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[Update] 14/02/2013

Discussion in 'Patch Notes' started by Alente, Feb 14, 2013.

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  1. Alente

    Alente Legend Forum Legend

    May 31, 2010
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    New Zealand
    Happy Valentines ^^

    -  R.3967 for 3.0.
    -  Fixes for Events.
    -  Fixed Server Transfers backend
    -  Added Q2409, Q2367, Q2345, Q2333, Q80162, Q80163, Q80164, Q80165, Q80166, Q80167, Q80168, Q80169
    -  Fixed Q21040, Q11048, Q17002, Q27002, Q41455, Q17000, Q27000, Q41552, Q41455, Q22007, Q22009, Q1948
    -  Added Q37100, Q37103, Q37106, Q2748, Q2758, Q18700, Q18708, Q28700, Q28708, Q27112 - 27154, Q2343
    -  Added Q27100-27112, Q28701, Q28702, Q28704, Q28705, Q28707, Q30276, Q30277, Q30278, Q49002, Q49003, Q30700
    -  Fixed Q18826, Q41552, Q1019, Q2290, Q1033, Q3092, Q41404, Q4323, Q30552, Q2917 - Q21919, Q28402
    -  Added Q30720, Q30716 - 30719, Q30714, Q30715, Q30712, Q30713, Q30711, Q30710, Q30709, Q30708
    -  Added Q30703, Q30704, Q30707, Q30705, Q30706, Q30702, Q30701, Q18849, Q18850, Q28849, Q28850, Q39003
    -  Added Q49000, Q49001, Q39000, Q39001, Q39002, Q12036, Q22036, Q11466, Q21465, Q2394
    -  Decomposable Items for Valentine's Day.
    -  Update Valentine's Day Event
    -  Added Valentine's Day Event.
    -  Update for Calindi
    -  Fixed Noacquired Start Condition
    -  Fixed Pvp Ap Distribution with NPC dmg
    -  Fixed Elemental Iron Prison
    -  Quest Item Ginseng-Shaped Incense
    -  Sell Limits increased for Premium/VIP users.
    -  NPE Fixed for Not Used Geo Materials
    -  Complite All Invasion Quest
    -  Fixed for Kill Counts > 63. Added same Check for Skill Use Xml Quests
    -  Monster Hunt Xml Quests May Use >63 Kills
    -  Fortress Geo Shields
    -  Update Decomposables
    -  Invassion Quest in Teo
    -  Added Invasion Quest in Brusthonin
    -  Fixed Change Lvl
    -  Cleanup Inherited Fields and Methods
    -  Portals updated
    -  Fixed Movement for Pvp Arena Cannon. Todo: Find Attribute in Templates
    -  Rentus Base Box Kinah Added
    -  Improve Auto Group.
    -  Walker Updates
    -  Upd Portal
    -  [] Geo
    -  Decomposable Items Update.
    -  Fixed Aoes
    -  Fixed for Villager Npcs Who Cannot be Used by Players with a House in the same Village
    -  Brusthonin Spawn Update
    -  Improve Instance Cooldown;
    -  Tursin Celan
    -  Jamanok Clean
    -  3.7 Balaurea Rifts Times
    -  Added New Event: Atreian City Festival
    -  Drop and Ignore Level On Agro for Instances 3.9
    -  Test Weapon Types (Abyss/NPC)
    -  Walkers Update
    -  Instantaneous Upd Passive Skill
    -  Fixed Point Skills
    -  Fixed Area Skill (Z Check)
    -  Revert Dot for 3.0
    -  Update 3.9 Quest Html File
    -  for Kromede Trial
    -  Missing Files for Prev.
    -  Fixed Bollvig's AI
    -  Fixed Null in Auto Group
    -  Pernon Walkers Update
    -  DoT fix
    -  Cm Gm Bookmark + 2 Functions Teleport to Target and Target Teleport to Gm
    -  Town Spawns Update
    -  Steel Rake Cabine Instance Revive
    -  Update Sm Account Properties
    -  Town Spawns Implemented.
