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[Concept] How to bring Nodewars back to GameZ

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Cannonballer, Feb 18, 2022.

  1. Cannonballer

    Cannonballer New Member

    Feb 16, 2022
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    Hello guys,
    my name is Cannonballer, GM of Saiko PVP guild on EU Server. My guild successfully established itself in the Siege scene months ago. Again and again we try to arrange node wars, which has always proved to be extremely difficult. I would like to explain the reasons for this here.

    Current situation:

    The nodewar scene is almost dead, we have no diplomacy or communication between the PVP guilds. It's difficult to coordinate with guilds because the experience is very different and the results are very monotonous, i.e. the same guilds always win.

    My suggestion:

    The aim must be to give guilds that are interested in Nodewars the opportunity to gain experience in order to become stronger. Experience can only be gained by making nodewars and a solution might look like this.

    Deactivation of nodes:

    By deactivating nodes, it would be much easier to bring the few PVP guilds together, since part of the planning is simply omitted here. All regions except Calpheon should be deactivated but all three castles are still available. After all Calpheon nodes are Tier 4 with the new update, it is enough to conquer one node per week here to be able to participate in the castle siege. Nodes can be contested daily with the new system, i.e. daily nodewars can take place on all nodes. Each node can be conquered every day except Mondays and Saturdays (castle siege). I have provided a detailed explanation of the new Nodewar system on a separate Discord.

    If you are interested, please add me on Discord: Soulmate#5207 (I'm happy to invite up to three people per guild to this Discord!)

    If only nodes in Calpheon can be conquered, there will be significantly more fights and thus guilds can gain more experience. We are also trying to enable diplomacy between the guilds via the Discord already mentioned in order to find a solution for nodewars in which more than two guilds are participating in order to ensure the best possible fight. In addition, a plan could be drawn up among the guilds so that guilds that are roughly the same strength meet more often.

    All castles should still be available:

    To ensure that not every castle siege looks the same and the same guilds take part in it, all castles should continue to be available to provide variety and also give smaller guilds the opportunity to conquer a castle.

    Better rewards for capturing nodes:

    PVP content needs to be more interesting, improving the reward should be a good start, e.g. more silver like Siege or items which u can already get from grinding for example the shards of elvia from hadumsha channel.

    Why should this adjustment be made:

    This content is intended exclusively for PVP guilds and is unfortunately currently being abused by PVE and Lifeskill guilds to generate additional money for the guild bank. PVE and Lifeskill guilds have the opportunity to do guild quests to earn money also we could keep T1 nodes up to let them capture small nodes to receive atleast a bit money :) PVP guilds go to war for this, so this should be strictly separated again. In order to be able to go to war, the prerequisites have to be created and the guilds have to be pushed a little, even if it can get more difficult to give everything and try to win the battle. There will always be guilds trying to win everything regardless of other players. But let's not forget to have fun!

    Also please keep in mind, Nodewars and Siege is END-CONTENT and we are playing on a private server, PVP-Gear is easy to get here!

    Finally, I would like to get rid of one more thing. The PVP community is suffering a lot from the current situation, PVE players and life skilfers have enough content but PVP is almost dead. With this change, the PVP scene would definitely flourish again and there is also a realistic chance that more players will find their way back to GamezBD, please keep that in mind. Everyone would benefit from more players!
    TonyZhang, YaBoi, emptyname and 3 others like this.
  2. Counterpick

    Counterpick New Member

    Jan 22, 2021
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    these are good suggestions.
    I hope there will be good solutions !
    Cannonballer likes this.
  3. ArchDevil

    ArchDevil Getting there

    Jun 22, 2019
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    There is like 20 PvE guilds and 5 pvp on EU with over 60+ people in every single one. People have joned gamez to mostly not pay for value pack etc. as well as getting gear faster and testing more classes. Overall quality of life things.
    We desperatly need changes to PvP scene.
    I would not let people snipe nodes/regions like it is right now, there is way too many ways to gain silver, people are sitting on 1000b and just flipping the market.
    We are losing huge amount of playerbase, we dropped at least 500 players within 6 months. Becouse it took 10 months to implement changes. I agree with Cannonballer. However I would leave Kamasylvian nodes as well/or Kama only.
    i understand that some players don't like pvp but what else is there to do in absolute end game? Raids are joke, they don't come near to what is in WoW or FF XIV so it won't bring players back.
    We really need something fresh Kolka.
    You always say that it's a pvp server.
    Don't make second AION out of it.
    TonyZhang and Cannonballer like this.
  4. Cannonballer

