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Make World/Filed Bosses more worthy to farm !

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by MrJLJL, Jun 2, 2020.

  1. MrJLJL

    MrJLJL New Member

    Dec 1, 2018
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    As we all know we are facing an issue with most of the bosses in game ... which is lack of players framing specific bosses such as Mirumok Destroyer Offin/Katzvariak...etc
    so i suggest to add a box dropped from those bosses who's having lack of players issue .
    This box have 100% chance to drop from the bosses but only one item can be obtained from it .
    The percentages are different between the types and each color represent the difficulty of drop's rate .

    High drop
    Medium drop
    Low drop

    Rarely drop
    1. (50-100) Caphras Stone bundle
    2. Dragon Scale Fossil (50-100)
    3. Pearl (250-500)
    4. Black Spirit's Claw Piece (1-2)
    5. Flawless Magical Black Stone (1-3)
    6. Boss scroll dimtree/Ahib Griffon/Urugon (1)
    Those items can be changed/Adjust or add more on it ... the suggest is open for discussion .
    For remaining bosses which not facing the same issue such as DimTree/Karanda...etc

    will not be included in the Box drop .

    Thank you
  2. Kolka

    Kolka <Prison Officer> Staff Member Super Moderator

    Dec 11, 2011
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    Do we have bosses more often than retail?
    Is it possible on retail to switch channel and kill boss twice on different channel?
    I thkn its can be reason that we spawn too often bosses. If we will do like weekly gramoth for example its be alot people on it. How often Garmoth spawns on retail?
    loboram and Foxx23 like this.
  3. Bandattack

    Bandattack New Member

    May 10, 2020
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    i agree for those suggestions
  4. Kolka

    Kolka <Prison Officer> Staff Member Super Moderator

    Dec 11, 2011
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    loboram likes this.
  5. Bandattack

    Bandattack New Member

    May 10, 2020
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    1- yes we do
    2-in the mean time ? i'm not sure but let's say nope

    it's not depends on how many times the boss spawns in the server there is few bosses such as offfin no one need his weapon anymore excluding few players who's won't be able to kill him alone i did face this problem truly with offin /nouver , doesn't matter if they did not spawn from a long time or if they just spawned no one farming them at all nouver may have a few players in there farming him but rarely seen , so i agree for sure on this suggest not just because of the idea of having a nice box , but also to have a great experience farming the bosses which we have missed for months
    MrJLJL likes this.
  6. Bandattack

    Bandattack New Member

    May 10, 2020
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    garmoth has no problem at all , the problem is in ( offin / nouver/ muraka/ etc )
  7. Kolka

    Kolka <Prison Officer> Staff Member Super Moderator

    Dec 11, 2011
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    its same too often spawn bosses, time ago community asked us to make they custom timer cuz its need more bosses per week. Now u see problem in it, so we will move it back to retail like timer and on all bosses u have alot people cuz boss spawn be rare thing.
    loboram likes this.
  8. ToBad

    ToBad New Member

    Apr 14, 2020
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    less boss's doesn't mean more people it means they are harder to kill in some situations and there are not enough active players on to run boss's so half the time you just see the boss de-spawn with a quarter HP due to "inactivity" you might want to look into increasing there de-spawn timers again
    MrJLJL and Bandattack like this.
  9. Kolka

    Kolka <Prison Officer> Staff Member Super Moderator

    Dec 11, 2011
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    Yes its cuz people not go to every boss, cuz its too often. That what i mean. If u will have 3 garmoth only per week, believe me all of them will killed and no despawned by inactivity, u not agree?
    loboram likes this.
  10. Skalle

    Skalle New Member

    May 26, 2020
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    but if bosses spawn less it will effect new players too much lower gear players can only farm bosses in that case high gear players already dont care bosses it will only effect low players to get less income thats my opinion.
    MrJLJL likes this.
  11. Kolka

    Kolka <Prison Officer> Staff Member Super Moderator

    Dec 11, 2011
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    If u see alot mosnters which is despawn due to inactivity how it affect new commers? Less boss but make it active its make newcommers not spend time on boss which they cant kill, and spend time on bosso nly when its always success kill cuz alot people come.
    loboram likes this.
  12. Kasterio

