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A review of the GamezBD BDO Private Server [more like a rant]

Discussion in 'Black Desert Discussion' started by dariolucconi, Dec 14, 2019.

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  1. dariolucconi

    dariolucconi New Member

    Dec 5, 2019
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    Time played : around 3 weeks now
    What i have achieved so far : two weapons PEN, armor is only at +15, finished every main quests and reached level 66
    Review : The server is better than retail but there are so MANY problems that has made me go back to retail like what... free pearls and goodies are one of the main thing that attracts player in every private servers so there's that, 80 pearls every 30 minutes ? no complaints by me. The enhance rate ? Neither have any here, feels 100 much more better than retail cause of the better %, the exp boost and other boosts like gathering combat etc.. feels really good too.
    So here comes one of the main problem of this server:
    -Making SILVER as a beginner : how is a new player supposed to make any silvers now that SD is nerfed and CM is trash ? Do you think that a new player is gonna stick to this server and grind for 90m/hour in iron mines SD trying to catch up the veterans that are FULL PEN 20 LEVEL CAPHRAS ? HOW IS ONE SUPPOSED TO CATCH UP when the silver per hour is so LOW in every spot that are not 240 or even more 240+AP ?
    Gathering feels really bad too, fishing ? the same shit.
    The only thing left is breeding but yeah dont think a new player wants to invest his time doing that.
    What im asking : buff SD or do something to make other players earn more SILVERS
    The more SILVERS a new player can gain THE MORE it will stick to this server -> making more people play it -> more people in PVP and more people buying VIP
    Sorry for the 200word essay but seeing such server wasting its potential makes me so angry
    Sef, Yachi, Krew and 2 others like this.
  2. Choovanski

    Choovanski New Member

    Jan 13, 2019
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    I feel sorry for all you new guys. I was making 500m hr at pirate island when I started, back in the good days of SD. I'm now a big geared ape, but it sucks that new players can't make the fast gains I could.

    SD needs serious buffs or this server will die, as new blood won't be able to catch up to me and my pals max caphra asses.

    needs to be 300m hr+ minimum for new players, I wouldn't even mind the 500m hr I had way back, even if it was a bit broken then, you need so much more than just full V gear now. caphras are very costly, as are V accessories.

    plus you can solo stars end for 400m-1.2b an hour right now, so buffed SD wouldn't even be the best grind anyhow.

    also good SD means I can carry and help players with low gear, which I used to love doing since I don't need to grind myself anymore. it got me active it was fun. now I just afk until seige smh

    so yeah dude. I feel your pain. these are big problems that Kolka needs to fix, or server will bleed all the new players, and become just a bunch of jaded vets.
    Elyann and Xiaxue like this.
  3. Xiaxue

    Xiaxue New Member

    Aug 10, 2019
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    I agree. I started when Shai event was on. I got 500mil for that and had my way with SD. I was playing Lahn back then but I switched to DP Witch because I though I could make my own way with lifeskill. However with the new market, every food/elixir is cheap as hell, I was doing hunting but sharps/hards are now stacking and their prices are decreasing. Later I changed to some alchemy/cooking; but nothing is profitable, I believe if I sold every material seperetaly I could make more money. Blue whale oil is almost 2x more expensive than Parfume of Courage... The only way to make money for me is alchemy stones right now which is very slow and depends on rng...
    dariolucconi likes this.
  4. loboram

    loboram Respected Member Forum Legend

    Jan 29, 2018
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    You all seem to be talking about the "time it takes to catch up", but this isn't a race nor do you get a reward for doing anything quickly in this game, in fact I would argue that you only trip yourself up especially as a new player who needs to gear up before reaching Mediah, if you go too fast in the beginning. So I would just ask you to take a good long look at the game mehanics and how it is designed to keep players playing forever, or at least until they just loose interest, and then realize that it is a Computer-Game, not a Tournament or a real-life Job where there is real-life money to be made. This is Nothing more than a Computer Game, and games have been invented to teach while having fun, now it is true that they have changed dramatically since the age of computers, but essetially games are about having fun while wasting your life, or time as you would put it.
  5. Choovanski

    Choovanski New Member

    Jan 13, 2019
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    ah, another thread another reply to an almost identical response. I'll express a different perspective from my other reply to keep things interesting.

    come now, let's look at one of the most attractive parts of gameZ black desert. you simply don't have to spend as much time grinding to create a competitive character. both PvP and PvE players I know enjoy having a character that is competitive. it not only opens up more spots to grind, and gives you more competitive and fun PvP- but it allows you to spend less time in game grinding for gear, and more time in real life taking care of other things.

