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Why should a Retail-Veteran-Player still play/start on this server?

Discussion in 'Black Desert Discussion' started by teddy25, Mar 9, 2019.

  1. teddy25

    teddy25 New Member

    Dec 2, 2018
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    Hi there,
    as the title says, im a Player who has been plaiyng BDO since retail start, quited the game aprox. 3/4 year ago due to having less to no time playing (Grinding/AFK process/Horse Training/SMH) enought to keep up with the competitive players (PvP). And as everybody knows, BDO is a extremly time sucking game.

    Aprox. 3 and 1/2 months ago I noticed GamezBD, which just had recently launched the EU server and reading about all the increased rates for enhancing/drop/Life skills/Horse training and so on, i decided (with a group of friends, also retail veterans) to play here. The free pearls part was just a bonus, nothing i would prefer above the increased rates.

    The first 2 months were rly enjoyable, we had decent drops, succsess and fails with enhancing, even tho the SD-grinding method was just nerfed before we had started. So we made our money with grinding and AFK Horse Training, mostly with the 2nd one due to having like 1-2hours a day to play (from login to setting the horses to afk lvl). Then the horses were nerfed, did some SMH but this is not how u rly want to waste u 2hours a day(at least not for me and it was also nerfed if i remember correctly), after some time we suddenly started to notice that the enhancing started to get kinda fishy with the succsess rates, even more now after the last "server restart". (not hitting duo on boss armor till 50ish fs, failing a decent amount on accessorys above the "normal" used fs (60%and higher succsess rate)).... So basically I have to, again, invest more time than I have, to keep up with the players which started before the SD-/Horese training- and "the not changed enhancing succsess rate"-nerf.

    So now im asking Carl/the leading Party, is this server going to get like retail? what attractive points do u have for smb to play on u server who is not interested in free pearls ?

    Some may say:"well still better progress than retail", I just want to remind you, this is a private Server.... it should not be like retail or close to it bc then i have even less interrest to play on it. Could have also just kept playing on retail, lol.

    Sorry for my bad english.
    demishark likes this.
  2. demishark

    demishark New Member

    Feb 27, 2019
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    As a new player who started playing on this server about two weeks ago, and who had to take a small break, I find all the questions to be very valid and important. Honestly, I am also trying to make an educated decision before I commit fully to the server, and would to hear the comments and/or roadmap of the devs. Thanks in advance!
    teddy25 likes this.
  3. Zefirio

    Zefirio Getting there

    Nov 28, 2018
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    i m playing this game from 3 years
    1 year and half on retail experience: stressed boring p2w no progress, 10 hours of grind for degrade things
    3 months on ZBD: 10 hours of grind = good shit, always relaxed and chilling around the bdo world with friends, 0 p2w, enjoyed the game as i would do the first day on retail.
    BDO official gear: 534gs master 22 trading, gathering artisan 8 (because cmon who the fuck wanna chop trees for 2 hards at hour), guilds: Dogma, resilience
    BDO ZBD gear: 587 on Musa, 602 on wizard, 487 on tamer Gathering Guru 20 (yes i was artisan 8 on retail because i hate lifeskills from retail rates, BUT HERE IT S FAIR thanks god, if you have knowledges about worker empires you can do it aswell) other lifeskills are like master or artisan. But hey only by this i think you can understand why evry day people are quitting retail and coming here ^^ you can just experience the game totally only tryharding in game without need to spend your entire life or opening your bank account, here you can finally enjoy the mmo it always should be.
    hope to being helpfull i was totally honest with you.
    dziku likes this.
  4. teddy25

    teddy25 New Member

    Dec 2, 2018
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    ty for your honesty!

    Sadly I am starting to have the same experience here as well, like BDO is getting like a 2nd Job again... with the current enhancing succsess/drop rates...

    1. But what i am trying to find out is, bc some people mentioned that they want to get close to retail, how close will GamzBD BDO get to retail.... with all the nerfs...
    2. Juding form u Gear, u prob. play more then 2 horus/day and let u PC run nearly to 24/7... like retail... (and they nerfed horse training to the ground)
    3. 602 GS is close to full PEN(prob. missing a necklace and a belt), ma dude, try getting this now on a new account/char...
    4. How will a new player make money, most of the decent SD-Spots are always taken by ppl(mostly high GS) so theres a lot of PvP (gl with being efficient), if they would also nerf gathering? (which they already did with the drop rate ninja nerf, my opinion)
    5. About opening u bank account, I would say it depends on how patient you are and how far can u afford letting u pc run 24/7. And spending u entire life in the game, well it depends of u rng... as i said before, try enhancing now...
    demishark likes this.
  5. Toenail

    Toenail Proficient

    Mar 29, 2018
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    WTF "ma dude" ... try saving your artisans (free on this server), get a bucket load of mem's (grind scrolls, also free), get a fook ton of stones (any grinding and free), hards & sharps by the truck load via farming or gathering ... and just keep smashing enhances. It's so damn easy, eventually they pop.

