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Current state of money making in Gamezbd (PVE).

Discussion in 'Black Desert Discussion' started by YouWOTm8, Oct 9, 2018.


Should they bring old SD rates back?

  1. Yes

    35 vote(s)
  2. No

    9 vote(s)
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  1. SalWe

    SalWe New Member

    Oct 7, 2018
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    WTH are you all talking about? I am full PRI with some DUO accessories in only 5 days of playing on this server (grunil armor ofc). It took me a month or more on retail for that same gear and money that I got here in only 5 day, and I didn't even afk, just few hours of playing every day, doing only quests and no life skills.
    And you want to make that even faster? No, no way, progress is too fast already.
    I would't mind more pearls per hour tho :D

    Edit: And no, I do not have premium, I am waiting for EU server.
    loboram and RevelationsOn like this.
  2. Rah97

    Rah97 New Member

    Oct 3, 2018
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    I dont think that its not new player friendly, I just started a week ago, im at 277 CP 136 energy. I have a 10x10 farm that I use for sharps and hards, I have full PRI boss weaps (that wont go to TRI >.>) and full TRI Grunil armor. The money issue isn't that bad, and people have already listed ways you can make money. I'm sorry you don't like lifeskilling and grinding, but regardless of it being a private server or official, this is a Korean MMORPG that is heavily dependent on RNG and grinding. Youre going to have to work for your gear. Everyone has worked for their gear, these PEN vets you talk about were once PRI scrubs that had to put a lot of effort into getting to where they are, no one just logs in and cashes in PEN gear and a couple bil silver right off the bat. If you want to jump right into the game and already be on the same page as everyone else, maybe you should look outside of the mmorpg genre and at mobas or battle royales, because I'd hate it if they implemented catch up mechanics that diminishes the rewarding feeling of reaching the point of being a PEN vet. People aren't playing the private server version over the official because they want to be spoonfed PENs and billions of silver, its because they don't want to deal with the P2W state the official game is in currently.
    loboram, GekiritZ and SalWe like this.
  3. SalWe

    SalWe New Member

    Oct 7, 2018
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    This is so true, at least in my case. I do not mind heavy grind on retail, I just do not like it's p2w business model.
    RevelationsOn and Guar like this.
  4. GekiritZ

    GekiritZ New Member

    Oct 4, 2018
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    The Netherlands
    No, you are missing the point of the entire game.

    It is not at all "PvP-oriented", it just happens to have open-world PvP. You cannot call a game with this big an amount of crafting and gathering "PvP-oriented", because in light of the sheer amount of PvP content versus the amount of other content, PvP seems more or less like an extended, slightly important afterthought, but still, an afterthought. The fact that I am both a veteran and a "new player" in this situation further proves my point: I don't have to bother SD's with my currently low AP, but I'm still reeling in massive amounts of silver and my GS is steadily rising. I also regard lifeskilling as PvE, so pointing that out did little.

    All you newbies seem to think this is a Fantasy-themed 3rd-person Call of Duty or something, but it's not. There's players that missed all those slipups who still got to buy their way up to full PEN. There's players who are not doing SD's and who are making more than enough silver, like myself, and no, I don't have any connections from my previous playtime on here.

    I repeat and add to the original point; If you can't deal with that or don't feel like doing it > then opening a thread just to simply complain and not accept any solutions is a bit of a lame move, and BDO might simply not be the game for you
    loboram likes this.
  5. RevelationsOn

    RevelationsOn Proficient

    Feb 2, 2018
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    Nailed it guys, nailed i!
    GekiritZ likes this.
  6. InMediasRes

    InMediasRes New Member

    Oct 14, 2018
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    Wtf does "SD" mean?
    Nvm got it.

    To be honest, its not even as close to the hardcore grind required on retail. Iam doing 40mil/hour solo grinding pirates, spot is 100% empty in all channels in EU and u can run underwater With horse to fast turn in bandana for massive op cash.

    Yes 40mil per hour solo on day 3 with 340GS....JUST buy ridiculous droprate on bandana and underwater horsing.
    Retail takes 20x the amount of time and cash for progression, probably WAY longer.
    So no, I like the server exactly as it is.
    Last edited: Oct 14, 2018
    loboram likes this.
  7. RevelationsOn

    RevelationsOn Proficient

    Feb 2, 2018
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    Special Deals
  8. YouWOTm8

