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Quality of Life Change Ideas

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Zeroce, Feb 23, 2022.

  1. Zeroce

    Zeroce New Member

    Aug 17, 2010
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    I'm writing this post to suggest some changes that would greatly benefit the quality of life on this server that I have come across from my experience on Aion and the many servers that have risen and died. We come here for nostalgia and for making more memories and jumping straight into the action that keeps us all coming back to this decade old game. I can safely assume that no one came here to experience "retail" again. The game is great and it has so many flaws, but these flaws could be fixed with simple QoL additions. The retail rates for certain things worked because of the retail population that this game had years ago, this is no longer the case for private servers with small populations.

    Manastones (Ignore Suggestion) - We all dread it. Even with the 10x drop rate, it still feels somewhat close to retails drop rates when farming mobs. It is better, but not great. Especially because every single manastone breaks on failure. I understand that felicitious socketings are a way of bringing income for the server. However, I feel it is best if the manastones are easier to farm or have their drop rate and/or socketing rate increased. You can't have it hard on both ways. If manastones are a pain in the ass to farm and they all break upon failure of socketing, that's not really something that would keep players (my opinion from my experience) - as we all know that you can have all the gear you want in the game but without manastones, you'll be hitting like a wet pool noodle. I'm not asking for 100% socketing rates, but it would GREATLY help if ALL MANASTONES DID NOT BREAK. Or if all manastones keep breaking, lower the price on feli's. Again, I'm not asking for free stuff or for 100% things, I just want the quality of life changes that I feel Private Servers should have. - (Ignore Suggestion)

    Gathering / Crafting - Honestly, for a high-rate server that advertises PvP, gathering should be increased to 3 materials per gather instead of the retail 1. People need scrolls for PvPvE content. It's tedious enough already to gather all materials for proof quests and to craft consumables. 1 per gather is just...well, not efficient. And if gem stones (sapphire, ruby, diamond, etc.,) could be changed so that they can be gathered three times instead of once before the node disappeared, that'd be great. We need these for everything we do in game. Without scrolls, pots, and so forth, you're not really going to get far in the game.

    Leveling gathering and crafting seems to be in a good spot. It's not instant and still requires time, which I agree with. I just believe that the materials we gather should not be 1 per gather and be increased to at least 3 per gather. (9 total materials from 1 node).

    Dungeon Drops - One Mythic per run is a bit low. Especially with how much RNG is put in to the drop table. I would argue that two mythics would still be low but I would settle for it as anything is better than one. Gearing in this game has always been a chore. Especially when running Eternal Bastion. You're rolling against X amount of other players that use your weapon / armor type in a raid of 24 players in a dungeon that takes roughly 30 minutes to complete and up to an hour to form. We don't have the population to insta-queue dungeons. Remember, hardly anyone plays Aion today to experience retail like things with no retail population. 1 Mythic works for Aion back then, but for a high-rate server, I don't think it works. High-rate should be applied to everything and not just specific drops (correct me if I am wrong).

    Eternal Bastion is just one example. Infinity Shard is another. There is so much RNG to deal with in those instances that it's absurd. Rewards should be increased in the mythic drop table because the problem lies within the Mythic Loot. This doesn't gear people instantly, but it will help lessen the burden that is gearing. I am arguing for the mythic increase in all 65 dungeons as well, by the way. Not just for EB and IS.

    Thanks for your time and feel free to counter reply if needed.
    Please consider these suggestions.
    Last edited: Feb 25, 2022
    Gon1337, Cookie and aVeryFatGuy like this.
  2. katykat

    katykat Proficient Forum Legend

    Jul 11, 2010
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    I agree some QoL changes would be nice. I personally however like the "retail" experience to a certain degree.

    Feli are 250 credits for 5! not 1, but 5, which I think is cheap. You can buy in game on asmo side for 5kk per fele, which again is cheap as hell for the rate you can acquire kinah just for farming. As far as the socketing aspect goes, I think it needs to be made how it came in 4.8 where stones don't disappear on a failure, however with this feature I believe the rate of socketing is slightly lower. I don't think the shop would hurt on people buying feli stones as they also have the BM gear or WoC2 that people could buy as well as skins. Which is where I like to spend my money / Credits / kinah.

    Personally I love to gather / craft etc. There are other means of getting the materials, which you can morph. Level up a few chars to 10, use jelly, buy 1 or 2 designs from the vendor and log on every 30 minutes and morph. You save so much time this way and you only have to gather Aether vs everything else. The one thing I would like to see changed is that there is a way for us to pay say 20kk kinah and lvl past 499 of each essence and Aether. I hate trying to gathering end game materials and failing constantly due to the 499 cap.

    As far as dungeon drops, I think the rates could be slightly higher for bosses that could drop mythics like in Sauro. I like how IO/IS/DR where everyone who joins gets a box on the kill with a random gear place. I think if something like this were to be added to Sauro, EB etc as these instances can drop eternal or mythic armor / weapons. This way here players could feel like at least they get something even if it is just an extraction. I mean Sauro alone has RNG base of "perfect" stats, so not like it would be one and done.

    I think it would be cool if there was instances or chance to get Kahrun Symbols when farming in Idian depths, This is the best healing set for those support chanters as IS gear don't even give chanter HB or cast speed anything.

