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[VOTE] Ultimate GamezBD

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by loboram, Feb 1, 2022.


Is this a possible Future Roadmap, that you would be interested in?

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  1. loboram

    loboram Respected Member Forum Legend

    Jan 29, 2018
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    An "imagined" possible future roadmap
    for the development of GamezBD

    1. Decrease the experience bonus (for character leveling only) to x1 up to level 56 (or 60), afterwards x5 - 10 ?
    2. Adding GamezBD incentives to completing quests by increasing the CP gains and perhaps some Pearls (5-25)?
    3. Increasing the strength (levels & stats & animation speed) of all the monsters?
    4. Increase the droprates for all Life-skills x2 - x3 ?
    5. Increase the prices of ALL gathered materials & increase the cost of all crafted items by x20 - x50 ?
    6. Add GamezBD-Special Treasure Chests* randomly spawned all over the game world?
    7. Increase duration of Weekend events to Weekly events?
    8. Create monthly GamezBD events that can earn the players some Premium time?
    9. Increase the movement rates of all transportation including storage transportation with increased capacity?
    10. Increase Mount movement speed; Road terrain +100%, Rough terrain +50% (same for ships)?
    11. Removing the drop notifications as an option for all, like it is now on retail?
    12. Adding one teleport to all free players with an hour cooldown?
    1. & 2. The game has been designed to keep players interested, and playing for as long as possible. If the Character Leveling rate was decreased, then the game wouldn't feel as "wasteful", because the players would indeed be a compatible level, with the monsters in various areas for much longer. They would therefore receive increased skill experience and combat experience, from the correctly scaled levels between the players and the monsters. This increases the length of time, that the game "feels worthwhile", since currently there is little to no reason for the mainstreamers to do the main questlines, which would then have a much bigger impact, on the Contribution Points gained, as well as the extra incentives added by GamezBD for questing. Forgot to add, that after hitting level 56 (alternatively 60), the leveling bonus would then kick in at x10, possibly increasing again at level 65 to x20.
    3. Increasing the difficulty adds something special to GamezBD, because players aren't too "wow'ed" by the ease, with which you start off dispatching your enemies. It is Far Too easy in the beginning, and it lets the players down eventually, because it means that once they arrive at Mediah, they will sometimes be overwhelmed. This is mainly for completely new players, but also it would mean something for the retail-players as well, a Challenge for their skills, with added benefits of course.
    4. & 5. Trying to fix the Central Market is indeed an insane job, because the developers cannot control, how the players frag up the Market eventually. So instead of trying to control it, making a few adjustments instead, might very well increase the usefulness of a Central -Player to Player- Market. Increasing the value of gathering makes perfect sense, as well as increasing the value, of anything that the players spend time and effort on making.
    6. - 9. *GamezBD Special Treasure Chests, yeah thought might attract your attention. Making something for the players to search for, opens up the game-world in a Much broader way, than it is being used now. Right now only a 0,001 of the game-world, is actually being used on a regular basis. Adding something nice and surprising to the game-world, is sometimes enough to make players break from their old usual patterns. The content could be Pearls and/or Special GamezBD Webshop items, such as costumes or perhaps even Pets once in while. Could even be made in the same manner, as most of the Chests fuction, a RNG "spinning wheel".
    Increasing the duration of the Special Weekend bonuses, will also offer all players the ability to enjoy the far too short events. If extended to whole weeks, then it would cover the 4 weeks a month, letting players who have busy lives during the weekends, finally be able to enjoy that part of the GamezBD specials.
    Creating more GamezBD special events, perhaps even monthly events, would Certainly attract more players. I wouldn't mind helping the team come up with ideas for what, why, when and how, also guessing that there are many players that have some great ideas.
    10. - 12. These last three are merely an afterthought. Increasing the movement rates of Wagons, Ships, and Mounts would surely be an amazing "Quality of (Game)Life" improovement (how it sounds). Also decreasing the Transportation time, both character transporting, and storage transporting. While increasing the storage transport capacity would make things "run more smoothly".
    Removing the drop notifications, and/or manipulating the UI in general, could be a grand addition to the GamezBD specials.
    Finally adding a single free player teleport, would sure as heck increase the interest, of all players to come here to GamezBD.

