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Ground PvP

Discussion in 'Old Threads' started by vRisen, Jul 28, 2010.


Should this be implemented?

  1. Yes

    164 vote(s)
  2. No

    25 vote(s)
  1. karas

    karas Proficient

    Jun 11, 2010
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    maybe this coming sept. 7 the new update there will be ground pvp on the new areas on 2.0 patch now this will be more fun
  2. vRisen

    vRisen Banned

    Jun 5, 2010
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    Well look at it this way, no disrespect to the staff, but 1.9 was a huge update, 2.0 is an even bigger update, it took since june 2nd to update to 1.9.

    I don't want to wait another 3-6 months just to kill on the ground. :)
    Last edited: Jul 29, 2010
  3. Rg9400

    Rg9400 Banned

    Jun 11, 2010
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    We meaning you? And mastershaker? You guys are being pathetic. You have a map designed SPECIFICALLY to be air pvp. I mean, why the hell isn't that enough? Not everyone likes air PVP, so NCsoft gave us a choice ABYSS for air pvp, regular maps for ground pvp. This servers pop. is stable enough for both to happen simultaneously. You guys are being selfish by not letting the other party get what they want. WE CAN HAVE BOTH! So stop being selfish. And honestly, ground pvp is A LOT different. Watch the vids of rifting/baluria. The ability to use terrain for advantage, the ability of sins to actually BE assassins and not be nerfed in the air. The ability to glide off cliffs and have chases. The ability to use all those skills we were meant to use. Its fun.

    Now in no way am I forcing you to have the aforementioned PVP. You can simply go to the abyss if you do not like it. I am sure a few others asmo and ely will be there also who do not like it as much (although I am sure loads will have left). But rifting will be fun still. And from talks to people who just duel, lots of them IMO would enjoy being able to rift like this. Flight pvp usually means hitting a city, camping it, and requiring a zerg party. Now, you could solo rift and enjoy it. The pros are many, but the main argument is...


  4. illegal pete

    illegal pete Getting there

    Jul 22, 2010
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    Look dude, there was a poll about this YESTERDAY.
    See here: http://forum.gameznetwork.com/showthread.php?t=8877

    Its not gonna happen. You want retail-esque qualities, go play on a retail-esque server, like crystal, which your sig indicates that you play on anyway. I was watching people get owned by glads, temps and even clerics all day today in heiron. In the air. Its obviously not that big of a deal.
  5. Rg9400

    Rg9400 Banned

    Jun 11, 2010
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    Two things, first off, it probably will happen seeing as the new maps are pointless without it, and there is no reason to keep free fly in hieron/beluslan.

    Second off, Crystal is a dying server. We only have 5 stigmas...no advanced ones even. The amount of players is less and less. And rifting is pointless seeing as finding players is almost impossible (3 in belus fortress..REALLY?).

    I understand what you say about how air pvp is not EXTREMELY unbalanced. But it is nowhere near as fun, especially for said classes, as it is on the ground. I see no reason for offering a choice...to me that seems fair and satisfies everyone.
  6. vRisen

    vRisen Banned

    Jun 5, 2010
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    I'm starting to wonder why a certain few people are discouraging this thread.

    Anywho, there's a huge difference between this, and that thread, mainly, this thread holds stronger points, and more supporters.

    Yeah, but this topic isn't discussing who gets owned in the air, ground PvP is fun, hopefully nobody is stuck up enough to the point that they cannot admit that, I mean, as far as I know, this server has only been aerial PvP since it's been out, who doesn't like a change?

    Look, guys, if you're discouraging this thread just for attention or drama, please, I ask you, stop, just stop.
    If the votes were in your favor, then you could discourage it all you want, but the votes are in our favor, why not at least try to support us instead of telling us to go to another server.

    If you're going to post anything dealing with flaming another person, stop, take a deep breath, and go back a page, let's not get this thread locked like the other one, k?
  7. Silentpipe

    Silentpipe New Member

    Jul 12, 2010
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    then don't play with ur melee char if u want to pvp in the middle of air :whistling: use ur skill, dont use ur ego.
    Templar has IJ, and Gladiator has ankle snare, and u know what, healing pot cant cure the root.

    i vote no, free fly its server rules :rightful:
    this is not retail server, and not retail wanna be like the another server. thats why gamezaion server its the best one of the pvp server. :love:
  8. vRisen

    vRisen Banned

    Jun 5, 2010
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    So you're saying everyone should be either a ranger or a sorc? Because those are the only classes that excel in air.

