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My EGT Cloth Set+15 For your 2K credits

Discussion in 'Old Threads' started by Diavol GR, Sep 11, 2010.

  1. brainpower

    brainpower Banned

    Jul 10, 2010
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    pffff , get real , until the kinah wipe there was no bug regarding kinah , except the broker bug ... lies ftw :wink:

    whatever bro , get good ... hopefully they`ll catch you and ban your ass from this server
  2. soulrus91

    soulrus91 Getting there

    Sep 9, 2010
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    stop being so agressive, sirreusly,
    every wierd offer u incounter u immidiadly assume its a dupe, sirreusly, get over urself and try to shutup and ignore posts that aint urs. if gms find this wierd, they'll check, regardless to ur smartass comments:bandit:
  3. Diavol GR

    Diavol GR Legendary Member

    Jun 24, 2010
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    Lol any GM is free to check my inventory and account. And Any GM is free to ask for my Chat log. im not afraid of anything cause im totally clean.

    You are the first one to ever accuse me of that thing and thats cause you are jealous and after 95% of the population here called you a duper you suddenly stopped duping and got poor. LOl.

    Now eat my dust cause i use my brain to make kinah and i will keep using it. I dont need to learn any bug abuse to make kinah in a private server ROFL. I had kinah on official and its nothing for me to make kinah here. Ill just keep outbiding you.

    Now Gtfo of my thread. You cant even answer to anything i say.

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