    Think I made it short and to the point this time :D

    Well as usual, feel free to add your own takes on this, especially if you can add to thread, instead of just trying to tear it down :p
    Last edited: Jun 8, 2022
    timit2thelimit and benzamg168 like this.
  2. benzamg168

    benzamg168 New Member

    Mar 25, 2019
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    Very good advice bro!
    especially 8.9.10
    Weekly/monthly events can really attract me, I am already the equipment of the end game, but I am still exploring the charm of black sand, also suggest that the official can create a twitter account and continue to be active.
    loboram likes this.
  3. loboram

    loboram Respected Member Forum Legend

    Jan 29, 2018
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    I suppose that you mean someone on the GamezBD staff? Perhaps a Developer?

    I think that you mean, that it would be good, especially for the "new gamer generation", to have a twitter account to visit, for more information about the GameZ-network, or just GamezBD.

    Maybe about Updates in development, and upcoming Events?

    Well for your information, the problem crusher Developer Kolka, has made a Telegram channel, with the same function: https://t.me/gamezbd

    I still find it Really Weird, that the "new gamer generation" seems to be allergic to reading, or at the very least find it very tedious, simply because of their approach to having to read anything really :D
    I mean when did reading, and learning stuff become something to loathe?
    Just know that it is meant as observational humour, not mean-spirited, demeaning "jokes", that the internet is apparently known for.
    Last edited: Jun 8, 2022
  4. del0025

    del0025 Banned

    Apr 28, 2021
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    1- there is no reason to slow down lvling at all it would just be annoy to have lower rates for no reason also lvls dont mean much if u dont have gear so who cares how fast people lvl
    2- this could be good but seeing as u get pearls from afking 10 should be the most u get
    3-this sound good till u gotta pvp someone and u just die to mobs all the time and not the person u pvping or get CC once and you die also what about the classes that dont have full protected combos for pve just fuck them? and if u doing all these buff why would u slow down lvling that just makes it even harder and more annoying for people who dont have any gear for no reason and our mobs are already buff (while i would like the mobs to buffed this just seems like it would be a bit much and annoying to deal with seeing as we have no aggro limit because if u do all this then we would need a aggro limit also why the hell would u need to test your skills in PVE that is what pvp is for leave pve as it is)
    4- messing with the rates is dumb they are already good enough too much then people would quit faster cause they get everything faster
    5- again messing with drop rates off sets things and then it would still kill the market if u do up the prices of things
    6- this would only work as good if the rates dont get change because the supply and demand would still be there
    7- this seems good and i would like it cause i have a lot of yellow get but they only hurts new players for getting gear
    8- yea this would be nice just limit it to pearl shop items never anything from the webshop
    9- they can stay weekend events too long and at that point just add them to the main rates
    10- yea this can work just have it be a 1 week prem or limit the ammout of people who can win ( server gotta still make money and selling prem keeps people farim)
    11- i would like this for the compacity the speed on the other hand can stay the same u are not meant so sit and watch them get transport
    12-this i would love to have.
    13-and im fine with this makes getting to spots more easy for new players
  5. loboram

    loboram Respected Member Forum Legend

    Jan 29, 2018
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    You OBVIOUSLY, didn't read the last part, which I added above here, to highlight the meaning and importance.
    Think I will need to enlarge the letters, and enbolden them, in order for Some People to see it.

    Now I get it, Some People like to behave unculture, bad mannered, and just despicable in general, however it doesn't really add to the thread now does it? It very much is indeed just "trying to tear it down".

    I mean saying things like "*F* them", and "is dumb", just makes the rest seem "hostile", and there doesn't seem to be much reasoning behind most of the "feedback".

    Try a little harder, the next time you feel the urge, to comment on someone elses threads, pretty please.