    Ankle snare releases victim after victim receives damage.

    I respect your opinion, but I just don't get why you oppose more variety in PvP.
    Last edited: Jul 30, 2010
  9. illegal pete

    illegal pete Getting there

    Jul 22, 2010
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    Sure, it's gonna happen. IN THE NEW MAPS. This has already been stated quite clearly by chlora. However, nobody said squat about the old maps. And who says there's no reason to keep free fly in those maps? How about the aether to be gathered in storm circle? How about people not having to fight through 10 miles of mobs to get to prime grind spots? Theres plenty of reasons. If you're going to make the argument for heiron/beluslan, how about eltnen/morheim? I mean really, if we're going to gimp the machine, lets gimp it all!

    So wait, you're telling me that if someone has a dissenting opinion, they shouldnt post here? Dude, its called a FORUM. The definition of which is an arena for discussion. Discussions have more than one side. What you're preaching is absolute hypocrisy. Not to mention the fact that you're basically telling us that, in your opinion, anyone who disagrees with your master plan for flightless maps is just here to cause drama. Not so, sir.

    So you've got 80 something votes at the time of this post. There are thousands of players on the server. 80ish is a drop in the bucket. Not to mention the fact that if the idea did get implemented, there would be MASSIVE outcry from both sides. Hell, the GM staff tossed in a few extra guards to prevent spawncamping and people went ape. The reason very few people are saying anything now is because they dont honestly believe its going to happen.

    The bottom line is that if you dont like the way the server is being run, and HAS been run for quite some time, perhaps you should realize that you're simply not suited to it, as opposed to it being not suited to you.
  10. meeetch

    meeetch Getting there

    Jul 19, 2010
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    not really needed. If you want to fight on the ground, do so at your own risk. We are DAEVAS! GODS! AND GODS FIGHT IN THE SKY!! FOR THE HORSE!
  11. illegal pete

    illegal pete Getting there

    Jul 22, 2010
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    Sure, it's gonna happen. IN THE NEW MAPS. This has already been stated quite clearly by chlora. However, nobody said squat about the old maps. And who says there's no reason to keep free fly in those maps? How about the aether to be gathered in storm circle? How about people not having to fight through 10 miles of mobs to get to prime grind spots? Theres plenty of reasons. If you're going to make the argument for heiron/beluslan, how about eltnen/morheim? I mean really, if we're going to gimp the machine, lets gimp it all!

    So wait, you're telling me that if someone has a dissenting opinion, they shouldnt post here? Dude, its called a FORUM. The definition of which is an arena for discussion. Discussions have more than one side. What you're preaching is absolute hypocrisy. Not to mention the fact that you're basically telling us that, in your opinion, anyone who disagrees with your master plan for flightless maps is just here to cause drama. Not so, sir.

    So you've got 80 something votes at the time of this post. There are thousands of players on the server. 80ish is a drop in the bucket. Not to mention the fact that if the idea did get implemented, there would be MASSIVE outcry from both sides. Hell, the GM staff tossed in a few extra guards to prevent spawncamping and people went ape. The reason very few people are saying anything now is because they dont honestly believe its going to happen.

    The bottom line is that if you dont like the way the server is being run, and HAS been run for quite some time, perhaps you should realize that you're simply not suited to it, as opposed to it being not suited to you.
  12. Silentpipe

    Silentpipe New Member

    Jul 12, 2010
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    use force cleave after ankle snare :kewl:

    no, this the best way for u to stay with ur lovely gladiator.

    1. Go to main town
    2. Shout "invite me for repel"
    3. look in ur party, what class their.


    cmon man, don't messed up with the server rules, before u register here, and before u play in this server, u should go to www.gamezaion.com right? and then dont forget to check the server info and server features. if u dont agree with the free fly, then don't play. thats simple. :kewl:

    gamezaion have reason to make free fly, they made free fly cause this is pvp server, not the retail wanna be.
  13. cess500

    cess500 Getting there

    May 18, 2010
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    Real aion is pvp ground fly pvp is one unique map Reshanta no more no less
  14. vRisen

    vRisen Banned

    Jun 5, 2010
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    Ok first off, have you even played retail / any other server? I take it not, you're able to fly in storm circle and heiron, but there are boundaries.
    Since you have no clue on how ground PvP actually is, then I can assume you have no idea what the fuck you're raging about.