    Cannonballer New Member

    Feb 16, 2022
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    You're right man, i think its time to seperate it now and to focus to give pvp players more content!!!!
  5. allister22

    allister22 Getting there

    Jun 27, 2018
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    That's rich coming from fucking dodgers LMFAO.
    Tho I agree. Some things need to change or the server will be in worst state yet.
  6. RohirimReiki

    RohirimReiki New Member

    Nov 24, 2019
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    If they dont change anything about pvp in gamez this server will be like other shitty private servers and its so close to be like other servers bcs there is no pvp in server anymore its about community tho not only about server. pvp is dead bcs of the people of playing the game. reasons not only about patchs and updates u cant except anything from ppl who go for capped siege its pvp server everyone can gear up in 2 weeks and do good pvp. even if they change sth about server do u think the gamez people mentality gonna change. i dont think so if we get only calph for siege no one will show up if there is strong guild in calpheon.
  7. NinjaRivo

    NinjaRivo Getting there

    May 5, 2020
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    How do you save GamezBD?
    Well lets first identify the problem. What is the problem? Life skilling guilds and PvE guilds are too powerful. They have tremendous advantages over PvX and PvP guilds. Any member of a PvX or PvP guild can just run and jump into a PvE/Life Skilling guild if he or she wants to be lazy.

    Life Skilling guilds need to have a max member cap of 25.
    PvE guilds need to have a max member cap of 30.
    PvX guilds need to have a max member cap of 40.
    PvP guilds need to have a max member cap of 50.

    Since the dawn of this games’ release, how things have worked has been PvX and weak PvP guilds die. The members of those now dead guilds join the top PvP guild or guilds. In this constant cycle the player base has gotten lazy. We need a max member cap on all guilds like the numbers I’ve mentioned above.

    The Guild size for Medium, Large and Extra Large need to obviously change. As long as a guild is 25+ it should be able to do Extra Large guild quests.

    From my perspective the guild Iceborne is hogging good Russian players from Bloodcult and Whispers.

    KonoSuba is hogging players that could do pvp from International PvP guilds.

    Determination, Sikidostlar, StrongSpirit, MOON, Stellaris like guilds should never been allowed to have 50, 60, 70, 80 members it’s a detriment to the server. They should have tops 25 or 30 members based on if they want to go Life Skill or PvE.

    These life skilling guilds shouldn’t be able to hog 70, 80, 90+ players in there guilds and just safe guard them. We need a dynamic flow of players from the Life skill guilds to the PvE ( grinder, mob slayer guilds). Players from the PvE guilds to the PvX and so on. What has happened over time is that. Guilds like Toxicity, Berserk, Yataprime can’t find members to pvp with. All the members are either siting idly in the Life Skill/PvE guilds or are in some big pvp guild with 50-60 players. There isn’t a natural training of players. The players either know nothing about pvp and they’re scared to pvp. Or are so experienced and are considered veterans. The Life Skill and PvE guilds are active for a while 3 to 9 months and they either die, or get very inactive the players inside these guilds “get use to the laziness” and just look for other big safe PvE/Life Skill guild.

    What we need to happen is we need our players that have an itch to pvp to go and join the PvX guilds so they can learn the aspects of pvp better and learn about the game more. If we cap member sizes on LS and PvE guilds they’ll be force to teach their “noobies new members” the game better. Less members è the new members are more valuable è their questions get answered quicker.

