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Guide Enhancing Guide

Discussion in 'Game Guides' started by loboram, Jan 3, 2020.

  1. loboram

    loboram Respected Member Forum Legend

    Jan 29, 2018
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    Well I really wanted to find a useful guide on the forum to help new players out, unfortunately I could not find an up to date guide.

    Look the only advice I can give you, is what I know works for me and doesn't pin your enhancement results on success, but rather failure instead. This way you should not feel completely frustrated, and please do not think that mainstream ideology is right, because this will only give you problems, and not be helpful to you in the long run.

    So, you've just started on this wonderful private server project, GamezBD. You might have some experience with the game, or you might be completely new to it, doesn't really matter how you play your game, or what you like to do in it; You will need to get some gear!

    Now you have probably noticed the new menu, the main menu with the rows of sections to the left of the screen, and the helpful menu items in the: Adventure Section.

    In here you can find a helpful tool, displaying the items that drop from different areas in the game-world. Now a slow and somewhat interesting way to get some information on items, is to look at the long list of items in the BDOcodex website.
    However, I have just made a search and found this list, which displays the different Armour-sets, and which bonuses are applied by wearing them: https://altarofgaming.com/black-desert-online-armor-sets-pve-pvp-blue-green-boss-gear/

    Personally I started with the Agerian Set, and then moved on to the Luck of Fortuna Set, mostly because of the wonderful +3 Movement Speed bonus, and of course in the beginning, you cannot have too much +2 Luck ;)

    Alright then...Find an Armour Set you like, doesn't matter what ANYone tells you, this is your game to play, so choose whatever You want. You can always get another set later on, or upgrade the set you have into the Boss Gear Set.

    Open the main menu, and find the places where your armour will drop, and then go there. Whether you are doing the Main storyline quest chain -to open up a lot more of the game, as well as getting some rather nifty rewards- or not, you will be able to fight the monsters in most places, with a level that is appropriate for the area (no more than 5 levels under see main map), and the most basic gear at your disposal.

    After getting the Armour Set and Weapons (open Central Market and make a search for Green Weapons and Armour read the popup item description), whether you got them by fighting for them, or just bought the unenhanced version of the Central Market, doesn't matter. NOW comes the difficult bit, because you are in desperate need of Blackstones!

    If you aren't questing, just wandering aimlessly without purpose, then the game might get a bit boring, especially because there aren't any clear ways to advance. Which is why I always warmly recommend that all players do the Main story. There are some Blackstone rewards, as well as inventory slot rewards, and even some Advise of Valk rewards, which you need for enhancing later on.

    Without questing you will find yourself wnadering aimlessly, trying to find areas where the Blackstones "drop like candy" (which doesn't make any sense at all since candy doesn't rain down anywhere), but you will quickly find that just like All other things in this game, it is based on RNG (Random Number Generator). This means that the only factor that might play a part, is the level of the area in which you are "grinding" (killing loads and loads of monsters). Once you reach Mediah -to the East of Serendia, yeah Serendia is where Heidel City, and Glish Town are- the amount of Blackstones should start increasing in drop rate. You will need approximately 500+ Armour Blackstones, for a full set (4 pieces) of Armour to reach +15. From around +7 - +12 yo will lose some Blackstones, and from +13 - +15 you will lose a Lot of Blackstones, BUT here is the trick!

    You are NOT trying to get a Success; You WANT to get a higher Failstack.

    Once you can get that idea through your preconceived notions, of what things are and why they are that way, THEN you can start Failstacking freely, remember we just agreed that we aren't enhancing only failstacking ;)

    So you intent is to create higher and higher failstacks, and then make them into Advise of Valks (https://bdocodex.com/us/item/17809/), at any Blacksmith by buying a a "Secret Book" (https://www.blackdesertfoundry.com/new-system-blacksmiths-arcane/) and then right clicking the book in your inventory to convert it.

    So everytime you fail, after a certain failstack level you invent, could be +10, or +15, or +20, or whatever you want. You put it into the Naderr's Band, and only use it for the highest attempts of failstacking, in order to increase the failstack. Alternatively, you could just extract the Advise of Valks immediately, after reaching whatever level of failstack you want.

    Once in a while, you will get a Success, but do not despair. This is a Good thing, since the more difficult the item is to enhance, the higher the failstack you will be able to build on it.

    Eventually you will have 4-6 items, all at the same Enhancement level, and then you can use the Naderr's Band failstacks, to try for a higher Enhancement level. Every time you fail, the failstack will grow, and even if you lose an Enhancement level on one item, you can keep going until you have failed on all of them, gaining a much higher failstack to be put back into the Naderr's Band, OR until you get a Success and a higher leveled item :)

    So far, you need to get some Green gear, and some Blackstones. However in order to utilize the Failstacks properly, you will also need the Nadaar's Band: https://bdocodex.com/us/quest/21417/1/
    A small questline, that only requires you to be level 58, but you will gain the ability to Quickly and Easily, be able to switch between failstacks. Which is CRUCIAL!

    So, from now on, you just need one character and the Naderr's Band. Once you reach +15 in all of your gear, you should have enough AP/DP to venture forwards, BUT remember that you will still have trouble once you reach Mediah. The monsters there, are NOT easy until you have proper gear, so move around a LOT, and avoid getting hit.

    With a set of PRI, which comes after +15, you should be ready for Boss Hunting. Now you have to start using the Boss Timer, in the main menu Adventurer Support section.

    Once you have acquired some Boss gear, you should be able to adventure around most of the game world somewhat freely, although there are some places that are pretty deadly still. Now with Boss gear, the Enhancement process will get you 60+ failstacks, and then you can start thinking about getting some Accessories, other than the easily obtained Asula's Crimson Eye Accessories set (https://bdocodex.com/us/item/11640/).

    Well...hopefully I have given you a clear alternative to the mainstream way of doing things...prehaps it is the same way that they advocate for doing things...I really don't care. What is important is that Black Desert Online is NOT impossible to play, or even enjoy the whole game, and to rob yourself of the possibility of trying it all out, is just saddening.

    Alright then, good "luck" out there, and hope you enjoy your time here on GamezBD.
    Last edited: Apr 3, 2022
  2. kimxd

    kimxd New Member

    Jan 31, 2013
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    USA :)
    Thank you mate! Will try that.
    loboram likes this.
  3. loboram

    loboram Respected Member Forum Legend

    Jan 29, 2018
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    updated today, including some much more useful links and tips

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