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is SD worth it in Gamezbd ?! and if it not how can I make money here ? am new player thx

Discussion in 'Black Desert Discussion' started by samoray3, Dec 9, 2019.

  1. samoray3

    samoray3 New Member

    Oct 3, 2018
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    As the Address :D
  2. Choovanski

    Choovanski New Member

    Jan 13, 2019
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    server is ruined for new players now. catching up when 200-300m hr SD is now gone is not gonna be easy. good luck. you will fucking need it

    don't worry tho, when you hit 280 you can make 400-1200m an hour solo... if you ever get there (cwl)(cwl)(cwl)
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 15, 2019
    myka94 and dariolucconi like this.
  3. dariolucconi

    dariolucconi New Member

    Dec 5, 2019
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    Only thing i can tell you to do is do bosses and get boss weapons and belongins. Sell them to get some silvers. Thats the only thing i can recommend you to do. Dont expect to catch up to end game players now that they ruined SD. Catching up for new players in this server is now almost the same thing as retail. Shows how they dont know how to manage a server properly.
    Maybe other silver making things you can do are : Horse training and trading 4000 pearls for artisan memory and then giving them to the NPC near the CM npc in velia. Will give you about 400k-600k silvers.
    Swapped to retail recently and made more money there grinding than grinding in here, so if you are new, maybe come back when they fix sd :)
    Yoshi69 and Choovanski like this.
  4. Choovanski

    Choovanski New Member

    Jan 13, 2019
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    you can do life skills, and you can sell mem frags and boss drops. that's it. have fun trying to push 200m hr with no gear

    I can't take my full geared ass over and help out low GS guildies and boost them with 300m hr so they can gear up now. I used to do that all the time, now I don't even know where they should grind. all I can say is 'sell memory frags'. it's a bad state

    I mean fuck. Kolka is going to have to buff SD back to a functional level, or server is ruined for new players. how the heck are you supposed to compete with all of us full caphra 305+ AP players who can make shit loads of silver at starsend, which tbh is like the only good grinding spot left.

    if something isn't done CM gonna kill gameZ. the gear requirements have only gone up (need 280/350+ minimum for seige) and making silver for new players has been nerfed into the ground
    Last edited: Dec 14, 2019
    dariolucconi likes this.
  5. dariolucconi

    dariolucconi New Member

    Dec 5, 2019
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    i 100% agree with you. Its going downfall since the CM changes. Thought i wouldnt have to grind like retail when i started here but guess not :DDDDDDDD
    Choovanski likes this.
  6. Elyann

    Elyann Getting there

    Sep 11, 2018
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    ( coming back from a 2 months hiatus )
    Wait , what the hell happened...?
  7. Choovanski

    Choovanski New Member

    Jan 13, 2019
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    Central Market was added. this means SD works differently now. the market buys all the SD items at a low price (apparently still 35% of max but I'm not sure about this, it feels lower). there is no ability for players to buy items from SD for higher prices, which accounted for a large amount of money for SD (as people would buy scrolls, accessories, +15 gear to devour etc).

    long story short, pushing even 100m+ an hour at old SD spots where you would make 200-350m an hour before CM is really hard now. SD is basically no longer worth doing. group grinding is pretty much over.

    you can still make 400-1.2b an hour solo at places like stars end, but you already need close to endgame gear for that place. same with the tungrad ring spot.

    basically if you're not geared, good luck making money because SD is basically dead
  8. loboram

    loboram Respected Member Forum Legend

    Jan 29, 2018
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    While both @dariolucconi and @Choovanski are good at backing each other up in this claim, they are wrong in their presumptions about Special-Deals-Partying. I believe that they are rooted in the mainstreamer ideology where gaming somehow equals making real-money as to them it is all about time. How fast can they level, get silver, get gear, and so on, while the actual or "old-school" (as the mainstreamers would say) way to play games is to just enjoy yourself knowing that is is nothing more than a waste of time. NOTHING you eventually do in a computer game will EVER have ANY impact on real-life, you are in fact just wasting it if you spend too much of your only one life-time on playing computer games all alone in your room.

    Sure SD-party income has dropped considerably, but it is just a thing that had to happen in order to make way for the new Central Market, BUT it would eventually become better than before IF ONLY the mainstreamers would stop following that idiotic ideology of One-Way-To-Play. You see @samoray3 if the Central Market is picked up and being used frequently as well as by all players to buy All items, the maximum prices would go much higher than they used to be in the previous version, which is something that those two players trying to claim that GamezBD is now dead (quite a statement from someone STILL playing on this server by the way) do not disclose in their rants. They do However give some good choices for other activities that are indeed a good way to make an income not dependant on grinding, such as using life-skills.