    Imagine a scenario where a new player starts GamezBD and joins one of those 80 man, 90 man PvE/LS guilds. He or she probably has a million questions needed to be answer now in that 80 man, 90 man guild there’s probably active like 10-20 guys. Now this noobie is unfortunately not that important for these guys. But if the max player count was capped at 25 or 30 depending on if it’s a LS or PvE guild the guild would be much more active maybe around 70% of the guild would be active this new member would be very special. The guild would want this new player to stay a long time and be a part of the group/gang. The new player would have a more active group of supporters and mentors. These huge 60-man, 70-man guilds are usually packed with friend groups that are already established. The newbies that join usually go quiet and are shy to ask questions, therefore hindering their growth. Whereas if these guilds were 20-man guilds they would be less intimidating for the new player he or she would be more encouraged to ask questions (a smaller gang is always more welcoming and easier to get into).

    Now one might ask “If this change were to occur how would it affect the life-skilling market?” Well since newbies are learning the game faster, better the life-skilling economy, new resources being added to the game would be quicker, the economy would benefit.

    Guild Attendance rewards being locked to only 30 player and higher guilds is ridiculous on GamezBD. Why can’t an amazing group like UnSub or VaporeonLovers get the juicy free guild attendance rewards? Just because they’re a 21 man, or a 15 man guild hindering free reward access is ridiculous.
    All guilds need to be war declare-able.
    Protection in guilds needs to be halved across the board for every guild size.
    Guild sizes need to be: less than 10 = small.
    10-14 medium, 14-24 = large, 25+ = extra large.
    Guilds like Toxicity, Shinigami, Ominous, Tyrkland, Yataprime should be able to place a fort on a node or region(for siege) If they have 7 members or more online. ( We need more PvX 10-15 man guilds active in node wars and sieges we can’t wait for them to grow to 30+ it’s ridiculous.
    Payouts should be doable as long as the guild has 20+ members and again like fort placements and siege placements doable as long as 7 members are online.

    In the Summer of 2021 I used to advise our members In Determination to join Tyrkland, Tenebris, Toxicity, Berserk or Failstack. They would usually say that they were very happy in Determination and they had all the benefits that they needed here. See this is a problem. The player base is so much deep into its comfort zone that they don’t want to fight for the reward. They would much rather just snipe nodes etc.

    With the model that I’m showcasing here, we have an organic funnel. The newbie joins a life skilling guild stays there for a while the cap is reached in that life skilling guild therefore the guilds need to let go of some of its players also in this system a player isn’t raped or forced into leaving their guild by an enemy stronger guild the player doesn’t hold any hate towards X, Y or Z guild he/she naturally moves onto to a PvX/PvP guild.

    With the current model, new life skill guilds are encouraged to take in many players thus they take 50-80 members, hog about the servers’ potential. The players inside those guilds get too attached to their guild don’t want to leave for personal, emotional reasons. And we have a ball of 90% of the community just afking, idling, doing nothing and everything seems fine. We need a mechanism that feeds Shinigami, Tyrkland, Berserk, Yataprime they need to be functional, they need to be able to place nodes and whatnot without the “10 man must be online to place silly-ness”. Oh you can’t get payouts, you can’t get guild attendance rewards, you can’t declare on that guild it’s not ready for wars silly-ness. If these ridiculous roadblocks were removed, life-skill and PvE guilds weren’t given everything on a silver plate players would be incentivized to join a PvX guild, learn about how a flame tower works, learn about how to ride a Cadria Elephant, how to lay mines & traps correctly, how to use a hwacha, how a cannon works and to cannoneer properly. Every passing day players get lazier, the gap between the top guilds and the dead/almost completely afk life skill/PvE guilds grow.

    TL DR: life-skill & PvE guilds hog too many players, are an easy escape, safe-harbor thus make the player base lazy. We need to restrict them and empower the growing 15 man – 25 man PvX/PvP guilds with certain eases and these guild shouldn't need to obtain more members to be viable they should be able to provide themselves with anything and everything the now 40+ man Life Skill, PvE guilds have.

