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Thanks to the staff

Discussion in 'Black Desert Discussion' started by DivineEpiphany, Oct 19, 2017.

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  1. Naraku

    Naraku New Member

    Mar 10, 2012
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    I feel like I'm taking the bait here, or maybe you just haven't read much of this thread based off the beginning of your post (which happens to the best of us at times), but your analogy loses it's stated simplicity when you have to break down how it lacks any correlation to the actual situation.

    I'll elaborate, if you had some precious nudes hacked off of your storage location of choice and leaked onto the internet (sure hackers go ahead, if your eyes don't melt first I'm sure those who stumble upon them will :p ), you are a completely innocent party and a victim of circumstance, you have something that is not public and never intended to be public placed onto the world wide web.

    Your analogy implies that Carl and the staff are some innocent party that have had something taken from them and exposed online in a public setting where it was never meant to be displayed. Honestly the first part of the argument doesn't apply at all, in this case both parties are indifferent to such designations as either innocent, victim or guilty. We're not about to walk Carl down the streets of Calpheon screaming "Shame, shame, shame!". :p

    For the second part, the only part of the term Private that applies to this server is that it is privately owned and operated and not an entity of those who shall not be named. Outside of that, this server is both presented and advertised as an entity for the public to lay it's eyes, fingers and whatever gross appendages upon it that fit your choice of play style. (Offer excluded to Tentacle Monsters and Gorn)

    Despite the staff's initial response to DivineEpiphany's original thread, DivineEpiphany has provided a valid plea for a second consideration in regards to how the original silent dismissal by deletion of the thread and accompanied video that provided a laundry list of constructive criticism.

    DivineEpiphany as stated has been in varying degrees a very active member of this community in extremely positive ways, dedicating insane amounts of time to both this server, streaming and promotion of the server, assisting players questions during beta on the official Discord server and going above and beyond what is necessary for a position in the community that provides no compensation and no true perks. I'm sure the current staff can relate on how that feels, it's a labor of love nothing short of that description would do justice for these people.

    Though DivineEpiphany's criticisms of the current state of the server may seem insurmountably stacked in one go on purpose to do nothing but damage a server that he was giving the proverbial middle finger to, in regards to any new comers here and at first glace to the staff. The truth is far less sinister, for DivineEpiphany both the original thread and this follow up thread in regards to it's deletion is nothing more than a plea for some helpful changes to keep the server both enjoyable and thriving.

    It's not a change in character on his part, it's what comes from a person when they care so much about something (in this case the server) and the people behind it. Surely enough whether you agree with him or not, as things change and hopefully for the better he'd be there to give a follow up video and to stream more of the server and community that he has grown to love.

    You shouldn't shut the door in the face of such people, a community like this doesn't have enough "honest friends" like that to be viewing the few that you have with a jaded eye. I know it's hard, launch time is a rough time for both official and private servers alike and people can be disrespectful, harsh and down right venomous. It's easy to get in the mind set that either you are for us or against us under those circumstances, but I implore you to open up your eyes that friends will say positive things to pacify your fears and to be "on your side", but only good friends will tell you when you're off the mark with something in hopes that you get back on track, not for their own selfish desires but because they don't want to see you suffer irreversible results in regards to your current actions.

    PS... I believe this thread has been left open up until this point, because the staff and Carl have a good bit of the above in mind. This is a good server that is a labor of love on the parts of many people, Carl obviously being at the center of it is shouldering a weight not many of us can understand.

    Just my 2 copper pieces guys.
    Last edited: Oct 20, 2017
    loboram and DivineEpiphany like this.
  2. DivineEpiphany

    DivineEpiphany Getting there Forum Legend

    May 17, 2017
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    @Naraku thank you so much, I know sometimes my wording isnt very good, but your post is on point. I dont mean any ill will to GamezBD or its server or staff, I just want to see the server going back down the right path, so I can put my full support behind their project as I did in the past. I have supported, assisted, and essentially advertised this server for free for months and my video was just a culmination of things that needed to be addressed, it was by no means a "first look" post, it was a pleading with the staff to go down the right direction again. The original thread was also a place for players to address their issues or disagree with my statements as they saw fit as well. For anyone who thinks that my video was just complaining or bad mouthing GamezBD I would ask that you go check out my previous broadcasts, highlights, and even youtube videos, where I rave about this server and expose many issues that have been fixed or are being worked on. This one video shouldnt override what I have done for GamezBD and should be taken as the constructive criticism and plea that its meant to be.

    Off topic and already been deleted

    Please refrain from comments like this, I dont want to see another legit thread deleted due to something as stupid as racist replies

    Very bad analogy, the issue is more like someone posting a picture publicly on facebook and deleting any comment that doesnt say "youre pretty"
    Last edited: Oct 20, 2017
    Naraku likes this.
  3. DivineEpiphany

    DivineEpiphany Getting there Forum Legend

    May 17, 2017
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    Just wanna say to @Carl and @Kolka good job on getting the Kama quest working again guys. Its not perfect the next steps start too soon and the player still damages the stone we are supposed to protect, but its an awesome step in the right direction. Good job guys, keep it up!
  4. telespapeles

    telespapeles Proficient

    Jul 27, 2017
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    What's wrong with you lately Epi? Saying thank you for everything is so not you.
  5. ModernWarfare

    ModernWarfare Blade of Resentment

    Jun 18, 2011
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    beside my kitty
    i love honest reviews may it be positive or negative
  6. gorgeouschick

    gorgeouschick Formless

    May 5, 2017
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    Even how cold a person you are, when you feel it is your last hours you can thank everything from everyone even it is small things :D

    ~Just passing by
  7. telespapeles

    telespapeles Proficient

    Jul 27, 2017
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    Agree. And to that, his review was on point
  8. Lina

    Lina New Member

    Sep 9, 2017
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    Some things said above make this thread look like a grotesque comedy. I wish some of you could have the ability to look at it from outside your perfect but tiny world. Bug Reports section is so much more fun than all this... :)
  9. Noyah

    Noyah - Staff Member Admin

    May 30, 2015
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    Ouch is indeed great.
    Send a PM to @Carl if you want to report one of BDO staff members and please refrain from doing so in public.
    Lareldal likes this.
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