    Gathering is a really good way to make some money, as it is one of two ways to get Hard/Sharp Black Stone Shards, the other is doing Farming. Then, as they point out, Horse Training is a really good income, as you can do so while AFK'ing (being Away From Keyboard) so you could leave your PC on overnight to gain ome Pearls as well as Train Horses for silver. You can also use Fishing or Trading for some semi-AFK income, and last but not least, you could get a ship and try to get some sea-monsters as well as Whales for income.

    The thing is...this game has been DESIGNED to keep players online forever, since there is no actual end to the game. So the best idea is to just buckle down and KNOW that it will take time to get the gear you want, and to do the thing in-game you really want to accomplish.
  9. Choovanski

    Choovanski New Member

    Jan 13, 2019
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    you must be very foolish if you don't think constantly nerfing ways for new players to make money in this game will cause issues.

    you can keep your head in the sand about the problems this is causing all you like, but as someone who talks to many new players in game and on discord, and who helps many of them- I can assure you that constant nerfs to the silver income for new players is not making them happy. it's making them question why they don't just play regular black desert, as progression for a new player there really isn't looking too bad compared to what they are dealing with here.

    please recognise the appeal of a server that is supposed to have 10x rates, and fast progression, and on doing so recognise the problems that slowing down the progression for new players is having.

    I would mention the issues that this huge imbalance causes in an open world PvP game, with group PvP content, but I already know Ioboram doesn't believe that this is a PvP game at all, so that will go on deaf ears.

    all I can say, is to have some empathy for new players who are constantly made to grind for longer and longer times to get the progression I got easily when I started. why should they have to spend five hours to get what I could get in one? it seems cruel and unfair to me
  10. dariolucconi

    dariolucconi New Member

    Dec 5, 2019
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    you are talking that way cause you are making more silvers than i can imagine, try to be in my shoes. When you started i bet that SD was a fucking silver bank
    Choovanski likes this.
  11. loboram

    loboram Respected Member Forum Legend

    Jan 29, 2018
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    How would you know how much silver I make? Do you even think before you just write something down without any clear evidence to back it up?
    Look it is obvious that the two of you are just complaining about an aspect in the game that has been changed, and I get that in your eyes this is "horrible" as it directly impacts the way you like to play the game, but in all fairness I would rather that you read what I actually wrote instead of just throwing mud at me, since I did not belittle you nor accuse you of anything. I just stated "I believe that..." which is just an opinion, so if you are taking it personally perhaps it is because my presumption rings true?
  12. loboram

    loboram Respected Member Forum Legend

    Jan 29, 2018
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    First of all I would like to ask you: Do you know where the word "nerf" comes from?

    Secondly at no point have I misspelled your name, in fact I have been quite civil in dealing with what I perceive as whining, so please don't do that again, just use the linking @, or reply to my message as I am doing to yours, in the future to avoid looking like a internet-troll.

    Thirdly, Black Desert Online is: "A MMORPG..." (https://www.sea.playblackdesert.com/main/index)
    "Black Desert Online (Korean: 검은사막) is a sandbox-oriented fantasy massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG) developed by Korean company Pearl Abyss and originally published for Microsoft Windows in 2015." (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_Desert_Online)
    I have NO idea why you are being so stubborn and lying about what this game actually is, I guess that it is just to solidify your personal view of this game, when it is clearly not what you say it is.

    Finally I want to adress the notion of going to play on "Retail-BDO" as well as the "having empathy for new players" idea you so arrogantly throw in there along with more disrespect for the staff of GamezBD, who are providing you with a FREE service for you to use or stop using as you see fit.
    GamezBD is for free, that means the ideology this game is built on, has no power over the players who like the idea of gaming for fun. On "Retail-BDO" you are forced to spend real-life-money on the game to get ALL the things you are offered on GamezBD FOR FREE, cannot believe that I actually have to tell you this as if you are so ignorant to not know this already (makes you look a heck-of-a-lot more like an internet-troll).
    About having empathy for new players, I believe that I have tried my very best to help out completely new players to the Black Desert Online game, but since the server chat is all too often being misused -and/or just outright abused- it is difficult to help new players the way MANY players were willing to in the beginning. Back then you could make 1-2 billion silver per hour due to various bugs which I wasn't aware of, nor -if I were aware of them- would I want to abuse them to get some sort of adventage, since I am not playing a mere computer game to brag or show off, as if playing a computer game is something to be proud of...with that idea in your head I suggest you should just "grow up", no matter how old you actually are. I play games to pass the time, and try to have some fun, which is the basis of gaming in case you did not know this.

