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Token of Appreciation <3

Discussion in 'Old Threads' started by ade, Mar 23, 2011.

  1. ade

    ade ♥ Fashionista ♥ Forum Legend

    Nov 11, 2010
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    Has somebody gone out of his or her way to do something special for you? And you are too shy to tell him/her about the way you feel? Unable to express them to them? Well i decided to open this thread for people who would like to show their appreciation to whoever he/she might be, whatever the issue is/are. Well i will start with my list. ;)

    1st i have to thank my very best friend Voxanne sissy for always being there for me. You have been taking care of me when i am alone, upset, feeling down most of the time. We might have different views and opinions sometimes and harsh words came in. Yes, we quarrel but i want you to know that i dont really mean them ;x Anyways hope that we are still and will be best friends + Sisters forever. ;)

    2nd Thank you Resurrection for being one of the nicest guy i met in Crystal, although you are an azz sometimes ;p you and sissy are always there for me whenever i needed help. It is really fun playing with you and you are an irreplaceable friend, Crystal is not the same without you. ;)

    3rd Thank you Prettie, Darling & Snick!!! 3 of our AMs in crystal for helping me when i have problems encountered and enquiries. People might say its their job to do so but i think they are not obliged to and yet they do everytime. Ash ( Prettie ) & Haahrus ( Darling ) are both the most hard working AMs i seen, ( Selik too but erm he is not in crystal now ). I Appreciate what they do and did for us and i hope everyone feels the same way. Dont back down and never give up is what i learned from both of you. ;) Darling thank you for sharing the burden with me when you are the centurion of AC, i really appreciate you alot for helping the legionmates. I hope i can be of some help too. Anyways thumbs up for you all <3

    4th Sollip, although you just joined us recently but you are always so kind and helpful towards everyone. Some people might hate you for the past experience they had with you in crystal BUT i am really glad to have you as a friend. Dont mind those awful commands to those haters because i will be standing on your side as a friend. ;)

    5th Bridgade General of ArmyofDarkness, THANK YOU alot for helping alot alot when i really dont know what aion is about, what are armours and weapons used for, where to buy/learn skills, where to do quest and explain to me what is this game all about. Sorry that i really forgotten your ign although you quitted just few days after i met you but i hope you can see this message here. ><

    6th I want to thank Hotnspicy, Trebla, Aldegorr, Wellsfargo and Asrael. When i just started Aion knowing nothing about the game, i spend 3weeks and struggled my way to level43, thats when i met trebla. You ( albert aka Trebla )gave me some tips, kinah and armour and i am really really happy that someone actually helped me when i am lost like a little lamb. Wellsfargo thank you for teaching me how to do crafting, essence + aether tapping. I remembered no one wanted to answer me when i asked how do i get / make potions in this game as it might be a silly question to ask but it means alot to me and you actually showed me each and every step to do it. Hian ( Hotnspicy ) you are a like older brother to me and a teacher as well. I asked alot alot alot of questions but you patiently replied them one by one and explained to me things i dont know. Thanks to Hotnspicy, Trebla, Asrael and Aldegorr to be my PvP teacher too and practised with me, which made me who i am now. ;)

    7th I think i left him out but thank you kaomy for the wonderful times we had ><

    8th Lastly, thank you AesirCatalysts my favourite legion for accompanying me along the way. <3
    Last edited: Mar 24, 2011
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  2. Ashtar

    Ashtar Enraged Ashtarius Forum Legend

    Jul 24, 2010
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    somewhere on a track
    The BG of ArmyofDarkness was Nanoyka.