    YouWOTm8 New Member

    Sep 18, 2018
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    You will realize that's nowhere near enough once you get a bit more geared. 40mil an hour is an absolute joke. Being full PEN boss gear gives you ~570 GS or so. With 570GS you will still get deleted with people who have 305AP 620GS. It takes Billions upon billions to make a single PEN gold accesory. You will spend more money and time getting a single PEN gold accessory than you do getting your entire boss set + boss weapons to PEN. Pen in this server is like being full duo/tri in retail. You will soon realize why so many people quit sooner or later. You will need to no-life just like retail the way things currently are since renowned score is a huge factor in this private server unlike retail. I can already tell all the LolHero people starting to quit slowly.
    Not to mention all the people who farm pearls on separate accounts and gift them to their main. No way to compete against that. Basically forced to P2W with prem the entire time.
    I for one will be quitting, not going to no life a private server like retail to get geared enough to compete. Hope you all have fun :) will be my last post.
    Last edited: Oct 15, 2018
    0x90, Leozyo, Nanum and 1 other person like this.
  9. Leozyo

    Leozyo New Member

    Oct 12, 2018
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    Not entirely true, me and another 6 Friends that started playing this server, started because of higher rates AND no p2w. We would never go though the heavy grind again. No way, imo grind and rng on retail is not human. This, of course is also to make sure ppl buy more stuff from the gameshop like artisan memory
    Last edited: Oct 22, 2018
  10. MFDOOM

    MFDOOM Getting there

    Oct 20, 2018
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    I agree with OP - this is more or less becoming like the retail issue of one particular grind spot becoming so much better than the others. It's like pirates/sausans all over again.

    I think the server needs better ways to facilitate the economy, especially if trading is going to be disabled. It literally is one of the all-time big factors in the game, since it branches off into so many other things (cooking, alchemy, fishing).
    Vixious and Leozyo like this.
  11. axtranti

    axtranti New Member

    Aug 8, 2014
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    make other grind spots more feasible. Make loopy forest/fadus drop more lemoria? Make bashims drop more rosarts/gems? Nerf Ronaros/manshaums DP(it isn't like retail, at all).
    Vixious likes this.
  12. MFDOOM

    MFDOOM Getting there

    Oct 20, 2018
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    I think that would be a step in the right direction for sure. But i think a lot more has to be done, SD is just too good of a method and it just has a chain reaction on so many areas of the game.

    • No point putting looted gear on MP, they never sell since SD floods the market with those same items that cost less silver.
    • No one would invite a new player to their SD group over a veteran who is 500 GS.
    • The people saying there are other ways to make silver, do you even realize how much more silver you make doing SD
    With trading of all sorts gone, active income really takes a hit. Multiple areas of the game become 100% irrelevant or just sub optimal. You make SD auto sell, why not do that for other items or categories?
  13. Leozyo

    Leozyo New Member

    Oct 12, 2018
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    Why is trading disabled anyways?
  14. GekiritZ

    GekiritZ New Member

    Oct 4, 2018
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    The fact everyone started naked on the new EU and we're getting by easily starting from scratch kinda derails the entire point you're trying to make. You can and you will get up there if you put your back into it. Yes, SD makes you more silver, but you can't SD when you're asleep or low geared, and AFK horse training alone can net you upwards to 75+ million per horse you can then reinvest into buying and enchanting your gear score to SD like levels.
    For 75 million you can pretty much buy a full +15 set of armor if you don't even want to go enchanting, and with a second horse (buy a farm wagon) you'll be reeling in either a fresh Kzarka or a +15 mainhand off the market right now. As I was typing this, I had a marketplace window open and saw at least 20 Kzarka weapons for at 7 classes for 95mill each.
    The fact that most new players seem to want hit jackpot with a Crescent/Cadry/Helms SD and no penny less proves an earlier point I made in this thread and they can complain all they want. Thing is, if they're not even willing to do anything other than that, then there's no point discussing it either.

    Nah, it really hasn't, and in it's retail iteration, trading would be massively OP on this server due to the readily available methods to exploit the system. Kolka is figuring it out, but don't expect it to be a miraculous solution to the non-existent problem.

    Bottom line is still: If you're not willing or able to either AFK or to sit down and do a bit of research, and all you want to do is see those 350~500m mails coming in while you speedlevel 1 to 64, buy a bunch of TRI/TET/PENS off the market so you can go play fantasy-style Call of Duty, this is not the game for you. Private server with improved rates or not, it's still BDO at its core (and also the reason why this server is immensely popular), and the players that *did* put in that work will simply delete you, outgrind you or outmaneuver you.
    acqustic91 and loboram like this.
  15. MFDOOM

    MFDOOM Getting there

    Oct 20, 2018
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    So you're saying everyone did well when everyone was new and it was a leveling playing field? Well thanks for proving the point we were trying to make. You cherry pick topics to respond too and ignore other glaring issues. SD is a bigger problem than just what OP spoke about. The main issue as i see it is the fact nothing sells on the market-place. I have no issues with solo-grinding, in fact I've always preferred it. But what's the point grinding a spot that drops a rare accessory when it will never be bought in the market-place, because SD farming floods the market with that same item for a cheaper price?

