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Suggestion to fix the market situation

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Engetsu, Jun 26, 2019.

  1. Engetsu

    Engetsu New Member

    Jun 26, 2019
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    I don't know if it's happening on the EU server, but the NA server's market had slowly dried up. People at this point are pre - ordering Black stones for ridiculous amount of silver, this goes for many other items. I believe there are 2 reasons for this situation:
    1. The money you can make from AFK training horses is way higher then actual grinding.
    2. The New Life skill system
    With these two reason I wouldn't blame anyone doing AFK horse training to make their money and/or give up on gathering. Right now there is no reason for anyone to play the game when you can make all your money from AFK horse training and then pre-order for crazy amounts for simple items. BDO economy depends on people playing the game. Right now there is too much silver on people and too little people actual gathering and grinding to support the new demands.
    What needs to change is either nerfing horse training ( This should be the last option to consider) or make playing the game worth it more then AFKing in town training horses.

    Possible Solutions for the dried up market:
    1. Increase the drop rates (From black stones, accessories and trash loot) in grind spots like Crescents, aakman and other areas
    2. Increase the sell amount on the trash loot
    3. Put Belongings of an Adventurer on all the bosses
    4. Lower mastery amount needed to gather sharps/Hards/Caphras/Dust to equal loot scroll. (Currently you will need 1k Mastery for gathering to just get the same drops as if you were using a loot scroll)
    5. Nerf the horse prices at this point ( last option)
  2. Sadlayp

    Sadlayp New Member

    Oct 26, 2018
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    just buff pve grinding
  3. Engetsu

    Engetsu New Member

    Jun 26, 2019
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    I like that simple answer "Buff PVE Grinding" and I agree with that.
  4. loboram

    loboram Respected Member Forum Legend

    Jan 29, 2018
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    Well I suppose that you could be right about the market place, but the evidence tells a different story. Facts say that the ebb and flow of players from the TWO servers they have, is varying as well as unpredictable, especially since this is a private server. Private servers see a bunch of people just shying away from them, based on the premise that they CAN leave a worm in your system, that may then be used to frag your life up in various ways, so other than this private servers are also known for suddenly and without warning shutting down.

    The number of players is then already quite limited, add to that the "I am bored"-rate of different generations, and you get simpleminded people who join and leave games arbitrarily, within a week they have found something new.

    So all in all the reason the Market Place is nearly empty is mainly because MOST players here on GamezBD think that the game itself is all about grinding and NOTHING else, they simply REFUSE to do Gathering and such to get the Market Place filled with items needed.

    You are then advocating for more items that YOU, specifically, need right now to be on the MP (Market Place) but just like you most players are just waiting for the same thing. The amount of hardcore grinders and players on our community has shifted towards nearly none, which affects how many items that EVERYONE want, get put on the MP in general.

    I can see the problem but I cannot see how your solutions are going to change the baseline of private servers in general, which is to say that they will always suffer when some "legendary" players leave the server, you know the ones, yeah them. The players that got the top gear and did the grind for hours a day only to put it all on MP, PEN'ed Boss Gear and so on. TRUE heroes of this community, and most of them unknown.
  5. Engetsu

    Engetsu New Member

    Jun 26, 2019
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    I do see what you mean about my suggestions, it does sound like items I need. To be honest I don't really need the market place to be filled its just something I have notice time and time again. I currently grind 3-4 hrs after work on the week days and 6 hrs on the weekends. I took the time to upgrade manos gear, currently have TET gathering suit, PEN Manos Limber axe, and duo-tri manos Accessories. I have full pen weapons and boss armor. My accessories are what I am working on right now... Yes it would benefit me if any of those solution would happen, but it will also benefit a lot players who actual plays the game too. Even if none of these happen I still actively grind and put items I don't need on the market. As a side note, I do not Afk horse train... I prefer to actual play the game and that what I do.
    loboram likes this.
  6. loboram

    loboram Respected Member Forum Legend

    Jan 29, 2018
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    There is a good idea in your suggestion, I fully agree with your option number 3; to add Adventurer's Belongings to all bosses, even the ones like Mudster, Quint & Muraka and the like.

    My opinion is simple about this problem, other than Kolka mentioning changing horse-prices again to "balance" the game-play between AFKing players and Actively playing;
    all we need is either to decrease the value amount lost of SD-items "per X minutes"
    or to make the minimum price value for items dropped higher
    or to make the SD-item's minimum automatic-selling higher

    All of those options will specifically affect Active playing, remember that this game is a MMO (means you have to find others to play SD-party), while not making the game entirely SOLO-able which is not the game-concept by the way.

    HAHAHAAA! I just reread the idea behind the first post, it was about number of drops missing for a Single-player to be able to get enough accessories in order to enhance them, so just disregard the statement above, it is mainly meant for making a better "balance" between AFK and Active playing.
  7. RevelationsOn

    RevelationsOn Proficient

    Feb 2, 2018
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    Like I said on the other thread, they just need to buff everything up.
    With still around 1.5k++ every weekend events and steady 1.2k++ every weekdays, you can see people are still playing the game not to mention even if they are AFK most of the time.
    The only problem is? Activities such as SD was nerfed though we can say it may be good before? But now that activity is gone, I think they should bring it back up again.
    Also, if the MP central thingy is implemented where you don't need to wait 7days++ and repost something you posted in MP because no one bought it.... I don't think we would see these people complaining coz I mean, you get all the loots and try to sell them in MP; you gets silvers.
    You tend to just buy everything all PEN and just massive PO's most likely on the harder earned gears such as PEN accessories lol
    loboram likes this.
  8. loboram

    loboram Respected Member Forum Legend

    Jan 29, 2018
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    It is indeed going to be hell trying to balance this, I mean giving a handful of players exactly what they want; an amazingly easy and quickest way to reach Maximum gear, versus leaving the game-concept of having to "work" for the gear that is being sold like candy on the MP.