    it's what drew me and nearly everyone I knew to this server. it's black desert where you don't need to grind like a madman for hours and hours. it's a place where you can play for a few hours and make good progress.

    so, then I would ask, considering the appeal is fast progression, then why constantly reduce the silver that new players can make? why slow it down? we already have retail black desert with even slower progression if some one wants that, why slow this server down to that rate too? isn't the whole point of this server that it's quick to gear up unlike retail?

    doesn't constantly nerfing income on some level defeat the point of a high rates fast progression server? maybe it's just me, but I think it does- and I'm not alone in this opinion. mayhaps if you put yourself in the shoes of a new player, or if you can't do that, just have an honest conversation with one- you might see it too.
    NinjaRivo, Elyann, loboram and 2 others like this.
  6. dariolucconi

    dariolucconi New Member

    Dec 5, 2019
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    ?? what ?? this isnt a race i know but i dont want to play the same race that its on retail. im on the private server so i could catch up wtf
    Elyann, PrestonGarvey and Choovanski like this.
  7. Xiaxue

    Xiaxue New Member

    Aug 10, 2019
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    I can't understand your point of view, as Choowanski said; old players used to make A LOT of money in a short time and they reached end-game. I have been playing for almost 4 months but I am not even close to them, if you want new players to stick to your server; you gotta make AT LEAST mid game easier to approach. We all are playing to achieve something in game. Tbh you talk like my grandfather :)
    All players want to reach endgame in order to be able to PVP. This is a private server so 90% of the players have BDO experience from retail server. Nobody expects to reach end gear in 1 day anyway.
    Last edited: Dec 15, 2019
    desertkatze and Choovanski like this.
  8. Beshka

    Beshka New Member

    Dec 15, 2019
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    As a new player with 235 ap I'm forced to grind 1)rings in desert or 2) Pilap for fragments. Since i get my ass handed back to me on Arsha channel and cant get that sweet 50% extra drop rate I am stuck with pilap. I'v tryed hunting as well (hello geodata problems) but look at the stock and price of black stones on CM! Same thing with memory fragments - cant make alot of silver selling em. So how am i suppose to cach up to em pplz who playing here over half a year? On the other hand with have old players farming da shit out of Star's End and making 300-900 mil silver per hour. Can this be addressed by the dev team of this server?
  9. Makaimura

    Makaimura New Member

    Dec 15, 2019
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    I'm only relatively new myself, 174 AP as a Shai, I find the lack of silver quite hard, Like I get I can make 16-18 characters and grind out the starting quests and build up some reserve that way, but really, where is the fun in going through the starting story 16+ times.

    I'm running a guild with some mates, I know some of us are starting to get a bit burnt out on here, seeming to be related to a lot of the grind still inherent to the game.
    Knowing that the grind for silver takes so long, and gear upgraded is so expensive.
    All the good gear being held off to "trade for premium" Like Urugon boots, or Dim Tree chests.
    Being told to just "completed the valencia quest line" to get Valk's so I can upgrade my gear past duo (not buying premium to get that extra chance to progress further)
    Having to AFK to get any decent cosmetics and make the characters more versatile
    Horse training XP having been nerfed and in the same vein, not being able to sell T9's (unless you grind out the mats and chance on getting one yourself, or P2W a T9)
    It sort of ruins the fun, and this is what it should be.

    I want something unlike retail, which yes this is not, being able to get all that stuff at a much better and quicker rate it great, there is just.. something needing to be done to keep me and my mates here.
    Choovanski likes this.
  10. Choovanski

    Choovanski New Member

    Jan 13, 2019
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    @Noyah @Kolka
    as you can see from this thread, and others, new players are suffering under the SD nerfs that came with Central Market. this opinion is not confined to the forum, I have seen it expressed in game, on discord and on telegram too.

    so please take some time to look into this, and come up with a solution for this. new players are not happy, and it's going to be hard to retain them with how little silver they now make from SD- especially when geared players like myself can make upward of one billion an hour.

    it's simply not fair or fun for them to be making so little silver, when SD used to be such a good way for new players to make money and catch up. it's now a very different server than the one myself and other old players started on. please consider making it more like it used to be again. I can assure you it will get more players active and enthused.

    yours sincerely,
    A Concerned Veteran
  11. Sef

    Sef New Member

    Jan 6, 2019
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    I always believed that early / mid game is more important, than what is in the endgame. If we don't have solid start then people just leave and won't stick with the game. Sure veterans need love too. But if there is no new players - people to play with, then server feels empty and some point the veterans start to leave too.