    -  Instance Exit Update
    -  Upd Portal
    -  Some Ai Fixes, Housing and Buff Pets + Update Extract Action
    -  Stats/Spawns for Theobomos
    -  Fixed Load Quest
    -  Theobomos Spawn Update
    -  Walkers Update
    -  Packet Fixes
    -  Gm Panel to do Functions
    -  Hide Kisk, Group Gate
    -  Added Timer Roah and Asteria Chambers
    -  Removal of redundant Quest Xml Files
    -  Remove duplicate files
    -  Fixed Canyonmarkai2
    -  Aika for 3.7 , Recalc for some Npc Stats
    -  Pernon Walkers Update
    -  Fixed Npe for Static Doors Without Meshes
    -  Fixed Enemy for 3.0, and Disputed Land C1 by Source
    -  Fixed Quests
    -  Pernon Walkers
    -  Trade List 3.9
    -  Goods 3.9
    -  Increase Mails Size to 200 for Sys Mail.
    -  [] Npc Walkers
    -  Fixed Stumble (Moves the Target)
    -  [] Npcs
    -  Updated Item Groups
    -  [] Zones
    -  [] Skills
    -  [] Housing Items
    -  [] Items, Item Sets, Rides
    -  [] Quests
    -  Fixed for Attacking Players with the same Race On Arenas.
    -  Fixed Parallel Rifts Closing
    -  Fixed for Possible Errors in Legion Tasks.
    -  Possibility to Change World Option Flags From Code
    -  Simpified World Option Flags
    -  [3.0]Fixed Rentus Exploit
    -  Upd Portal
    -  for Unstablesplinterpath
    -  Fixed Transition Marker in Quests
    -  Fixed Pvp Reduce for Servant
    -  Fixed Rentus Exploit
    -  Unstable Abyssal Splinter Named Drop, some Small Named Drop Fixes.
    -  CPU usage optimizations.
    -  Added 33% Mp if Player Lose Duel
    -  Implement "Remodel Only Once" Items (Remodel Type = 2)
    -  Fixed Deactivate Gods in Dlr
    -  Small Questengine Fix
    -  Motion Time Tolerance for Cast Skills (Damage Animations)
    -  Fixed for Npe in Cm Dialog Select
    -  Townspawns Data, Without Processing in Town Service for Now. Need to Remove duplicate Spawns From Old Spawn Files.
    -  Fixed Extramaterial Handling
    -  Fixed for Manastone Overload Check. and some other Minor Fixes
    -  Fixed PvP in Safe Zone
    -  Fixed Portal Dialog for Quest
    -  One More Isenemy Update. Should Solve problem with Arenas.
    -  Added Village Construction Boss (in Order to Make Village Quests Completable) //Todo Move to Town Spawns
    -  Retail-Like Change Npc Faction.
    -  Walkers overhaul
    -  Decomposable Items Update.
    -  Fixed Share Quest
    -  Fixed Disband Alliance when All Members is Off Line
    -  Fixed Alliance and League Teleport in Correct Instance.
    -  Removed Level Cap On Drop in some Instances [3.7]
    -  Homing Power for Last Skills
    -  Added Random Enchant Level as per retail
    -  Added Skills for Source Bosses
    -  Update for Hexway Named Drop
    -  the Hexway Named Drop
    -  for Defensivecannonai2(Cannon Move)
    -  Npcfactions Reverted Bcz Of Possible Vulnerability
    -  Fixed Null in Auto Group
    -  Revert duplicate house registry load.  Memory Leaks,
    -  But Instance Creation Code is Bad (Rev. 2247, 2275): Instance Owner != Registered Player.
    -  House Registries Make Copies From Db Then, Because Lookupid is Not Right, Not Owner, But Entered Player.
    -  Should solve problem when Player was unable to start Daily Quest after entering Guild.
