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Make GameZ BDO great again !

Discussion in 'Black Desert Discussion' started by eminescu83, Nov 18, 2018.

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  1. eminescu83

    eminescu83 Getting there

    Oct 3, 2018
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    HI !

    - This is not a flame-cry-complain thread.
    - The following lines are just my thoughts on how we can have a better gaming experience here, in GameZ BDO.

    1. Add RBF channels with GS limit.
    - Motivation:
    During RBF double rewards and other normal days, new players or even the ones that have some time in this server are basically cannon fodder in the normal RBF where 600GS people are rolling and face-stomping vast majority with 450-520 GS. I have nothing against with vets rolling 600 GS in RBF, but when u go there with your lets say 500GS and face 3-4 ninjas and 2-3 rangers with 600 GS deleting everything moves kinda makes you to "fk this RBF shit ... i can get faster than 15 mins 2 sharp/hards and with lot less frustration".

    2. Stop ninja/hidden nerfing.
    - Motivation:
    Enchant nerf, SD sell price and sharp/hards from gather nerfs hit us hard. I know it might not be in the game's design to have full PEN in 1 month, get 2bil from SD and gather 30-50 hards/sharps per hour, but marketplace is already empty in enchant mats, SD was a great income that could help you to actually buy that PEN from market.
    - These drastic changes are actually the pain here. Make the changes but not from: EQ: 100 hards per hour down to 2 hards per hour.

    3. Readjust Kamasylvia PVE life.
    - Motivation:
    Make Kamasylvia viable again, buff other regions in terms of trash drops so we wont have 600GS people grinding lvl 80 AP mobs in Mediah. I dont want to mention that buffing all PVE mobs made the new players almost impossible to finish Kamasylvia quest line. Also adding Drieghan you will not be able to continue black spirit quest line if you dont complete Kama quests.

    4. Add NPC that sells or daily reward for special food and special elixirs.
    Getting from Marketplace Cron meals and draughts is next to impossible because nobody list em. Adding a NPC that sells them or adding them as daily reward from Y menu would help many of us.
    Great job adding the 3 types of Cron meals on daily reward but 2 of them are few considering the fact that u can select only 1 of them. Increase the number of rewarded meals to 5 (maybe?) or make all of the 3 types collectible and adding Draughts to daily rewards will be awesome.

    5. Fix one of the most frustrating and embarrassing bugs:
    Getting knocked down in Aakman/Hystria will send you through the ground into the parallel BDO universe.
    - Kutum world boss - disappearing when he goes into the ground for the AOE attack. - The work`a`round i heard u have to leave the room and come back to be able to see Kutum again.... - damn....
    - Stuck in V - while is fun to run in RBF in perma V is quite frustrating.

    And the last suggestion and the most important:
    Continue the great and awesome job u guys doing!!

    Have a great day !
    Elyann, BDlydNa, Irisena and 4 others like this.
  2. Tashka

    Tashka New Member

    Oct 31, 2018
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    > 4. Add NPC that sells or daily reward for special food and special elixirs.
    You already have 2 free cron meals every day that was a huge hit for dedicated cooks. The proper solution would be to increase MP prices for meals/droughs (eq: valencia meal only 40+k while getting the mats for it requires you to cross the desert and they are never on MP; i'm not even talking about seafood meal and cron meals - making those for selling would be an act of charity).
    Toenail and Rah97 like this.
  3. Pan94

    Pan94 New Member

    Nov 18, 2018
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    Finally someone that understand me... If you're not giving us the way to obtain money to buy PEN, make it easy to enhance... I have been latelly struggling with enhancing I thought I was mad but I just realised that ratios changed A LOT. Two weeks ago I got PEN Dandelion with just 60 fs meanwhile nowdays I can't get TRI with 60 FS WTF... I mean, Its worse that in Retail.
    desertkatze likes this.
  4. eminescu83

    eminescu83 Getting there

    Oct 3, 2018
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    Please read entirely. You might miss stuff. "...Great job adding the 3 types of Cron meals on daily reward but 2 of them are few considering the fact that u can select only 1 of them."
  5. Tashka

