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The sad story of Sacred guild grassbeetle EXPOSED !! wee woooo meme

Discussion in 'Black Desert Discussion' started by SacredBoobies, Nov 14, 2022.

  1. SacredBoobies

    SacredBoobies New Member

    Nov 14, 2022
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    "Ohh wait?? Sacred is a PVP guild? Since when???"

    Things here will surprise you.. read until the end!

    There's a tale inside Gamez NA telling people that a certain pvp guild named SacredOath "dominated" entire NA server with bunch of.. strong? skillful? wee woo? *cough cough mediocre players actually who became famous and well-known.. (well-known for being a loser)

    However sometimes later, the ultimate guild SacredOath died of cancer and reborn as Sacred without Oath which surprisingly a downgrade version and a worse one than before.

    A new name (without Oath..), a new fresh start and a new journey requires a big effort to climb the stairs up again.
    To become famous, rich, respected and full sense of humour which often (the truth is always..) make people think that they're bunch of players with autism syndrome because of their cringe "funny" lame jokes.

    But don't get it wrong fellas,
    Sacred and ex-Sacred are full of multi-talented comedians which have a bright future to become presidents someday and ruin their own country..
    Not only honing their comedic skills but also gathering old buddies from Sacred with Oath as well as bunch of newcomer grassbeetle plebs then enslaving them forever.

    In BDO, for a guild to become famous and respected you have to become strong as well

    So Sacred (again without a f*cking Oath), full of motivation.. similar to a young loser skinny teenage boy who's never had any girlfriend in his life going to gym to fix that problem, invaded Battle Arena for 24/7..

    Day after day passed, they continued to train and train amongst themselves with a sole desire to become Saitama from One Punch Man manga and destroy every enemies they had to a slightest bit..

    However a problem occured,

    Here's the big question for you.. if noobs train PVP with noobs what will happen?

    A fucking double noobs of course!

    Sadly Sacred fell into an illusion.. to think they had became strong and stronger in PVP. To think they finally had a biggg f*cking dick.. but the truth is smaller than Wi-fi LAN internet cable at McDonalds or BurgerKing

    a dream is always a dream
    noobs are always noobs

    At the same time (actually before) they confronted many PVP guilds to challenge and prove themselves worthy as warriors. But things often do not go well..

    Spawn camp was their meal everyday. Losing so many wars, comrades and fellas died of hundreds and hundreds times feeding their enemies score and continously kissing the ground like a virgin boy kisses his hentai girl Dakimura (weebs pillow)


    All efforts were in vain.. all dreams, desires and hopes were shattered in front of their very own eyes..

    But heyy.. they still live in illusion. Sacred wee woo never stop thinking:
    "we're the best"
    "we're strong"
    "the best version of ourselves"
    "we're BA guild"
    "we're cool kids"
    "we're bigg f*ckin ass dickk"
    "have sense of humour" (or we could say the humourous material itself)
    "one the most active and oldest PVP guild in gamez NA"

    *as mentioned on their guild ads and profile*

    an illusion is always an illusion
    grassbeetles are always grassbeetles

    Sometimes later they developed an ultimate skill to fight on enemies without a fight. Their ape wee woo brain works very well (we have to acknowledge this okay)

    lose fight? .rescue to Velia and trashtalk
    lose GvG? stay inside safe zone and cry

    A new set of ability which is called PVP chat, the best way of Sacred to fight without a fight!

    Now you will see a mind-blowing discovery..


    Just switch the alphabet a and c and you will get Scared word from Sacred

    Sacred often (actually always..) scared to go out of towns to attend GvG / Node war / Siege. If we ask them why, why a 24/7 BA guild dodges fight? They have thousands of excuses to hide their pubic hair..
    Even some of their members rerolled to shai to become PVE plebs and retired from PVP scenarios

    Things got even worse..

    Chinese guilds were invading Gamez NA, they have massive population and military which always ready to nuke enemies,
    Chinese players multiply so quickly, until your server chatbox is full of empty words or for some players it displays as boxes..

    Sacred guild is weaken and weaken... more members rerolled to shai and had a peaceful gaming life inside Velia, but they kept getting good at PVP chat!! wee woo..

    They tried Valencia siege, failed
    Mediah siege was successful one for a couple of weeks and then got beaned back to sadge T4 nodes which those T4 nodes got beeeaned as well and Sacred ended up with 0 territory for a long time until today
    Calpheon siege? In your dream..

    People were asking.. "where why what's happening to Sacred beetles who once "dominated" entire NA server?"

    Then Lost Ark came out, it was a good opportunity for Sacred to make a solid excuse:
    "we're now playing Lost Ark and will be back on the next gamez patch"

    They chose Lost Ark over BDO to hide their embarrassment..