    If you Really wanted to discuss this, then you could have added your own ideas, for changes you want to see happen, and then we could have been exchanging ideas instead of this.
    Last edited: Jun 8, 2022
  6. Svanhylde

    Svanhylde New Member

    Jan 24, 2022
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    Decrease the experience bonus (for character leveling only) to x1 up to level 56 (or 60)
    Yes please, or at least an option to block this insane and unfun levelling bonuses. As new player, wich means no money nor stuff, I have to keep my alts at level 49.99 just to be able to gain first skill/combat points... In case of an optional trigger, fast leveling should be triggered, and normal leveling should be the default setting.

    Adding GamezBD incentives to completing quests by increasing the CP gains and perhaps some Pearls (5-25)
    - In my opinion, CP shouldn't be increased, there are already easy to gain if you actively play ^^ Some more pearls ? why not, but not too much, it's already so easy to gain them just being afk ^^

    Increasing the strength (levels & stats & animation speed) of all the monsters
    - Why not but please do be carefull with that increase button ^^

    Increasing the droprate to x20 - x50
    - Very bad idea in my opinion, will completely ruin the economy (or what's left of it) on the server

    Increase the droprates for all Life-skills x5 - x20

    - Very bad idea in my opinion, will completely ruin the economy (or what's left of it) on the server

    Increase the prices of ALL gathered materials & increase the cost of all crafted items by x10 - x50
    - Errrr so you wanted to increase drop rates (loots and life skilled..) so you can sale trade more and then increase the prices too... Not sure to see the point there, you'll just generate a huge inflation that will cast even more aside casual players that can't farm / play that much and already struggle with prices today

    Reset Central Market prices & x5 - x10 minimum prices for Yellow+ gear
    - Not sure I understood this one properly so no comment for now about it

    Add GamezBD-Special Treasure Chests* randomly spawned all over the game world
    - That could be fun. What sort of key should be used in your opinion then ?

    Increase duration of Weekend events to Weekly events
    - I think many players prepare those week end events , it's part of their routine. Making it last a whole week would be diminishing the interess of it....

    Create monthly GamezBD events that can earn the players some Premium time
    - That would e a bit too much with all the regular events that already exists don't you think. Too much event kills the event spirit.

    Increase the movement rates of all transportation including storage transportation with increased capacity
    - I must admitt I like this one. Since I'm new on the game I don't have much space so I have to dispatch stuff everywhere and waiting it to come to my central storage to be able to craft this or that is sometimes a bit irritating ^^
    Removing the drop notifications as an option for all
    - Oh yeah please ^^

    Adding one teleport to all free players with an hour cooldown
    - That would be nice too.
    loboram likes this.
  7. loboram

    loboram Respected Member Forum Legend

    Jan 29, 2018
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    Just wanted to point out, that yeah some of these are a bit off, I can see that now, but it is Just a suggestion, and without at least a bit of debate about what might work, and what won't, No suggestions will ever become instantly accepted ;)

    It is true, that being actively online, you can acquire quite a lot of Silver income, and gear and pretty much anything you would need, also if you let the computer stay on overnight.

    There's just a problem that some people aren't realizing; Grownups/real-adults, have jobs, families, friends, possibly kids, all of which will take presidence, over merely wasting some real-life time on a computer game. Also they have to pay bills, and having a computer running all the time, or just overnight, is actually an increase in the energy-bill.

    Once again Not all players here, are teens/tweens (10-30 year olds), who have almost zero real responsibilities, and don't have to pay for the electricity either.

