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Just wondering

Discussion in 'Old Threads' started by Executrice, Jan 13, 2011.

  1. Chokolaticoco

    Chokolaticoco Expert

    Sep 9, 2010
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    bcoz of its population ( HUGE ONE ) every place thiers a zerg if you dont go with zerg you dont get action
  2. Vanzs

    Vanzs Proficient

    Dec 13, 2010
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    The Past
    "Atm, server is full of ranger and glad mean those class is a way OP or at least very effective for that server. They still use para, silence, blind gs, why ? Don't know play ? Want no match people ? Oh, great, that's insane PvP. So what ? You are just making some stuff to play like //god in a doom-like game ?"

    Atleast We did not cheated....
  3. Beastie

    Beastie Banned

    May 21, 2010
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    1. Kisks are fine. Put them in places where they're hard to find and they won't get destroyed.

    2. Zergs are common in Ing/Gelk/Silentra and it's unfortunate but it's part of the game. You can pvp in other areas or get in a good group that can facestomp zergs.

    3. Corpse camping is lame but allowed. You can easily prevent this by making your main bind point in the major cities and forts and using a kisk when you go PvP.

    4. People like to complain it happens everywhere you go. In fact you seem to be doing a good bit of complaining with your post.

    5. Rangers and Sorcs do have high DPS but they also are very squishy. I'm a glad and I faceroll every ranger I come across one v one. You just need to know how to play your class and have decent gear.

    6. Some of the Godstones are lame and there have been talks to remove them but no action taken so far. Until then just get the best one you can and use it like everyone else.

    7. Rangers and Glads aren't necessarily OPed in that they're easier classes to learn how to use, but each class is every effective if used properly.

    8. I dont care if you're one person or a group, if you're a red name I'm going to hunt you down and kill you. It's part of the game.

    Finally- the population is the biggest it's ever been and more and more players are joining each day. Also you have a list of complaints but where are your suggestions on improvements that can be made?
  4. Marlonx

    Marlonx Expert

    Sep 14, 2010
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    Im not agree with that >_<, i know how to play the assassin very properly, but we got nerfed and buged on each update T_T
  5. Beastie

    Beastie Banned

    May 21, 2010
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    Assassins have been complaining about getting nerfed but I was on a bit a cpl days ago and I've seen a few sins tear apart glads and temps. Assassin is a complicated class with their runes I've seen people suck with them, and I've seen people pwn with them. I have a cpl of sin alts and know first hand that being a sin isn't as easy as a glad or ranger, but in the end it really depends on your gear and how well you know your class.
  6. Executrice

    Executrice New Member

    Jan 13, 2011
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    I don't play all the time with kisk and when I use one I know where to bind my ass :lol: On retail for example, you can't bind in elite area when I do it here. I didn't try in out map (or what ever we tell in English to talk about deep mountain where you are not supposed to go), but pretty sure we can do it.

    About PvP, I win almost 1v1 I have already faced even being a cleric full+0. The problem isn't there but when you start to face many enemy, you can't do anything due to the unbalance damage causing by many factors.

    I don't really complain about people who are camping corpse but just tell them than it's totally retarded.

    Ofc, Balaurea is full of zerg, but I don't call that PvP. It's not only private server, even retail got problem about that : the damage each class can do at Lv51+ has been increase, but too much due to various factor like HP, the physical defense calculator who is totally ... well, LOL in that game and much more.

    Retail already have a unbalance in PvP and certains factors on private make those unbalance really huge. People tell me than I have to switch server if I don't like it but it's the same everywhere and that's just prove than they don't know about what they are talking. What the point of switching server each time I face a problem ? If everybody do it, nothing will be better. For sure, in my thread, it was a lot of complain without proposing anything but that was a thread after some shiit happen in game and now with time to think about it, I saw than it was totally useless. Anyway, in any case, people must stop flame/taunt because they don't like the thread. If you don't like, just don't answer or answer with some arg instead of 'useless post', ....
  7. Solstice

    Solstice Getting there

    Jan 5, 2011
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    I'm sure this happens in retail too, infact like everywhere. You just can't stop people from zerging when you see like 30 other enemies ahead of you and when people are hungry for AP/kills. There are very few souls here who would actually lead the charge, most rather just wait till someone actually pushes and sacrifrices himself/herself... plus this is what to expect when you have large scale pvps. Its part of the game....part of human nature to chase one another back and forth? lol uh..

    Also about the no fly thing. Its not like theres no fly on every map, its only Heiron & belu...You can always fly pvp in Elt and morhiem or head to the abyss. All people do is try to get their kisk at impossible areas and flee with their little wings when they can't win a battle...

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