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Sycth and Ciufpuf pwnage!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Techno, Jan 24, 2011.

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  1. Beastie

    Beastie Banned

    May 21, 2010
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    I think Garen, hes like a paladin I guess. Melee guy, carries a big sword.
  2. Techno

    Techno Attention Whore. Forum Legend

    Dec 31, 2010
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    Ahaha lol at first i was using Ashe ulti on minions so being slain by the turret isn't so bad yet.
  3. Sycth

    Sycth Banned Forum Legend

    Sep 12, 2010
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    Manchester, UK
    Haha well he was running straight past the minions and attacking the bots, the bots would aggro him and so would the minions and he would die straight away. (He was Ryze)

    Then at about level 10 i said, 'Ive not seen you use your Ultimate once' and he said... 'You mean the Summoner Spells?' and i said 'No, your 'R' skill' in which he replied he hadnt even put and ranks into it lol.

    @Beast You mean you were getting beaten down by ranged Champions or Minions?

    Minions are the little dudes that spawn and fight the enemy minions.


    Minions play a very important strategic role in LoL. Minions are expendable units that are trained automatically and charge into battle with the purpose of attacking enemy units of their lanes.They are not very powerful and can only destroy enemy turrets with the help of one or more champions.

    The blue and purple team minions spawn every 30 seconds from the Nexus in order to support the champions. Minions begin spawning 1 minute 30 seconds after the game has begun.
    These are the minions that are currently known:

    • Melee Minion: Charge directly against the enemy. Three spawn each wave.
    • Caster Minion: Support the Melee Minions by Casting Spells. Three spawn each wave.
    • Siege Minion: Perfect to take down turrets (Takes 50% less damage from towers.). One spawns every third wave.
    • Super Minion: One is spawned each wave in place of the Siege Minion once the enemy lane inhibitor is down (also Takes 50% less damage from towers). Two spawn per wave in each lane when all enemy inhibitors are destroyed.

    Minions and turrets will only deviate from their standard behavior to come to the aid of an ally under duress. Whenever any unit is under attack, it generates a ‘call for help’. Minions and turrets have slightly different reactions to a call for help.
    Under normal circumstances, a minion’s behavior is extremely simple. Minions follow their attack route until they reach an enemy to engage. Every few seconds, they will scan the area around them for the highest priority target. When a minion receives a call for help from an ally, it will evaluate its current target in relation to the target designated by the call. It will switch its attack to the new target if and only if the new target is of a higher priority than their current target. Minions prioritize targets in the following order:

    1. An enemy champion designated by a call for help from an allied champion.
    2. An enemy minion designated by a call for help from an allied champion.
    3. An enemy minion designated by a call for help from an allied minion.
    4. An enemy turret designated by a call for help from an allied minion.
    5. An enemy champion designated by a call for help from an allied minion.
    6. The closest enemy minion.
    7. The closest enemy champion.
    Because they are continuously reevaluating their target, minions will lose interest in an enemy champion if that champion breaks off an engagement with them, provided that there is any other target left for them to choose within range.
    Minions will only reevaluate their target every few seconds. This means that an enemy champion initiates an attack against an enemy champion, your champion will continue to be viewed as the most threatening target for a short time after you have broken off the attack. This is true even if one of your allied champions has joined the fight, since minions always prioritize their current target over a new target of equal priority.

    Tips and Tricks

    Don't auto attack from inside a bush.
    It reveals everyone inside the bush and makes the bush unusable for a short period of time. Step outside if you want to attack, then step back in

    2. If you attack a player at their turret, you will gain turret aggro.

    This goes for any ability that hurts the other player. Mundo's AoE, Malphite's AoE, Cho'Gath's spikes, Sunfire Capes, Teemo's poison, etc. You will also gain agro if your pet attacks another player, however. (ex. Annie's Tibbers)

    3. Always buy a potion, if possible, in the beginning
    After you buy your starting item(s) always make sure to spend that extra cash and buy a potion. It helps you stay in lane longer and helps prevent you from dying.

    4. If you're low on health, stay out of range from the other players attacks or go back and heal/buy.

    Dying sucks, and you can avoid dying by tower hugging, healing, and staying out of range. Just make sure you don't put yourself out of exp range. < (Watch this video on zone control)

    5. Understand your character's survivability.

    Some characters die eaier than others, meaning you have to learn how much punishment you can take before dying (Amumu can take way more damage than Fiddlesticks, etc.). With some characters it's better to sit back and stay out of damage range to avoid being focused in fights.

    6. Try not to feed.

    If you've died a few times in the laning phase, all hope is not lost. It may be time for you to sit back at the edge of exp range and avoid damage for a while. Multiple deaths make you underleveled/poor while it gives the enemy more exp/gold. The last thing you want is to be below everyone else. If you've died a few times in the laning phase, the other team has probably targeted you as an easy kill and would love nothing more than to bathe in your blood. Don't let them do this!