    Tashka New Member

    Oct 31, 2018
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    So what, you want to make it so that you can just get enough of them for the whole day and make cooking finally obsolete as a lifeskill?
    loboram, Toenail and Rah97 like this.
  6. lezterRNB

    lezterRNB New Member

    Aug 25, 2010
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    I agree with OP. Aside from this, AFTER ALL THE NERFS THEY DID, the last remaining money making guide that is currently working which was created by "Vampyrism" was NERFED yesterday. The moderators even tagged it as a part of "Game Guides" of this forum and then, they NERFED it. LOL. (pheew) (CRAZY!!) Now, there is no more legit money making method unlike before. This private server is dying.
    desertkatze likes this.
  7. Tashka

    Tashka New Member

    Oct 31, 2018
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    OMG can no longer afk farm a lucrative spot while being completely safe from PvP in a PvP-centric game. The survur is dying, RRREEEEE!
    Toenail, Rah97 and Jylin like this.
  8. Jylin

    Jylin New Member

    Oct 8, 2018
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    you can still do the same with a character above 49. you now just need to be careful when stealing other peoples mobs. basicly you act like a dick anymore. its fine
  9. eminescu83

    eminescu83 Getting there

    Oct 3, 2018
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    Guys, lets keep to the topic, please.
    Also, if u guys have any suggestions, post them here and i will pass them to Kolka.
    You all know that the Devs are listening to their players but we also need a solid resoning when we ask for changes.
    Keep it positive <3
    desertkatze and Toenail like this.
  10. Frelys

    Frelys New Member

    Nov 9, 2018
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    View attachment 44294 [/QUOTE]

    What they mean with afk horse grind? Just running around as ranger with LMB down? Do you have to be 50+ to grind basically?
  11. Rah97

    Rah97 New Member

    Oct 3, 2018
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    1, I think having difference channels with certain GS brackets would be nice. I like PvP a lot, I'm fairly geared, but nothing super high. The other day I joined one and it was me and my friend vs 5 members of Catitude who ended up spawn camping us, which just wasn't fun.
    2, I don't think theyew ninja nerf things, I just feel like sometimes when they tweak stuff, other stuff gets effected. It's like when people found out that the bonus elephant damage from trina matchlock somehow also applied to seamonsters. You never really know what's attatched to what when they do changes.
    3, I agree. the game would be better if higher gs players were rewarded at high zones, that way lower gs players could farm up mediah/valencia, and then just work their way up. Changing drop rates of trash loot and such would be a good idea.
    4, absolutely not. I actual think that they should revert handing out cron meals and should instead buff the mp cost of them. If everyone just gets meals and draughts, it makes cooking and alchemy almost obsolete, especially without imperial trading for those respective professions. Instead we should entice people to put forth the energy to make them and sell them.
    loboram, Toenail and eminescu83 like this.
  12. eminescu83

    eminescu83 Getting there

    Oct 3, 2018
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    Hi, Infinity.
    Thanks a lot for your comment. I must admit that most of your words are the truth but in gaming industry u cant have it all. There must be a compromise done somewhere.
    Looking at the recent polls Kolka made, regarding PVP CC rework and many others, looks like they listen to their player base. We just need to have a constructive approach with a decent motivation for why we need or we do not need said change(s).
    Regarding the SD nerf, this is one of the 1st reasons i was thinking that buffing Kamasylvia area would be something. This would leave Mediah and Valencia open for lower geared players to continue their progress without having to deal with being deleted by 600GS vets.
    Vixious likes this.
  13. eminescu83

    eminescu83 Getting there

    Oct 3, 2018
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    Thanks for your comment and feedback. Also feel free to add your ideas of improvement aswell.

    After 1 week or so i will compile all the info from this thread and send it to Kolka.