    How can you say it hasn't? Lol have you ever played retail? Trading isn't just that alone, it branches off into other professions that take a big hit when it's taken away. Things like alchemy, cooking, and fishing. So to say "no it isn't a big deal" just shows you lack knowledge. And i understand it being disabled because of how volatile it is - but i do hope it comes back with some fixes or at least other means can replace it in some way. If a system can be made to auto sell items in the MP, i hope something similar can be done.

    Don't act elitist telling others to go play a different game or BDO/server "isn't for you". This is a private server afterall, if you were a true hardass/hardcore player like you're fronting to be you'd be playing retail. People come here because it's easier and allows you to get to end-game faster.
    Last edited: Oct 22, 2018
    Leozyo likes this.
  16. GekiritZ

    GekiritZ New Member

    Oct 4, 2018
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    The Netherlands
    It's not the players but the system that buys them unless it's BiS like Crescent or Tungrad. Most players skip anything in between knowing full well that nobody will ever see the need for anything inferior, and they SD autosell or melt it.

    Why attack me personally here? I've played retail from EU launch up untill 4-5 months ago and wasn't referring to it impacting income on retail, but on this server, where it simply cannot hold a candle to other means of income beside SD unless trade price items were severely buffed, their weight altered, etc. etc. etc.

    Again, why the personal insult? It's not an elitist opinion but an observed fact that players on this server that put in the AFK horse training, the knowledge grind, the startup gear, certain lifeskills etc. and the enchanting themselves in the beginning fare tons better than players coming in fresh and complaining they can't/won't do anything else but SD's for money. Literally almost every player that did AFK horse training, extensive gathering or some other extra moneymaking method aside from SD does better in the long run, and they started just as broke and just as gimped as any other new player, so why make this obvious observation into something you deem elitist?

    Also, isn't part of the supposed problem not also the fact that there's "Hardasses and hardcore ppl" playing that make SD grinding impossible by excluding low GS players from their groups or flagging on people butting in? If you know there's hardcore/hardass players on here that push you off and supposedly prevent others from reaching endgame, doesn't that prove my entire point instead of debunking it?

    Lastly, if you're going to bring up cherrypicking, why skip over the fact you only need to Imperial trade two T6 horses or better to have enough money for a full set of +15, which would completely eliminate any gear-related issues new players might have when trying to get into the SD grind, and can you make a point without attacking me or my knowledge of the game personally?

    EDIT: And before you go cracking wise how +15 doesn't mean anything, well, obviously, but why run before you know how to walk? Obviously you'd start the SD grinding at easier, less contested spots and not go Cadry straight off the bat, and how you could just as well take an extra night or two of AFK horse training to skip +15 altogether...
    Last edited: Oct 22, 2018
    loboram and RevelationsOn like this.
  17. RevelationsOn

    RevelationsOn Proficient

    Feb 2, 2018
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    Wait, are you really playing gamezbd? Because if you do, you'd know that Pirate Island is like 1/10 chance would have SUPER LESS people grinding there.
    Try doing a duo SD there perhaps and see how much silvers you'd get.
    And stop with the personal opinion attacks like what you are doing to GekiritZ lol.

    While we all agree some changes needs to be done for the server, in the end... It's still at the hands of Carl and Kolka if those will be implemented or not.


    Please help watch this thread, it's kinda being personal for some reason lol.
    loboram and GekiritZ like this.
  18. RevelationsOn

    RevelationsOn Proficient

    Feb 2, 2018
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    I really wanted not to share this gamezbd specific guide but this thread is going out of hand. I just shared this to my guildmates usually but hey, we are here to help and not to point figures at each other and fight lol.

    Enjoy, watch it till the end.
    See you in game, most good people like me don't PK unless we got attacked or so first + most geared players would warn before attacking or saying get out of our rotation.
    Watch the vid, and see how many million you can get in an hour, how many billion in weeks aside from the typical afk horse wagon training thing lol.

    Bone <- in game. Beta player since August 2017
    GekiritZ likes this.
  19. MFDOOM

    MFDOOM Getting there

    Oct 20, 2018
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    Sorry if you thought i attacked you, that wasn't my intention.

    That being said i still stand by my point. SD makes other items on MP extremely difficult to move and has a ripple effect on a lot of gear and lower tier grind spots.
  20. loboram

    loboram Respected Member Forum Legend

    Jan 29, 2018
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    I really wanted to contend the OP but it seems that three other players have done an excellent job of it, so thanks @GekiritZ , @RevelationsOn , @Rah97
    I truly enjoyed the exchange of posts in this thread, also I have a terrible reflux-like-reaction towards "little-spoiled-rich-kid-behavior"; where if things aren't exactly as they want them they will throw a fit and/or try to destroy it for everyone else.
    Rah97 likes this.
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