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Question to all men

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Nujabes, Dec 4, 2011.

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  1. Smartik1

    Smartik1 Walking F.A.Q. Forum Legend

    Aug 1, 2010
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    another sexist comment >.> u dont need brute force and huge muscles to drop some1 u know, u have the wrong idea :p check out some skinny martial artists for example lol, they would kick ur ass like nothing
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  2. Badrobot

    Badrobot SNU SNU

    Aug 17, 2010
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    Why is it a sexist comment? Women dont have strength and they are not supposeD to have strength,doing household chores and taking care of their children doesnt require any important strength. and the majority of the heavy jobs for women are still a piece of cake for men. Why? Cause its just nature,even in the ancient years men were bringing food to their families by killing some wild animals,and so on. This is not an insult to women,its just the truth. I dont get you,really. ROFL

    I ll just give you a simple everyday example,do you know any family abuse case where the woman is the one abusing/beating her husband? No right? Cause if women had more strength than men they wouldnt tolerate those as*holes,they would kick their ass.

    I dont know whats your point really,you are trying to prove nature wrong? ROFL
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  3. xGenocide

    xGenocide Banned

    Oct 10, 2011
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    That's sexism, just because they're women doesn't mean they're less than a man in any way. Also, what happened a million years ago doesn't mean we're entitled to do the same today.
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  4. Badrobot

    Badrobot SNU SNU

    Aug 17, 2010
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    K,women are as strong as men,whatever floats your boat.

    Just... BLaME NaTURE..
  5. xGenocide

    xGenocide Banned

    Oct 10, 2011
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    It's funny how you underestimate women. I know mothers who took on construction jobs to support their kids and provide food when the father couldn't. It's far from just being physically strong, anyway..

    I bet you're that guy on YouTube that always comments "That's a weird looking kitchen." or "Why isn't she making me a sandwich?".
  6. Badrobot

    Badrobot SNU SNU

    Aug 17, 2010
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    Im married,and i dont underestimate women,im stating the truth,women are weaker than men when speaking about strength. So wut? Doesnt mean that they are less of a person or they dont have the same right or anything,they are just..as i said,weaker in strength. Its just nature,blame God,idk..just stop denying it rofl

    Since you edited your reply i ll just add here..im speaking about STRENGTH,physical power,not anything else,i know you are not stupid,so stop pretending to be one. and stop putting words in my mouth

    Next time when my mom or wife or sisters will call me to do some heavy lifting i ll tell them ,you know what? Genocide from gamez forums told me that you women are as strong as men,so yeah wife/mom go lift that 20kg thing on your own..TROLOLOL geno you really make me rofl
    Last edited: Dec 4, 2011
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  7. xGenocide

    xGenocide Banned

    Oct 10, 2011
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    To be on topic, just because on average males have more muscle mass than women, doesn't mean the woman can't beat the man down. I've been manhandled by a woman that was a former Green Beret, and it's very demoralizing.

    I guess if you stuck a male and a female in a room, and they grew naturally with no training or no knowledge of fighting, then you'd be correct, but hey, that's not the case.
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  8. exzer11

    exzer11 Proficient

    Mar 1, 2011
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    If a woman would beat my ass, i would kick her straight in the nuts.... ooh wait they dont have that eehmm..... Just smack the shit out of her... if she can hit u like a man than she can also fight like a man, and than i dont want that bullsh*t like aahhhh dont hit a woman...... If she has the balls to hit a man with her fist than she has to take resposibity to get hit by a man also....
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  9. FadetoBlack

    FadetoBlack Veni, vidi, vici, reliqui

    Jun 6, 2010
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    Somewhere along the path of the beam
    I don't beat down my dog... so if a woman beat me down like a dog.. well.. That would mean she's telling me "You've been a baaaad baaaaddd man, baaaaaddd! Don't do that!" In which case I would feel really bad...
  10. cozolinofly

    cozolinofly Well-Known Member

    Jul 16, 2010
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    i just feel bad for badrobot wife now .. seriously you think a woman should be weak and stay in the house taking care of kids and making food?
  11. DarkWish

    DarkWish New Member

    Jul 24, 2011
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    One thing :D I LOVE WOMEN and beating me would be,HEll sexy :D But iff she is beating me like,really,beating,that would be bad...
  12. Archsatan

    Archsatan Yoza

    Jun 17, 2010
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    I wouldn't mind, seen what they do to the poor things on zootube.
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  13. EpicNinja

    EpicNinja Banned

    Feb 4, 2011
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    this thread went down hill fast >.>
  14. sarmala

    sarmala I'm a PRO !!! Forum Legend

    Sep 6, 2011
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    that will never happen X_X !!! NEVER !!!!
  15. Badrobot

    Badrobot SNU SNU

    Aug 17, 2010
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    No i think a woman should be bringing money to the house while i take care of the kids and cook the food and clean the house,huehuehue.. Feel bad for your self .
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  16. Joshan

