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Pokemon randomness

Discussion in 'Hot Spam' started by BeastiesDecoyAccount, Jul 6, 2014.

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  1. BeastiesDecoyAccount

    BeastiesDecoyAccount Chillin likea guy who chills

    Jul 6, 2012
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    Cut off their manhood, and feed it to the goats
    [8:47:15 AM] True Nick: guille
    [8:47:17 AM] True Nick: you might like this
    [8:47:19 AM] True Nick: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GlNfbnGzJLA&list=UUmiv29anhhDbl2IamsMLkLQ
    [8:47:57 AM] Guillermo: already have listened to that
    [8:48:14 AM] Guillermo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zo0OccO5_qU
    [8:48:16 AM] Guillermo: original
    [8:48:59 AM] True Nick: dem cosplays
    [8:49:26 AM] True Nick: wat the fuck was pikachu doing in a pokeball>
    [8:49:30 AM] True Nick: ?
    [8:49:44 AM] True Nick: everyone knows you don't put pikachu in a pokeball
    [8:51:08 AM] True Nick: that jessie cosplayer is hawt
    [8:52:24 AM] Guillermo: noobs
    [8:52:25 AM] Guillermo: and yea
    [8:52:28 AM] True Nick: no pikachu don't make her blast off yet
    [8:52:29 AM] Guillermo: jame's is retarded
    [8:52:31 AM] True Nick: she was sexxay
    [8:52:34 AM] True Nick: fuck you pikachu
    [8:52:38 AM] Guillermo: hey
    [8:52:39 AM] Guillermo: take that back
    [8:52:40 AM] True Nick: should have just electrocuted james
    [8:52:47 AM] True Nick: kept jessie around
    [8:53:01 AM] True Nick: wish she would come and try to steal my pokemon
    [8:53:34 AM] Ddraig: in pkemon world... from where the meat for food comes from?
    [8:53:45 AM] True Nick: normal animals
    [8:53:53 AM] True Nick: you cant battle with them so they're just food
    [8:53:58 AM] True Nick: thats why you see no normal cats or dogs
    [8:54:16 AM] True Nick: and pikachu made that sexxay jessie cosplay get blasted off super fast
    [8:54:21 AM] True Nick: for that I can never forgive him
    [8:55:01 AM] Guillermo: only normal animals i have seen in the series (season 1 to 4) are fishes (at cerulean's gym) and a sharp (made stone in a pokémon lab's backyard)
    [8:55:19 AM] Guillermo: pokémon are edible
    [8:55:42 AM] Guillermo: team rocket was cutting off slowpoke's tails to eat/sell them
    [8:55:56 AM] Guillermo: pokémon eggs too
    [8:56:15 AM] True Nick: eggs and tails are one thing but that's not real meat
    [8:56:18 AM] True Nick: tail is just a tail
    [8:56:29 AM] True Nick: and eggs are just unfertilized fetuses
    [8:56:32 AM] True Nick: that taste yummy
    [8:56:36 AM] True Nick: but
    [8:56:45 AM] True Nick: "What about the meat?"
    [8:56:49 AM] Guillermo: farfetch'd was once about extintion because people hunted them down for its meat
    [8:56:59 AM] Guillermo: (season 4)
    [8:57:08 AM] Ddraig: oooo
    [8:57:17 AM] True Nick: was that the one that had the leed stick?
    [8:57:19 AM] Ddraig: so in theory, we could to pikachu in a stick?
    [8:57:29 AM | Edited 8:57:36 AM] Guillermo: Farfetch'd (Pokémon) - Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia
