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Merge the servers back

Discussion in 'Black Desert Discussion' started by bored803, Dec 15, 2021.


Should we merge the servers again?

  1. Yes absolutely!

  2. No!

  3. I would leave the server if we merged

  1. loboram

    loboram Respected Member Forum Legend

    Jan 29, 2018
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    Hehe, who's the ignorant now? Have you played Retail-BDO lately? Because I have, literally within a week, and to me the rates of GamezBD are Insanely Superior to the ones on Retail-BDO.

    Tell you what, since all you're doing is slandering the GamezBD staff, and the users of its service, and complaining your little head off; why don't you just go away, to somewhere else, and stop bothering the people who enjoy and like this service?
  2. Slogenn

    Slogenn New Member

    May 26, 2019
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    literally people make 700m an hour on retail nowadays with minimal gear wtf are u on about "people who enjoy the service" you're just as ignorant as kolka jesus christ your servers are only going downhill and you literally have bots that display the amount of online users yet you still claim it's all ok and good "complain your little head off" just because you enjoy being an ass kisser doesn't make you right you're fighting for a war that has been lost months ago cause of the neglecting of the community. we went from 2 months for a patch to 6-8 months and that's only one mention of the whole picture of gamez only going backwards. and those are literal facts no matter how many people come with complaints proper or not whatever all you and the gamez staff do is push them away and claim that all they do is bitch and whine. instead of actually trying to find a solution you just choose to run away from it. go back to taking all the credit for what you've done absolutely nothing to earn. that's literally your life purpose. pathetic.
    carlo001 likes this.
  3. Slogenn

    Slogenn New Member

    May 26, 2019
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    literally what service even, what is gamez even doing other than adding more cash grab items to the cash shop LMFAO even those shitty weekly hotfixes are not doing anything. same game breaking bugs that make some classes literally useless are still part of the game and some of those have been implemented for years now. don't get how you got so delusional that you fight to protect this. you seem intelligent yet the complete opposite at the same time. go put your energy in a place that's actually worth it cause trust me gamez would give zero fucks to dump you like it did it's community
    carlo001 likes this.
  4. McConnel

    McConnel Getting there

    Oct 20, 2020
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    I have a retail account and also tried different servers.
    I will tell you right now, that gamez 10x rates on accessories are probably not working or working only partly.
    The drop chance is not the same as described as well as the mobs are not the same difficulty as retail, they are harder a lot harder to kill by maybe 30%. It is the leftover of the past "rebalancing" gamez team did with the grinding spots, capping the stats or changing something else making it harder to grind arguing that "its still easier than retail but we dont want to make it too easy".
    Then they pedaled back, but the mobs difficulty is still bigger than it used to be a long time ago.
    Grinding on gamez WITHOUT blackstar set gear is a torture therefore nobody wants to grind anymore if they could choose to play a retail or different servers that are many today and are running on original server files.

    Gamez team should consider rebalancing the mobs, make them easier to kill and increase the rates. Increase the rates of the starting zone places like stars end, basilisk den, cadry and etc so those spots could be grinded by others for decent money, update the drop table so they drop something unique worth doing. They should also be willing to change the rules on the server, reduce the node war/siege regions and adjust rewards for them as well as for rbf to give people incentive to do it. Give us crons for participation and score obtained in the node/sieges.

    The lack of changes and balancing for population is what causing the server to lose the ACTIVE players. I dont play anymore i cant be bothered to grind on Turo that is impossible to kill but drop 1-0 belts per H with someone.
    Gamez problem is they duplicate some retail changes and dont adjust it to their server at all.
    Turo spot is an example, but i could tell you that 2 patches back the spot was way easier and nicer to play with 3 people, with 2 people now is pointless and waste of time. And this
    Ofc i dont even mention about various node war and sieges bugs that happened to be on gamez, with indestructible hwacha and flame towers, their dmg, the buildings def/hp and a lot more. Khan bug is on gamez for almost a year now, its impossible to kill, this is ridiculous and nobody gives a fuck about it.
    Last edited: Jun 12, 2022
    Vaeller, Empire and Slogenn like this.
  5. loboram

    loboram Respected Member Forum Legend

    Jan 29, 2018
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    Hmmm, it is Obvious that you have never actually experienced torture, and for some misguided kid to abuse the word, is extremely fragged up, to say the least. Also that first statement isn't actually true, because it is really a matter of perspective, isn't it? What you might consider difficult, someone else might consider far too easy.

    I just do not quite understand, why you are here on the GamezBD forum, if you are no longer even active in the community, or playing the GamezBD servers any longer?

    About the bugs, which you are being Very vague about, why haven't they been Reported? If they have been reported, then where are "all these many many, unresolved bug reports" then? Also why is "Khan impossible to kill"?
  6. loboram

    loboram Respected Member Forum Legend

    Jan 29, 2018
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    Just would like to remind everyone writing on this thread, that this is becoming derailed, and devolving into a temper-tantrum-throwing-rants and whining complaints thread, about a service that is completely free, as well as really entertaining.

    So please, stick to the Original Post/Thread Title, instead of continuing this very rude behaviour. I mean it is completely understandable if YOU think something is wrong, or that there are things that YOU don't like. But there are ways of communicating that, as well as other threads and possibilities, where you are able to speak your mind, without all that bullcrap about "being silenced by the GamezBD staff or management". They leave a ton of shaite on this forum, that I would have deleted, and yeah I am NOT a part of the GamezBD staff.

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