    1 item from the database + explanation:

    [​IMG] Combat Beverage: We Jedis, including the Padawan, Jedi Youngling, Jedi Knight, Jedi Master, Grand Master, need to drink this beverage before we set forth to battle. This drink awakens the true power of Light and helps us to defeat the Dark Forces. the Siths!
    1 non-Aion related item + explanation:

    [​IMG] Time Manipulation: This power is the ability we Jedis need to have, this power gives us advantages on defeating our enemy easier. It either lets us stop their plan, current action. It can also be a great help to all, we will use this to undo the damage dealt to all and recover the the good things that has been destroyed and prevent it from happening again.
    crystalize, Rhythmix and Dimitra like this.
  19. Tuan

    Tuan New Member

    Mar 23, 2016
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    IGN: Dopaw
    Server: Siel
    Choose your side (Sith/Jedi): Jedi

    1 item from the database & explaination:
    Illusion Godstone: Fregion's Stratagem
    : when facing multiple enemies at once and the force and lightsabers are not enough for a Jedi to survive, this stone can turn the situation around. With the ability to release a powerful light which can blind Siths and disable many mechanical enemies, this help you to escape, or to use your lightsaber to wipe out all the disabled foes. How to use it? Raise the stone above your forehead, focus your force into it and it will release its beam (like Tien Shinhan's Solar Flare from the Dragonballs series). And placing it above your forehead prevents you from blinding yourself :c

    1 imaginary item:
    Doppelganger Mask : two Jedi is better than one. By wearing this you can create an perfect clone of yourself with can aid you in battles. Imagine two Luke Skywalker slicing their ways through foes. The only problem is that you can't use the force at 100% when wearing this, since your force is absorbed by the mask to create the clone.
    And why a mask? Sith lords have their own signature masks, so a Jedi's mask, why not? c:
    Dimitra likes this.
  20. Focus

    Focus Getting there

    Apr 18, 2015
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    Darkest Depths
    IGN: Molecule
    Server: Siel
    Choose your side (Sith/Jedi): Jedi
    1 item from the database + explanation:
    [​IMG] Firecracker - Choosing this Glorious fire cracker will symbolize our victory against the Sith and proclaim a Peaceful world again without any wicked entity between space and time. I will use mighty item as a Battle banner for the Jedi Warriors, so that they could have their endless hope to defeat the Sith.
    1 non-Aion related item + explanation:

    [​IMG] Dora's Backpack - What could you ever ask for? if you have this! for those who don't recognize this mighty bag. Behold Dora's Backpack! Having this beside of every Jedi warriors, will guarantee a Forceful Victory! All things you need to win against the Sith is within this mighty glorious bag regardless of its size , shape , and power, I will use this as our number one source of weapons forces that can easily take down those coward sith. May the Force be with ya all! :mad::mad::mad::mad:
    Last edited: Apr 30, 2016
    Dimitra likes this.
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