    -  Fixed Polymorph Tribe
    -  Hexway Stats Update
    -  Hexway Spawn Update
    -  Updated Npc Skills for "the Hexway" Instance
    -  Missing Membership Emotions.
    -  Dye Plant Named Drop
    -  Fixed Npcs Starting Random Walking If Ai State is Bad
    -  Ai Chest for Dye Plants (Named Drop will B Soon), Verteron Walkers
    -  One More Player.Isenemy Update. Should Solve problem when Player Affect other Player with Aoe Skill in Zone with Disabled Pvp(Sarpan, Tiamaranta).
    -  "Mild" Change in the Type Npc
    -  Player.Isenemyfrom(Player) Optimization.
    -  Protocol Update.
    -  Fixed Sending Faction Quests.
    -  Packet tidyup for Oriel/Pernon
    -  Added checks for all possible collisions
    -  Fixed Path Of Npcs Walkers
    -  Fixed Decomposables
    -  Elyos Town Spawns.
    -  Avoiding Double Spawns Exporting.
    -  Fixed Npc Loss after Cosmetic
    -  Sql Update to Db Struct File.
    -  Fixed duplicate House Registries loaded when Player is Online and Studio is Recreated as an Instance.
    -  Would Optimize Db Load If Player is Online.
    -  Fixed for Disappearing Decorations in Homes.
    -  Legions with Level >= 5 Can Raise Their Level Only after Corresponding Challenge Task is Completed.
    -  "Group" Status Added to Sm Player Search - should Fixed problem when Static Doors Was Opened after Instance Reentering.
    -  Ascensions Quests update
    -  Restored Back Static Door Packet Value
    -  Mobs Run Home if the Target is behind a wall
    -  Examine Door State.
    -  Removed Rifts Despawn On Entries End
    -  [Drops] Remove Epic Drops From Yamennes Itself (Already in Chest), Added Abyss Instances Chests to Data. Update Npcdropsbysql
    -  Fixed Null in Harmony.
    -  Fixed Rewarded Points From Npcs.
    -  Added  Group/Alliance restrictions when Player is in Auto Instance.
    -  Movementnotifier for Falling. Prevent Players From Falling Through Shields + Geo Meshes
    -  Fixed for Maintenance Display
    -  Added Indirect Remodel Action + Expiration
    -  Added Permitted Guild Level.
    -  Changed Ap Extract Rate to Float
    -  Satra Treasure Hold Delete Timer after Boss Kill
    -  Abyssal Splinter (Old One) Chest Fix
    -  Chests for Unstable Splinter
    -  Fixed Crucible Ticket Boxes
    -  Hexaway Chest
    -  Chest for Ts Instance
    -  Fixed Ressurectbaseeffect
    -  Towns Should have Level 1 by Default.
    -  Giant Astriclox and Astriclox Seed Teleport
    -  Provokereffect Does Not Pass On Avatar
    -  Tiamat Stronghold Small Fix
    -  Towns appearance Broadcast On Level Change.
    -  Ignite Aether Remove Unpottable Debuff
    -  Special Village Npcs Can Talk Only with Players which have House in the same Village.
    -  Townservice Updated - Now after Town Level appearance will be changed.
    -  Remove Assert Check From Production. Should Save some Cpu Cycles
    -  Fixed Npe On Disband Guild
    -  Fixed Edit Announcements  - Can be Empty.
    -  Challengetaskservice Update.
    -  Added More Bundle Items
    -  Challenge Tasks Implementation.
    -  All Souvenir Named Drops
    -  Fixed Portals
    -  Unstable Abyssal Splinter Quest Done
    -  Fixed On Login in Haramel Teleport to Position.
    -  More Dispel Type On Exit Arenas.
    -  Fixed Prequest for 2099
    -  Housing Broker Auto Filling Fix.
    -  Named Update, Walkers Update for Ts
    -  Parttypes for 3.0 Reverted.
