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Black Desert Online population

Discussion in 'Black Desert Discussion' started by loboram, May 7, 2024.

  1. TMadness

    TMadness New Member

    May 22, 2018
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    yea, that's cute. yOu'rE totally right game is updated. CHEERS everyone game is now not 2 years outdated and is updated...we can all rejoice...smh
    great talk enjoy
  2. Hirokaito

    Hirokaito Getting there

    Sep 29, 2022
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    sounds like another troll just barely read patch notes
    loboram likes this.
  3. TMadness

    TMadness New Member

    May 22, 2018
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    July 11, 2024 Patch Notes. Since you are greater than everyone, please point out any indication that the server is on its way to being updated similar to retail.

    NOTE: Need restart launcher to apply client update
    - Added possibility to enchant Manos life tools and clothes using Cron Stone's
    - Updated all Skill Addon buff's and bonuses
    - Replaced old Trace items with Trace of Nature in NPC dialogs to able complete some quests
    - Added Special Attack Evasion Rate +5% to Exquisite Cron Meal effects
    - Updated quest's where needed old replaced Fruits/Essences/Traces (example: Book of Margahan/[Manor] quests)
    - Fixed item RGB dye can disappear when push to/pop from costume bag
    - Corrected some boxes content with Trace of Nature (example: Imperial Trace Box)
    - Added Choose Your PEN (V) Blackstar Weapon! challenge
    - Now Atoraxxion can be visited without Talibre Tear
    - Fixed Oil of Enchantment recipe with Fruit of Nature
    - Replaced old Black Stones with new unified for all quests
    - Added Deboreka accessories to Eliva Atoraxion boxes (example: [Elvia's] Syca's Rare Box/Vaha's Rare Box)
    - Updated Igor Bartali's Adventure Log with latest retail changes (simplified)
    - Updated barter data to the latest retail changes
    - Updated Dark Rift boxes content (added Deboreka accessories and other missed accessories)
    - Consolidated Fiery/Frosted/Solar/Lunar/Sunset Black Stone items to Tidal Black Stone
    - Changed the amount of Tidal Black Stones obtained from defeating the guild boss Khan (0-100 to 50 guaranteed for example)
    - Decreased the number of kills and items required in the recurring weekly quests obtaining crafting materials for Ornette's and Odore's Spirit Essence
    - Changed characters to no longer perform the cheering animation upon obtaining Specter's Energy and Awakening Weapon Box items
    - Changed the character to cheer when obtaining Advice of Valks (+101) or higher
    - Added Time-filled Black Stone, Rift's Fragment drop to Jade Starlight Forest/Winter Tree Fossil monster's drop at season channel
    - Attendance rewards reset
  4. Hirokaito

    Hirokaito Getting there

    Sep 29, 2022
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    replied after 1 week to boost your ego in forum, it feels so weird bro...
    you know gamez is a bdo private server right? and ur "dumb" question up there "being updated similar to retail" well... its admin's choices to make whatever update they like rofl.
    To be fair if you want exact same thing as retail, go play retail... you're so funny asking the whole gamezbd to meet your personal ego. Thats crazy dude...
    loboram likes this.
  5. Hirokaito

    Hirokaito Getting there

    Sep 29, 2022
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    and by keep complaining till now about same topic, it starts to feel you are disrespecting all the admin's hardworks @Kolka
    loboram likes this.
  6. lumoz

    lumoz Proficient

    Oct 22, 2020
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    Calling out others for "ego boost" (weird internet ppl these days) and then making a double post? ...
    loboram likes this.
  7. Hirokaito

    Hirokaito Getting there

    Sep 29, 2022
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    it seemed someone got offended out of nowhere and suddenly appeared without reading the whole context ...

    surely (weird internet ppl these days) talking about yourself weren't you?
  8. loboram

    loboram Respected Member Forum Legend

    Jan 29, 2018
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    Humans are a fickle lot, and if you are able to spend money on "temporary virtual entertainment", then you will surely have a more luxurious life than someone not able to. The thing is computer gaming is an industry now, the likes of which no one had any idea, and much like anything else in human existence; "once obtained, no longer wanted".

    It is basically a matter of time, and all games will eventually stop being offered, but until the demise of a game it is certainly about the game-play and content. You can usually see it when a company makes a sequel game, and most players still play the original game, means that the new graphics and hyped up content, had nothing on the original content of the game.

    Everyone here plays for their own very specific reasons, and what makes me very happy indeed, is the fact that there is a place for gamers like me (without money to spend), to play one of their most favorite games: FOR FREE

    I get that the retail-game servers have changed an awful lot, and that they might actually be able to provide a "enjoyable experience" (debatable) nowadays, however I actually still prefer to play here on this server, for three specific reason:

    1. Utterly Free (except for usual expenses of electricity and time)
    2. Open World-Wide (no region restrictions)
    3. While playing you gain "special-game-currency", which means you can experience about 90% of the premium users of the retail-game experience actually have access to (without the need to spend any money)

    While it is important to keep a server "moving forwards", it is more important to keep things running "smoothly". The last couple of land expansions, in the retail server game experience, haven't made any remarkable game-play changes. So apart from not having access to about 3-4 Classes, along with the rest of the game content, which is mainly shuffling things around, and of course more gear, the most basic game design and functions; are exactly the same.

    The reasoning behind not playing the game may be far beyond imagination, however the idea that a game isn't the same because of missing updates, doesn't make much sense if the game essentially is the exact same. Adding more and more to something, doesn't necessarily make that something better or impruved (how it sounds).

    In summation; You play whatever you like, and however you like, just leave the games You don't like alone (without the need to be a complete dick about the company/game/people)
    Last edited: Oct 15, 2024
    Hirokaito likes this.
  9. loboram

    loboram Respected Member Forum Legend

    Jan 29, 2018
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    Would be nice with an actual official announcement, from the management of Gamez-network if possible, that you will stop working on this project, despite Many new bugs and geo-engine mishaps, and not return to it until ???

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