    This server is clearly more of a PvP server, selling the WoC2, BM armor, quicker leveling, Quick GP, Medals galore if you are invited to EB, which I never am. But still it goes very quickly to gear. My thing is if drops are increased so much, what would be the point of PvEing again once we have our gear. There would be no need for PvE armor. Basically EB, IS, Sauro can be done with DPS in BM armor and just tank/heals in PvE armor to help boost defensive stats like HP. As long as DPS hits the stat brackets for MB/MA/Acc/Crit etc.

    I hope this makes sense might edit once my brain is working and this migraine is done.

    Edit 1: I think Cooking test should be guarantee proc, it is the only craft that you have to proc something for the test and you need 3-4 crafts per test or a way that we can. Or at least a proc rate for over all crafting to say 40% chance vs what I feel is only a 10% now. Estates are the only thing to increase proc rate and it is only by 5%. I feel this would be a nice feature so players could craft end game armor Like the PvP and PvE stuff.

    Also I was thinking since this is a higher PvP server vs a PvE server, why not implement the crafting NPCs like you guys had years ago. People can spend kinah to buy materials / designs from the vendors and just craft what they want w/o gathering? I mean kinah is easy enough to get and people will still be lazy and not want to level up any crafts so players can still make kinah off of selling stuff. I know I said previous I like gathering / crafting, but I was just thinking if this is going to be more of a PvP server thana PvEvP server than why not just add the NPCs.
    Last edited: Feb 23, 2022
    Gon1337 and Zeroce like this.
  3. Zeroce

    Zeroce New Member

    Aug 17, 2010
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    Thank you for the clarification on felis. I assumed it was 1 per 275 credits. Which would have been around $10+ USD for 1 piece of gear to socket. With your clarification, feli's are definitely in a good spot and I have zero complaints.

    Morphing is great and I am happy that it exists. I think that making it so you get 3 materials per gather would really ease the proof crafts and gathering in general. Morphing is great once we get the morph designs and whatnot. I also agree with the cooking proofs. If not 100% proc, then possibly raise the proc % rate. Because that proof is rage fuel, lol. 3-6 greater outputs is a bit much...

    Your suggestions overall are all really good. I totally forgot about that kahrun armor set as well. It would be nice to have the currency drop from mobs.
    As for the PvE end game, we'll always be running it since we need to dismantle Eternal / Mythic gear for enchantment stones. And sometimes we even get Lvl 80 stones from Mythic gear lmao. Which is a big sad moment. Until everyone is +15 in everything, PvE will always be required for enchant stones. This will take quite a long while to get there.
  4. katykat

    katykat Proficient Forum Legend

    Jul 11, 2010
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    Yea I was unsure of the Feli until I bought them wondering how they could be sold for 5m when 100 creds is 8m on Asmo side. then I bought some and saw it was x5, which turns into just under 5m per box since only 250 credits. Also yea very good point on the Enchanting aspect. it makes perfect sense.

    It would also be cool just to have an active portal to Tia eye for both factions make it more of a PvP area, have Kahrun symbols drop there and some other stuff as well. No one really wants to take tia forts anyway and not like AP is an issue to get, so yea I think a portal directly to Tia eye just makes sense.
    Zeroce likes this.
  5. Cookie

    Cookie New Member

    Mar 5, 2022
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    Personally I would love to see an increase in the amount of mats we get per gather. I'm the type of person that will pump out scrolls/pots in very high quantities by morphing but morphing still needs Aether. It's already a very high rate server, there shouldn't be any problem with increasing the gather rate to x2 or more. I'd be content with x2 per tap but x3 or higher would be even more ideal since it means less overall time spent flying around. (And don't get me wrong, I'm a weirdo who loves to listen to music and aethertap for a few hours but I've been doing it for quite a few years now and sometimes you just don't have time.)
    Zeroce and Gon1337 like this.
  6. alexander1st

    alexander1st onetwothree Top Notch Youtuber

    Dec 6, 2017
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    I super agree to this. At least the Designs NPCs if not the Materials ones. I was actually talking to someone today about it. It's kind of crazy that there are no fine recovery serums going around the server. I have been farming the Sarpan area where it drops, and other people have been doing so as well but the drop rate is insanely small and the one time we dropped 1 design it was elyos.

    I feel like adding the NPCs with the designs for decent amounts of kinah, would not only be very helpful for the players, but the server economy would also flourish with having more people striving to farm or craft things and sell, therefore creating incentives for even more people to go out and farm kinah.
    katykat likes this.
  7. katykat

    katykat Proficient Forum Legend

    Jul 11, 2010
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    Yea the drop rate is meh unless you farm inside Tia eye. I feel the rate there is so much better.

    Also yea at least the designs would be nice. Even if the vendors for gathering is there, it's not like it will have the new 499 stuff / designs, so there is still so much farming and selling potential. Right now we do lack a lot on the brokers especially on the elyos side. a 4k jelly they are trying to sell for 500k, scrolls aren't to bad, but aren't many of them. Let alone any of the Resist scrolls. If I remember right you could spend a lot of kinah just in the materials alone. I mean some Balice materials go like 100k each or so. I think it could just be a nice feature w/o limiting end game stuff, but would help us. As players could craft the lvl 55/60 armor and such to assist in farming the end game instance that some struggle with.
  8. alexander1st

    alexander1st onetwothree Top Notch Youtuber

    Dec 6, 2017
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    U can drop the fine recovery serum design in tia s eye? :O
  9. katykat

    katykat Proficient Forum Legend

    Jul 11, 2010
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    yep! seen it drop there plenty.

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