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News You've waited, failed, now +19?

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Puddles, Nov 17, 2015.

  1. cocosul

    cocosul Guest

    nah ...an ea orb+20 have like 300 mb more than an current ones+20 from npc..not a lot. every +is like 20 mb more. but sets+20 are op as fk rlly, well weapons also spclly sin 2x20, gunner2x20 . but fk it anyway is a crap idea. if they want to make ppls happy just must add amplif at automaticaly events
    Louy likes this.
  2. Rhamiel

    Rhamiel Proficient

    Aug 6, 2012
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    yes but let's be realistic, most sorcs (at least decent ones and better will never use zikel's wisdom since it also puts the faster casting skill on cd and as we all know faster is better than stronger)
    also we can't really consider the mythical magical idian for extra mb (since it's still quite rare and only lasts for a week)
    that means about 600 less mb than u said meaning 5069 and while it's still high it's not that OP since good sms and sws will almost reach that number as well (that's the OP part)
    and yes while 5069 mb is scary let's just say that with the same gear and a good idian i'll be able to reach 4.9k mb with my sm...
    So basically almost the same dmg as a sorc but with a lot more defence.
  3. Jessica

    Jessica Guest

    There's nothing rare for a player that can private donate.
    Witch likes this.
  4. Nero

    Nero Pioneer Member Forum Legend

    May 19, 2011
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    name him witch! so we can easily avoid him lol
    Maleficent likes this.
  5. Rhamiel

    Rhamiel Proficient

    Aug 6, 2012
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  6. cocosul

    cocosul Guest

    even with +50 items they can still die. just is not fair for we the rest of players:) 5 $ rlly for a +20 this is rll shit, while a item cost 30$ on shop. that show how ppls sell their azz for 5$ only. i better drink 100 euro in 1 hr than to be that "special private donator". some ppls dont understand that the value of their work, in this case this server, stay on their morality. if u sell cheap shits like that then u are a cheap person in real life. any just saying...i wasted 20 amplif stones and couldnt pass +2 and u want to give +19 lol...
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 18, 2015
  7. Rahy

    Rahy Proficient

    Sep 24, 2012
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    no comment :oops:
  8. Zikel

    Zikel The Dragon Lord Conqueror Forum Legend

    Apr 2, 2015
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    Under your panties
  9. xsample

    xsample Proficient

    Oct 1, 2015
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    any update for this?
  10. Kulasmith

    Kulasmith Proficient

    Jul 8, 2012
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    Hope for the best.There is a dream in my heart. NeRQHobjaqmshhi.jpg
  11. Rhamiel

    Rhamiel Proficient

    Aug 6, 2012
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    it's only been a couple of days i'd give this a week or two...
    also im 99% sure this will be part of an update in which some bugs will also get fixed
  12. cocosul

    cocosul Guest

    nah never ea+19 !!!!!!!!
  13. Rhamiel

    Rhamiel Proficient

    Aug 6, 2012
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    this server does a lot of nevers...
    Full stimga sws, woc2, sws with attack speed harps, 10% godstones, no pve at all, and exclusive ping pong pvp at inggi (players fault) and let's not forget the p2win mentality with private donations (donating for +15 plumes and +20 ea gear) etc...
    the only thing that surprises me about the +20 update is that u can't get it from shop...
    not sure how events are supposed to earn carl money but guess we'll wait and see
  14. cocosul

    cocosul Guest

    well yeah but doing this will affect bad bad the "balanced" shit. from my point of view is just a way to free sell more +20 with private donations, mean with this such "event" ppls will belive that every1 full+20 EA got em from events:D and wont accuse anymore "staff" for private donations.
  15. xsample

    xsample Proficient

    Oct 1, 2015
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    me quit again XD
  16. Cherro

    Cherro Nightmare Forum Legend

    Jun 27, 2013
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    This is just a way to cover with a finger what happened before.
    So disappointing.
    Whats next? A new donation button to unban your account...?
    Giullia likes this.
  17. Razor