    So in essence, back in the beginning the amounts of silver you could make was staggeringly high, and as the game has developed on the "Retail-BDO" sites, it has inevitably changed how things work on GamezBD because they have remained true to the notion that GamezBD should try to follow the original game as closely as possible. So when "Retail-BDO" makes changes to the core-game, it is usually copied here as well, which makes it a BDO problem and not specifically a GamezBD problem. You seem to be forgetting again and again, how this game is built; Force players to spend as much money and time on the game as possible, as well as it being COMPLETELY dependant on RNG.

    So I get that the new market and Special-Deal-Partying has become a big issue, for me personally I would very much like for the SD-loot-bag to return to our version of the game, since it was extremely useful in comparison to how SD'ing is handled nowadays. However I am not making wild accusations and rants about it, claiming the server to be dead due to this, I am going to make another suggestion, as I have done SO many times before, in order to get some attention to the problem at hand, but as ALWAYS this part of GameZ is being horribly underused, and most players NEVER even visit this forum much less read anything in the suggestions section and commenting on it.

    This post has been posted in the Discussions section, which means it is up for discussion, and which is why I have answered as I have so far. Challenging the wild and inaccurate claims, and adding my own personal opinion.
  13. Choovanski

    Choovanski New Member

    Jan 13, 2019
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    with an attitude like yours, I can see why you spend so much time on this forum Ioboram

    as for me, I've said my piece and I'm out. you're welcome to ignore the complaints and growing dissatisfaction in the player base, just as you ignore the importance of PvP and competitive gear in Black Desert Online.

    so continue on, ignore the new players who are displeased. watch the population dwindle even more than it has. sounds like a great direction for this server.

    PsychoticPR likes this.
  14. optyk

    optyk New Member

    Dec 2, 2019
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    It's a video game; entertainment and a hobby -no different than any other. Attempting to invalidate it as you did is ridiculous and quite rude. And please, lets not use absolutes ok? Because I'm aware of Streamers and competitive gamers who play games that have an impact on real-life. Go ahead and delete that portion of your reply if you want to be taken seriously in the future.

    Ahh, Idealism is very cute. Love it!
    Realistically tho, on a private server such as this, it's no easy task -even with ~1k players. BDO itself is very reliant on the player market to function as a whole. SWG private servers, more often than not, continue to struggle because they also need a huge playerbase and a well-fed market -which is why on those servers, people multi-box and run 3-4 accounts at once to make up the difference. On these types of games, the markets are something that need constant tweaking because of their impact, its not just a 'one and done' flip. Right now the economy got reset, but not its current existing, established playerbase. Thats bad. So new players are forced into a very tight gameloop while other pre-CM players are nearly free from the effects of the switch.

    See, well now we're going to get into the off-topic debate of is BDO a "sandbox" MMORPG. Running around spamming the R key or setting up 4 horses to run in a loop is not very appealing to me BUT they work and they work well right? So, why is the alternative (combat) not viable and appealing? IMO -I don't want to pick flowers or lock up my PC by going in hamster circles while AFK. I mean, to each their own, if you like that stuff, cool, but the difference is that those are viable and reasonable options, while currently, combat and Special Deals are not. Why?

    Put your money where your mouth is. Go ahead and create a fresh, brand new account. I can guarantee your perspective and attitude would be very different. You will most likely, after playing, question why you're investing the time here instead of just playing on Retail. Why? Cause we get free pearls? I mean, you gotta throw money at GameZ too, nothing is free.

    You seem semi-intelligent, so I'm going to assume you realize all the free Pearls in the world mean nothing if you have no reason(s) to use them. Also, GameZ does indeed have a Web Shop that offers items you cannot get in-game and need to spend real-life-money to acquire should you choose to. Equal comparisons can be made, it's a trade-off. And since we're being candidly honest, if I'm going to support the server with my cash, I wouldn't mind even more benefits than I currently get if everyone else is just gonna no-life F2P off of my dime. Fair is fair right?

    I'll tell you this much. As a new player to GameZ specifically (I also brought 4 people with me but have told 5 others to hold off for now until I experience more), this server is indeed becoming questionable on supporting. While it technically does offer boosted stats, it's not balanced at all and you end up almost worse off in the end. As far as it being "dead", I only play on NA, but from my experience so far -and I play daily, it resembles "dead". I hardly run into other active players outside of the cities. In fact, I'm actually curious about what people are doing - I hardly see anyone gathering/farming or even running loops grinding at spots. The only interaction I've come across so far has been nothing but bored PKers doing it for the sweaty lulz. But right now? GameZ is a husbandry simulator for those that did not outright drop cash on a Dream Horse from the Web Shop. Solo/Group combat is definitely not at the forefront of things or even equal to other methods -kinda feels like buying a Playboy to only read the articles.

