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Suggestion -> Add Boss Weapons to Kolka exchange list

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Morthar, Nov 17, 2020.

  1. Morthar

    Morthar New Member

    Oct 19, 2020
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    Hello everyone,

    Since I started playing here on GameZBD I have noticed that naturally some aspects of the game were off due to the very custom mechanics and even due to drop ratings.
    But let's not despair!

    One of them that I think is one of the most concerning is the lack of use we have to boss gear +0 dropped from world bosses around the game. Since the drops are high and basically everyone can get a hand on such a valuable item, the market for +0 boss weapons are quite inexistent. I got already a lot of Dandelion, Kzarka, Nouver, etc. stacked on minimum pre offer and absolutely none was sold in the past month, and that, as I said, is natural, since it is no worth spending such dozens of millions on that.

    So, in order to make those boss items more rewarding as drops, and avoid making them a dead element as they are now (what is quite sad), I suggest introducing boss gear to Kolka exchange list, and I even suggest providing money for the boss item in exchange, like, 50% of the market price.
    Why raw money? It would be possible to exchange the boss item for enhancing materials such as memory fragments or concentrated magical black stones for example, but that would hurt the lifeskillers even more since those enhancing materials are already stacked onto the market, hence providing money for the boss items: that would help not only the player who dropped the item, but as well would help all others who depend on the market to make incomes.

    Thank you very much.
    Puffery, ludiq, Patt and 1 other person like this.
  2. Whineseeker

    Whineseeker New Member

    May 28, 2020
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    Agree with that!
  3. loboram

    loboram Respected Member Forum Legend

    Jan 29, 2018
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    Alright, I guess it took a bit to figure out what this was all about, but I got there eventually.
    Your problem, is that you have gotten yourself a bunch of Boss-Weapon-boxes, and because you have been trying to sell them at absolutely minimum, you are irritated that they do not sell at all.

    Hmmm...The thing is, the more content you add, which is just a way to avoid using the Central Market, the LESS the whole Central Market is going to be used, as you could easily see what happened to the Caphras Stones:
    GamezBD adds a free form of creating Caphras Stones, you just have to exchange your free Pearls. Mainstream is happy, and get to collect trillions in silver.
    Then the Caphras Stones prices on the CM (Central Market) drop to minimum, which sets off the mainstream and they start complaining, but they start selling the Caphras Stones to the NPC Vendors instead. Mainstream is once again happy, and get to collect billions in silver.
    Then they changed the NPC Vendor price of the Caphras Stones, and the mainstream just lost their collective minds. A lot of players have left our community because things weren't being changed and catered specifically to their needs and desires.

    The thing is, you cannot avoid using the Central Market, because once you add even more shaite to "make things easier", the more you undermine the whole ideology of the game itself. EITHER GamezBD should run a BDO-like-game-version, where they change EVERYthing they can possibly get their heads around, OR they should make a Pearl-Abyss-like-BDO-game-version, where they try to stay true to the ideology of the game creators, and then add some modifiers that make GamezBD unique and interesting to more players than just catering to the mainstream.
  4. Morthar

    Morthar New Member

    Oct 19, 2020
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    @loboram ,
    you got anywhere, as usual of you.

    Yet once again not missing the opportunity to distorting speeches, diminishing other players, and ultimately corroding and devaluing one's topic and image.

    Every single manifestation of mine since I got in this community was an honest attempt of helping this server to improve, since I really like this place and want to see it succeeding. Therefore, childish statements of yours (of which I grew tired), like affirming that all this topic was motivated because "I am irritated for not selling stuff on Central Market", are really insulting.

    I don't know if you gain something by sabotaging players suggestions in this forum, and I don't really care;
    I don't know how many people you think you fool with your pedantic talking and your cynic good guy image, and I don't really care;
    What I really know is that you never fooled me and my patience with you has ran out.
    In the end you are only a toxic person hidden and armored behind a veteran account, with little or non existent will of helping and befriending people around here towards the same objective: working for the improvement of GameZBD.

    Having all that being said, I am from now on making use of a right of mine as a legitimate user in this forum, firstly and lastly, permanently banning you from all my topics, knowing that you have nothing to contribute anyways.

