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Patch Notes [Update] 06/19/2022

Discussion in 'Patch Notes' started by Carl, Jun 19, 2022.

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  1. Carl

    Carl Administrator Admin

    Feb 22, 2010
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    NOTE: Restart launcher for client patch apply to avoid client crashes after server update
    - Fixed weapon stance can randomly change when player got CC
    - Fixed possible client crash when server receive broken chat channel message
    - Fixed some sea monster can freeze in attack-return-to-home state (example: Drunk Sniper <Cox Scout>)
    - Fixed players can't do rescue when riding horse
    - Fixed can't upload new formatted settings to server-side setting archive
    - Fixed incorrect Illichi <Okjinsini Researcher> NPC spawn point
    - Fixed can't move some items with count 1+ to Central Market Wallet (example: Red Battlefield Crystal's)
    - Fixed Camp Tent incorrect appear/disappear animation
    - Fixed can't enter to world when players has too many titles
    - Fixed Drifting Lopter drop didn't appear at water surface after kill
    - Fixed incorrect player guild display in general sheriff rating page (now using guild from last season)
    - Fixed can't open market category if last transaction was been 90 days ago
    - Fixed incorrect target push distance apply after CC (Downsmash/Knockdown and etc.)
    - Added ability to start quests whos need Mediah/Calpheon quest-chain when player completed Everfrost storyline (example: The Three Blacksmiths quest)
    - Added possibility to start and complete Altar Of Blood quests for new accounts
    - Added all new missed cooking/alchemy receipts (example: Elixir of Destruction/Persistence/Brawn and etc.)
    - Added missed knowledge for some NPC/Monster/Item's when contact/killing/acquire
    - Added missed transparent knowledge NPC's at Winter Region
    - Added Ice collection spawn points at Mountain Of Endless Winter
    - HOTS-UMME-RONG-AMEZ (Active until 20 July 2022)
    - https://forum.gameznetwork.com/threads/summer-nights-at-terrmian-beach.240597/
    - https://forum.gameznetwork.com/threads/the-golden-troupe-is-back.240596/
    - https://forum.gameznetwork.com/threads/rising-tides-bring-treasure-chests.240595/
    - https://forum.gameznetwork.com/threads/tranan-underfoe%E2%80%99s-endless-devotion.240594/
    - https://forum.gameznetwork.com/threads/waves-of-special-attendance-rewards.240593/
    loboram likes this.
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