    -  Tiamat Stronghold Named Drops
    -  Revert Ts Spawn, Need Update.
    -  More Walkers
    -  Implement Show Brand for Players Without Group (New in 3.7)
    -  Fixed Warehouse Usage At Town Npc
    -  Initialize Default Value for Configs
    -  Cleaning
    -  Decomposable Update.
    -  Fixed various NPEs
    -  Decomposable Update for Armor Guestblooms
    -  Fixed Display Mp in Death Mode.
    -  Fixed Group Legion Display Stats On Revive.
    -  Fixed Remove Target On Revive.
    -  Fixed Offline Team Members in Group and Legion.
    -  Fixed in Rentus Base Bridge Invisible Barrier.
    -  Walkers
    -  Added Legion Mission
    -  Check Max Level Restrict
    -  Hexway Updated Stats + Lvl
    -  Unstable Splinter Instance updates
    -  Lucky Manastone Bundle Content
    -  Reshanta Siege Spawn Update/Clean
    -  Unstable Abyssal Splinter, Lvl/Stats/Hp/Ai
    -  Little Tiamaranta Spawn Time Update
    -  Fixed for Players in Blinking State
    -  Alquimia Research Center Named Update
    -  [3.0][3.5]Fixed Repurchase Was Lost Skin and Color
    -  Implement House Renovation Coupon Remove
    -  Ts (Ai Complete)
    -  Fixed Simpleroot
    -  General Optimizations
    -  Portal Ai for Abyss Gap
    -  Geo Doors Done. Please Check, Disabled by Default
    -  Optimizations
    -  More Work On Dragon Lord Refuge Instance
    -  Rift/Vortex backend overhaul
    -  Allow Multiple Crons for Dredgion Times
    -  More Anti Radar Security.
    -  3.0 Clear Debuffs On Exit From Arenas.
    -  Config Option to Disable Geo Doors
    -  Haramel Named Drop Update
    -  Remove duplicate Quest
    -  Adjutantanuhart Ai
    -  Some Preliminary Work On Geo Doors.
    -  Update Npc Skills
    -  Added Entrance for "the Hexway" Instance, Fixed 2 Portals
    -  Fixed Pets Using Doping in Protection State
    -  Fixed Npcname Pattern and Added Dragonbound World Drops
    -  Included New Meshes which were Skipped Because Of Faces Wrongly Specified Collidable Attributes.
    -  Clear Debuffs On Exit From Arenas.
    -  Brigadegenerallaksyakaai2
    -  Kumbanda Ai2
    -  Brigade General Terath AI
    -  Fixed House Items Disappearing after Switching Building. (Still some Display Bugs Present)
    -  Brigade General Chantra AI
    -  Balaurbarricade Ai for Correct Npc
    -  Invincibleshabokanai2
    -  Sylentera Quests Reward Decomposables
    -  Abyss Ranking Fixed for 3.0
    -  Implement 'shared' Attribute for Dmg Skills, Dmg is Split to All Effected Creatures. Todo: Implement for Dots
    -  Fixed Display Of Maxrank in Abyss Info
    -  Fixed Abyss Gap Needed for Siels Spear Quest
    -  Prevent Legions From Buying Levels Over 5 Before Guild Tasks Are Implemented.
    -  XML fixes
    -  Updated Npc Tradelist
    -  Walkers
    -  Rework Conflict Effect
    -  Village Mission All Quest Compete
    -  Added All Static Door Meshes.
    -  Deleted old Models.
    -  Fixed Delay in the Imposition Of Effects
    -  Fixed Distribution Of Killinword Quest Pings, Fixed Rare Housing Error
    -  Arena configs added
    -  Fixed Reward in Harmony.
    -  Fixed Time for Harmony/
    -  Fixed Tendon Slice Skilllist(Removes some Buffs)
    -  Whoops, Sorry, Material Zones were Disabled in My Test Code :P
    -  Enabled Geo Materials by Default (Fully Functional Now)
    -  Kromedes Trial Keys for Wd
    -  Fixed Getz() Calculation for Geo.