    [8:57:52 AM] True Nick: I remember back in season 1 there was a thing were people wanted a farfetched just so they could cook it and have the leek stick as seasoning
    [8:58:00 AM] Guillermo: "According to the anime, Farfetch'd are rare because they have been over-hunted for food. This means Farfetch'd is one of the few Pokémon confirmed to be used for food."
    [8:58:13 AM] True Nick: because apparently you can't just go to the store and buy a leek because that would actually make sense
    [8:58:29 AM] True Nick: I still say most of the meat supply comes from the "normal animals"
    [8:58:38 AM] True Nick: Have you ever seen a normal cat or dog?
    [8:58:45 AM] Guillermo: nope
    [8:58:53 AM] Guillermo: just fish and sharp (stone-like)
    [8:58:53 AM] True Nick: Not some pokemon type, but just a normal cat or dog?
    [8:58:58 AM] Guillermo: fishes were alive
    [8:58:59 AM] Ddraig: weeell....
    [8:59:09 AM] True Nick: the fish werea bout to be used in a figh fry
    [8:59:19 AM] Guillermo: normal fishes (not pokémon)
    [8:59:22 AM] True Nick: and I believe that the normal cats and dogs are used for food
    [8:59:31 AM] True Nick: in Asia many countries eat cats and dogs
    [8:59:46 AM] True Nick: is that really "chicken" you're eatting at that chinese buffet?
    [8:59:58 AM] True Nick: or maybe a stray cat wandered too close to the back door in the alley
    [9:00:28 AM] True Nick: normal animals are used for the main food supply
    [9:00:36 AM] True Nick: some pokemon are eaten yes
    [9:00:42 AM] True Nick: but the bulk comes from the normie animals
    [9:01:30 AM] Ddraig: there is the theory that pokemon is a post apocalyptic world where pokemon's once were at war with humans. THis happened after some serious bad genetical experiment that ended on animal life who could manipulate energy, little by little they replaced animal life on earth... but humans learnt that they had the ability to understand and were able to make peace at some level.. all this after most of humanity civilization was almost wiped out... reason why you dont see big cities, and the balance between wild life and human one is quite mixed...
    [9:02:03 AM] Guillermo: yea
    [9:02:06 AM] Guillermo: i remember that
    [9:02:07 AM] True Nick: but pokemon DOES have big cities
    [9:02:12 AM] Guillermo: you posted it on forums
    [9:02:14 AM] Guillermo: uh
    [9:02:20 AM] True Nick: there is also modern technology
    [9:02:20 AM] Guillermo: old games no
    [9:02:23 AM] Ddraig: are small versus what we call big cities
    [9:02:25 AM] Guillermo: new games yes
    [9:02:29 AM] True Nick: the show did though
    [9:02:35 AM] Guillermo: tecnology advances through generations
    [9:02:40 AM] True Nick: the games didn't have the "big cities" because this was 20 years ago
    [9:02:58 AM] True Nick: and there's only so much space you can use on a game boy cartridge
    [9:03:06 AM] Ddraig: by game constrictions you will nerver have a "big city"
    [9:03:06 AM] Guillermo: 1998 first english pokémon game
    [9:03:26 AM] Ddraig: the show could portray that, but never did... so based on assumption there arent
    [9:03:31 AM] True Nick: the show did
    [9:03:40 AM] True Nick: almost every town ash and friends went to
    [9:03:43 AM] True Nick: was pretty sizable
