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Patch Notes [Update] 03/22/2024

Discussion in 'Patch Notes' started by Carl, Mar 22, 2024.

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  1. Carl

    Carl Administrator Admin

    Feb 22, 2010
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    NOTE: Need restart launcher to apply client update
    - Character season ended. New season will be started with next server update (approx ~1week)
    - Fixed training mastery bonuses didn't apply from some items (example: artifacts)
    - Fixed can't obtain guardian title for craft noble outfit
    - Fixed additional drop for alchemy&cooking can broke alchemy history records (example: Oil of Corruption)
    - Fixed can't complete some quests with new conditions (example: [Fishing Leap Apprentice 10] I Love Hot & Spicy Food)
    - Fixed can't open some boxes (Sealed Compass Box/Resplendent Kydict's Crystal Box/Rift's Echo Box and etc)
    - Fixed can't complete Chapter 27: From Production to Distribution quest cause Balenos Timber Crate item id changed
    - Fixed invisible item in special barter (now will be display as Lightstone of Fire: Blight)
    - Fixed the quest acceptance condition for the suggested quest [Elvia] The Fate of Glish to match the quest name
    - Fixed incorrect Concentrated Muskan Crystal item description
    - Fixed can't complete "My Favorite Things" journal quest cause needed item changed to regular Tanning Knife
    - Fixed can't complete "A Harder and Lighter Tool" quest cause needed item changed to regular Hoe
    - Fixed incorrect item count for complete Deve Book 5 Chapter 3 journal
    - Added Ocean Haze Ring to Padix Island monsters drop table
    - Added the ability to gain rare crafting materials through the exchange of Old Moon Combat and Life Seals with Robert, the Guild Wharf Manager in Velia Town
    - Added recurring quest [Repeat] Philaberto Falasi's Request
    - Added missed Kolka spawn at O'draxxia town
    - Added possibility to obtain and apply Gamez Blessing buff from Cash Shop (Cash Shop -> Gamez Blessing category)
    - Added Lackluster Crystal Fragment box to Kzarka/Nouver/Kutum/Karanda drop lists
    - Added possibility to complete Valentine Day journal
    - Increased Stamina bonus for Hystria JIN, BON, WON Magic Crystals, Black Magic Crystal's (175->300, 150->275)
    - Removed Stone of Malice drop from Guild Boss (Already owned Stone of Malice can exchanged for Magic Crystal of Infinity - Skill via Duncan in Velia)
    - Updated Loyal/Rookie/Returned login rewards content
    - Updated max ship speed in some sea zones according to latest retail changes (x1 -> x1.25)
    - Changed Florchestra Instruments quests from Daily to Repeatable type and increased rewards for completion
    - Removed ship speed sea flow dependency (now speed bonus applied for all ship directions in zones)
    - Updated Chapter 3 of Deve's Encyclopedia - Volume 5 quests (example: number of item types needed 5 → 3)
    - Implemented teleporter between main towns (can be found near Marketplace and Kolka at main towns, price in silver and depends on distance between origin and destination town (half price for premium accounts))
    - Increased the number of items obtainable when crafting the following guild items: Ink/Parchment/Wax/Seal/etc x5 -> x10
    - You can now obtain Merindora's Element via exchange 10 of 1 of the 5 meal items to NPC Merindora
    - Replaced Life/Vital/Dim Magic Crystal's with new simplified version's
    - Changed the Magic Crystal of Infinity items from Blue Grade to Yellow Grade
    - Magic Crystal of Infinity can no longer be crafted through Alchemy due to its grade change
    - Updated central market magic crystal category grouping
    - Removed the notification of other guild's guild mission completions
    - Improved the ability to repair equipment from Miles in the Old Moon Grand Prix
    - Now delivery between town warehouses will be completed instantly after send
    - Updated some outfits got incorrect geometry and holes
    - Updated all NPC shops with missed items (example: Life tools)
    - Updated ingame cash shop
    - https://forum.gameznetwork.com/threads/celebrate-3-333-days-of-adventure.246664
    - https://forum.gameznetwork.com/threads/cron-stone-3333-challenge.246663
    - https://forum.gameznetwork.com/threads/a-chance-to-get-cups.246662
    - https://forum.gameznetwork.com/threads/old-moon-boss-seal-boss-subjugation-challenge.246661
    loboram and JeongERang like this.
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