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[Server] Chat Channels?

Discussion in 'Black Desert Discussion' started by loboram, Dec 26, 2020.


International Server Chat MAINLY in English?

  1. Yes, there are other language channels, that could be used by players who do not know Eng

  2. No, because it is more important to keep barriers and ways to break the server-rules

  1. loboram

    loboram Respected Member Forum Legend

    Jan 29, 2018
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    I couldn't help but take notice of only one player using the English Chat Channel actively today...didn't answer because I was quite busy with my day, and only AFKing for most of it.

    HOWEVER! Why are there so many complaints about the International Chat Channel NOT being in English, when it is internationally recognized that the "WORLD Language" is actually English? (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_language)

    I know that the GamezBD-Staff/Owner have said on MANY occassions, that they fear losing populations from certain areas, if the International-Server-Chat-Channel were to become English EXCLUSIVELY. But it has been pointed out MANY many times now, that the number of players on GamezBD, who even know about this forum, is quite low, and of the ones who do know, very few ever post their opinions or vote on anything in here.

    SO! How are we ever going to get a clear reading from the "majority" of the GamezBD population, when it is only the crowds of players who can "mobilize" large numbers of players in here, to affect change everytime they "need" to?

    How is it up to a handful of large guilds to determine what EVERYONE else on the community should or shouldn't have or do?

    I am NOT saying that the Server-International-Chat-Channel should ONLY be English, and that there should be some of punishment for not using English.

    I AM saying that it should be MAINLY in English, so that players can feel comfortable in chatting on the GamezBD community.

    The reason I am saying this and bringing it in here for Discussion, is that the server-chat is in complete disarray.
    There isn't a Single GamezBD-Staffmember who can understand all the languages being used on the INTERNATIONAL-server-chat-channel at the moment. Which gives a LOT of players LOADS of options to be disgustingly abusive and overly rude, without anyone else knowing about it, AND I KNOW what you will say now; "If you can't understand it, then why are you upset about it?"

    Well just because I cannot understand it, then there are OTHER PLAYERS than just you and I. Players who are behaving sexist, discriminating, homophobic, racist, and much worse, and ALL the players who can understand the offender's language, who would be shocked at what is going on here on our community, which no one seems to take seriously at all.

    It is just a horrifying trend that players are becoming SO used to toxicity on a server-chat, that no one is reporting things anymore, and what is worse is the backwards players who are defending that sort of thing, by saying stupid things like: "It is just a joke...this is the internet...just block/ignore" and so on.

    I get that I am a "broken record" (look it up youngsters), but this isn't just something that can be ignored if you want to be apart of the community, since you cannot seperate a MMO-game from interacting with other players.

    SO! Just in case it hasn't dawned on others yet, there is an exclusive ENGLISH-chat-channel on GamezBD, and it is a REAL shame that it isn't the other way around: Making the INTERNATIONAL-server-chat-channel into the MAINLY (and NOT exclusively) ENGLISH chat channel.
    While just changing the name of the English-chat-channel into something else, which should be matter of 2 minutes of worktime for the development team.

    Hence this Discussion Thread, AND the accompanying vote.

    HOPEFULLY we can keep this thread civil, and keep answers to it, as well as suggestions and so on, on the mostly kind side of things.
    Last edited: Dec 26, 2020
    PrestonGarvey likes this.
  2. Jujuba

    Jujuba Legendary Member Forum Legend

    Aug 5, 2019
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    I don't see any problem related to Chat-Server, in fact, every time I see an English-Speaking player trying to force someone speak in English, more than 80% of the players active in chat will instantly reply saying that GamezBD is an international server.
    I don't know why someone would see this as a problem since it's so simple, and I can tell for sure that I am not the only one that feel offended by suggestions like this...
    You may say it would help to filter toxicity from Chat-Server, but it wouldn't. In fact, Chat-Server being international force players to get out of their comfort zone when they have to contact other players from different cultures and beliefs, afterall this is a mmorpg and players eventually will need assistance from each other.
    Last but not least, Gamez Network is indeed an international community, fair enough that Chat-Server follow the same premise. Also, the game itself already provide Exclusive Chats for some languages, as you said yourself, if it's not being used maybe it's because players don't want to.
  3. lumoz

    lumoz Proficient

    Oct 22, 2020
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    I see it the same way.

    Its "international" so dont try to force non english players to talk english. Or do you go to china and expect everyone to talk english cause you cant speak chinese?
    You will loose 10 times more than you would gain through this.
    How often did i had a question written in server chat, and some russian or turk or arab or whatever countrys player gave me the answer in english.
    This would go down imense if the people werent allowed to talk in their ownlanguage, wich would end up with them not beeing interrested in aiding to chat, or even play the game at all.
    Im german, im pretty fluent in english, but still id also like to talk to germans cause this is my native tounge and its damn easyer for me.
    So think about it like that:
    What reason have all those non native english speakers to even add to the chat, if they cant talk in their own language?
    We are only arround 1600-2000 players on the server. So why not split it up... dumbest idea in a long time.