    I was just trying to account for the quite larger population of players, who are Not playing everyday or even every week for that matter ;)
    Last edited: Jun 8, 2022
  8. Inyalga

    Inyalga New Member

    Nov 15, 2021
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    I'm not up for all changes you suggested but over all i vote yes
    loboram likes this.
  9. loboram

    loboram Respected Member Forum Legend

    Jan 29, 2018
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    Trying to revive the thread :)
  10. Hamingways

    Hamingways New Member

    May 19, 2021
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    My only suggestions for now:
    - Weekly "known issues & upcoming content" report that compiles what the Dev team/admins have been/are working on during the week. Would be a nice step-up in staff - community communication, which I think is lacking.
    - Suggestion #7 from the OP's post is the only one I can agree would be nice, though it would completely reshape the economy and it isn't clear it would transform into something better for the majority of players.
    loboram likes this.
  11. Slade

    Slade New Member

    May 23, 2019
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    The kama quest line already boosts a character to around 64. Not really much to stop that. Nerfing levels makes the top PVP players have an advantage they already have against new players. Imagine getting shit on by a level 69 non stop, when you physically can't get that much XP (anymore). Also, have you been to Oluns? Crypt? sycraia, all these places hit fuckin hard. If you don't have the gear, you can't go there. If you DO have the gear, congrats enjoy your stay. There are plent of buffs you can take to mitigate how terrible, or good, you perform. You can't buff mobs without making a difficult problem harder, because then drops should be enhanced as we work ALOT harder for our loot. Rates are already trash and mobs are kind of hard as is, if you lack the GS, (as I mentioned before). Also regarding move speed on mounts, 0 chance. Trading is already a lucrative life skill, offering a good chunk of money for the sailors that exist. Boosting sail speed and mount speed changes the whole dynamic. It's a different game in my eyes seeing already, that horses can breathe underwater while running full speed. meh. More CP is a joke, as I (and many others) have shit tons by spamming R mindlessly on quests. I think CP is meant to be your reward for completing quests, while limiting how much of a reward you get. It's an incentive to do them. Just giving more CP changes the dynamic of the game to where the housing market would give too much to the player. I do agree with free pearls, current system sucks as is. Pearls take too long to get unless you leave your pc on. (Which sucks). Also, I highly doubt we see a better central market any time soon™. They took special deals away already because players were bypassing prices. Things didn't get sold so they became obsolete. Prices crash on valuable items etc. etc. market floods, basic finance, as it's player run VS the auto price. (I say auto price loosely). Also i literally pay money for a teleport. Premium is the answer. Free TP is BS. Rest is good stuff as long as it's regulated well.
  12. loboram

    loboram Respected Member Forum Legend

    Jan 29, 2018
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    Wow @Slade, you sure seem to only read what you want to...I mean, I already asked a couple of others, to please ADD their own SUGGESTIONS, to the thread, instead of just behaving like a typical mindless-follower-sheeople-mainstreamer; You know, just "pulling down", and criticizing, when you cannot find anything to add. Oh yeah, also using foul language while doing so, tstktsk, very childish.

    Unfortunately I do not see how to avoid a "confrontation" any longer, since it seems SOME people cannot get it through their thick skulls, that making a Suggestion is a good way to create changes, or perhaps new content, to an already wonderful server project.

    I would love to "pull down" each sentence, where you make outragous false claims, as well as those where you are merely talking from your own narrow little view of the world. However, eventhough I already have made quotes ready, and I've got it all lined up; I seriously do not know, how it would make any difference, nor change the mind of parroting-keyboard-warriors, who just LOVE being arseholes online.

    The thing is...IF I start doing the exact same as you dumbos, what would the difference then be? I would be exactly as dumb, self-serving, narrow-minded, ego-centric, as Most childish people, who seem to use the internet, as an outlet for whatever is going on inside their heads.

    So...please, instead of making this thread into a; "You're Dumb!...No You Are Dumb!...No You Are Dumb!" thread...Could we please just start communicating, as mature adults, and leave all this childish hate-mongering be?

    I suggest, that you go back, to the reply you made, and in the spirit of NOT trying to destroy, rewrite it, into something that is a constructive addition to the thread instead?

    If you have something to add, which might be ideas of how to change the GamezBD server content, for the better, then please let us all know :)
  13. Slade

    Slade New Member

    May 23, 2019
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    you post, you open yourself to criticism. take the post down if you aren't happy with the community shitting on your terrible ideas.
  14. loboram

    loboram Respected Member Forum Legend

    Jan 29, 2018
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    Thanks for confirming, and making my point ;)

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