    You forgot Asphel. He really tried to help but I think he just got bored after awhile and left us. :/

    For those of you who remember Nanoyka like I do - the thought ever cross your mind that Nanoyka could be posing as Bhakti? No offense to you Bhakti but I see similarities that are all too freakish for my liking at times.
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  3. ade

    ade ♥ Fashionista ♥ Forum Legend

    Nov 11, 2010
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    i dont really know much about Asphel..i heard his name only recently when Asrael and You are talking about him. He must be a really nice guy. ;)
  4. Miasol

    Miasol do u even lift bro? Forum Legend

    Feb 27, 2011
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    Vancouver B.C
    I'll keep it short and simple.
    Thanks to Aesircatalysts Ade,Voxipooh,Asrael and all of legion(toomany names to type on iphone sorry, ivr got banana fingers):pinched:
    Thanks to Jason - a.k.a - Masquerade,Resonance,Snoop - for showing me the ropes!
    p.s. Your not 15!
    3 people like this.
  5. Bhakti

    Bhakti Banned

    Dec 9, 2010
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    I wonder why no thanx to me....rofl!
  6. apocalyptic

    apocalyptic Dont trust her! Forum Legend

    May 13, 2010
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    Dallas, Texas
    No , No one has ever for me. My Only friend treats me like sh!t.......
  7. Bhakti

    Bhakti Banned

    Dec 9, 2010
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    short of but....

    "Forgive em Father, for they not know what they doing!!!"
  8. Jailbait

    Jailbait Comeback kid

    Mar 20, 2011
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    I would like to show my appreciation to Jellybean.
    From the start of when i have been playing i have never had any fun.
    but after time i desided to make acount here on the forum,
    On that day i started talking to the legendary Jellybean herself.
    as of then Jellybean has been nothing but nice to me
    and in a short time has become a good friend in my eye's.
    On top of all this she got me in to Ritual, where i have had more fun
    than i have ever had in the whole time befor.

    so to Jellybean, thank's <3
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  9. Bhakti

    Bhakti Banned

    Dec 9, 2010
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    I d like to thank Manisha,Arjuna,Nisha and Shankti (my alts) for crafting my gear!

    I have none other to thank cause i m self made all the way... :D
  10. Georgie

    Georgie Ḏɪ̭̜͓̜ͅs̪ᴛ̩̪͓ᴜ̬̖̗̬ʀ̻͚̖͎ʙ͉̜͓̖͙̼͖̳ᴇ̖̞̻ᴅ̻̞̫̘̫ͅ Forum Legend

    May 28, 2010
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    Is this only Crystal or Gamez too :pinched:
  11. ade

    ade ♥ Fashionista ♥ Forum Legend

    Nov 11, 2010
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    Erm i made this thread for Crystal as i played here myself, but everyone is welcome too, just dont go off topic ;)
  12. Georgie

    Georgie Ḏɪ̭̜͓̜ͅs̪ᴛ̩̪͓ᴜ̬̖̗̬ʀ̻͚̖͎ʙ͉̜͓̖͙̼͖̳ᴇ̖̞̻ᴅ̻̞̫̘̫ͅ Forum Legend

    May 28, 2010
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    I'd like to thank all DTK (Dressed To Kill) members for being helpful especially Rucbeth the one that teached me how to play as a sin and kickazz with it. < GamezAion 1.5 - 1.9

    Now rlly grateful to all Staff members that gave me a chance to become AM.

    as a normal player I found myself a new family = K I N G S

    Last edited: Mar 24, 2011
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  13. Vildiil

    Vildiil Hit em with a 100 round clip Forum Legend

    Aug 23, 2010
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    Fort Myers, Florida, USA
    Well theres alot of people on Crystal I'd like to thank (I'm not gonna go into gamez, theres too many rofl)

    To my girlfriend, for being there and for making me want to be a better person. I don't know where I'd be without you. I know I've been a complete jerk (Wont let me put the appropriate term) lately, and I can't apologize enough.

    The AM staff for always responding to questions, and helping any way possible. For doing events despite people complaining about rewards, for always being optimistic. I'd like to say keep up the good work, but thats commonplace you guys should already know your doing awesome.

    My friends and legionmates that still deal with me wanting to log over on Crystal, and even made characters here to hang out with me.

    To Miasol for taking the time to help me with quests whenever I needed, always talked with me just to see how I was doing, and I appreciate it.

