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T9 and T10 horses useable on seasonal

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Slixit, May 1, 2021.

  1. Slixit

    Slixit New Member

    May 1, 2021
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    I would love to use dreamhorse T9 and T10 on my seasonal characters, I don't see why retail doesn't allow it, and I see now reason why it shouldn't be allowed here :p
    I mean, having T9 in T10 in webshop, if people choose to buy them for IRL cash, let people use them on all their characters?
  2. yominokuni

    yominokuni New Member

    Apr 30, 2021
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    They dont allow it coz have You could easly exp yourself with doom horse. Imo they shouldnt allow anything. (map, pets, camp, maid, nothing else)
    Seaseon suppose to emulate new player experience, not new char with gear cap, and tons of Bilions for crons ect.
    marsseven likes this.
  3. Slixit

    Slixit New Member

    May 1, 2021
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    I mean, considering you can lvl on a new season char to 61 in a day if you just put in a little effort(on retail, higher on here), I don't see why the exp thing matters.
    Also, your horses ain't giving you AP/DP for your "end game season grind" + This is not retail either, why do it like they do it?

    Lets think of a scenario here for example. It's early in a season, someone just started on the server and go to the webshop.
    They see they can just P2W a T9 or T10, so they do it. Problem is, they go in game and find out that they cannot use their brand spanking new horse on their season character.
    Now, why have a service in the webshop for something you as a "new" player cannot use? Just having to have it sit in the stables for weeks until you can graduate the season server,
    at which point you might even have gotten bored of the game and quit because you couldn't have fun with your P2WHorse 5000.

    Just an example. I think it ain't cool to have items in the webshop unusable on all characters if you choose to buy it, and dem horses ain't too cheap either.
  4. ryubii

    ryubii New Member

    Jun 20, 2020
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    I AGREE!
  5. yominokuni

    yominokuni New Member

    Apr 30, 2021
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    Just don't play season then? Easy :)
  6. Slixit

    Slixit New Member

    May 1, 2021
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  7. Jujuba

    Jujuba Legendary Member Forum Legend

    Aug 5, 2019
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    Hey guys, just passing by to let you all know that Season Characters are not allowed to ride T9/T10 horses. And that's intended, that's how it's coded on retail.
    yominokuni likes this.
  8. Slixit

    Slixit New Member

    May 1, 2021
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    Yeah, I'm just putting up a suggestion to change it for Gamez, seeing as you do have a cash shop where you can buy the horses.
    Why not allow people that spend money on them to also use them on all their characters?
    This is not retail, so even if some things are intended as such on retail, doesn't mean it needs to be on Gamez.
    You can ride a damn horse on the sea floor, that's not how it is on retail.
    So the argument it's intended on retail, therefore it is like it on here is kinda not a relevant argument, thats why it's a suggestion in the suggestion section on the forums.
  9. Jujuba

    Jujuba Legendary Member Forum Legend

    Aug 5, 2019
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    Well, I'm doing my part and keeping in touch with the community, would you like to give a suggestion and don't get acknowledged by it? It would be fine by me, especially if you gonna act like this.
    I could simply had said that's not gonna happen or just ignore it, instead I just answered with facts and acknowledged your suggestion. I didn't said it was bad or good either, just facts.
    "Marine horses" are not a QOL, it's a bug and could be fixed anytime, thing is our development team has many more important things to work on than this, and not to say that the community isn't bothered by it, but pleased. It was not made like this, just never fixed. @Kolka already spoke about that many times.
    Relevance is a matter of opinion, our server do intend to keep everything retail-a-like, because changing codes could create a new bug and we never edit anything coded on the client.
    When you say that just because you can "buy" a horse you have to use it the way you want, like selling it or changing the game code to use the way you like, that's when you are wrong. Because you're not buying anything. I'll copy paste below the terms you agreed when you have Donated to GameZ Network.

    I hope you have understood. Have a nice day.
  10. Slixit

    Slixit New Member

    May 1, 2021
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    You don't seem to have understood my reply at all.
    You say you acknowledged my suggestion? All you did was say
    "Hey guys, just passing by to let you all know that Season Characters are not allowed to ride T9/T10 horses. And that's intended, that's how it's coded on retail."
    Where is the acknowledgement? Not good or bad? You just said seasonal characters are not allowed and it's as intended. Basically denying my suggestion.
    Already know it's like that and intended like that on retail, I mentioned it in my first post here. And even if you say that the items are rewards for donations, it's still called a Webshop, ain't it?
    And you also say this Kolka dude spoke about it many times? How would a new player like me that hasn't even been here a week know? It's not like I'm going to browse the forums just to see whats up. I'm going to do like just about everyone else and play the damn game, and make a suggestion about something I would love changed.
    I already know it's like that and intended like that on retail, I mentioned it in my first post here. And even if you say that the items are rewards for donations, it's still called a Webshop, ain't it?
    and here's a definition of the word "shop" for you.

    So if you're going to stick to your terms that you so kindly showed, you should rename it to "Donation rewards" or something like that.
    As long as it's called a shop on your website, it's the same as buying stuff no matter what your terms say.

    So here's another suggestion from me while I'm at it.
    Rename the Webshop to "Donation rewards"

    Have a nice day.
  11. Jujuba

    Jujuba Legendary Member Forum Legend

    Aug 5, 2019
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    When I say I have acknowledged your suggestion, I may be using the wrong word, but I just wanted to say that I've seen it and replied instead of leaving it without any official statement, I know it makes difference.

    You don't need to tell me the definition of the word "Shop" when you had agreed to the terms, but you do need to understand that when you make a donation, you're not buying anything.
    As the terms states, donations are materials given by private persons without receiving anything in exchange. You agree that by making a donation you are not buying any product or service and to show appreciation to our donators ADM @Carl rewards them with "Cash" (which is the same as "BD Coins", you can see Pearl Shop in game to check what I'm saying. Your "BD Coin" reflects the amount of "Cash" you have on GameZBD Web Site).
    As you said, "Shop" does has a definition of a place that you can buy goods or services, but that doesn't determine the currency used, which in our case is called "BD Coin" or "Cash", that can be used on both Web and Pearl Shop.

    By the way, I have passed your suggestion to our superiors so we may avoid future missunderstandings. :)

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