    Retaining existing, post-softcap players is working, but now they need to tweak the appeal for new players to be here instead of somewhere else - and sooner than later.

    I will give credit where its due in that this server is the most polished of them all. I've tried a couple of others and while their progression/boosts are different (and possibly better), the overall experience was quite poor.
    Choovanski, PsychoticPR and Beshka like this.
  15. loboram

    loboram Respected Member Forum Legend

    Jan 29, 2018
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    @optyk I think this is a very weird thing of you to do...once again a player has joined the forum of GamezBD within the last month, and instead of behaving as an adult, being gracious and almost kind, you IMMEDIATELY use two of your 5 in total posts on this entire forum, to pursue a player who has answered @dariolucconi's posts in a quite frank manner. Basically offering their own opinion on a Discussion thread, which is exactly what they are for.
    Wondering why you think it is Idealistic to think that it is up to the players of GamezBD, to increase the prices on the Central Market? It only works to improove (how it sounds) the income of the Special-Deals-partying, a term that has to be renamed since there no longer is a Special-Deals tab on the new Central-Market for players to buy the items at a greatly reduced price.
    Actually GamezBD is completely for free...I have no idea why you think it is not. "Investing" time here is not actually a thing since you gain no monetary income from playing this game at all. Lastly the amount of psychotic-toxicity humans are getting away with on "Retail-BDO" is insane, and here on GamezBD they are at least trying to curb such behavior.
    Here is an example of how to break the server-forum-rules; a direct personal attack. That is a no-no on our community, and while I get the urge to lash out at someone for their opinions, it is not something that we encourage here on GameZ in general. Anything you can Buy yourself on the Webshop is a waste of money, and for people who are poor, this is not something that they wish to spend their money on. Supporting the GameZ-site and perhaps even donating from time to time, is the best most poor people can do. It is supremely arrogant to believe that your world view and station in life is the same as everyone elses.
    Then I suggest you stop playing here and go somewhere else, if our servers and services do not live up to your standards. I personally believe that you are just one more of those players who will try to tear down the good of this server-project in order to gain tiny progress enhancements, in what amounts to nothing more than a computer game, also there is no way to earn real-life money from this game in particular, since it has no tournaments with real-life-money being offered to the winners, nor do I personally see that donating to players who stream their gaming as a real income, since it can go away just as quickly as you got it, so not really a STEADY-income source, such as a job for instance, which MANY players have and also actual Real-Lives to live, instead of just wasting their valuable time on computer games.
    The one thing you have to say that is actually nice/kind about this project, so I do thank you for it, but it is indeed hard to see with all the other stuff you have clouded the forum with so far.

    So all in all, please do not use direct personal attacks on out forums, also if you dislike this version of BDO, then please go somewhere else, instead of starting to belittle and spew bile all over something fantastic like the GameZ-site and services, as well as the players who want to keep this project going AND all the GameZ-staffmembers.
  16. optyk

    optyk New Member

    Dec 2, 2019
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    Oh please, stop acting insulted on every post; there was no personal attack(s). If you feel I broke the rules, then please do click that report button and if a Moderator deems what I did was against them then I'll submit and adjust accordingly.

    Come to the realization that this project -as you put it, is not meant for just a select group, and others will have a difference of opinion that does not line up with your own, it happens. Deal. For example, I'm forced to deal with you if I want to post here. Not everyone gets along. That's life and its OK. When people disagree with you, and they will, it's not a personal attack and you don't get to wave the victim flag as a defense every time it happens.

    Your angered finger-waving and Gatekeeping posts are silly. It's reminiscent of that kid up in his tree fort with a "No girls allowed!" sign or that Evil Monkey who hides in the closet on The Family Guy. (I googled that expression for you just in case. be sure to not apply it in a literal sense, go ahead and give it a click)

    GameZ is not free. You-know-this. I'm sure someone at some point went over the whole "money does not grow on trees" story? It can be played free sure, but only from the support of others. Thats the reality; accept it or don't -that's on you to come to terms with, not me. I'm not concerned about what other people's money situations are, nor can I be expected to be -that's their business, not mine. The factual result is that this is not free; nothing is. Deflecting from the original point and pretending to be a modern-day Internet Robin Hood is pointless, irrelevant and a farse. But hey, more power to ya.