    To Ade, who despite me only talking to a few times and killing in PVP once and her killing me a few times (I'd hope you got revenge by now right? LOL), still is really an awesome person who listens to anyone

    To Bhakti for providing a source of entertainment on the forums, as well as a few logical responses and improvements.

    To Ashtar. One of the most inspiring and awesome people I've had the privilege of meeting here. My first day logging on the server you took time out from what you were doing to help me, to talk to me, to give me tips on what to do. Even helped me with my first armor set that I still have, and I'll keep just in thanks. I'd also like to thank you for not yelling at me when I did stupid stuff (And forbid, I did/do alot of that LOL).
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  14. Bhakti

    Bhakti Banned

    Dec 9, 2010
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    I lied...there are also others i d like to thank

    I d like to also thank the kind mobs for droping stuff when i kill them,
    nodes for being there to harvest and get materials
    and ofc last but not least the quest giver Npcs for rewarding me...

    I also like to thank Ashtar,
    with your comment you just showd me how extremelly ungratefull u r for all the personal assistance I provided you all this long...really thanx that comment was all i needed....(We don t try to "tailor" our friends as we want them to be we accept em as they are and we help them as they do)

    And i m not posing for nanoyka...I hardly know this guy
    I m Bhakti and that s NAF SAID!!!

    If there are similarities with me and him Im sorry he quit...I could use another one who is able to understand me so we can make a trio!!!

    I assure u they r ALL logical just FEW posses the wits to see it!!! and u r welcomed for ur kind words
    Last edited: Mar 24, 2011
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  15. erlucius90

    erlucius90 Expert

    Jan 1, 2011
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    Thanks to AesirCatalysts legion for helping me out when i joined this community and for every moment spent with it;

    Special thanks to Ade, Voxanne and Nelsin for everything, you are very special and i feel so happy to have met you all and to live such lovely experiences with you. Crystal Aion wouldn't be the same without you guys;

    Thanks to Kaomy for the great moments spent with ya;

    Thanks to Kergelos, because i joined this community with him and that counts a lot;

    Thanks to Annecurtis for your honesty and purity, i really admire you and you're a sweet person;

    Thanks to Asrael (a.k.a. Hex - Thoth <- Remember the name xD) for the "special"/funny moments passed with him (good and bad);

    Thanks to Hypnosis, Bima, Zaphir and Jhilaed for the "&%$£" (you guys know what i wanted to say XD) moments spent together ingame and on mumble;

    Thanks to Tweedlldee, Vildiil and sanctuarie for your activity and for your incredible simple good will you have always shown me, i'm honoured of that, you are very sweet guys and i wish the best for you;

    Thanks to devs (especially evilset) for all the time passed working for our community! (that's not an excuse to stop so get ready for next update's bugs xD);

    Thanks to Snic, Memnoch and Jason (a.k.a. Ablazed - Resonance - Masquerade - Snoop etc.) for every issue, concern and for helping me in the GM adventure;

    Thanks to the whole GamezNetwork staff for helping me out and for adding me in your family;

    Special thanks to Ash for the great will you show everyday, for your kindness, for your help, for guiding this community with lovely sweetness. You're the best admin Crystal Aion and GamezNetwork could ever have.
    Last edited: Mar 24, 2011
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  16. sugarpinks

    sugarpinks Love is a beautiful pain. Forum Legend

    Feb 3, 2011
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    Special Thanks to the following people who walked this Aion journey with me:

    *~ Ade; For bringing me into Aion, providing me everything i needed to embark on this new beginning, being there in times of good and bad, teaching me the ropes of what i needed to know to survive. Thank you Ade, without you, there wouldnt be the Voxanne you're seeing now :)

    *~ Kaomy; Although you're not playing anymore, you showed me deeper into this virtual world, and taught me more things that i can remember.

