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Patch Notes [GamezBD] 02/05/2018

Discussion in 'Patch Notes' started by Carl, Feb 8, 2018.

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  1. Carl

    Carl Administrator Admin

    Feb 22, 2010
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    Trophy Points:
    - Fixed transportation system (now wagon/ships take items only if their path contains destination town)
    - Added correct drop for plant working
    - Now player system time didn't affect to worker task complete time
    - Now pet receive correct exp amount when "Feed All" action applied
    - Now registered items at market can't be cancelled for 5 mins (after registration)
    - Fixed disappearing monsters (example: Twin-Head Treant)
    - Correct teleportation to instances via Mobility Device
    - Fixed item enchant display in journal
    - Now player summons can't attack another players instance summons (example: disco bosses)
    - Fixed error when monster minions stay in world when owner is already dead.
    - Fixed error when summons can attack themselves.
    - Added wharf spawn placements for few missed boat types.
    - Fix night random shop display item problem after relogin or recontact with npc.
    - Fixed not full hp after relog if guild hp/mp buffs applied to player
    - Fixed recovery stable function for baby elephant vehicle type.
    - Now chance to decrease accessory enchant level (with crone stones) when enchant failed is 50%
    - Fixed chance to not degrade accessory on enchantment with cron stones
    - Fixed perfect enchant durability condition (21 durability exploit)
    - Now monster knowledge rank can be increased automatically if new knowledge has higher rank
    - Fixed overlapable reward type for challenges (rewards for this type can't be accumulated)
    - Implemented attendance rewards based on guild level
    - Implemented attendance rewards for "Return" and "Newbie" types
    - Now all item/servant/cash market operations is disabled while server in shutdown mode
    - Greatly improved monster AI performance
    - Fixed model for npc "Sunrise Herb at the Ruins"
    - Update world spawns
    - Sieges progress now is 80% (Implemented all siege logic except ending, currently disabled)
    - [Launcher] Improved anticheat and security
    - [Launcher] Fixed not enough quota error
    - [Website] Donation cash now giftable
    loboram likes this.
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