    Please don't thank me for something that was not meant for you, I gave you nothing. The server compliment was meant for the Devs or the Community Reps that might read it or pass it on. It was the closing of my reply to express the intent was not toxic, but candid, upfront and fair. Maybe they'll see it, maybe they won't. Maybe, other players will see it and realize that it's entirely possible to enjoy something, but at the same time be critical and offer opinions on how it could be better in their eyes. Some are tactful, some are not. It happens.

    I mean, unless you're part of the GameZ staff? (you do speak as if you are) Then, in that case, you're very welcome!

    Although, this hardly sounds like something a staff member would openly say on the forums:
    Did... you... just really... say that out loud on...the... forums? Use your inside voice Loboram, inside voice!

    Ya know tho...You don't even proofread your own posts. Like, at all.
    I can't take you seriously after this, I mean what sensible person could? It's one thing to debate over mechanics and balance of the game, it's another when ignorance is obviously prevalent.

    BTW: Your forum title, post count and join date do not validate your opinion(s). In fact, one might say it has no bearing on the outcome of real-life and that's its just a game, right ole' chap? Who said that again? Oh, you did.

    Enough is enough. I don't know you, I don't want to know you and I certainly don't want to teach life lessons over the Internet. I think its better if we see other people. Please don't stalk me any further, it's creepy and cringy.

    Anyway, now that the OPs post has been completely derailed with 100% off-topic nonsense; take care Sir Loboram. Good luck with whatever-it-is you do.
    Choovanski and PsychoticPR like this.
  17. loboram

    loboram Respected Member Forum Legend

    Jan 29, 2018
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    Look I can obviously see that I have SOMEHOW offended you @optyk, and for that I am sorry. NOTHING in my post is meant as a direct personal attack towards you, since I at NO point actually say that.

    Yeah you are indeed right about having to deal with some people who seem delusional from time to time, that is absolutely true, that is an unfortuante outcome from having an open forum...ANYone can offer their opinions, but that does not mean that they should attack other players spewing bile onto them just because they happen to disagree. Doesn't mean I am a victim, but your post directed at me certainly doesn't disqualify that either, try to moderate your replies so that they are general statements instead of direct personal attacks in the future.

    I have NO idea where "Gatekeeping" comes into the picture, nor that I somehow pretend to be part of the staff, because at NO point have I EVER said I was, and this gatekeeping business is entirely in your head pal.

    You do seem to be reading an aweful lot into my written words, as if you could somehow sense the intonation in my voice, but you forget that this is a written media, so once again that in all in your head pal.
    GameZ is offered as a FREE service to the ENTIRE world. That is a FACT. So as long as there are players and patrons willing to support this site financially then they will continue to be.

    At no point have I ever "stalked" you, you are behaving delusional once again, all I did was a simple click on your forum name in order to verify what your intent was on our community, that is all. However it is indeed a GREAT way to get to know a player's views and opinions on this forum, this way anyone part of this community can go back and read about how this or that player has "grown" in opinions and views, as well as how they react and answer posts in general.
    Stalking is when people start looking up players nicknames in a game online, trying to find their real identities or other games they play and so forth, it is not that difficult to look that word up. It is not fun when it actually happens to you, speaking from experience.

    Lastly I do think that playing computer games is a complete waste of time, because it is FACTUALLY true, since nothing people do in a computer-game really matters in Life, get your priorities straight. Actually Living life far outweighs the time people WASTE infront of a screen, no matter how big or small it is (TV or Mobile). Not an opinion just a fact, if people believe in science that is as well as a notion of reality.

    So I hope that our differences can be laid to rest now that you are done "trolling" directly against my posts, and that I have managed to somehow adress your distress as well as tried to explain to you what is factual and what is not.
  18. MFDOOM

    MFDOOM Getting there

    Oct 20, 2018
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    Lol lazy people saying server is ruined for new players.

    SD is still really profitable, and that's SD alone. Can also supplement it with other forms of making money. Gathering, horse training, selling processed materials. Oh and the big one, PEN items are as low as 2 - 2.2b. Now sure how much easier new players need it. I wish when i had started PEN items were dirt cheap.

    You guys want SD to be buffed because SD is easiest form of making money. Why is it easy? Because it isn't brain dead boring, you actually get to play your class. Id much rather spend an hour doing SD than picking plants.

    Let's stop pretending and call it what it is, people are lazy.
  19. bsari004

    bsari004 Proficient

    Nov 5, 2018
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