    [9:03:50 AM] Guillermo: yea
    [9:03:51 AM] True Nick: they had advanced technology
    [9:03:52 AM] True Nick: cars
    [9:03:53 AM] Guillermo: but not that big
    [9:03:55 AM] True Nick: motorcycles
    [9:03:58 AM] Guillermo: yea
    [9:04:05 AM] True Nick: some of the main ones were pretty large
    [9:04:19 AM] True Nick: sure there were no megaopolises like Tokyo or New York
    [9:04:41 AM] True Nick: but I would call some of them "cities"
    [9:04:56 AM] True Nick: they have lots of people, skyscrapers, and other large buildings
    [9:05:04 AM] Guillermo: ash's hometown was a really small town, you could rarely see a car passing by
    [9:05:04 AM] True Nick: the thing that concerns me
    [9:05:14 AM] True Nick: well hes a small town boy
    [9:05:20 AM] True Nick: there's a few small towns around here
    [9:05:24 AM] Ddraig: assume a population of several hundred millions as in japan.. assuming kanto is a japanese province, maybe it is, not sure. Where is all the people? Tokio metropolitan area is the size of newyork.. that is a big city... but they roam the wild to no end... and cities are scarce... and when they find one, is not A BIG CITY... just a city
    [9:05:28 AM] True Nick: there's one about 10 or so miles away
    [9:05:30 AM] True Nick: called Duff
    [9:05:45 AM] True Nick: it consists of about 4 houses and a set of railroad tracks
    [9:06:00 AM] True Nick: doesn't even have a pokemon lab or anything else
    [9:06:07 AM] True Nick: just the 4 houses and railroad tracks
    [9:06:19 AM] Ddraig: ina ctual japan, you dont find that
    [9:06:22 AM] True Nick: back in high school we used to go there to parties and hook up with the sexxay girls
    [9:06:32 AM] Ddraig: I stick to my post apocalyiptic theory
    [9:06:33 AM] Guillermo: lul
    [9:06:36 AM] Guillermo: yea
    [9:06:42 AM] Guillermo: it's amazing really
    [9:06:45 AM] True Nick: there's still some remote areas of Japan
    [9:06:54 AM] Guillermo: i rather think it started like that
    [9:06:55 AM] True Nick: I still say there's a few small towns and villages
    [9:07:15 AM] True Nick: and if it was post apocalpytic
    [9:07:33 AM] True Nick: in the time between now, the wars, the destruction, the rebuilding, and the "understanding"
    [9:07:43 AM] True Nick: thousands upon thousands of years would have to pass
    [9:07:53 AM] True Nick: it's plausible
    [9:07:56 AM] Ddraig: according to that theory, its a span of more than 100 years
    [9:08:10 AM] True Nick: but I think that it was just a game set in a different universe or world
    [9:08:23 AM] True Nick: that someone thought had a pretty cool concept
    [9:08:32 AM] True Nick: the thing that concerns me
    [9:08:37 AM] Ddraig: japan was demolished in nuclear warfare and took less than 50 to be more advanced than any city in US... 100 years is plausible if you don go around nuking
    [9:08:41 AM] Guillermo: Snubbull (Pokémon) - Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia this one used to bite meowth's tail whenever he saw it, dog's behaviour
    [9:08:52 AM] True Nick: is why are all the pokemeon center ladies, and police officer ladies the same people
    [9:09:04 AM] True Nick: [9:08 AM] Ddraig:

    <<< japan was demolished in nuclear warfare and took less than 50 to be more advanced than any city in US... 100 years is plausible if you don go around nuking
    [9:09:51 AM] True Nick: having 2 large cities nuked and using technology from your other cities and from the rest of the world after all teh fighting is done to recover and rebuild
    [9:10:01 AM] True Nick: and complete apocolypse are two very different things
    [9:10:05 AM] Guillermo: not the same person, they were all family xD
    [9:10:14 AM] Guillermo: (nurses and cops)
    [9:10:17 AM] True Nick: [9:08 AM] Guillermo:

    <<< Snubbull (Pokémon) - Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia this one used to bite meowth's tail whenever he saw it, dog's behaviour
    [9:10:27 AM] True Nick: dog like but not completely like a dog
    [9:10:37 AM] Ddraig: I assume teh nurse and cop are genetically modifyed
    [9:10:37 AM] True Nick: sure they may have "evoloved" from normal dogs
    [9:10:45 AM] True Nick: or been the results of experiments with dogs
    [9:10:50 AM] True Nick: but they're not straight up dogs
    [9:10:56 AM] Guillermo: of course
    [9:11:00 AM] Guillermo: pikachu is a rat
    [9:11:01 AM] True Nick: I still stick to my theory that the "normal" animals are the main food source
    [9:11:08 AM] Guillermo: raticate is another rat
    [9:11:10 AM] Guillermo: well, mouse
    [9:11:16 AM] True Nick: nurse and cop thing still disturb me
    [9:11:18 AM] Guillermo: mouse/rat is almost the same
    [9:11:24 AM] True Nick: yes family members may look and sound similar
    [9:11:25 AM] Ddraig: a 100 years is enough to rebuild, more than enough.
    [9:11:31 AM] True Nick: but they look and sound EXACTLY THE SAME
    [9:11:36 AM] Guillermo: yeah
    [9:11:43 AM] True Nick: except for newer seasons where sometimes they have a different hairstyle
    [9:11:45 AM] Guillermo: some of them weren't even relatives
    [9:11:46 AM] Guillermo: like
    [9:11:49 AM] True Nick: and it's like
    [9:11:57 AM] Ddraig: so there are no normal animals, except some fishes...
    [9:12:02 AM] True Nick: Seriously!? EVERYONE in your family just wants to be a nurse or cop?
    [9:12:10 AM] True Nick: No one wants to go out and do something different?
    [9:12:12 AM] Ddraig: so pokemon is edible... can e done in BBQ and in sald if necessary...
    [9:12:13 AM] Guillermo: a nurse and her brother's wife had the same appearance
    [9:12:19 AM] Ddraig: no problem
    [9:12:26 AM] True Nick: or at least get a makeover to not look like a clone of her mother and aunts, and sisters, and cousins?
    [9:12:47 AM] True Nick: sure relatives can look simalar
    [9:13:02 AM] True Nick: but they don't always look like identical twins, or exact clones
    [9:13:04 AM] True Nick: of each other
    [9:13:09 AM] True Nick: and even then
    [9:13:18 AM] True Nick: every now and then you would get someoen who looks different
    [9:13:30 AM] True Nick: or eventually people change
    [9:13:33 AM] Guillermo: ye
    [9:13:36 AM] Ddraig: nurse and cop are genetically modifyed so they ca upstand the morality necessary to be pokemon healers and cop... without resorting to humane pettyness. They cloned in masss production, is only logical they call themselves family
    [9:13:38 AM] True Nick: When I was young I looked a lot like my dad
    [9:13:50 AM] True Nick: but I had blonde hair where he had black hair
    [9:13:59 AM] True Nick: and people say today I look like him
    [9:14:03 AM] True Nick: but they can still tell the difference
    [9:14:17 AM] True Nick: even looking at pictures of him back when he was my age
    [9:14:32 AM] True Nick: we didn't look exactly alike
    [9:14:39 AM] Guillermo: ofc
    [9:14:53 AM] True Nick: I still stand by my disturbances of the nurses and cops looking the same
    [9:15:02 AM] Guillermo: the chance of you looking exactly like your dad is about 1/99999