    7. Know when to go back and buy/heal.

    If your laning partner just died and you have a good amount of health, don't go back just yet. This will allow the other team to push your tower, which isn't good. Trust me on that. Go back if you are deathly low or if your partner can hold the lane long enough for you to get back. Make sure to inform your partner you are going back. (If your mid, try not to go back unless you have teleport or your opponent has went back.) Saying that you are blue pilling, or BP, is a good way to say you are going back to the fountain.

    8. Boots are essential, don't be afraid to buy them!

    Boots should usually be the second item you buy. If you're about to go back for your first item and have a good amount of health left, stay in the lane for that extra 350G and buy some boots as well. You'll find yourself dying to opponents who have them or losing kills due to there speed if you don't purchase them.

    9. Don't leave your lane unless it's safe.

    Going to help mid get a kill is great, but if you leave lane while the other two opponents are still there, you are starving yourself exp and may be putting your partner in danger. Leave when one or both of them are dead and don't let them see where you are going. Go back and take a scenic route through the jungle to avoid letting them see you. This goes for killing dragon while bottom, as well.

    10. Split up your team composition to make laning better.

    Usually you'll want to give mid to a ranged character who will benefit more from the level advantage and go melee/ranged if possible in the two lanes. For a team of Nidalee, Blitzcrank, Gangplank, Soraka, and Jax you will probably want to split it up like this: Nidalee mid, she can benefit more from the level advantage to gank, has increased speed in cougar form, and can heal making her able to stay in a lane longer. Soraka and Jax bottom, Soraka is ranged and can harass the other team well while healing Jax, allowing him to harass almost as well, you may want to go bottom because this team can kill dragon better than the other team earlier. Blitzcrank and Gangplank top, Blitzcrank makes the other team afraid to harass because of his pull while Gangplank can harass well with parrrley. If you do not know good lane combos yet, ask your team where you should go.

    11. Try to get the last hit on minions.

    Doing this let's you get the gold for killing that minion, which is essential if you plan on buying items (always buy when possible). Instead of auto attacking every minion and hoping for the last hit, try attacking multiple minions and keeping an eye out for the one that will score you a last hit. You can get ahead of the other team in gold by doing this. Try it out in a practice game a few times if you feel you aren't very good at it. Don't put yourself in harms way just to get a last hit, though. It's easiest to do with ranged characters.

    12. Build smart and be adaptive.

    Build accordingly to your character. Don't always build the reccomended items as some of them are outdated and inaccurate. I'm not saying ignore the recommended build, just don't solely rely on it every game. If you are a ranged carry, build damage with some attack speed. For casters, build AP with at least one health item (There are a few that grant AP and health, these are great). Tanks should build a mixture of armor, health, and magic resistance depending on the other teams make-up. If they have a ton of magic damage, build more magic resist than armor and vise versa.

    13. Surviving is everything!

    If you find you are dying quite often in team fights, try repositioning yourself so they don't focus you and buy a survivability item. There are many to choose from depending on your character. If you are a ranged carry try building a Frozen Mallet (not as good on Ashe as she already has a slow on attack). For a caster try building Rod of Ages in the beginning or grab a Rylai's Crystal Scepter. Guardian Angel is a good item on anyone as it gives magic resist and ressurects you.

    14. Be a team player

    This is a team game, so make sure you never leave anyone behind. If possible stay with them and help them survive or follow them when they initiate and help get the kill. Don't be mad that you didn't get the kill, either. You get gold for assists and the money goes to your team. If someone is really low and you have a good amount of health but not enough to turn and fight, be a human shield to soak up some potential skill shots and possibly save there life.

    15. Do a little research before picking a champ

    Many champs have different play styles, some that will fit you and some that won't. Take the time to play as many champs as possible to find which style suites you best. Play a champ before you buy, also, as you may be disappointed with them. It's also good to be able to play at least one champ of every category: tank, nuke, support, ranged carry, melee carry. Play some practice games when trying out a new champ to get a good feel for their abilities.

    16. Be wary of the brush!

    Don't blindly walk into the brush alone thinking you'll be ok, especially at the beginning of the game. You never know how many people are inside waiting to kill you! Make sure you are always ready and with a partner before checking a common brush spot when everyone is MIA. When you're in a lane, stay away from the brush if your opponent is in it. If they have total brush control, buy a ward and plop it in. This will give you a slight advantage. You can also check the brush with certain abilities (Mundo's cleaver, Kennen's thunder shuriken, Ezreal's mystic shot, etc.). It will make a sound confirming a hit if someone is in the bush. If Shaco or Teemo is on the other team, though, this could just mean theres a shroom/jack in the box waiting for you!