    And with that note things needs to be adjusted so people who come into the server, they stay in the server.
    After all this is private server, there might be many reasons why we don't play in Retail and decide to log in everyday and enjoy our version.
    Main of it is, that whole gearing up, getting silver should be easier. So you would be able to reach to the point where you can do things in PVP. This is what should makes us different, in Retail you progress like it is marathon and in time you get to be viable in PVP, here we should gear up and reach to that point much faster - progression is just little step next to what is to come.

    I have been playing long time in the server to know, that we used to had this thing. Gearing was easier, people managed to reach endgame much faster. Somewhere down the line something happened the small guy was forgotten.

    OP is right and I fully agree as veteran, that things needs to be fixed. I don't know if SD should have boost now as we have CM and we can't really buy things from the SD. But something needs to be changed so the little guy who joins the server gets to be someone by making money. I agree with many above if there is very thin line between Retail and our version, then I wouldn't be surprised if people go back to Retail.

    I hope things get fixed, it makes me so sad to hear everyday someone talking how they are tired of this or that, how server just nerfs things. Or that people leaving, because there is no way to catch up etc (not my words FYI).
    Choovanski and Beshka like this.
  12. loboram

    loboram Respected Member Forum Legend

    Jan 29, 2018
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    First up, it is six players that have backed up this claim so far...not a LOT of players.

    Secondly, I really enjoyed your first reply, it was well spoken and thought up. So thanks for showing us that you are able to answer forum posts adequately, yeah that might sound like I am making fun of you, but I am not.

    As I have already answered on the other thread (also in the Discussion section), this game has been built to keep players playing forever as well as speding real-life-money and keeping them online as long as possible without actually rewarding them for it, like you get here on GamezBD. It is also built around RNG, and I think it was @Jujuba that mentioned in an other post; "GamezBD RNG is somewhat buggy since I can change channels or characters to improove* (how it sounds) the outcome of the RNG" (rephrased). So yeah I do think that that claim has to be examined, but all in all statistical data is difficult to accumulate in general, and having to constantly document what happens in a game to make a point about RNG (which is by nature RANDOM) is extremely hard in practice.

    The point is that "Retail-BDO" makes changes to the loot drops tables, and since GamezBD wants to emulate that model we inevitably get the same changes, so I believe that the changes in loot drops and the SD-income is because of what "Retail-BDO" has done, besides the Obvious problem is the mainstream players on our community, who do not contribute to the Central Market in order to change the Maximum/Minimum prices of the items in there. That is how the income of the Special-Deal-Partying will eventually increase, perhaps (hopefully) even increase beyond what they used to be. But the thing is that MOST loot has simply been removed from the game, which means when Kamasylvia got released and everyone needed Traces of Death there was a HUGE influx of Seleth main-weapons on the MarketPlace, which -when melted- turn into Iron shards and Traces of Death, which is needed for making a Kamasylvia-Wagon (also you could get weapons with Traces of Memory), BUT then the next release came along and they just removed ALL the items to facilitate the making of the Wagon. Which means that (like me) MANY players got screwed over because they NEVER imagined that change to the core-game would ever be made, which in turn was ONLY introduced because the mainstreamers couldn't figure out how to manage something as simple as their inventory, and they complained until their faces turned blue forcing Pearl Abyss to make the changes in order to silence their screams of despair.

    Same thing has happened SO many times before this big change, so I get that you are discontent with the change, as I myself have been MANY times before with other changes, like the changes to the loot-tables of ALL of Balenos, Serendia and Calpheon.

    Once again I can only say that the players who believe that this is a PvP game are in FACT wrong about that notion, and also not all players are sheep-like followers who "only want to PvP" in this game nor community, sorry to disappoint you: http://forum.gameznetwork.com/threa...y-here-am-new-player-thx.230018/#post-2177166
    I completely AGREE with you on this one @Makaimura, I would LOVE it if GamezBD could innovate their own version of Black Desert Online, making it into the game it should have been from the very start, HOWEVER I greatly fear that it would be wrought into a horrifying PvP-sandbox-game instead of what I see in it its potential. So yeah I would love for GamezBD to make changes to the core-game-mechanics but as they have stated many times before, there are limits to what they can do to the game, and also in which direction would the game go then...the amount of forum users is unlikely to change, so it would once again fall to the biggest guilds to crowd the forum in order to post as many agreements on one particular change they themselves see fit to impose on the rest of the entire community as has been done quite a few times in the past now.

