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Patch Notes [Update] 03/06/2023

Discussion in 'Patch Notes' started by Carl, Mar 6, 2023.

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  1. Carl

    Carl Administrator Admin

    Feb 22, 2010
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    Trophy Points:
    - Fixed glitch where players can use a stigma skill without required prerequisites
    - Removed stigma skills from players without required prerequisites on login
    - Fixed some players using same IP in VPN/Ping reducer can't receive AP and PvP Rewards
    - Added 100% Reward Bonus for losers in TvT Battlegrounds with V.I.P membership
    - All players can now enter arena of chaos without confirmation
    - Resolved another issue causing "skill cancel" arena bug
    - Fixed quest Loyalty not updating when killing Captain Adhati
    - Added 7 days V.I.P membership to website
    - Removed AP lost and kill counts from TvT events
    - Removed kill quest counting from TvT events
    - Added daily PvP kill medal rewards based on open world PvP kills (1,2,3,4,5,20)
    - Added bonus daily PvP kill reward for V.I.P members
    - Reduced the amount of daily TvT events
    - Added "Suspicious Boxes" in Silentera Canyon with rewards (medals/stigma shards/enchant stones/kinah)
    - Increased the amount of PvP AP gained in Silentera Canyon by 100%
    - Decreased the amount of loser rewards in Dredgion to discourage alt trading
    - Increased the amount of medal rewards in Omega / Ragnarok Bosses and added l150 enchant stones
    - Recharger NPCs no longer removes DP skills cooldown
    - Added missing boss "Menotios" in Reshanta
    - Increased Balaur assault rate of siege fortress
    - Updated siege schedules: inggison and gelkmaros fortresses now vulnerable on seperate days
    mousekiller and Olivia like this.
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