    Someone previously also mentioned that free pearls meant nothing? That's a load of cods-wallop! This enhancing process takes so much longer on retail and costs real money if you're impatient ... so far I've spent well over 2K on retail LOL, but I've discovered along the way that I get no joy from playing a game where I can whip out the Credit Card each time, when an intentional game design Credit Card gateway ploy stops or delays progression.

    All said, patience doesn't appear to be a virtue for the end gamers who want to pvp with full PEN straight away, and so these threads keep popping up ... with a familiar rhetoric and a somewhat easily identifiable writing style lol.

    So a heartfelt thanks to GameZ for making this pserver available, and it's so sad when people can't see the difference between this pserver and retail.
    Last edited: Mar 10, 2019
    dziku likes this.
  6. teddy25

    teddy25 New Member

    Dec 2, 2018
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    We got one angry forumwarrior over here, ty for u post!

    First of all, grats on spending only 2k$ on retail, guess u didnt play since release :)

    2nd ty for only reading 1/2 my post ;(

    The ppl who have now full PEN are the ones, who played at the EU release where SD and enhancing were as they should have been, so much for "want to pvp with full PEN straight away".
    And btw. they did get it straight away. Now its another story.

    I didnt write anything about not being thankful or anything in this direction, I only asked how far they will nerf it... all I want to know is, if its worth to invest my time (for me!) in the Server, bc its the only thing ull never get back...

    Ty for missing my point entirely.
  7. Toenail

    Toenail Proficient

    Mar 29, 2018
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    So sorry about that chappy! The thing is, its pretty damn difficult to work out what you really mean; after reading your verbiage I'll admit that it's very easy to get lost.

    By Abaddon's forked beard ... is THAT all you wanted to know? Why didn't you say so in the first place :eek: ?
    The short answer to your question is a resounding "YES; it is worthwhile for you to invest your time (for you!) in the Server".
    If you have any other questions or are facing any existential conundrums, please don't hesitate ask away on the forums and I will provide the answer you require post-haste :).

    BTW, have been playing since NA release (I'm a pretty frugal player), but that has no bearing in the discussion does it?
  8. asheo

    asheo New Member

    Jan 30, 2019
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    If you have time, go to retail, here we fail pri accesories like 4/5 at 25+ fs.
    After 1 month here i fail 150+ with earing, 50+ basiliks, 50+ crescent, end with a tri witch earing ....
    15 days for pen armor and weapons, (40-65fs for pen ....),but i think months for accesories because admins want PRI DUO TRI to make fs (because they think it's hard to make fs with retail % .....)
    So when i come back with 10 basilisk was happy when i do a pri.

    A lot of my guild leave because of this, time to wait for the next patch and leave if nothing append.

    But it's not the only problem, pvp is not balanced, play striker and you will win, invoc can't miss .... grab os ....
    teddy25 likes this.
  9. pa3ck

    pa3ck New Member

    Sep 30, 2018
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    I agree with this, GamezBD is using their own "linear" forumula, so base rate + fs * enchant rate, on retail they have their own formula for probably each enchantment level, so instead of the base formula for PRI being 10% it's like 20% and the fs increases the chance a lot more.

    teddy25 likes this.
  10. teddy25

    teddy25 New Member

    Dec 2, 2018
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    Thank you 2 for the posts, this is what I was looking for!!

    I noticed from the beginning that getting pri/duo/tri was harder than retail, but I get the feeling that they tweaked some stuff around the rates again, the last patches... making it worse...

    But again, TY @pa3ck & @asheo
  11. Sifer

    Sifer New Member

    Nov 6, 2018
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    as someone that has played since the game came out in japan, then na to now here. i enjoy this server way more. im extremely poor irl. to be able to im okay with the enhancement rates so far. i havent gone for tet yet only tri stuff. ive made 3 tri zakas, 2 tri dandys and 2 tri off hands. maybe im just lucky.
    Toenail likes this.

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