rofl best ping is from croatia from 200-300 ping got to 20-30 how? stealing friends 3gb internet. but who the **** plays here..
who the **** still plays HERE
to be honest thumbs up. rofl
share o.o sharing is caring careing is loving im poor not playing here but i wanna brag i haz much stuff i dont need :D
harm... il show you harm... *unzips pants*
my signature is my face when someone is about to get raped
magic boost cleric? anyone?... sorc can sleep you energys do 2k dmg. sm can fear you they do the same. kiting glads and temps all day kiting...
archon commander divine has bigger magic suppresion and agument lvl 2. elite has a set effect but it doesnt matter. divine is better
y u lumiel ._.