    Guild Masters should be able to check Life Skill guild, PvE guild, PvX guild or PvP guild in the guild managing window in “G”.
    Guild Attendance rewards for 10+ member guilds. ( currently only for 30+ member guilds )
    All guilds need to be war declare-able. ( life skill guilds are going to max 25 people any way they can use their 7-8 protection slots wiser) (maybe but just maybe if a Guild Master checks Life skill guild for her or his guild a PvP checked guild shouldn’t be able to declare war on them)
    Half Protection amount for all guilds and guild sizes.
    Guild payouts are doable if 7 or more online ( currently 10 or more online ) --> Let small guilds PvP guilds thrive. Make the silly has to be a 30+ member guild to do payouts to a 15+ member guild.
    Fort placement is doable if 7 or more online ( currently 10 or more online ) à For fuck sakes seen a couple of times where Shinigami or Post collapse Voyage couldn’t place due to not having enough members.
    Managing a 15-25 man PvP guild is managing with 2-3 decent officers and it's extremely fun, it’s rough organizing shit for a 50-60 man PvP guild let alone a 30-45 man PvP guild. Tons of folks want to get into the fun, but silly constraints are in the way to make a 15-20 man PvP guild and stay a 15-20 man PvP guild.
    Cannonballer likes this.
  8. Ursu

    Ursu Legiunea Guild Master

    Sep 8, 2020
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    Sounds good.
  9. Cannonballer

    Cannonballer New Member

    Feb 16, 2022
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    Many thanks to this detail rich explanation dude!

    There are alot of good things but its alot client sided in it and gamez is emulator, so they cant change client sided things. I know that cuz i already worked with this bdo emulator in older versions!

    So almost 100% of it cant be changed serversided sadly.... but i agree with it!
    NinjaRivo likes this.
  10. loboram

    loboram Respected Member Forum Legend

    Jan 29, 2018
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    I fully understand the need of GamezBD, to provide for players who want to do the PvP aspects of this game.
    I do have to ask though, in which way are players, solely focused on PvP and nothing else, actually contributing to the server?

    What I am asking, isn't about raw income to the GameZ network, but more in context with the Central Market. As far as I know, which isn't much, the PvP population tends to be extremely mainstream, in the sense that; they have a lot of hours a day, to spend playing a computer game, and they generally don't do ANYthing in-game except "grind" for silver, to buy whatever gear they wish off the Central Market.

    I am not sure if they have thought it through, because what happens if ALL players start doing that?
    Well, the most obvious thing, is that the items for sale would start decreasing in amounts, very much like it is actually happening now and soon enough, there are more players trying to buy things, than there are players willing to do anything to post items on the Central Market.

    This stems from the reasoning, that "I don't want to play the boring parts of the game", however the game is built so that players would HAVE to do the things in-game, on their own to begin with right?

    The game starts off with an empty Central Market, and everyone out there fighting World Bosses, as well as gathering and everything else the game has to offer.

    Now look at the state of the game, players constantly running off like herd animals, whenever a hyped up game is released. Constantly complaining about this or that, while offering no solutions. There isn't much that can be done about the general behaviour of people on the internet, Because that's where mainstream ideology took people. It was suddenly completely alright to behave in this manner, and nobody is thinking twice about it now, because; "it's the internet".

    Enough ranting...the point I am making is;
    PvP content is a goal to pursue, but it is not a garantee. It is indeed something that should be figured out, but there are SO many players, who are exploiting the nodewars already. "Trading" nodes for income, and never having to fight at all. I mean if the players have that mentality, then what do you think is going to make things change?

    I wanted to reply to each of the previous posters, individually answering or questioning their posts. But it is far too much, since it isn't really a discussion.

    I am in complete agreement with the fact, that some changes to the GamezBD servers, would indeed be a wonderful thing. Especially because so many players, have completely misunderstood what this game is about, and think that it is all about PvP.

    Yeah, it might be an idea, to decrease the number of players in each guild, only here on GamezBD, because there is a huge difference in playerbase. However in the spirit of making these things actually happen, wouldn't it be just as good an idea, if these huge guilds (60+ players) just did it themselves?
    Have the most populated guilds in-game just split up, into half the size which would instantly open up a lot more PvP.

    Just wanted to add one last thing, to all those who think that non-PvP guilds/players are lazy, or "afraid of PvP";
    Now young players, without any actual responsibilities in life, no jobs, no wife or kids, nothing to do all day long but play computer games, Could indeed see it as "lazy" if someone with a life, doesn't play all the time like they do.