    Be constructive :)
    Toenail likes this.
  14. Andy12345

    Andy12345 New Member

    Nov 5, 2018
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    I still cant do these quests after weeks of trying.
  15. Tashka

    Tashka New Member

    Oct 31, 2018
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    1. Rework the loot tables to make those 24/7 empty spots viable again.
    2. Buff Balenos/Serendia/Kalpheon mobs and rework their loot tables too.
    3. Set all consumable (cooking/alch) items prices to max at least, preferably increase the max prices
    4. Add more hards/shaps to stuff, lion/scorpion/snake blood/meat etc and seafood (especially seafood). No one's gathering those now, ever.
    5. Actually, screw 3&4, just remove the market price restrictions.
  16. BDlydNa

    BDlydNa Getting there

    Aug 2, 2018
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    Just like my Thread 2 Weeks ago, i wonder if Kolka/Carl even read this at all or is probably any Post about this just wasted time? I might be wrong but actually it doesn't feel like the Devs are close to the Community, it's more like "The King and his Peasants". If OP says they Listen to us, they maybe should show some Presence to important Topics like this in their Forum, but yet again we are just on our own here and Ingame has changed nothing over the last Weeks.

    The EU Playerbase is decreasing every Day. Just like Irisena said, Crimson Release is getting closer and if you follow there News you know that you will get a hard Competitor. It's just the wrong Time to Act like this. If you, the Devs, keep going this Way im sure you will stuck with a pretty small Community soon.
  17. Infinityreign

    Infinityreign New Member

    Nov 19, 2018
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    no idea from what I understand it's actually the 2-3 builds guilds that came over here from Official that started the original population and they get the vocal majority when it comes to changes. Wouldn't surprise me people sitting at 600GS wouldn't care about these changes just means they can contest anything they want with 0 competition and hold castles/nodes forever because everyone else gets slowed down drastically.

    It's not even the rate changes that bother me it's the lack of compensation for new players or adjustments to other areas not happening. Why would you nerf SD and not nerf horse taming/crescents/mans/hyph like i don't get it. The current way this server works is honestly if you want to progress at all you MUST follow the same steps everyone else does... AKA Gather/Tame then Grind Crescents. I don't like being forced into grinding specific places. Especially places camped 24/7 by guilds with people who will just spawn camp for hours while their guildies farm. Everything else is not viable income. You can't even do the other gathering professions because they don't really benefit from the boosted rates like gathering does for example. SD grinding was nerfed a little too hard IMO and either they need to nerf all the spots or stop fucking with it. You can't have a competitive MMO with end game focused on PvP and high rates and then suddenly nerf the rates when a huge influx of new players come so they can't catch up to the egotistical assholes who started when it was easier. Any private server I've ever played would wipe if they adjusted rates like this. So I'm confused of why we are not getting one. Anyone who whines about a wipe is a cry baby you can get CP/energy back in a day and hit 64 in a few hours on this server. The current state of the server is very constricted. I feel like I'm forced to play ONE way and ONE way only to get any progress. the MP isn't flooded like retail is lot of shit isn't easy to get even with money. I sat on like 5 bill for weeks trying to get a boss piece once because I had to farm scrolls and pray for Market place listings even with pre orders WHICH Is another problem why this rate adjustment without wipe is bullshit. HOw are new player suppose to even buy boss gear when people like me are sitting on billions of silver and can drop a 1 bill pre order for even base boss gear If I want. At end of the day RNG is RNG and only really the hardcore crowd will be hitting FULL PEN in like 2-3 weeks. Most the regular playerbase will take 2-3 months to do that so I don't see the reason for these changes outside of 1. WE WANT MORE PREMIUM PURCHASES or 2. Caitering to the top 3 guilds in the server that the developers are a part of to minimize competition so they reap the benefits long term before people catch up < More likely since these fucks never seem to care about any of these changes.

    Atm Crimson Desert can't come fast enough IMO
  18. Vixious

    Vixious New Member

    Oct 7, 2018
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    I feel the same way. Super pigeonholed into playing a very specific way to get any meaningful results. I said this on the forums I think the 3rd day I started playing and for some reason things keep getting nerfed where they shouldn't be. What we need are buffs to the less contested areas (pirates droprates were nerfed apparently and now nobody goes there, for example) and trading really needs to be enabled. Without trade, a vast majority of mats in the game are useless which means no money for herbs, logs, ores, etc that you would normally sell to trade enthusiasts.

    People told me I started at the wrong time. My guild from official came here (now 11 people) and a few more are considering the switch seriously but I told them to wait it out. Some friends of mine were thinking of trying BDO for the first time on this server and I simply told them that if they want to play the game then sure, but if they are hoping to join so we can play together... well idk. Because I am not really enjoying my time training horses every day so that I can afford the enhancement climb without pvp issues. The server is changing in ways that really hurt new players. As a brand new player I was making beans for money because I had no friends and nothing was selling on the MP... whatever *did* sell was always listed min price and sat around for hours, if not days.