    *improove : it is actually spelled improve, but wording out the sounds of the word, it sounds like "improove"
    Last edited: Dec 16, 2019
  13. Chunn

    Chunn New Member

    Oct 10, 2018
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    SD shouldnt be buffed because with CM SD would just generate inflaction. Like horses back in the days. I dont think the server is harder right now than before, most of the things are cheaper than before, sharps, hards, bs. Memory fragments are easier to get. Caphras are cheap as hell. PEN items now also sell. So ye maybe its harder to make liquid silver, but in the end of the day its easier to gear up.
    loboram likes this.
  14. loboram

    loboram Respected Member Forum Legend

    Jan 29, 2018
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    Not that I want to force this view on you, but it sounds as if you believe the game is about PvP'ing, so just in case:
  15. Nereus

    Nereus New Member

    May 9, 2019
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    So please do tell me what is this game main "feature" cause it can't possibly be any form of PVE cause BDO has basically no PVE content. Is it Role-playing?
    ArchDevil likes this.
  16. MFDOOM

    MFDOOM Getting there

    Oct 20, 2018
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    You got 2 PEN items in 3 weeks and yet you complain it's difficult for new players? Do you even read what you're saying lol?

    Are people expecting to come here and be full PEN after barley any time? SD profit is still pretty good, it's just not 500m an hour like it used to be and that makes people upset.

    Also what did you even do for those 3 weeks that you only have +15 armor? It's pretty easy to snipe base armor - for the past few weeks that's what i've managed to do every week, also doing bosses and rifts is a good idea.
    Confederat and loboram like this.
  17. Omocha

    Omocha New Member

    Nov 12, 2019
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    A nice change i would like to see, that would make both new and old players happy from my point of view, is to allow the use of SD when u are alone in a party, a big change like that one would make the market prices go high af because the low supply, and both users and not users of SD would be making nice silver :^)
  18. Lyntur

    Lyntur New Member

    Dec 2, 2019
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    I've been here for almost a month and I don't have any complain yet, but I do agree it's kinda rough for new players, mostly when you don't have a lot of knowledge to get straight to the point, In my case i'm a newbie not only on the server but on the game overall since I've played on retail but mostly lifeskilling. Thing is I can't even see a glimpse of an starting point, I've been very active doing the main questline and lifeskilling a LOT to get some money, but barely reached 2B within a month. I of course don't expect to be insta full PEN or anything, but I'm getting kinda desperate because it seems It feels I won't ever reach the point to get to the heart of the game and be able to grind for money and gear (nerfed SD or not, that's still the main income source I guess) since I need a decent AP for that and I don't have money for that, so it's a cycle. And yes, it's pretty easy to get decent gear from the market, but again you still need money, and I can do little with 2B, so I don't know where to start. I've tried everything, read every guide posted here and asked a lot of people, but I guess it's not a good sign when every person tells you something different when you ask what's the best way to earn money for a start, gathering, farming, fishing, now training... But nothing seems profitable at all. I of course must be doing something wrong since the OP reached to have two weapons PEN in less time that I made a shitty 2B, but again I really don't know what else to do... If someone has tips I will be more than grateful
    Last edited: Dec 17, 2019
    NinjaRivo and loboram like this.
  19. dariolucconi

    dariolucconi New Member

    Dec 5, 2019
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    My first pen was bought by doing SD and selling boss weapons/accessories for 1 straight week, i bought a PEN with all those silvers that i got (this is old SD and old CM). The second PEN was made by me after i finished the Altinova questline (and some luck), i failed only my TRI attempts, the others were lucky shot by using Valks Cry and FS.
    I doubt something will change about SD so new players are forced into doing things they might not like but they have to otherwise they wont catch up and do what they really want.
    At least im happy that this problem is getting more attention.
  20. dariolucconi

    dariolucconi New Member

    Dec 5, 2019
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    Ahh another one of these guys i see, do you even know what you are typing ? I got 1 PEN item thanks to all the FS that they gave me with the Altinova questline, the other PEN was bought by using ALL the silver income made from doing SD every day and you expect me to have higher level armor too????
    All im seeing are veterans gatekeeping beginners an easy way to make money so they could catch up to you but noooo i wanna feel "special" in a private server where the main objective is to let people catch up in a FASTER RATE! O_O Strange isnt it ?
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