    [9:15:20 AM] Guillermo: or even more nines
    [9:15:41 AM] Ddraig: you can get the same look in 3 generations of incest
    [9:15:58 AM] Guillermo: lol
    [9:16:02 AM] True Nick: and that's the scary part
    [9:16:15 AM] True Nick: maybe they took a lesson from Cersei and Jaime
    [9:16:18 AM | Edited 9:16:26 AM] Ddraig: my mind gets eased if I think they are cloned
    [9:16:25 AM] True Nick: and just fucked their cousins and brothers
    [9:16:36 AM] True Nick: which is even scarier than if they were just clones
    [9:16:46 AM] True Nick: and then a few of them should be crazy or retards
    [9:16:48 AM] Ddraig: they are mass produced
    [9:16:56 AM] True Nick: and if you want clones
    [9:16:58 AM] True Nick: why them?
    [9:17:09 AM] True Nick: what's so special about them that they're the only ones cloned?
    [9:17:11 AM] Ddraig: to uphold morals in a perfect way
    [9:17:18 AM] Ddraig: that normal humans cant
    [9:17:20 AM] True Nick: there's no explanation or anything
    [9:17:30 AM] True Nick: but what was so great about the originals?
    [9:17:42 AM] Guillermo: their knowledge
    [9:17:44 AM] True Nick: I mean in Star Wars we know the clones were based off of Jango because he was a badass
    [9:17:46 AM] Guillermo: about law and medicine?
    [9:17:49 AM] True Nick: and a Mandalorian
    [9:17:58 AM] True Nick: and later they picked more badass soldiers and bounty hunters
    [9:17:59 AM] Ddraig: like alex murphy from robocop...
    [9:18:00 AM] True Nick: and even jedi
    [9:18:09 AM] True Nick: but in pokemon
    [9:18:10 AM] True Nick: its like
    [9:18:18 AM] True Nick: lets just clone these pretty ladies
    [9:18:23 AM] True Nick: Im guess someone juts wanted a harem
    [9:18:31 AM] Ddraig: maybe the person was an excellent officer/nurse... and usede her as genetic mold, modifyed and then cloned
    [9:18:34 AM] True Nick: and since he didn't have any cat girls
    [9:18:43 AM] True Nick: he used these pretty ladies
    [9:18:50 AM] Ddraig: maybe they even die quickly.. never get to pass 40... reason why we dont see her old
    [9:18:51 AM] True Nick: and one day they broke out of the harem
    [9:19:02 AM] True Nick: to see the world
    [9:19:03 AM] Guillermo: yea
    [9:19:03 AM] True Nick: actually
    [9:19:08 AM] True Nick: I think we do see a couple of old ones
    [9:19:17 AM] Guillermo: i don't remember any
    [9:19:18 AM] True Nick: I though I once saw an old Joy
    [9:19:30 AM] Ddraig: i am not that versed...
    [9:19:30 AM] True Nick: she was with her granddaughter litle kid Joy
    [9:19:37 AM] Guillermo: i remember a kid
    [9:19:39 AM] Guillermo: but not a clone
    [9:19:42 AM] True Nick: I just see what I see when I switch channels
    [9:19:56 AM] True Nick: regardless of the correct or canon reason
    [9:20:02 AM] True Nick: I am still very disturbed by it
    [9:20:07 AM] Ddraig: hahaha
    [9:20:09 AM] Ddraig: i am not
    [9:20:15 AM] Ddraig: and even would eat pikachu
    [9:20:25 AM] Ddraig: fuck the nurses
    [9:20:26 AM] True Nick: cloning would actiually be the "best" explanation
    [9:20:31 AM] True Nick: the scary one is
    [9:20:35 AM] True Nick: they're all doing incest
    [9:20:41 AM] True Nick: and fucking their brothers and cousins
    [9:20:50 AM] True Nick: and it's not just a few
    [9:20:55 AM] True Nick: but like ALL of them
    [9:20:57 AM | Edited 9:21:08 AM] Ddraig: but a whole large bunch
    [9:21:02 AM] Guillermo: http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/b/bf/Marnie_and_Paige.png
    [9:21:06 AM] True Nick: no wonder why they keep rejecting Brock
    [9:21:10 AM] True Nick: he's not family
    [9:21:16 AM] Ddraig: hahahaha
    [9:21:21 AM] Ddraig: pokemon dark truth
    [9:21:29 AM] True Nick: oh my god
    [9:21:39 AM] Guillermo: [9:21 AM] True Nick:

    <<< no wonder why they keep rejecting Brock
    he's not familyLOOL
    [9:21:44 AM] True Nick: Ive spent too much time with this polemon silliness
    [9:21:47 AM] True Nick: I gotta take a shit
    [9:21:48 AM] Ddraig: guille you love a perverted show
    [9:21:50 AM] True Nick: then Im working out
    [9:21:55 AM] True Nick: and Im getting breakfast
    [9:21:56 AM] Ddraig: your love is for perverted thing
    [9:22:01 AM] Ddraig: you are a pervert
    [9:22:07 AM] True Nick: [9:21 AM] Ddraig:

    <<< guille you love a perverted show
    [9:22:12 AM] Guillermo: xDD
    [9:22:14 AM] True Nick: that revalation when you realize you love a perverted show
    [9:22:19 AM] Frix: wut
    [9:22:37 AM] Ddraig: but... nick
    [9:22:41 AM] Ddraig: this BY NO MEANS
    [9:22:58 AM] Guillermo: Karsten - Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia
    [9:22:59 AM] Guillermo: read
    [9:22:59 AM] Ddraig: must detract us from the Domesticated Sexxay Cat Girls Plan
    [9:23:20 AM] Guillermo: He is the husband of a Nurse Joy, the father of Marnie and Paige (the link of the 2 young joys)
    [9:23:54 AM] True Nick: that is just a coverup
    [9:23:58 AM] Ddraig: thats more disturbing... the similarities decree its all incest then... I was trying to save this
    [9:24:00 AM] True Nick: he is paid for appearances
    [9:24:09 AM] True Nick: and so one discovers teh secrets
    [9:24:13 AM] True Nick: or that Nurse Joy
    [9:24:17 AM] True Nick: was just a black sheep of teh family
    [9:24:21 AM] Guillermo: xD
    [9:25:26 AM | Edited 9:25:49 AM] Ddraig: so pokemon
    A show where you kill make fight and eat your pets.
    Where nurses and cops are product of generations of incest
    Post apocalyptic
    ... in short, human depravation in the name of survival
    [9:26:01 AM] Guillermo: xD
    [9:26:12 AM] Guillermo: i don't know if upgrade my pc
    [9:26:19 AM] Guillermo: or buy a 3ds xl with pokémon y
    [9:26:41 AM] Frix: Nurse Joy is not a single entity. Rather, there are many Joys who work as nurses across the various regions of the Pokémon world.
    [9:26:42 AM] Frix: wtf
    [9:26:53 AM] Guillermo: yea
    [9:26:58 AM] Guillermo: they are not the same
    [9:27:04 AM] Guillermo: they are all relatives
    [9:27:13 AM] Ddraig: the reason of our discussion
    [9:27:15 AM] True Nick: from incest
    [9:27:25 AM] Ddraig: or probably clonning
    [9:27:39 AM] Guillermo: i go with clonning
    [9:27:41 AM] Ddraig: but the thing is inclined to incest
    [9:27:48 AM] Guillermo: incest would have to be too accurate
    [9:27:49 AM] Guillermo: like
    [9:28:00 AM] Guillermo: won't let any joy fuck anyone outside the family!
    1 person likes this.
  2. Frix

    Frix 고독한 Forum Legend

    Apr 1, 2012
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    [15:32:07] Ddraig: [15:27] Guillermo:

    <<< incest would have to be too accurate
    won't let any joy fuck anyone outside the family!
    yet the husband looks like a mexicanThe husband is Joe?
    [15:32:10] Ddraig: wat
    [15:32:11] Guillermo: no
    [15:32:14] Guillermo: karsten
    [15:32:22] Guillermo: Karsten - Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia
    [15:32:28] Ddraig: [15:32] Guillermo:
    <<< no
    [15:32:33] Ddraig: but you said he is mexican
    [15:32:36] Ddraig: so he is joe
    [15:32:41] Frix: Karsten is mexican?
    [15:32:48] Guillermo: looks like
    [15:32:49] Guillermo: LOL
    [15:32:55] Ddraig: excellent
    [15:33:13] Guillermo: brown and fat
    [15:33:19 | Edited 15:33:30] Ddraig: like joe?
    [15:33:21] Ddraig: hahaha
    [15:33:25] Guillermo: hahahaha
    [15:33:29] Frix: LOOOL

    Poor Joe.
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