    -  Fixed Randommovelocationeffect (Ground is Not always Ground, Like in Sanctum).
    -  Removed Double/Triple Getz() Calls, Mainly Used by Walkers.
    -  Added Multiple Collision Intentions (Like, to Check Both Doors Or Physical Collisions At the same Time).
    -  Removed Not Needed Instanceid Passed to Geo Methods (Collisionresults Has All Needed Params).
    -  Added Walk Obstacle Collision Checks.
    -  Material Zones Updated (All Shields Zones Included, Not Used Materials Removed)
    -  Update Broken Packets.
    -  Fixed Structure for Sm Broker Service
    -  Geoconfig Typo Error Fix.
    -  Config Option to Test Geodata Shields
    -  Added Collision Intention Flags for New Geo Data which Should Speed Up Processing.
    -  Removed Duplicates From Geo Due to Splitting (Mesh Intentions Should Handle Them Now).
    -  Meshes Now Internal Purpose Flags (Physical, Material, Walk, Skill, Door, Event, Moveable),
    -  Partially Fixed Npc Movents in Random Walk, when Npcs Can Not Get Back to Home, If Not Complete Geo Data.
    -  Added Protection From Material Skills when Player is in Protective Mode.
    -  Temp Disabled Shield Collisions, Because Now Geo Has All Siege Shields (Has to be Implemented).
    -  Added Door Geometries for Abyss Doors (Todo: Implement), Geo Doors for Houses (to be Looked).
    -  Satra Treasure Hoard Portal Update
    -  Fixed Npe when Sieges Are Disabled
    -  Fixed Free Slot Check for Quests.
    -  Fixed Crucible.
    -  Elite Enchantment Stone Box
    -  Added Names for Hexway's Spawns
    -  Implement Escape.
    -  Fixed Expiration Time Of some Temporary Event Items
    -  Added Empty Escapeeffect
    -  Staticdoors for Unstable Abyssal Splinter Instance
    -  Update Decomposables
    -  Implement Hexway Instance
    -  Added Gatherables for Unstable Abyssal Splinter Instance
    -  Housing 3.5 Impl Moved to 3.0 Branch. do Not Forget to Run Sql Update.
    -  Added Spawns and Static Doors for "the Hexway" Instance
    -  More Work On Dragon Lord Refuge Instance
    -  Fixed Player Dying in Duels because of Latency
    -  Fixed Ingame Ban Commands and Weekly Gs Quest Decomposables
    -  Added Missing Dye Plant in Pernon, Udpate Respawn Time
    -  Added Missing Dye Plant in Oriel
    -  Fixed Teleport Skills Teleporting to the Selected Target Even Behind Obstacles.
    -  Fixed Recall Zone Handling (Ty Marco for Report)
    -  Arena Ais, some Walkers and Spawns
    -  Updated Stats
    -  Fixed Data Truncation for Use Delay Insert in Db
    -  Fixed Motion Time Check with Multicast Skills + Abyss Announce
    -  Endcast Validate for Dead Targets Etc
    -  Tiamat Stronghold. All Quest Done
    -  More Work On Dragon Lord Refuge Instance.
    -  More for Battlefield Return. Implement No-Recall Zones
    -  Implement Apextract Action. Need Reparse Items to Work.
    -  Special Cube Check for Auction and Decomposable Need Test
    -  Implement Special Cube (Need Test before activating)
    -  Libs Updated (BugFixed Versions)
    -  Implement House Teleport Back
    -  Fixed Cash Items for Mailing Untradeable Items.
    -  Siege Reward Data for 3.5
    -  No Reduction Drop in Special Zones
    -  Trap Uses a Skill Once
    -  Update Decomposables
    -  More Walkers
    -  Fixed Z Calculation for Randommoveloceffect
    -  Apply Effects Before Sending Cast Result Packet for Skills with Hittime = 0
    -  Added More Challenge Tasks Packets.
