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Spiritmasters: Part Deux!

Discussion in 'Old Threads' started by Aradude, Aug 25, 2010.

  1. Aradude

    Aradude New Member

    Aug 10, 2010
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    After playing SM to 55, and a few trips to DP, I have a few more questions, which hopefully the gurus from before can answer for me once more plz >D<

    1.)There are in total 3(+1 for the Remove Shock chain?) Fear abilities available to the SM by 55, correct? Is there any difference between Curse of Fire and the normal Fear spell other than 1 being instant cast with long cooldown, the other with longer cast with short cooldown?

    For Fear Shriek, is it bugged? I have noticed that the ability fails to cast when in a party in an instance or in large PvP encounters. So should it be treated as just a subpar fear skill?

    2.)When a mob/player is feared, there is this 'Frightened'(I think?) debuff, along with a No Fly debuff. What exact does the Frightened debuff do? Does it drop the target's defense/magic resistance? Meaning is it possible to Fear a boss to lower its magic resistance in order to allow other debuffs to land with a higher chance?

    3.)Spirit Erosion, how does this works, really? Must the debuff be still on by the time the mob does in order for the 'improved Droprate' to take effect? Or is it possible to just spam Erosion and it will just stack behind the scene after the DoT has worn off?

    4.)After stacking almost all Magic Acc manastones into a Anuhart SM set, even switching to a full magic acc socketed Anuhart Tome when I cast debuffs, I am getting resisted almost 80% of the time by instance mobs, not just bosses. Is there anyway to further improve my debuff hit rates, or is this normal?

    This is a serious issue for Erosion, since it seems to hardly hit at all. I have basically seen Erosion hit around 3~4 times in total after 5 days...

    Which brings me to the next point:

    5.)Does the SM's gear affects the Spirit's hit rate/magic acc in anyway? Other than the 4 buffs for the Spirit, is there any other way to improve its Magic Acc so that Erosion hits more often?

    6.)Which Dispel spells are actually working in Gamez? Other than removing buffs off a mob, is there any other function for Dispells? Can it remove debuffs off players?

    7.)Which of the Spirit skills are actually useful(and functioning?) Bread and butter for attacking should be Detonation Claw? Thunderbolt Claw? Ruinous Assault?

    8.)Are there Blind skills for SM?

    Sorry for the WoT! Thanks in advance once again~ :lol:
  2. Aegis

    Aegis Guest

    Jun 23, 2010
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    1.)4 fears, the fourth being an antishock chain skill.

    Fearshriek, like any AoE will bug if there are many players around (or specifically dead ones).

    2.)Only Curse of Water/Fire will lower resistances. The frightened state means they cant do anything (use pots, skills, spells, anything).

    3.) I personally do not beleive this DoT works at all in terms of raising drop rate. On retail, where it does work (well.. even there I question it ._.), it needs to be on AS IT DIES. or it won't do anyhting :\.

    4.) No, in PvE DoT's aren't working for me either. It isn't you're fault, it is the servers fault. And as for anyone saying otherwise I dare you to challenge me; I played a retail sm and this garbage never occured... EVER.

    5.) As far as I know the buffs don't even work, not even for the one thing I would care for them to work for... speed increase. So assumedly these buffs are broken like the other 65% of skills that don't work.

    In retail though as of updates spirits are supposed to scale slightly with the spiritmasters gears.

    Do they here? Well, auto attack of the spirits was raised to balance out the difference in gears... but let's be honest. Magic boost of pets is pitiful, speed is pitiful, accuracy and magic accuracy are garbage.

    6.) Only the one dispel... "Dispel Magic I". Making us way less potent than in retail.

    7.) None really. That is as honest as I can get with you; none really. In PvE yes... I notice a few things like Spirit Disturbance Wind causaes a stun.. and then I go and use it in PvP and it doesnt work.

    8.) We get Body Root which prevents melee actions. No blind skill though in particular.

    I'd personally suggest any SM to try and get a Bollvigs love godstone in their orb/tome (should be tome in my opinion) for the blind effect as it does not clash with bodyroot/sigil of silence and can stack if it procs.

    Hope this helps answer you're questions. If you have anymore I'll happily answer them. =]
  3. Aradude

    Aradude New Member

    Aug 10, 2010
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    Thanks for the answers!

    Hmm... So with the majority of SM skills ranging from bugged to completely unusable, what do you think should be a SM's roll in a party?

    For PvE... Spamming debuffs to hope one hits by pure luck, Dispel Magic I(those mobs throw up invul barriers faster than this 1 spell's cooldown ~_~), tank adds with spirit(?), Fear adds, DoTs... That's about it?

    How about for PvP(I don't mean 1 v 1 dueling)? The Fears are on long cooldowns(and one not working in such situations most of the time), so the most we can do is to take one or two non-chain wears out of the equation for 10 seconds or so, then with the 2 of the main DoTs on long cds as well, what can we do during the cooldown period? Auto attack with tomes? Spam tab + erosion? Even spirit skills have relataively long cds...
    Last edited: Aug 26, 2010
  4. Aegis

    Aegis Guest

    Jun 23, 2010
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    Normally I'd say we were:

    -Crowd Control (we have excess)
    -Off-Tank (is very possible with pet if done properly)
    -Drop rate increaser

    But, I would at the moment say we are only DPS/crowd control... dps being not very high at all. Even if pets hit a bit hard.

    In PvP thoughyou're main goal should be to lockdown a target meanwhile having the pet wail on people.

    In group pvp, which is what we are more meant for we have 2 sleeps, many fears, root, AoE slow and many other things to annoy people with. In groups our priority shifts to being a dedicated irritant. xD

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