    Kasterio New Member

    Jun 2, 2020
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    more bosses gives opportunity for everybody to kill the boss he needs .. if they became rare to spawn alot of player can't come ..
    the suggestion is great in my opinion because it would make it worth fighting bosses that are ignored .. make them useful instead of being a filler in a list
    MrJLJL likes this.
  13. lenobia

    lenobia New Member

    Apr 24, 2020
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    mate people asking if you can make some more reward on bosses because they drop not so useful stuffs and you say lets make bosses less spawn. its not solution for it xD you always close gates to newcomers. if you make them drop some more useful things new population will farm bosses more offen for catch other players.
    Bandattack and MrJLJL like this.
  14. MrJLJL

    MrJLJL New Member

    Dec 1, 2018
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    it's not about the despawn time or how often bosses spawn .
    even if you decrease how many time the bosses spawn , the items that you get when you kill the bosses is still worthless .
    an example if you keep Mirumok Destroyer Offin spawn once a week , the players will not show-up because he is still not worth , no reason to go and kill him .
    new players wants to farm him ... but once you cross a certain point in the game .. you don't need to fight him again.
    now , if i'm around 200ap and i need the weapon , tell me how can we kill him with 5-7 player around my gear , that is if i found someone .

    If there is something worth farming ( such as the box i mention which can be useful to all players 0-309ap ^^ ) players will show up .
    it's more fun to fight bosses with many players and it will make abandoned bosses active again .

    "time ago community asked us to make they custom timer cuz its need more bosses per week".
    -time changes , players comes and go , what was valuable before , some of it is worthless now .

    "Now u see problem in it"
    -custom timer is perfect and does not need change , i'm talking about the quality of the items in abandoned bosses


    thx to all who reply and gave us his opinion.
  15. bigtablecloth

    bigtablecloth Getting there

    Apr 25, 2020
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    Kolka can you remove accessories from dark rift boxes please, there are too many accesories on the market. there is only one good grind spot in the game and its stars end. lots and lots of players grind there and not enough space. or please buff other grind spots like basilisk, centaur, bashim, etc.

    and one more thing, can you decrease the enhance rate on PEN attempt please, its too high and there are tons of PENs on market and nobody buys them. make it like retail, 5% chance for PEN
  16. MrJLJL

    MrJLJL New Member

    Dec 1, 2018
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    You start rant about your own problem and ignored our subject which disrepected us.
    You wrote about an other subject not related to my subject without asking me.
    Dude...! you can open your own Thread with your own problem .

    Please dont go out of the subject I wrote .
    loboram likes this.
  17. Kolka

    Kolka <Prison Officer> Staff Member Super Moderator

    Dec 11, 2011
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    We investigated statistic of bosses, its already generate ALOT new items everyday which is enough comparable to our rates so it no need changes.
    loboram and Foxx23 like this.
  18. Kasterio

    Kasterio New Member

    Jun 2, 2020
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    Bosses such offin are being ignored because they don't give a valuable loot for the higher gear people ..
    you need to encourage people to go and grind dead bosses (as the writer said) by giving them what worth and they need it to grind for it .
    a chest that drops some useful things for higher gears players will make it worth go to the boss ...

    Such changes will make the game more active and it helps new players kill the bosses ... rather than going to a boss and no one is there to kill

    Please have respect to the writer of the subject and go complain somewhere else
  19. Foxx23

    Foxx23 New Member

    Dec 2, 2019
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    actually. it gets ignored because the gear is ONLY useful if you're on a very specific high AP bracket, and with the current meta, it's arguably not even worth going for it over kzarka on that build, since the 309 ap bracket isn't a particularly high jump, so the accuracy from kzarka (or bs) makes up for it easily. unless you need the +2 crit on your class

    the main issue with bosses for older players is that more often than not world bosses become the meetings of guilds to gvg and bosses end up being ignored cause why bother melting a bigger than usual mob when you can "f*ck that guy up!"?
    though yeah, some of the mid-tier drops from bosses are reeeeeeeeeeeeeeally underwhelming. especially the kagutum rings on garmoth, serendia shrine rings on kzarka, etc..
    though they're still a decent way to make money, even with meh RNG. the gold bars are nice, the pure magical black stones do come in handy for enhancing boss gear, the boss gear is always a decent quick injection of money if you get lucky.. and belongings are always nice.