    17. Keep a eye on your opponents at all times!

    Make sure you watch your enemies movements and attack patterns so that you can try to predict when they will attack. They will also glow orange/yellow when they target you for a spell. If you see this, run back out of range or pop your spell shield (Sivir, Morgana)! Avoiding unnecessary damage is key to winning your lane.

    18. Pay attention to the map at all times!

    Having map awareness is a huge part in winning games. Never over extend and push a lane alone when the enemy team has missing players. Always call your MIA's, watch your mini map, and place wards in smart spots. Know where your enemies are at, and gank them to victory!

    *Please note that this info has been compiled from different websites.

  4. regiix3

    regiix3 yeah Forum Legend

    Sep 14, 2010
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    ohh nicee, wall of text here <3
    game looks interesting ..
  5. FadetoBlack

    FadetoBlack Veni, vidi, vici, reliqui

    Jun 6, 2010
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    Somewhere along the path of the beam
    Sycth come play aion already :(
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  6. Techno

    Techno Attention Whore. Forum Legend

    Dec 31, 2010
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    No,he plays with meh <3
  7. Sycth

    Sycth Banned Forum Legend

    Sep 12, 2010
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    Manchester, UK
    I do...but on Lumiel.

    Then i get zerged
  8. Beastie

    Beastie Banned

    May 21, 2010
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    I had a tough time with the ranged champions as they would stay behind their minions and try and lure me to their towers, but I'm starting to get the hang of it. I've been experimenting with several of the free champions and I've kicked quite a bit of ass as Parthenon. I think I might make him my main champion.
  9. Melforce

    Melforce Sneaky Lil Shit Forum Legend

    Sep 10, 2010
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    Pantheon...his ulti never hits me,lol
  10. Beastie

    Beastie Banned

    May 21, 2010
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    I've noticed that its easy to avoid, seeing as the game makes it clear when he's about to hit, but you can use it to get across the entire map, to get him in position for his other skills which all hit hard. And when it does hit, then its pretty much game over.
  11. Sycth

    Sycth Banned Forum Legend

    Sep 12, 2010
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    Manchester, UK
    Its best to use his Ulti during teamfights as the enemy are more bothered about attacking your team than your Ulti, although Panth just got nerfed.

    Panth players use that stun and then Heartseeker i think, where he attacks rapidly but with his stun just being nerfed to like 0.8 of a second i dont see him being that reliable anymore and if the player gets Merc Treads (Reduces CC) then he is pointless.

    Whats your Summoner name?
    I shall add you and teach you a few things
  12. Beastie

    Beastie Banned

    May 21, 2010
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    Im Beas7ie. I like Parth because hes all Spartan like and Spartans kick ass. Also with gear he really hits hard. I've almost outright killed other champions with Aegis jump and Heartseeker combo. Though I want to experiment more with the melee classes before I make a final decision as which champion to make my main.
  13. Techno

    Techno Attention Whore. Forum Legend

    Dec 31, 2010
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    Just finished a game and got pwned hard,i had 0 9 2;
  14. Melforce

    Melforce Sneaky Lil Shit Forum Legend

    Sep 10, 2010
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    I went AP amumu,didnt went quite well but,we still won lol
  15. Peinx3

    Peinx3 Expert

    Aug 11, 2010
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    I would pwn you all with annie <33.
    Zee and (deleted member) like this.
  16. Melforce

    Melforce Sneaky Lil Shit Forum Legend

    Sep 10, 2010
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    and nuh,Singed with full +15 ABG Chain MR+14 socket > Annie
  17. Zee

    Zee Banned

    Sep 29, 2010
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    Oh wait , I see Pein online ;o
    skindred and (deleted member) like this.
  18. Homicide

    Homicide Predatory Templario! Forum Legend

    Mar 11, 2010
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    يً♥ Mahal kita ♥يً
  19. regiix3

    regiix3 yeah Forum Legend

    Sep 14, 2010
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    regiix3 is awesome enough to give free rep to people who deserve it :>
    *leaves thread before she derails this thread*
  20. Lucent

    Lucent Ghost in the shell of a former Drama Queen Forum Legend

    Jun 5, 2010
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    I can see you liking Pantheon quite a bit, hes a really fun hero. You should try Mordekaiser sometime if you get the chance. Also, speaking of getting across the map, theres a hero called Twisted Fate that has an ultimate that allows him to see every enemy champion on the map (regardless of whether or not they're within normal sight distance) and teleport to any location he wants. Hes a ranged hero, but extremely fun, and I would assume you would like him a lot.

    Theres tons of heroes I'd like to show you sometime, so I'll be adding you to my friends list and whenever you're on you should tell me so I can hop on and play some games with you.
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