    But there were some acknowledgement of the fact, that there isn't any way to learn about PvP in this game. There is no in-built mechanism, that will pit you up against another player, BUT keep the combat entirely about skill, instead of Gear.

    Sure you can have a guildmember help you out, but they usually have to take off most of their gear, or have some lower "leveled" gear in hand, in order to actually help you out. If they fight you in full end-game gear, there ain't much you're gonna learn from the fights, other than dying repeatedly. Which is exactly what happens in the one in-built instance of PvP, that the game has to offer in the Red Battle Field.

    So while you are all complaining about how bad things are going, it is really because of mainstream ideology, that things have devolved to this. No more players doing bosses to get items and enhancing them. No players able to think for themselves, to split up guilds into smaller guilds that are capable of PvP. I know I am exaggerating, but many of the the posts in here are worse, in the "all players in life/PvE guilds...blabla".

    Again, I am ALL for some more and progressive PvP, here on the GamezBD servers. But just mindlessly blaming it all, on the players with lives to live, and who like to play the Entire game, is a really low blow.

    It will most likely be dealt with, Once the next update has been sorted out, because you people keep forgetting, that GamezBD is not swarming with developers or staff, that can instantly whip up whatever it is that you wish. Not only are there limits to how much they can tamper with, but there is also the most obvious constraint of time.

    ONE THING AT A TIME! Let them get the next update up and running first...then expect at least a couple of months of testing and error squashing, before they might have some time, to check out all the suggestions and start making plans and decisions. Is that alright to you all?
  11. Sobriety

    Sobriety New Member

    Jan 8, 2022
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    It would be great if pve guilds could not visit the pvp channel(:D)(:D)(:D)
    Cannonballer likes this.
  12. McConnel

    McConnel Getting there

    Oct 20, 2020
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    Those and whatever changes you will suggest are impossible to implement into the server.
    PVP is dead because gamez decided to ruin the pvp with broken as fuck sage release, who was not only strong already but had also bugged dmg dealing a shit ton more on gamez than on retail.

    Unless there is no patch, nobody will come to play pvp in this game. Everyone got tired fighting sages.
    Also laggers and desync doesnt help, and cheaters, i dont feel like fighting sage players that receives 0 dmg because their iframe desync into infinity when spamming it.

    The best thing Kolka currently could do is to ignite pvp by making all 3 servers pvp and 1 PVE only, so people will be pushed to do it and join pvp guilds that would help them. And thats still not guaranteed, there are just too many channels, we need 2 and both pvp so there is competition in this game.
    With people feeling the need to pvp there will be more sieges and nodes by a default.
    Last edited: Feb 21, 2022
    NinjaRivo likes this.
  13. Slogenn

    Slogenn New Member

    May 26, 2019
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    i'm surprised people still have hopes for the pvp scene on EU, it's the same shit for months if not years by now nothing is changing no matter how many forum posts go up it always felt like no one gave a shit about the pvp players (shit it took like 2 years and a whole another new server to appear for gamez to increase RBF rewards after years of people asking for it), that's not even talking about the fact that this server has a rich history of picking all of the absolute DOGSHIT patches PVP has ever gotten to implement for months at a time for us to be stuck with.
    ofc i support this post still whatever suggestion it may be any sort of change will be good and will bring some kind of refreshing feeling for the pvp players

    gamez/eu should appreciate the fact that it still has some really dedicated players who are still putting the effort
    Cannonballer and ArchDevil like this.
  14. ArchDevil

    ArchDevil Getting there

    Jun 22, 2019
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    On top of that when Kolka changed machines on which the server is everything is more laggy and desynced than ever, it's not a matter of IPS.
    It's not only the sage, it was same with many classes in the past, nova, guardian, even hash had bugged dmg and it's gonna be the same with DK now or someone else. It's the matter that we can't really advertise this server, we lost around 600 players from EU even then pvp scene was small as hell. Even hadum is almost empty becouse grinding on hadum spots was nerfed.
    We lost huge playerbase becouse nothing is happening, 2b on retail for siege is something but here it's around 1h-2h of grinding so people won't go for such a small gain.
    Let's not forget that retail is currently much easier compared to what was on it 4 years ago. They are getting tons of events, rewards and we get small useless things.
    I don't give a damn about rewards but a lot of people do, so you need a "carrot" for them
    I don't understand why they won't hire someone to help with the coding. 2 people are maintaining EU and NA for around 5-6k accounts.
  15. Cannonballer

