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Gamez Staff relationship with Clients

Discussion in 'Old Threads' started by pinkfx, Nov 18, 2010.


are you satisfied with the Gamez staff and their support?

Poll closed Nov 30, 2010.
  1. yes

    77 vote(s)
  2. no

    177 vote(s)
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  1. blessdoom

    blessdoom A QUITTER

    Aug 2, 2010
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    I were really pleased with their support..untill today!
  2. Moot

    Moot I be dat Nurple Forum Legend

    Jul 8, 2010
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    iiiiiiiiiin west philadelphia

    first of all
    you and i both know that the reason you put donation in quotes is because thats not what it is at all. it has to remain to be seen that way because what these guys are doing is technically illegal. earning money off of something that is not rightfully theirs. so the fact that people even pay as much as they do, the admins and carl and that other girl should in fact be kissing our asses. i'm not about to shout out numbers but i know for a fact he's making more then then he lets on with the way he runs his server.

    gamez is by no means a reflection of its community. the state its in right now is absolutely the gm's faults. the list is too long to single people out. those who are doing everything they can know who they are. but there are legitimate causes from carl and alente's actions that are starting to show in the decay of this server that we're all experiencing right now.

    in the end, no one wants to poor money into a sinking ship. eventually people are gonna pack up and move out or things will get fixed. there is no other choice at this point. people just arent that stupid.
  3. Koomz

    Koomz Metal-head!!! \m/ Forum Legend

    Nov 18, 2010
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    San Francisco, CA, USA
    I'm new to this server but I feel like putting in my 2 cents on this... I voted yes. You have to understand guys this is a PRIVATE SERVER. It's not supposed to work like the retail servers coz they have limited resources. And about the GMs, the other people were right about this, they do this job voluntarily and they don't get paid for it. They have limitations on what they can and can't do. Give them a break. I know this coz I used to be a GM/Admin on different servers of different MMOs. It is a very tedious job and I admire them for putting up with people who don't know anything but to WHINE! Yeah sure I keep cussing my a$$ off whenever I get randomly ported back to my home point but what can I do? It's part of playing in a private server. Bugs are always there. Even on retail servers! You can't blame the staff for anything! And inspite of this they are still doing the best they can to give us the best possible experience in their server!
  4. Frenemy

    Frenemy Banned

    Jun 28, 2010
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    I will have to agree and disagree with u at the same time.

    Let's look at this matter from both point of views ^^

    - Im a donator:
    I work in RL for 8hrs everyday for 5days/ week. I get paid like 700$ per month. I donate to this server like 20$/ week in order to be the pro, to have the best gears and all the crap that makes u be the pwner in game (-not talking about skills here, only gears-).

    So, when I donate the cash I get not in easy way in RL, I do demand to be treaten in a nice way by Admins and be respected because I give him easy cash for something that is virtual and not real. Basicly I pay for a service that Admin offers to me on his Pserver.

    I think u will agree with me here that when u work for the cash u spend, u demand to buy the services that will worth the cash u spend on em!! This is how RL works, coz if u just waste ur money on random stuff w/o thinking of the next day, Im sowwie to say that but u are either loser or millioner.

    - Im Admin:
    I set up a Pserver. I put an efford to make it run smoothly. I spend cash that I get in RL from my job, in order to buy the hard/soft-ware. I hire Devs team and make a good server rdy to accept new players aka customers.

    I got my server up, I run a game on in and I pay the costs of power and hosting the server. The money I send on my Pserver I ecpect to earn from donations by offering to people a game of good quality. So, basicly all that I care about is to have a sure income from my server every month by doing almost nothing. The way I think is this: as far I get donations, I will keep the server up w/o caring about the commuity coz I got the Staff members to deal with the crowd.

    The problem here is that none of both can exist w/o each other. But there is one little tiny detail: server cannot exist w/o donations, it needs real $$$ and not active community only. So this is a one way road for Admins if they want to keep the donators/ community active here...

    Sure u will say that for Admins it's enough to get only 1 donation/ member but donators are not infintive. They will stop some time and this server will become a ghost coz in which there will exist either only hackers or donators who will donate once or twice every month , and the all about it.

    After all, u cannot treat ur costumers like trash and be irrogant for long time. Ur pink dream will end soooner or later... That's for sure :wink:
    Last edited: Nov 19, 2010
  5. Mercykiller

    Mercykiller Well-Known Member

    Aug 3, 2010
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    I never said people should be donating, tbh. Just don't QQ that you donated and you should be getting the same rights a shareholder gets. That's not how the system works. If you don't like the system, don't donate. Also, if you have a problem with carl, don't target the entirety of the staff. They're just volunteers. They're not getting a cut of the profits, hence why all this QQ about the "service" not being up to par is all pure-grade bullshit.

    Tbh Gamez has been experiencing numerous low points in the past months, Carl even considered shutting the server down. People are still here because they want to be here, not because they're being coerced into staying. No one's promising a brighter future for the server, *****ing about the staff, who are volunteering to do the work to the best of their ability, is detrimental to the server. The staff aren't responsible for ensuring your satisfaction. "Feedback threads" like this, which basically just translate to "Abuse the volunteers", just hurt the morale of the staff, which means they'll be less inclined to help and more likely to **** around with people.

    I'm not saying praise them for doing a horrible job, when it's a legit concern, but this thread is just pushing it.

    Criticizing volunteers for not serving your every need is not going to help this sinking ship. It'll just make it go down quicker. We'll either get mass resignations by staff members who'll be replaced with the people who were passed over at the last staff selection, or Carl will just close the server like he intended to do recently. Either way, you lose.