    *~ Resurrection; For being my soul mate and sharing the happiness and sorrow in this game, patiently teaching me what i needed to become stronger. Thank you for believing and having faith in me <3

    *~ Demonkyrie; For being a great friend who was always ready to lend a helping hand, and also for that help you rendered by that gift. And now, also a thank you to you for being a great GM who is constantly trying to make the game better for all of us :)

    *~ Ash; For always being sweet and helping us whenever we have problems. We know you're busy but still you always took time to stop and talk to us, and organise those awesome events. A big thank you to you :) I'd thank the other GMs too, but i'm not as close to them :X

    *~ Thoth/Asrael/Hex; For believing in me when no one did. I'll always remember what you said to me :)

    *~ Ravenwater; He's quitted a long time ago, but just a thank you to you for bringing me into your legion and widening my social circle.

    *~ My Dearest Legion, AesirCatalysts; For going through thick and thin with me, PVP-ing in core, heiron, hoarfrost :)

    *~ My PVP Teachers - Ade. Kaomy. Resurrection. Hotnspicy. Demonkyrie; I still remember the time when i'll not last for more than 3 seconds in a duel, but thanks to all of you, i can at least give a better fight :)

    *~ My Friend's List, especially - Ansem. Daughterofashlin. Michi. Hal; For all the PVP times in heiron and hoarfrost :)

    *~ Elys who have battled with me, - Jeremiel/Crestor, Voro, Whiteslayer, Darkslayerz, Saxeskizoasmos, Annecurtis (There's so many i cant remember all ><); Thank you for giving me a good battle everytime, and i really miss times when we went over to each other's faction and PvP-ed. Although Darkness will never meet the Light, i still appreciate all of you here in Crystal, you all rock ;)

    Typed and said with love,
    3 people like this.
  17. Nelsin

    Nelsin Yo. Forum Legend

    Dec 28, 2010
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    Nova Friburgo, RJ
    Erm, I don't like to post but here i go
    1st i have to thank Wolfkiller, Boow, Malignox, Rignys and Malekhood (you guys remember them? haha) for introduce me to CrystalAion, and teaching me how to play as Gladiator, *so I've also have to thank Trebla for it!*. Too bad you guys stopped playing Crystal because it has alot of issues. I miss you all.

    2nd can't forget how thankful i am for being invited to "Elite Imortal", where I met Pena, Aizen, Shinji, Urahara, Cocota, Byakko, Desire, Colt, Sycko and others (sorry if i dun remember your name now, i'm sleepy). Thank you all for being there whenever I needed you all, and i miss play CrystalAion with you all. Since we're always together, i know we're going to play it again with you all, so, see you in teamspeak tonight ! ;)

    3rd Voxanne and Ade (zhu zhu)! Thank you both for being so kind and helpful. As Ade said, CrystalAion wouldn't be the same without you. Special thanks to Voxanne, because she's the nicest person I met in Aion, sometimes you're an azz and don't listen me at all, but you know that i never give up! She's my reason to play in Crystal, and thats enough! Happy to have you both playing with me till now <3

    4th Ashtar! Thanks for everything ! My first RvR was hosted by you. I was level 25, I didn't know what to do or where to run, and you said to me "Nelsin tanks" ;/. First RvR and elyos win, too bad for a start, huh? You gave me so many useful tips *-* tytyty miss you in your asmo cleric ;/

    5th Nightkyrie! The worst sorc ever! muahaha jk! Thank you for losing bets. LOL jk again ;x - Thank you for being so helpful these days, I know you're really busy atm, but soon I wan do a raid with you again, haha.
    Last edited: Mar 27, 2011
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  18. HEX

    HEX Legendary Member

    Nov 8, 2010
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    omg ravenwater lol ty for reminding me on him ;))))) !!!!!! I liked him so much , a very nice guy ;) !!!!! Sweet to say about him ;)))

    and voxy for wat u sed about meh ;) - i dunno if i was the only one but i alvais had trust in all of ya ....
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  19. sugarpinks

    sugarpinks Love is a beautiful pain. Forum Legend

    Feb 3, 2011
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    Hahas Thank you Asrael, or should i say Hex now? :)
  20. HEX

    HEX Legendary Member

    Nov 8, 2010
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    dose it matter ??? i like both names

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