    Have you bothered to look at the previous posts? Your English is decent for someone who doesn't know how to read properly.
    This happens on no other server that I've played on, stop your bullshit accusations.
    People will love ground pvp, simply because of the fact that it is different than what we've been doing for the past year, you're against change? That's nice, not all of us are.

    Yeah, probably because somebody decided to be an ass and provoke a flamewar, thus getting the thread locked.

    I see a suggestions forum don't I? Since you can't read, let me help you out a bit, the suggestions forum is for players to put suggestions, or feedback on what they want changed / implemented. There you have it.

    Now, you say nobody believes that a suggestion can cause a game to be changed, correct?
    Maybe if we had more supporters don't you think players could get something done if we worked together? You're not doing a damn bit of good posting on here then.

    Since I know you have zero knowledge of how this will play out, I can already assume you're just here for flamebait, now, I can ask, why not stop being an asshole and pitch in?

    Oh yeah, those who voted no because you're not going to get to a grind spot / boss quicker, you're on a PvP server, if you want to PvE, you have crystalaion.

    The only proper reason you'd have to vote no would be if you know the server will end up in turmoil and chaos - that's not going to happen, the other servers do just fine. Yeah, the PvP will be populated at first, but isn't everything new populated? Not to mention something awesome as hell.
    - Or if you actually have PvP'd on ground before and you just simply cannot stand it. If so, I recommend you hit that no button, because you know what you're talking about.

    On other servers, I've PvP'd on ground, it's why I created this topic in the first place, because ground PvP is way more fun!

    Also, I was in valkyrie, I left because nobody ever, ever, PvP'd, which furthermore proves my point you don't know what you're talking about.
    Last edited: Jul 30, 2010
  15. Graveheart

    Graveheart New Member

    Jun 5, 2010
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    IMHO..,i just see people afraid of changes..,either their characters that excel in aerial pvp would get nerf or people that are so selfish and narrow-minded or maybe just a kid still immature...or people who are "TOO LAZY" to run on maps....

    Whats wrong with having "Two Aspects of PVP"...Aerial and Ground...why some likes "ALL FREE FLY"...why can't we all enjoy this game "FOR ALL others concern"...not all players have same viewpoint...some wants change for a different aspects of THRILL and enjoyment...is it not enough that ABYSS is built for aerial pvp...those people who loves dueling and keep practicing their combo's timing, they do it on ground most of the time.
    They training hard to enjoy the other side of "PVP"...
    why can't we all set aside our selfish beliefs...don't you want a more "Challenging ground Tactics in raiding..or solo hunting"...

    like we do in RvR....do you not like to see... Legion against Legion...Friends vs Friends..battling just for fun...

    i mean just give a chance to others to enjoy the game...

    we have a bigger population in the server...i'm sure you'll find both sides(Abyss and Rifts) plenty to kill....

    or another way....just Heiron/Beluslan alone be no free fly...

    if we could have just have a wider perspective of things...

    it's not bad for a change...peace and chaos!
  16. vRisen

    vRisen Banned

    Jun 5, 2010
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    Thank. You.

    You couldn't have said it better. :)
  17. Ald

    Ald Proficient

    Jun 6, 2010
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    With all the glads and sins on the server, i'm shocked there aren't more votes for ground PVP. It's hands down better than flight. I like options but i can wait for Balaurea, which hopefully has no flight.
  18. Autumn

    Autumn Banned

    Jun 28, 2010
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    I'm not being selfish. You are. You know damn well the majority of the people on gamez wants free flight everywhere. You want to take it away despite the majority. This poll does not represent the majority, as evidenced by the countless others out there that consistently ask for free flight to stay and the numbers here are a mere anomoly that don't account for even 1% of the population.
  19. Dane

    Dane New Member

    May 26, 2010
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    some people say that the poll doesn't represent anything, and that the no. of posts doesn't even reach 5% of the actual population.... well, that's true but how are you so certain of what the other 95% think?.... the truth is, we really wouldn't know the opinion of all the people on the server so please stop assuming what the "majority" of the server population feel about this matter...

    I think the whole point / goal of the thread is to raise valid arguments to convince the admin to grant their request of disabling Free-Fly in Heiron / Beluslan...
  20. Autumn

    Autumn Banned

    Jun 28, 2010
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    Except that the thread was made a poll. And as such, the OP expects the poll to represent an opinion, despite that the poll is flawed in that it argues only for one side of the debate. Thus, the point must be made that the poll is valueless.

    If the majority wanted no free flight badly enough, they would swap servers. Simple as that. This server is advertised as free flight.

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