    So my advice to you @loboram
    Code a filter to use as an overlay for the international chat and post it to kolka. TThis way wed all be still in the same chatt channel, but languages you dontt understand at all could be filtered. :D :D :D /irony off
  4. PrestonGarvey

    PrestonGarvey Proficient

    Apr 6, 2019
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    yea i agree with this. I dont like posting stuff like this. I'm scared it might get called hate speech
    loboram likes this.
  5. loboram

    loboram Respected Member Forum Legend

    Jan 29, 2018
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    Let's just begin with how I ended the OP (Original Post); "HOPEFULLY we can keep this thread civil, and keep answers to it, as well as suggestions and so on, on the mostly kind side of things." SO, my question is: WHY didn't you two read my entire post? (@Chiclete, @lumoz), also Lumoz, why do you have TWO forum accounts when that is NOT allowed? "Creating multiple forum accounts is forbidden, the staff will take instant action without a warning in this case." (http://forum.gameznetwork.com/threads/forum-rules.46270/)

    Now the hard part...
    Please tell ME, where did I say, at ANY point in my Thread Beginning Post; That I wanted to FORCE anyone into ANYthing? :bawling::banghead::argh::depressed::dead:
    Why would you be Offended by someone starting a Discussion, about whether the GamezBD-Community-International-Server-Chat-Channel could be considered a Mainly -NOT exclusively- English chat-channel? Are you sure you aren't just making this into a personal matter, as you have done so many times before with Me Personally? :blackeye:
    Please reread my OP, it is obvious that you have missed a few really important things, basically saying exactly what you said here myself. :joyful:
    How do you know that? I mean are you some kind of all seeing, all knowing, magical being, who knows what everyone in the world, or just here on this community, is thinking? :playful:

    I think that the reason the other language channels aren't being used, is because there aren't other players using them. So if you go there it will be empty already and even if you stay, it isn't as if you can tell the players in the interational chat channel, unless you keep switching back and forth through the "Settings/General/Language/Chat Send & Receive" option all the time, that you are on another chat-language-channel, and that they are all welcome to join you there :D

    What I did do, some time ago, without much response, was to suggest making the chat-language-channels occupy the otherwise unused chat-channels (/Roleplaying for instance), or even better to make more of them so you now can, Without needing to go into settings all the time, switch between different language specific channels, and Still be able to have the old international server-chat channel. This solution would be absolutely awesome because you would be able to see all the different language-chat-channels, highlighted with different colours in one chat window, All together. Noone would be left out, and there would still be an internationl-chat-channel.

    Yeah yeah, go right ahead and jump on the bandwagon someone else started, without bothering to read my OP. Please...in the future just read what the person you are quoting, Actually wrote, instead of thinking that by reading the last answer you already know what it is all about. Because you are just plain wrong, or worse just lying, about me saying anything even remotely close to that.

    Let me sum it all up once again;
    International-Server-Chat-Channel now = Chaotic Random Mess
    Loads of extremely abusive server-rules breaking stuff, but because it is being done in multiple languages, that no One Staff-member can keep up with, it goes unnoticed for the most.

    As a NEW player to our community, you would think that the entire server is filled with non-English speaking players, and THAT my dear @Chiclete is a really good reason to stop playing here altogether right from the start. Not being able to communicate with the rest of the players in a MMO-game is a REALLY good reason to stop playing. Then you try to say something in English, something simple, like just a "hello", and NOONE answers. Then a while later you have a question, that you ask and receive either just taunting and insults, or no answer at all.

    So you see, that the reason I am making this Discussion Thread, is indeed because I have heard from more than one New Player, coming to our community, that things are NOT welcoming or that easy to understand as you said that; "the international server chat should be for everyone".

    OF COURSE the international server chat channel Should and IS for everyone. NOONE has said differently at any point.

    What I DID say, was that I think the GamezBD-international-server-chat-channel should Either be made into a Mainly English chat channel, NOT exclusively. OR that there should be more accomodating options for language selections that are readily available for all players, so that they can chat away in whatever language they want to and have everyone else on that language-channel be able to understand them and join into the conversation:
    Which leads me to the HEART of this Discussion.

    WHY are players still making artificial barriers between themselves and other players? They do so by dividing themselves into groups of players, from specific areas, regions, countries, cultures, ideologies, but the thing is that they are constantly trying to be a group VERSUS being a part of a community.

    IF we could ALL understand each other, and were to be able to join into a conversation with anyone, at anytime, for any reason, then things would Surely be better for all, because as I pointed out; This is a MMORP-game!

    Community is at the heart of the game, and NOT mainstream mentality, NOT division and strife, NOT confusion and the feeling of being felt out, NOT having to feel ignored or directly insulted, as it unfortunately is right now :sour:
    PrestonGarvey likes this.

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