    I'll repeat myself because it bears repeating: donating does not make you a shareholder.
  6. Koomz

    Koomz Metal-head!!! \m/ Forum Legend

    Nov 18, 2010
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    San Francisco, CA, USA

    I too am a working man and donate to the server to get some stuff. But you forgot the keyword here, DONATE. It's called donation coz you don't actually BUY the services or share of the server itself. You donate coz you wanna "help" the server and they give you incentives whenever you do so. They probably already have the money to keep the server up in the first place anyway. Donating to the server is completely voluntary and no one is forcing you to donate. If you want the service you're expecting to get then i suggest you make your own server sir.
  7. Frenemy

    Frenemy Banned

    Jun 28, 2010
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    Let's begin with that it's illegal to have a pirate game on Pserver. If u are not the owner of it then it's illegal activity and getting money for that is realy serious crime considering based on the existing laws...

    But noone cares coz everyone earns something from this whole story with Pservers
  8. Koomz

    Koomz Metal-head!!! \m/ Forum Legend

    Nov 18, 2010
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    San Francisco, CA, USA
    Well let's end it with, "We're all playing here coz we don't wanna pay for monthly fees on retail, so illegal or not, we're staying here!" Agreed? :biggrin:
  9. Mercykiller

    Mercykiller Well-Known Member

    Aug 3, 2010
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    And just to add to what I've been saying: The only thing volunteers get for doing their work is "Thank you". If you just QQ that you donated and your issue should have been solved without you asking for it, then how inclined are they going to be to do their job? Be polite, and patient. If you're rude to a staff member the entire community suffers, because that staff member will not be interested in helping people who act like *****es to him/her just because s/he couldn't satisfy them.
  10. Frenemy

    Frenemy Banned

    Jun 28, 2010
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    If I wouldn't agree then I would be playing some other game prolly

    It's not about the whole Staff team but about some certain members who shouldn't be at their positions right nao.

    It's even more about the organization and management of it. The supervision in Gamez is poor and I hope u will agree that some Staff members do or did abuse at some point their powers.

    It's natural to do so coz we all wanna know how it feels like to cheat. I have done it when I was GM for the very first time, I don't hide it coz I didn't ever repeat it again
  11. Mercykiller

    Mercykiller Well-Known Member

    Aug 3, 2010
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    You're the last person I would consult on who is abusing his powers or not, Raik. The fact that you abused your powers as a GM in the past automatically means you have no room to make baseless claims about current GMs. Only legit power abuse I've seen happened on the forums, not in-game, and we're not discussing who-banned-who-for-what in this thread.

    Most of the rumors going round about power abuse are entirely baseless, I'll use Zodake as an example: People have been accusing him of abusing his powers from day 1: All they've ever been able to prove is that he ONCE tele'd his friend into the rival faction's non-pvp zone: and even though they didn't kill anyone, he nearly lost his position because of it.
  12. Frenemy

    Frenemy Banned

    Jun 28, 2010
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    Well, there are proofs but they shouldn't be shown in public in order to avoid the pointless drama fest. People who are in charge will have all the proofs they need and then they can decide wat to do :sideways:

    Im happy that I had this little chit-chat with u my friend but unfortunately I got to catch my plain soon... I got to ger rdy...

    Cya around when I come back
  13. Mercykiller

    Mercykiller Well-Known Member

    Aug 3, 2010
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    Since when have you avoided starting drama? Oh right, since all your claims are baseless and you know it.

    Just get the **** out already.
  14. Moot

    Moot I be dat Nurple Forum Legend

    Jul 8, 2010
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    iiiiiiiiiin west philadelphia

    you not only tarnished your validity with your response but you also disregarded everything i said.

    you're right about one thing. eventually everyone WILL leave and carl wont have and choice but to shut it down. there goes his income and it was all for nothing.

    besides that, i never said anything about being a shareholder. i donated, i spent money here, and i, like everyone else who hasnt left yet, think its ridiculous to just throw that away. you're an idiot mercy. they should have never unbanned you.
  15. St1ngMeRed

    St1ngMeRed Banned Forum Legend

    Sep 9, 2010
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    where is no helpfull gm at all.... u have to wait for weeks till someone will help u.... and its f** true....
  16. Fendhi

    Fendhi Banned Forum Legend

    Oct 29, 2010
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    I voted No. I am dissatisfied.
  17. cozolinofly

    cozolinofly Legendary Member

    Jul 16, 2010
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    can i speak againa about KLS ...? he is abusing of No CD diety again ..and he use Diety V and he is not even Governor
  18. Mercykiller

    Mercykiller Well-Known Member

    Aug 3, 2010
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    I'm the idiot because I never donated to a server which you describe as a sinking ship, a server I stopped investing time and effort in a long time ago. Obviously you have a very clear definition of what is and isn't idiocy.

    And yeah, you do expect to be treated as a shareholder, because you think that your investment in the server means your concerns should be heeded by the owner: Things have never worked like that and you know it. You donated, you got your credits, Carl doesn't owe you anything, as far as he's concerned. If people stop donating, he'll shut the server down, there's no ****ing way he's going to change the system.

    Yes, I'm totally the idiot, because I think criticizing the only people who are doing something to keep this server afloat is a dumb ****ing idea.
  19. Nitemare

    Nitemare New Member

    Nov 13, 2010
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    Lol thought i'd return the favour for what u did in my thread =p

    I'm NW, Glasgow.
  20. Fendhi

    Fendhi Banned Forum Legend

    Oct 29, 2010
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    You have a good point. It's actually educating ignorant people like myself, who knows nothing about what's going on behind the scene.
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