    Razor Master of Disguise Forum Legend

    Oct 14, 2010
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    Sofia, Bulgaria
    I personally believe the server needs to facilitate the integration of new players, who usually can't be bothered to grind for gears that would make them competitive and as a result turn to other private servers that offer just that.
    The thing is, the way this is articulated, it seems it's particularly beneficial to those who already are competitive and dominant, hence to a minority; one which doesn't easily "let in new members". It's also quite clear that those who currently own +19/20 governor gears aren't exactly a minority of their own within it.
    In other words it only makes the power gap between them and everyone else bigger, which to me is an undesirable effect.
    The more I think about it, the more I see I'm compelled to agree with @cocosul - it feels like it's to make those who are complaining about private donations shut up and that's all there is to it, since it sure doesn't make the overall situation any better.

    I mean, with gear in MMORPGs it's the same situation as in the Tortoise and Achilles paradox (just the other way . Ideally you'd want them not to be too far apart, but at the same time if you make the tortoise stand still it'll protest over the lack of progress, and you don't want that either. Some private servers have chosen to get rid of this way of having players compete by making it easy for an "Achilles" to reach the "tortoise", but once it does there's an entirely different attribute in terms of which it has to catch up, that is fortunately not dependent on the server administrator (gear), but on the players themselves (experience ergo acquired skill); it appears to be a well functioning model for those who are motivated by challenge.

    If that makes sense..
    Last edited: Dec 1, 2015
    Jessica and Martyr like this.
  18. Rubyah

    Rubyah The Celestial Nostrum

    Dec 19, 2012
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    Ether Plateau
    No puedo esperar.
  19. Badrobot

    Badrobot SNU SNU

    Aug 17, 2010
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    Well if you can get instant competitive pvp gear elsewhere, or if you can catch up to older players because the gear gap for starters and older players isn't that big, yes it makes sense. That's why the server doesn't gain new players anymore, or at least, the gain is incremental and that's why they had to resort to the returnee campaign. But then again, the people who quit years ago have probably moved on from Aion or they have found another server/retail and are already competitive there, so really there is no reason to return especially if the reward is custodian gear. Gamezaion has always been thrifty towards it's players, and thats not entirely the fault of the admins, if you look at the market, everything has always been hard to get. The webshop prices are ridiculous, and people take advantage of it just because.. they value their money /greedy. Basically, if you have just returned after years of inactivity, or if you are a new player, you ll spend months trying to get geared for free (obviously not EA), or u ll have to donate. And it's even more frustrating for them when they realize that their opponents are wearing governor gear and some of them are actually +20. Just don't expect new players to like this kind of environment.

    Now as for the actual topic (+20 EA), i don't agree with it, and i don't want it. This is just a way to force players to play with godly items, and in the end we ll have no choice if we want to stay competitive. Woc2 was a useless addition, the server would have been much better off without it (nobody would have woc2, so its fair and square and SW wouldnt be so stupidly strong now), but it was added, and we were forced to get it. Now this is just the next step, the opening move was to allow select players to obtain this gear, and then wait for the roumors to spread. Now that we are all aware of the situation we ll have to choose, either get it and shut up, or don't get it and die (or quit).
    Martyr likes this.
  20. cocosul

    cocosul Guest

    server need players not this crap idea rlly. most of gamez girls i know left the server bcs they never found the remos they wanted in shop. i dont get it.... the web shop should be full with all remos, and other items which are from all 4.0+ instances and never working. once again...i will say it/ gamez webshop prices are high as fk from years. they should separate the donations and the vote points, like 1 item wich is now 3.5 k creds...to stay 3.5 vote points but 15 $ price for donators. the ea+20 is worst idea ever :) i dont care if they will add it, that s bcs i m old player BUT for sure new players will leave after 2 hits from a sorc at pvp. make me CEO for a day and all players will have an orgasm with my ideas.
    Giullia likes this.

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