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[VOTE] Olympiads Beta - Version 1.0

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by loboram, Sep 24, 2021.


Update Olympiads Beta?

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  1. loboram

    loboram Respected Member Forum Legend

    Jan 29, 2018
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    I want to know, what the GamezBD community wants, for the next Olympiads update
    "Currently status of Olympiad is open beta version, so we will wait for feedback and suggestions for improve it. So rules, conditions and rewards can be changed in future." Said by Kolka.

    Basically where is this Awesome Exclusive GamezBD Custom Content going?
    Remember that the Developers can only start working on this, once the new updates have been done, as well as the bug finding/solutions.

    I would just like to hear from as many players as possible, how they envision the next update for our PvP-Arena?

    Me personally, I would Love to see more game-modes, Especially things like Capture the Flag, and Capture and Hold Position. But before that; BALANCING!

    So I suggest;
    1. Gear Score Balancing (including "hidden stats")
    2. Ranking Score Balancing
    3. New Arenas, bigger, better, more places to hide behind, or take cover behind (prevent damage)
    4. Increase in number of players in the Battles; 2vs2, 3vs3, 4vs4, 5vs5, 6vs6
    5. Add new Game Modes; Capture and Hold Position, Defend and Attack Base (or structure), Capture the Flag

    Please be polite and try your best not to ask for too much GamezBD community, but I think that we would all like to know what you want :happy:
  2. finalfable

    finalfable New Member

    Aug 23, 2019
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    I propose to lower the threshold for starting matchmaking from 10 opponents to 5 in class mode. It can never take place.
  3. ZeroFox

    ZeroFox New Member

    Jul 31, 2020
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    "Try to not ask too much" > immediately proceeds to ask too much :D No offense of course, I just think it's a tough task even for PA. They barely managed to add 1v1 arenas (and one even more messy RBF variant) over last 4 years, people had these suggestions for new modes I think for couple years at least.
    But, jokes aside, any better mode than just 1v1 (more on that topic below) or messy RBF which is barely populated outside buffed weekends is of course welcome.
    This could be a controversial feature, people would dislike having their "high evasion", "full resist", "full accuracy" etc. builds nullified.
    It could be potentially better resolved by allowing Trial characters into Olympiad, I currently don't see any real reason why they are blocked from it. If it's necessary - Trials can have their own queue (replacing "CLASS" matchmaking as I think I never saw even a single class-based match happen) or have reduced rewards.
    Likely, easily possible, but at the same it would extend already long queues for matches. This system works exponentially better when there are more participants.
    If you saw retail PA "tournaments" you probably noticed they had highly-customized Arena of Arsha matches. When they tried to show off how "esports-ready" (with all the desync, V-fishing, grab-fiesta, poor GS matchmaking) their game is.... /s
    But indeed I was actually hoping to see AoA revived at some point, it truly fits the "Olympiad" theme better than the Altinova arena. Rather than just 1 round matches, it could be "best of 3" with some "Battle Royale" (timed restriction of arena size) rules applied. There's probably no actual need to invent anything "new", people would play even the same mode as in retail tourneys.
    Not a bad idea, though completely throws balance through the window. Maybe with 1 unique class only restrictions it's possible, otherwise it's just mostly same as RBF.

    So TLDR - all potentially good ideas, we could reuse Retail "Arena of Arsha" location / rules for Olympiad and further improve the game mode, as it seems it's a bit under-populated, even after the 7d Premium reward change.
    Last edited: Oct 7, 2021
  4. loboram

    loboram Respected Member Forum Legend

    Jan 29, 2018
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    @ZeroFox perhaps you misunderstood my intention;
    So while you enjoyed "your take on" my initial suggestion, it really wasn't that kind of thread at all, so please; Add your suggestions, or comment on others', however this sort of run down is not what I had in mind.

    Here, I'll give you an example:
    This seems like a good idea, but the thing is, I think that the queue is already 2. I could be wrong, but why would the arena wait for additional 8 players to join, if there can only be 2 in it at a time?

    If it is indeed true, that the Olympiad has to have 10 players in order to start, then absolutely, that has to be changed.
  5. finalfable

    finalfable New Member

    Aug 23, 2019
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    This is the case. Due to the fact that we have a threshold for starting battles of 10 opponents in the queue, the Olympiad will take place only on Fridays, when a large number of opponents gather before the close of the week. In fact, on other days I have never seen at least 4 opponents in the queue outside of Friday. I have never seen class battles.
  6. Arista

    Arista New Member

    Jan 6, 2021
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    Gear balancing should definitely be installed. I thought the goal of Olympiad was to have a contest weekly where the winner is actually the better player on the class not simply the most geared. I can't count how many times I completely out classed an opponent only to lose because for me it takes 2-3 full combos to kill them with my gear and they can 2 hit me.
    loboram likes this.
  7. Hamingways

    Hamingways New Member

    May 19, 2021
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    I don't think there's a need for actual stat balancing in Olympiads (or any kind of gear restriction). It would just move the power some classes and builds have to some others and people will continue to get annihilated but by different classes. Also the Arena of Solare was just released on the retail servers, so if people want "more balanced" fights, they can go look there. I think any decent player is capable of coming up with a gear build that fits their playstyle, making them stronger overall and actually competitive. Be it a build that compensates for their class' weaknesses or that further enhances their class' strengths, or maybe a neat balance of the two. I think being able to build correctly according to one's playstyle is also part of what makes a player stronger, and I don't think the point of Olympiads is to reward the more skilled player but rather the one that comes out as stronger. I agree that it's frustrating to fight someone that's clearly inferior in skill and that uses a build that compensates for their poor gameplay (like resistance-heavy builds for example), but I take that loss and move on.

    I personally like the XvX idea, my favourite format being 2v2. I think 1v1s in this game are pointless and boring as I believe the outcome is already decided at character creation/class selection (looking at you, Awa Musa/Awa Sorc/Succ Kuno/Awa DK), with some classes that counter others strictly due to kit design and/or arbitrary DMG Dealt/Taken values decided by some wizard that works in PA's attic.
    loboram likes this.
  8. loboram

    loboram Respected Member Forum Legend

    Jan 29, 2018
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    I am aware that there are "builds", and that it could/might/does influence the game mechanics. However, the thing is more about the fact that there isn't ANYwhere, at all built into the game at this point, where players "can take a weak stab at" learning about what PvE Should be preparing the players for; the end-game PvP.

    You see when you take a stroll through the game-world, and just take a moment to observe, how the "newcomers" to the BDO-game play the game against PvE. Then it become Absolutely obvious, that my suggestion to boost the monsters, perhaps by their physical sizes, here on GamezBD (https://forum.gameznetwork.com/threads/vote-ultimate-gamezbd.239551/#post-2221088), was actually an attempt to create more fortified, and creative PvP players by end-game.

    What I have observed, is that "most" players I have come across, already have the gear needed to kill off most monsters, and that they rarely move at all. I mean that they run up to a group of monsters, and then pretty much stand still hitting keys and buttons, until the monsters are all dead.

    Now when you realize just how poorly this prepares you for PvP, or even the more difficult areas of the game later on, it makes a Massive amount of sense, to prepare players and test their game-play style, Right from the starting areas, right?

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