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Patch Notes [Update] 04/08/2024

Discussion in 'Patch Notes' started by Carl, Apr 8, 2024.

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  1. Carl

    Carl Administrator Admin

    Feb 22, 2010
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    NOTE: Need restart launcher to apply client update
    - Implemented new character season system (Evergreen)
    - Implemented sharing EXP/Skill EXP leveling up for tagged character
    - Increased x10 spawn rate of spirit weapons for all Elvia monster zones
    - Fixed can't obtain quests where condition is quest with changed type from repeatable to once (example: Falasi Family's Kindness -> [Repeat] Philaberto Falasi's Request)
    - Fixed incorrect Kolka model at Eilton and O'draxxia towns
    - Fixed missed reward for quest [Event] Contained Boss Aura x10 (player's who already completed this quest can find missed rewards in ingame mail)
    - Fixed client can't display Ocean Haze Ring enchant changes in enchantment window
    - Fixed can't transport more than one item between towns
    - Fixed can't talk with Elvia Spirits
    - Fixed incorrect remove date display when new mail received
    - Updated Dave/Caphras Record Encyclopedia quests requirements to latest retail changes (example: needed item count decrease)
    - Update barter exchanges to the latest retail changes
    - Added Mercenary's Seal item to bosses drop table (need to complete Valentine Journal quests)
    - Added missed NPC spawns for Valentine Journal quests (example: A Hidden Note/Reubens)
    - Shakatu's Seal and Shining Shakatu's Seal will be replaced with Radiant Shakatu's Seal via ingame mail
    - Unified boss latent aura's to single Latent Boss Aura
    - Updated [Weekly] Imperfect Beings quest to be one for all bosses
    - Ocean Haze Ring chance increased in normal and elite monsters to be same like Ethereal Earring
    - Added Premium & Awakening variants for Secrua & Coco-Nutty outfits in cash shop
    - Replaced Tears of the Arid River with Revived River Necklace and Moon's Split Nail with Revived Lunar Necklace in drop table
    - Replaced Basilisk's Piece - Snake Skin Belt with Basilisk's Belt in drop table
    - Replaced Cadry's Piece - Obsidian Decoration with Ring of Cadry Guardian in drop table
    - Replaced Orkinrad Piece - Leather Knot with Orkinrad's Belt in drop table
    - Enabled knowledge acquisition from Thyshelle Arms in Tarif via interaction when in the possession of an Ultimate Weapon/Armor Reform Stone
    - Improved the system that consumes ingredients when the type or quantity of ingredients is insufficient during cooking or alchemy the ingredients used for attempt are not consumed
    - Adjusted the waiting time to refresh the barter list from 4 hours to 2 hours
    - Adjusted the cooldown of the Crow's Trade Voucher from 4 hours to 2 hours, allowing for a quicker recovery of parley following the reduced refresh time for the barter list
    - Adjusted the points required for Ship Material Refresh among the Refresh Barter Information: 1st 40->10, 2nd 50->30
    - Added a new [Weekly] Monster Increase Report quest that can be received at Oquilla's Eye
    - The three Daily Young Sea Monsters Quest's have been consolidated into one quest
    - Decreased needed sea monster kill count for Weekly Quest Objective for Sea Monster Subjugation from 3 to 1
    - Also updated another [Daily]\[Weekly] Upgrade Materials quests at Oquilla's Eye
    - The purchase prices for upgrade materials have been greatly lowered at the Crow Shop
    - Implemented birthday cake sending at account create date
    loboram, ladyslayerz and JeongERang like this.
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