    Joshan Proficient

    Jul 28, 2011
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    already happened to me when i was 16: accidentaly hit a girl with a rock and im like apologizing and all the sudden she lunched a suprise attak on me and i was like a pin hit by a bowling ball.. she beat the crap out of me.. for a few seconds then i recover fought back and all my classmates were like cheering around in a circle and we kept at it for for like few minutes then the teachers came to split us.. after that: best friends forever, ebony girl named gretel i'll never forget her. this other ebony-green eye girl : yuraimy also in my school she would beat all boys in my classroom on arm-wrestling but me good friend of mines.. i remember she didnt wanted anything with her boyfriend anymore and he wanted to touch her .. she literaly beat him like a dog in the classroom.. meh never liked the guy.. he was the ex of my gf back then and always acted like a jerk .. well ur punishment came buddy.
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  17. Uehara

    Uehara イシ-サマ。(´ε` ) Forum Legend

    Feb 15, 2011
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    Sorry to intrude a thread which is only meant for men to answer but as a woman, first of, it is stupid to risk yourself hitting a guy specially your partner physically since it will both ruin your face and your relationship. Not all the women in the world can protect themselves that is why there are a lot of cases in the world regarding bothered wife, rape, etc.. Not all women were able to attend Taekwondo or Muay Thai, etc lessons.. And not actually all women will use those martial arts which is taught as self defense for abusing/manipulating a man through physical pain - not me for sure. I was taught by my mom also some seminars my husband and I attended before we got married to never provoke the man by hitting him, beating him which let us all admit hurts a man's ego which in the end leads to a more serious case like a man hitting back the woman then in the end will blame the man and call the woman bothered which in some cases unfair and not true. If you can settle it with a conversation, do it. If not then calm things down before talking to each other again so that you both can prevent anything bad. This applies to any kinds of situations.

    My mom admitted to me before that she got beaten by my dad many times because she threw a hot flat iron on my father's shoulder, punched him on the face in-front of so many people, almost killed him by throwing a knife, etc. which led her to have bruises and swelling legs and black eyes due to strong punches of my dad. I guess in my dad's case, he already answered the question: He will fight back specially if his life is at stake already because he can never tolerate such violence. Violence against violence? Not good yes, but is there any other choice if the wife is at the peak of throwing sharp objects that cause you to bleed and worse die? Women are stronger than men in some points. Their words pierce a man's heart. We talk and express our thoughts better than men. There might be a point that women do not mean everything but it will hurt a man who will hear it. Even that is enough to make a man beat a woman LOL! I never beat my husband. I tried once, but he is too strong and he can control me. Like in-game, if I am in the range where he can control me, I wont stand a chance. But I am strong with everything around me that can be thrown to him if he is out of range. I did it once which made me really feel guilty about it and never did it again. Because I know it is wrong. And I hope other women out there knows how wrong to provoke a man too because in the end when you got beaten, there is no one to blame but yourself because beating them means asking for it. Not all men got a long patience. Think that only women got the infinite/loads of patience to give, but not all men.

    Speaking of patience. Regardless how irritating a guy is, beating him is not the best and last resort and as a woman I know it. So even if it is about strangers, I wont bother. I once had this experience where I had my butt molested by an old guy in a bus, I let the guys beat the hell out of him. I did not do anything, I just shouted :p Though deep inside me I wanted to beat him so bad. I slapped him though, when the bus conductor asked me to :D

    And if I were a guy who will be beaten so bad by a woman which I know I surely do not deserve *hey, we even question our parents when beating us because we stole a dime? No one deserves any kind of physical pain on something that can be resolved through conversing about it* I will smash her fcking face!
    Last edited: Dec 4, 2011
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  18. Joshan

    Joshan Proficient

    Jul 28, 2011
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    yeah uehara u right when a couple fight it looks kinda bad, u know i grew up having 2 neighborgs fighting all the time: mary and Felo good ppl but they kinda hated eachother.. they would go in fighting with blades no kidding there !! they were both full of scars, after idk how many years they finnaly got a divorce, sold the house and moved out, mary bought a new house which got burnt to the ground little while after; lost contact with her after that , the other dude disapeared without a trace, and as for the vacant house .. another couple came in with the most anoying kid in 4 square blocks!!! they are neighborgs hard to forget and i even got thier stupid casset's songs recorded in my head after many years of hearing it..
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  19. Uehara

    Uehara イシ-サマ。(´ε` ) Forum Legend

    Feb 15, 2011
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    221B Baker St.
    OMG Joshan! I do not know what I will do if I were in your shoe LOL! That surely is a crazy neighbor next door :p Lucky me when I was growing, neighbors are quiet..... Not my parents though. LOL! But they never got into the point of annulling or separating. They admitted it themselves they were too young back then and they both didn't know the do's and don't's when fighting so they end up making too much scandalous noise when they were fighting and the neighbors can hear them. =.=

    They also told me that way back, they thought that once you got your feelings hurt, you should forget the word respect for one another which is totally wrong. I am still in my early stage of marriage *almost 2 years married* and I wish my husband and I can do better than them on their early stage :D
  20. Nujabes

    Nujabes Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2010
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    It is a fact that man is naturally 'physically' stronger than a women, while keeping note, being physically stronger or a better fighter is two very different things. I ain't looking at them weaker, but I will accept the fact man is stronger than women in natural boundaries, an individual women can prove this wrong, because she had put the dedication necessary to be strong as she is, but doesn't instantly apply to the majority of other women.
    Last edited: Dec 4, 2011
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