    All hail whomever they are that keep posting the PEN gear, I think it is awesome that you keep doing it, I just cannot imagine that you would need to or even want to after gaining the first 20 Billion-silver, what to spend all that silver on when you already have maximum gear, other than Accessories?

    Then the players will of course start whining about how hard it is to get the Accessories, and eventually the community caves in on that too, and then this version of BDO is just about walking around fighting other players left and right because it is an "open-world-PvP-game" as they claim, leaving no room for the other types of gamers.

    Hmmm...Lost track of what this was about :D

    Sorry it was about making the market place viable and how to make Active playing versus AFK playing a thing again so the players who spend far too much in-game have a clear benefit against the "lazy/casual" players who just want to enjoy the game when they have the time.
    RevelationsOn likes this.
  9. Elyann

    Elyann Getting there

    Sep 11, 2018
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    I'm honestly against any horse training nerfs ; as some other people have already stated the issue here is that the other ways of earning silver have simply been nerfed too much ( SD ) or were never buffed enough in the first place ( life skills , solo grinding money ) .

    It is true that the game's purpouse is to "work hard towards enhancing your gear" but it also true that the people who came here were attracted by the 10x rates and by the easier enhancing chances , aka they do not want to have a hard time or at least not as hard as they did on Retail. It could be students or people with a job , players who can not afford to spend 12-24 hours a day on a game and who'd still like to be competitive ; making things be increasingly harder on them will make the server's playerbase drop and will prevent future customers from joining.
    This server is actually targeted to casuals ; nothing forbids you to go hardcore but this isn't a reason to ruin other player's fun or their experience.

    Another of the issues with "the market" is how many types of items never ever tend to sell, thus flooding your listed items space or your inventory's / storage's . It would be nice if it was possible to sell them to some npcs or if they were auto bought by the system for idk...even 25-30% of their market price.

    Getting TET and PEN is hard enough as it is , I won't even deal with the "accessories" topic . Cron stones prices have doubled and now caphras mean you have one more thing to grind for . The player needs to have access to more significant , stable and yet somewhat balanced amounts of silver, no matter what kind of activity they do in order to earn it ( grinding alone , with a party , life skilling , horse training , trading , creating their small workers empire , ecc... ) .
    loboram and RevelationsOn like this.
  10. Carez

    Carez New Member

    Sep 24, 2018
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    TL: DR
    IMO the server is fine. Grind money and afk activities seem fine to me. I can make 150-300m/hr solo depending on drops and spot. I can also make 150-350m/hr doing SD depending on spot/drops. The issue people seem to have with grinding is that they're not always able to grind the most efficient spot for item/hr or silver/hr due to spots being contested. Even so, when we look at "active play", this always yields more silver than afk activities. Therefore there is no reason to nerf afk activities.


    Regarding horse lifeskilling, there is no need to nerf. That AFK activity is fine. Its a good source of income when you're off doing other things like working, dealing with family, off with IRL friends etc.... It serves a purpose because over time you can buy an PEN additional item or two from the market over time while enhancing your other gear. Without that, there would be a lot more PENs just sitting and a lot more unhappy players. Additionally, you can also pre-order some items. Yes some pre-orders can get excessive but there's no way to stop that. Anyone with any surplus of game currency and a focus on what they need will always be willing to spend extra currency to get what they want. If you really want an alternative to horse life skilling, then the GamezBD Devs should buff the value of fish and trade items and have AFK fishing / active-trading being more profitable to give players some diversity in the things they can do. Silver making diversity is always a good thing.

    I also don't think they even need to buff the drop rate of blackstones and trash loot. If you need blackstones you can grind up a decent amount very quick if you understand where and how. I personally sell them every time I have a stack of 100 each so I help supply the market. And should I need some for use, I can go grind and make about 500(+/-) blackstones (combined armor/weapon) within 1 hour . There are a few places where this is possible if done right. Every time I go to these grind spots, they're uncontested and it boggles me when people claim they can't get blackstones timely. Spend 3-5 hours griding at the locations for blackstones and build yourself a surplus. Its easy.

    People talk about SD at places yielding best grind money, ranging from 150-350m/hr depending on spot and drops. I can consistently make 150-300m/hr at several grind spots solo, depending on drops. And if I go to the few blackstone drop fields (where they drop like candy), I can definitely pull 100+m/hr plus keep the blackstones. Or if I sold all the blackstones, it would be 250m-ish /hr.

    If anything, the only thing that annoys me is the lack of a handful of accessories on the market. But, im ok with that scarcity as if they were plentiful by artificial means or higher drop rates then getting pen accessories would be faster for a number of players. Im not going to argue the good/bad of that scenario as everyone seems to be in a different camp on that one.
    loboram and RevelationsOn like this.
  11. RevelationsOn

    RevelationsOn Proficient

    Feb 2, 2018
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    Big + for this guy here!
    loboram likes this.

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