    Have all a good weekend.
    Last edited: Nov 22, 2020
    onlydehaka likes this.
  5. loboram

    loboram Respected Member Forum Legend

    Jan 29, 2018
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    I have replied inside the quote of your reply, in this text format.
    ALL I actually did, was add my thoughts on the topic, nothing more and nothing less.
    Sure I could have been constructive and supportive, but as you can easily see by your replies, I am not that inclined to being "extra"-nice to you, when you do this in return.
    I see that your biggest concern is generating more silver in-game, but your method is really counterproductive because you are trying to add even more functions, that will take away silver from the Central Market; which is the REAL problem here.

    Look, all I can say is stop sucking on the teet of mainstreamism that has you believing in whatever others tell you.
    I have done exactly what you did, I put my thoughts on a digital sheet of 1's and 0's, then I hit "post".
    I have NEVER set out to be intentionally rude to anyone, and there are a handful of forum users who have been extremely adapt at trying to make me do that exact thing. MY problem was that instead of just reporting them and deleting their posts/replies, I always tried talking to them first, which unfortunately lead to long drawn out conversations, that really had no business on the forum topic they appeared in. I didn't make better people out of the offenders, and it only fueled their desperate attempts at pissing me off.

    Whenever you* READ something that someone writes as something negative, you* might wanna take a long look in the mirror, because then it is much more likely, that you* are the kind of person who would be "toxic" in that manner. I mean you* can read a sentence HOWEVER you* like, but the sentence is still the same, you* as the reader CAN interpret the written word though ALL you* want to, the sentence itself however is never weighed down with emotions, the reader brings those into the picture.

    *YOU meant as "anyone" look it up in a dictionary: #2 (https://www.dictionary.com/browse/you)
  6. CLANNADaniel

    CLANNADaniel Proficient

    Nov 7, 2019
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    I have the same problem, I have 3 base Dandelion katanas sitting on the market for around 4-5 months. I noticed that one sells at around every 10 days. But the thing you have to ask yourself is "what is the target for that item?" Rerollers and some hardworking new players will buy the PEN weapon, won't even bother to upgrade it. So the target for those items is new players almost exclusively (you can make the blackstar aura heating base boss weapons too but I don't know if I should consider this). Also, I have to keep in mind that there are 20 classes in the game and other people who want to sell that same weapon too so the chances of one person buying my weapons are even lower. It's just what it is, in my opinion, it's better to have more offer than demand, just look at those 22 Vell's Heart preorders in NA (one of which is mine). In the past you had to pray to get what you wanted because there were no people selling, now it's a "dead" item, at base, yes, but if you upgrade it to PEN you can sell it for sure, they sell every day. Not worth the trouble? Certainly, to me it's not worth it if it isn't above 2b, but that's my choice, and your choice.

    There was a Kolka exchange in the past, 2b for any PEN gear if I remember correctly, it inflated the prices of the weapons above 2b artificially. Was it a good change? I don't know. It made PEN weapons more expensive for new players so I don't think so... But on the other hand, to enhance accesories you need almost at all times cron stones, and those require high amounts of silver so, it was a problem for newbies but a good change for end-game players. Then they reversed it and you couldn't sell PENs to Kolka anymore...
    The defensive gear remained untouched because there was a lack of them, they were at 4-8b (yeah, Dim Tree at 4-6b)
    I just don't know what to think about this situation, I would hate it if I were a new player wanting to buy a base weapon but there were none because everyone sold them all to Kolka but on the other hand, silver is nice...

    Edit: I checked the market for main weapons and sub-weapons and there are almost none available for almost all classes, the new ones have a lot more available (for obvious reasons). And noticed that the only weapons that don't sell as fast are Dandelion and Nouver, the rest sell decently fast I would say.
    Last edited: Nov 22, 2020
  7. Daddyloverboi

    Daddyloverboi Getting there

    Aug 31, 2020
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    i mean.... sure why not. but not silver, anything but silver. i dont want people making profit by afk'ing and killing bosses all day. failstacks, crons, artisans, caphra, tons of sharps and hards maybe.

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