    -  Fixed Maintenance Display for 3.5 (Packet Changed) and other Stuff Regarding Register Houses.
    -  Minor Fixed for Pay Rent
    -  Get First Collision Result for Getz()
    -  Exclude Non-Targets From Collision Observer for Material Zones.
    -  Optimize Move Update.
    -  Threaded Collision Observer
    -  Antishock is Not Removed If the Player Missed the Second in a Series Of Skill
    -  Fixed Housing Npe and Studios Not Being Deleted
    -  Update Oriel Teleport Location to 3.5
    -  Added use Restriction for Villager Npcs in Oriel/Pernon
    -  Merged same Material Submeshes Into One for Each Mesh.
    -  Added Shield Implementation (Azoturan Fortress Only)
    -  Harmonyshifter Ai
    -  Update some Stats
    -  Update Decomposables
    -  More Walkers
    -  Material Id 113 Pics
    -  Reduced Mesh Count (Merged some Of Material Submeshes).
    -  Fixed Healing Zones (Some are Simple Zones, Not Collidable) All Fire Pots Working Now.
    -  Removed Old Material Mesh Paths.
    -  Added Material Id for Fortress Shields (Not Active).
    -  Fixed Simlerooteffect for Shields Effect
    -  Some Small Fixes, Padma, Aggro and Negative Healing Boost Allowed
    -  Fixed Teleport From Palace
    -  Fixed Null (Summon Servants)
    -  Missing Arena Material Mesh
    -  Fixed Provokereffect
    -  Added some More Pics for Preview
    -  Should Fixed Exploit in Rentus Base.
    -  Added Missing Columns
    -  Fixed "Decayed Wastewater" Material Skill in Arena Glory
    -  Fixed Abyss Shields: Doesn't Kill Own Race.
    -  Some Fixes in Arenas.
    -  Fixed Material Skill Use (Ignore Target Property)
    -  Increased a Bit Distance for Fire Pots.
    -  Fix, Tamer Anikiki(219037) Not Onedamagperhit
    -  Fixed Skill - Bodyguard
    -  Provoked Effect Pass Through the Shields
    -  Use Proper Way for Material Skills.
    -  Added Config Option to See which Skills do Not Work Directly.
    -  Split Composite Meshes to Material Submeshes.
    -  Working Lava Collisions.
    -  Added Boundingsphere for Completeness (Not Used)
    -  Todo: Tweak some Small Fire Dmg Distance.
    -  Work On Arena Of Harmony.
    -  Added Weapon Enchant Quest Row. Modify Report To Many to Support Collect Item Checks
    -  Spawns, Arena Npcs, Points Update
    -  Pvparenaservice Npc Reward Update
    -  Npc Points for Arena Of Harmony
    -  Some Work On Arena Of Harmony.
    -  Fixed Maintenance Payments.
    -  Draupnir Cave Walkers
    -  More Ai Fix/Clean. Added Aggro Check On Owner Targetreached, Not Only On Creaturemove.
    -  New Geodata
    -  Improved Teleport From House
    -  Removed Not Used Stack Exception
    -  Fixed Null (Visible Objects)
    -  Added Black Cloud Enchantment Box and Elite Enchantment Stone Box.
    -  Silence/Blind godstone overlaps fixed.
    -  Mailable items updated for Valentines
    -  Abyss Siege Defense rewards updated to 3.7 values (including Seal rings)
    -  Abyss Siege Defense rewards now include Legion Coins.
    -  Tiamantara portals set to always be active
    -  Sarpan safezones updated
    -  Curse system implemented. Ganking lowbies excessively will result in being marked on the world map, prepare yourself for a zerg!

    Siel: Updated
    Lumiel: Updated
    35 people like this.
  2. Alente

    Alente Legend Forum Legend

    May 31, 2010
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    New Zealand
    Siel coming down for updates now.
    10 people like this.
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