    on the reply to the other person...
    yeah, that person is literally complaining about the reason why people play gamez over retail in the first place...
  20. Foxx23

    Foxx23 New Member

    Dec 2, 2019
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    stop RIGHT THERE buddy. offin is literally the worst boss weapon in the game. if you're at 200AP you do not need it. you'll be literally lowering your damage output from having it compared to kzarka
    accuracy is MASSIVE in pvp and still better than raw AP numbers in PVE. for PVE, the only gear you should be considering swapping around is Kutum/Nouver and when to drop your Kzarka for Blackstar(which you always go blackstar if you can afford it)

    as for the KUTUM or NOUVER debate, just ask yourself 2 questions, depending on your current AP bracket:
    (less than 260 kutum) "will I be 261~269 with a pen nouver?"
    if the answer is yes, you go nouver. if the answer is no, you keep kutum

    (past 270 nouver) "will I be past 265 with kutum?"
    if the answer is yes, time to drop the nouver offhand.

    if you need further context: when you swap your kutum for nouver, you're dropping 13 accuracy and gaining 13 raw AP. which, due to how AP brackets scale, is worth for those specific AP brackets, since they give you a big jump in effective/total AP.
    however, 13 accuracy is more damage than 13 raw AP. AND kutum has up to +62 damage against monsters.
    when you're dropping kzarka for offin, you're sure, gaining 3 raw AP, but you're dropping 18 accuracy.
    Which, in case you're not paying attention, is much more than the 13 drop from nouver, and even more than 3. even if accuracy to raw AP was a 1:1 ratio, which is not, but for the sake of the argument let's say it is: you're losing 15 damage. not a single AP bracket justifies that much of a drop.

    "when do you use offin, then?" there is a build you can go for classes who need the +2 crit effect from offin, but that build requires you to already be at full pen c20 AND run an accuracy offhand. it's very class dependant, it requires you to lose one gem slot on your offhand and fiery buff for your kutum or nouver(which you can still use in pvp for a raw boost in AP if you have enough accuracy to hit your enemy - the AP brackets do actually change a bit more depending on class. some classes only need about 270 AP to 1shot anything, some need around 290. nouver comes into play there)
    which even if you, as a new player think "oh, I'm going for that offin build because my class needs the crit" bad news for you: once the dawn earrings come out, which probably is on the next patch, that build becomes inefficient for even the classes who use offin for the crit, since you'll be able to reach the 309AP bracket with double dawn earring and kutum while keeping roughly the same accuracy (you do lose a bit, but the 12% crit damage you gain from the 2nd corrupt crystal AND 10% special evasion+150 HP from Garmoth's heart outweighs the accuracy loss even in pvp)

    also, you're talking about the single most difficult boss encounter in the game, especially when people don't know what they're doing. AND considering the fight is perfect and there are no bugs happening at all that would cause the boss to go in an invincibility state. (which let's face it: happens a bit more often than it should in gamez)
    but yeah, it's doable with 5-7 players with proper equipment (and for offin specifically, I'm not talking about high AP/DP, I'm talking about hunting matchlocks and the required buffs. just google it up and you'll see what I mean)
    I think what Kolka is referring to is that people will complain about anything at any given time, regardless of what's being done to remedy issues already.
    what makes things go from valuable to worthless is called inflation. a couple months ago, for example, caphras stones were worth about 2mil each. with the change from local market to central market, they sunk massively in price. at that time, roughly, you could make 300mil/hour mindlessly grinding iron mines with a group of friends on Special Deals. which did get nerfed, so it's not as profitable anymore. but solo grinding got indirectly buffed because of that.

    right now, with the AP cap change, which I do love but think it needs to come along with some AI fixes on certain bosses (right garmoth? can you stop flying today?) grind speed (and profit) has been reduced by about 25% on average across all areas. (please someone correct me if the data I've heard is inaccurate, haven't been keeping track on it since day 1 of the change) BUT THE PRICES OF ITEMS ARE GOING DOWN. and here you are wanting to inject even more items in the market...
    loboram and marsseven like this.

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