    I don't really know what the fix is. Mobs spawn and walk around underneath the map, there's some real desync issues here, super geared players dominate newcomer friendly areas (I literally had to go to polly's forest to progress and none of that blue gear sells). I made my starting money off of manshuam dolls for a solid week, i shit you not lol. Then I moved on to bosses when I was in pri ultimate. It was not a good experience because it was the only experience in my eyes; either you horse train and afk the game or you go somewhere supremely sub-optimal because of the goofed economy and grind it out. Fortunately I was there to help my friends that joined after me because I don't think they would have stayed for even half a day if they didn't have someone semi-geared to special deals/level with.

    Now enhancing is harder for the 'easier' levels like pri-tri. Even getting pri seems like I'm being pranked. I have premium and still rack up 30+ stacks going for pri and duo. At least it's easier to get meme frags here... for now. I'm hopeful that the devs will look into the places that nobody goes to help spread out the population. People will still always aim for the best spot but at least it won't be the only spot.

    Also wondering if they plan to wipe the server of all trade goods when trade is enabled. Imagine the players who have been crafting crates for months and months and months suddenly being able to cash in all at once. I'm worried that the devs aren't considering things like this before implementing changes and it's ultimately hurting the server.
    Last edited: Nov 21, 2018
    desertkatze and eminescu83 like this.
  19. Rah97

    Rah97 New Member

    Oct 3, 2018
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    No, they shouldn't give out "compensation" to new players. What're they compensating? They don't owe you anything. SD got nerfed because it was exploited and overpowered, which only lasted a week by the way, and theyve already stated that they're going to be taking a look at it once it simmers down. The reason for the nerf was also because they DIDNT want you to be pigeonheld into just grinding SD. Currently, you aren't being pigeonholed into anything, and if you feel you are, that's because you're putting yourself there. I know lots of people who make money in a lot of different ways. Cooking, Alchemy, solo grinding, SD groups, afk horse training, enhancing and selling, you're just looking for something broken and over powered like SD used to be. They're also working on implementing trading so that people have another way to make money (previously crafted crates won't work because they don't show that they're from the city they were crafted in and the devs have established that there will be a 200m limit to how much you can cash in in one day to prevent the people whove farmed at pirates for months to cash in all at once on their coins). As for enhancement, I don't know why you're complaining. I've been playing for only 2 months and I'm at 532gs with 4 boss pieces to PEN.
    loboram and Toenail like this.
  20. eminescu83

    eminescu83 Getting there

    Oct 3, 2018
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    - Make money from alchemy and cooking - greatest meme i ever heard. Get ur facts straight before embarrassing yourself with such statement. Resources needed to make Valencia, Arehaza and Kamasylvia meals are missing from marketplace while gathering them is pure cancer. Hence those meals are mostly not present in Market.
    - Afk horse training - Get up with patchnotes and see the latest changes to horse training. Also if u get above lvl 49 and u idle on training your horse there will always be bored ppl to PK the living crap out of u while u`re out of safe zone.
    - SD groups - Again get up with patchnotes or atleast test yourself the nerfs. 2 hours at sausans gives less money than 2 hours at Crescents - solo grind.
    - For enhancement - your RNG =/= everyone`s RNG. Also, with the latest nerfs to gathering, if u manage to get 20 hards at sheep mountain from 1 hour of gathering with drop scroll you are very lucky. Is not enough these enchancement resources are like never listed on Market, they made it even harder to get some.
    I know they want to do not burn yourself in 2 months, get full PEN and leave afterwards due to boredom....but the way they are making those nerfs, they are slowly and steady going to resemble with retail.

    Yes, free pearls, yes greater rates, yes +drop rate events and +enhance events, yes easy full Capotia accessories, yes and yes and yes.
    But please stay with the topic and bring ideas of improvement and not bash people statements made our of frustration or disappointment. People dont complain because they like to....they do that because they care and maybe dev team will hear their voice.
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