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Patch Notes [Update] 05/12/2022

Discussion in 'Patch Notes' started by Carl, May 12, 2022.

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  1. Carl

    Carl Administrator Admin

    Feb 22, 2010
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    NOTE: Need restart launcher to apply client update
    - Fixed some monsters can freeze in unattackable state
    - Fixed random AOE skills bug at Garmoth and Transmuted Kzarka
    - Fixed can't extinguish fire by quest "[Everfrost] Save the kiln!"
    - Fixed Slumbering Origin armor effect apply incorrectly
    - Fixed can't process quests where need kill Winter Tree Fossil Spirits (example: Peace Must Be Protected at the Junction)
    - Implemented possibility to attack non siege participants who didn't have active siege and come to another territory
    - Replaced [Crafting] Labreska's Helmet quests with daily analogue
    - Added missed Monster Damage Reduction +5 buff for 15+ Blackstar Secondary Weapons
    - Added Bheg's/Giath's/Griffon's/Red Nose's/Urugon's/Leebur's/Muskan's Latent Aura quests (exchange x100 aura's to boss item)
    - Added missed Salt Sack spawn for quest "Move the Salt Sacks"
    - Added missed NPC's for quest "Rocking Rock"
    - Added some missed winter region NPC spawns
    - Added possibility to edit MIDI compositions converted by bot via ingame sequencer
    - Fixed bunch of errors when MIDI converter can't convert some MIDI tracks
    - Server stability fixes
    - Marni's One Fuel Experiment (https://forum.gameznetwork.com/threads/marnis-one-fuel-experiment.240352/)
    - Get Your Golden Seals! (https://forum.gameznetwork.com/threads/get-your-golden-seals.240351/)
    - Got Milk Day? (https://forum.gameznetwork.com/threads/got-milk-day.240350/)
    - Listen to Lara’s Request! (https://forum.gameznetwork.com/threads/listen-to-lara%E2%80%99s-request.240349/)
    - Welcoming May with Tulips! (https://forum.gameznetwork.com/threads/welcoming-may-with-tulips.240348/)
    JeongERang, loboram and Mariane like this.
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