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Patch Notes [Update] 07/26/2022

Discussion in 'Patch Notes' started by Carl, Jul 26, 2022.

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  1. Carl

    Carl Administrator Admin

    Feb 22, 2010
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    NOTE: Need restart launcher to apply client update
    - Fixed possibility to install forts on node wars in less than 1 hour before war starts (Preparing state)
    - Fixed wanted players status didn't restored after server restart (Sheriff's system)
    - Fixed sheriff system kill rules applied at arenas in some cases
    - Fixed invite war heroes to own alliance from ally member guilds
    - Fixed special evasion rate display in node wars information widget
    - Fixed incorrect Marni Fuel calculation for copy some items (example: Fiery/Storm Devoured weapons and etc.)
    - Fixed Invalid Item Price message when trying register some new items (example: Resplendent Jade)
    - Added some missed seed drops for gathering
    - Muraka & Quint world bosses now will be active 1 hour after spawn instead 15 min
    - Reduced the amount of "Marni's Unstable Fuel" required to copy an item by 50%
    - Added [Weekly] Bossfather quest can be accepted from Kolka NPC
    - Server stabilization fixes
    - Reduced Night Shop energy price by 50% (during event period 25 energy needed)
    - Catching Skippity Hoppity Choppy (https://forum.gameznetwork.com/threads/catching-skippity-hoppity-choppy.240725/)
    - Crack! It's the Source of Lightning! (https://forum.gameznetwork.com/threads/crack-its-the-source-of-lightning.240724/)
    - Sprouting New Buds of Life with Small Deeds (https://forum.gameznetwork.com/threads/sprouting-new-buds-of-life-with-small-deeds.240723/)
    - Islin's Lost Gift Box (https://forum.gameznetwork.com/threads/islins-lost-gift-box.240722/)
    loboram likes this.
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