    Cannonballer New Member

    Feb 16, 2022
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    Why do u think its impossible to implement? I can tell u it is!
    I already investigated the emulator base which is written in Java and gamez is using it but alot more upgraded ofc with the years. A comment from a Gamez Staff Member would be cool here ;)
  16. loboram

    loboram Respected Member Forum Legend

    Jan 29, 2018
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    Are you all still "crying and moaning"? What the heck is wrong with you people?
    You can't give the overworked staff a bloody break?
    Complaining your little heads off, as if this is a matter of "NOT WANTING" to do something about it?
    Don't you have ANY patience at all at your age?

    I enjoy a bit of colourful language, however it doesn't make much sense here...also misusing the word "dead", tsktsk...you should get yourself an English Dictionary.

    It's "cheat" in plural as well as singular usage. However what do you think is going to magically happen? All of a sudden ALL players, ALL over the world, will somehow "magically" have, the exact same connection speed, and server ping?

    I am unfamiliar with this IFRAME (invincible movement/attack animation frames), that any Class could "Spam" (use endlessly)?

    So you REALLY think that adding more channels, for PvP, when one channel that gathers all PvP'ers, is not enough to make it "feel" as if there's PvP?

    "Nerfed" (once again mainstreaming misuse of a word that they do not know where comes from), but how could you Possibly know, what changes have been made in-game? Are you perhaps part of the Development of GamezBD? Do you have access to their server?

    Sorry to burst your bubble, but GamezBD employs their own BDO-server build, which is written in C++

    Anymore lies, and exagerrations, and whining?
    Is there ANY way, you could stop behaving like little angry children?
  17. ArchDevil

    ArchDevil Getting there

    Jun 22, 2019
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    As for someone upload_2022-2-22_13-51-34.png who never did any pvp and refused to draw weapon and afk rides on horse for a last 2 years that's pretty funny that you try to take part of this discussion. Yes hadum spots were nerfed in terms of seed of void drops from like a 60 to 20, shards from 50 to 20 per hour or something like that.
    You aren't part of dev or community team yet you still think you are.
  18. McConnel

    McConnel Getting there

    Oct 20, 2020
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    We should wait for a patch thats true. I just highlighted the reason why nobody pvp anymore.

    Its dead in a water, nothing misused here.

    There are actual people with cheats especially on NA, and it made people quit the game because nobody wants to bother with it in pvp, especially since the fuckers used cheats on sage, that just put more salt to the wound. Sure they got banned, but damage unfortunately has been done.

    Because you dont do pvp.
    Desync + lag caused by some shitty third party program used in combination with iframes on sage made some guys tanky, receiving no damage for some reason despite class being squishy, on a class that poof you with 1-2 skills and is impossible to catch. There are certain names that were almost unkillable on EU server, so its another reason why people left. Like imagine 1 person jumping around full pvp guild and kill 2 people and run away, it was that absurd. Now put 2 players like that against some casual pvp guild, there is no chance in hell people wont quit.

    The only way to make pvp alive is to force it on everyone. But its unrealistic and dont guarantee it will help as i said earlier.

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    loboram likes this.
  19. Cannonballer

    Cannonballer New Member

    Feb 16, 2022
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    Sorry man but thats a fucking lie, kolka told me like 1year ago that gamez is using Java Emulator, so just dont talk idiot!
  20. Cannonballer

    Cannonballer New Member

    Feb 16, 2022
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    Thats true but it will not change anything when u make more pvp channels, open world pvp is unbalanced and unequal all the time. PVP Systems is the only possible way to make fights equal atleast in numbers, for example MAX PARTICIPANTS on Nodewars or Sieges need to be nerfed on some nodes or castles, so no one can zerg, or like your suggestions is almost the same like mine, to disable nodes to force guilds to place on less nodes.

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