    Months after Lost Ark was released, players were bored of its contents.. indeed Sacred wee woo was back in BDO again

    But "back" to where??

    to another private server called Pr*meBD *kekekww

    Although some of their core members visited gamez NA to promote their lame and weak guild ads..

    Rinnegan and Biggie/Waste were the last standing man for Sacred gamez NA
    Though not much longer Rinnegan ALSO downloaded Pr*meBD and play there with a new fresh start Sacred guild *kekekww wee woo.. woo wee.. 911 666 12312313

    Sacred gang left gamez NA, but never stop to talk shits about gamez the server they played for years and had memories in it.. sadge broo

    But as mentioned earlier..

    noobs are always noobs
    grassbeetles are always grassbeetles

    No matter what server Sacred tried to establish they got beaned by stronger guilds. They failed to make name inside Pr*meBD, even if you ask Pr*meBD player about Sacred, most of them even don't know it exists.

    Sacred tried to establish bullshit guild, in a bullshit private server (Pr*meBD) and got bullshitted there
    So freakin sadge..

    And we all know retail is harsh right..

    After all that, some of Sacred's members were brave enough to start retail.. again they're always deluded by their own illusions:
    "we're the best"
    "we're strong"
    "the best version of ourselves"
    "we're BA guild"
    "we're cool kids"
    "we're bigg f*ckin ass dickk"
    "have sense of humour" (or we could say the humourous material itself)
    "we can PVP"

    *and so on*

    They couldn't stay long in retail like premature ejaculation virgins who orgasm quickly just by watching a girl unbutton her shirt..

    Another private server popped up, called M*onBD
    People so hype about it because of active PVP and custom items and nude mod.. (okay we won't talk deeper about that here)

    And as you expected, Sacred wee woo also moved there
    Started with small guild, named Sacred (again without Oath *kekekww)
    So far so good, made some friends and homies
    Geared up quickly because its easy on M*onBD
    And begged Valencia castle

    Wait what? Begged? Not "earned"??
    Not fought for it??

    Yes AustismArmy guild gave freely their castle for wee woo Sacred..
    For whatever reasons its so embarrassing, to choose a free option instead of fight for it as "PVP guild"

    Ohh wait?? Sacred is a PVP guild? Since when???

    I thought they are only good at killing grassbeetle mobs nearby Velia..
    *cough cough lets continue

    History repeats itself..

    Sacred confronts several PVP guilds in M*onBD, butt.... sadly not going so well like they did in Gamez NA
    Same shits happen.. their buttholes is getting bigger in M*onBD

    Sacred got hunted, spawn camped, gangbanged, humiliated.. those are their daily meal anyway

    Inside M*onBD website you can check rankings, below are the picture of guild ranking in M*onBD (picture below taken on 11/14/2022)


    As you can see Sacred is rank 4th... applause guys.. applause *clap clap clap wee woo woo wee!!

    But the problem is.. which is so embarrassing, now take a look at those rank 1 - 3 guilds
    They have positive kill numbers over death numbers, which means they are doing a good job and worthy of their rank

    BUT SACRED.. IS HAVING 4TH RANK WITH A NEGATIVE KILL OVER DEATH *keklol pepesadge peepostare peepohang pogchampweird

    Which means their kill numbers is lower than their death numbers.. got beaned again rip

    So much feeding, so much comrades died and raged quit
    Filling the ground with their corpses
    Kissing the floor like a virgin boy kisses his only weeb pillow


    History repeats itself..

    Yes.. Sacred tried to establish bullshit guild, in a bullshit private server (Pr*meBD M*onBD) and got bullshitted there

    Now let's go to the main dishes..
    More humiliation for Sacred are you ready boiss????


    Beholdddd to your very eyes, Sacred wee woo cheating videos!! Yeahhh boiisss lets fucking goooo

    Auto hunting rhino scripts, Vosscat got killed > ressurected > back to shoot rhino > repeat like nothing happen

    What an advance robot bot program to auto lifeskilling... where can I get this hack Sacred boiss?

    Godsent was auto gathering rocks yeahhhh



    Anyway, the story ends here.. as time goes by, we surely will have more story about Sacred boobies grassbeetle wee woo
    Stay tuned! wee woo woo wee wo we wooooooooo
    Last edited: Jan 11, 2023
  2. Vet

    Vet New Member

    Sep 2, 2020
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    Who cares go next.
  3. AfterShock

    AfterShock New Member

    Nov 20, 2022
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    who cares, this is gamezbd not moonbd
  4. SacredBoobies

    SacredBoobies New Member

    Nov 14, 2022
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    it's about Sacred guild not gamezbd / moonbd

    weee woooo Grassbeetle?????


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