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Im worried about the direction GamezBD goes...

Discussion in 'Black Desert Discussion' started by BDlydNa, Nov 8, 2018.

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  1. Tashka

    Tashka New Member

    Oct 31, 2018
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    Hey, am i not trying to communicate using english lol?
    Relax dude, i've just voiced my opinion and i'm not the one who turned this into "i don't like you plus you're probably russian so STFU" thread.

    And you could try to actually gid gud in this game instead of ranting about how everything is unfair to you.
    Toenail likes this.
  2. BDlydNa

    BDlydNa Getting there

    Aug 2, 2018
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    Thanks for messing up the Topic so quickly. Sadly it's always the same, one Toxic Guy and the Thread Quality goes to Trash. Some Mod just close this please.
    One more Thing i wanna Point out is that, in the end it is still Carl and Kolka's Decision. We will see soon if they only wanna go with No Lifers that need a true Challenge on a Privat Server (LMAO) or if they can balance the Server to make it enjoyable for everyone.
    I don't know why you thinking being Full PEN is the problem here. It's about making the Game unnecessary harder in the past months. It did not work on Retail, can you explain why it would work here?
    Last edited: Nov 9, 2018
    Andy12345 likes this.
  3. Andy12345

    Andy12345 New Member

    Nov 5, 2018
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    Says the guy who posts in every thread about this subject, constantly crying about it on Discord, lol
  4. Tashka

    Tashka New Member

    Oct 31, 2018
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    I'm not sure what do you mean by "unnecessary harder". There are people who got PENs in 1-2 weeks after the start of EU, how easier can it get huh?
    Hell the second day after joining the server i farmed like 250 mil from mines in 2-3 hours while having +15 gear (some even lower). Isn't it a bit too much?
    I don't know how much hards&shaps you were getting before the nerfs but hey i've got enough of them to get some of my gear to IV just by cutting wood for my sailboat, and i still have plenty.
    We even get blacksmith's seals FOR FREE here.

    Yeah i too don't want to spend another year grinding non-stop for several hours/day, but there should be some challenge left even on a private server.
    Last edited: Nov 9, 2018
    Noyah and loboram like this.
  5. RevelationsOn

    RevelationsOn Proficient

    Feb 2, 2018
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    As for me, as long as the horse imperial are still the SAME then I don't care as long as I can earn silvers passively/AFK. Sure SD got nerfed, everyone is aware of that, remember this is a private server so changes are inevitable. You have your options but most people who have invested a lot in the server + game would just agree on getting back what the rates were and never quit :p. As for most of course...lol
    loboram likes this.
  6. cocosul

    cocosul Guest

    things are called "updates" for a reason. very soon the imperial will be blowed too.
    Vixious likes this.
  7. RevelationsOn

    RevelationsOn Proficient

    Feb 2, 2018
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    You sure? So much for a forum legend being so negative about how Gamez works lol
    loboram likes this.
  8. cocosul

    cocosul Guest

    i'm not negative, just honest.
    Vixious likes this.
  9. Mafumi

    Mafumi New Member

    Nov 10, 2018
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    I'm really worried too! I just started playing a few weeks ago, and so I have only see nerfs and more nerfs on everything that helps make progression easier :C

    This is really bad for the game because it's getting harder for low level players to catch up, and BDO is a game where catching up in gear is suuuper important. I'm feeling like I will never be able to catch up to people with full PEN gears, even in this private server, and it just makes me want to quit. I hope the Carl and Kolka stop and reverse this trend, and buff things back up so it's fun again, because right now this is going really badly for the game.
  10. Nysek

    Nysek New Member

    Apr 29, 2017
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    Sorry not sorry?

  11. MFDOOM

    MFDOOM Getting there

    Oct 20, 2018
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    Vocal minority kept crying for SD nerf because they have anxiety and can't form a group for whatever reason. So now SD is nerfed. Then people started bragging about how much money they make from gathering, so now it's nerfed. Now we have people demanding horse income be nerfed, even though it posses no negative to you. Now that'll be nerfed soon.

    Let's stop the bullshit, you guys are responsible for the changes. If you had kept your mouth shut and reaped the benefits of the systems in place we wouldn't be having this conversation.

    The people who complained about all this on the forums are the small percentage of playerbase. The rest of us were too busy in-game making use of the features.
    loboram, Andy12345, HydraGoPC and 4 others like this.
  12. Toenail

    Toenail Proficient

    Mar 29, 2018
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    Wow ... who died and made you emperor?
  13. Boop

    Boop Proficient

    Jun 21, 2018
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    I just want to remind people that most "nerfs" originate from retail so it will of course be felt here, because 10x a base chance of 0.025% that was nerfed to 0.020% will still be a nerf from 0.25% to 0.20% which are still extremely low numbers. I do not know about possible "ninja nerfs" from the gamezBD devs themselves, but I believe in their integrity and that they wouldn't adjust any numbers that they have not confirmed (and when confirmed is usually due to consideration of players' feedback). I've heard about the imperial horse delivery nerf potentially coming to retail from various people, so at least that we can confirm also originates from retail and is not the work of our Gamezbd devs (because I've seen people blaming/bashing gamezbd devs and mods here for that, even for supposed hards/sharps "nerfs").

    So far in my 6 months+ I've done pretty much everything here trying to figure out what's good income and good resource amassing for my personal gear progression. Gathering, grinding, horse training, SMH, crafting, RBF, gear enhancing to sell, etc. All these nerfs and potential nerfs that have hit so far, I've dealt with it. I'm not even full PEN yet after so many months but I have been lucky enough with several things that gave me good money and good gear.

    There is that argument that earlier players were able to play in much more favourable, sometimes gamebreaking, conditions (cron stone bug, 100% SD value back, etc.) but honestly I think what's that is done. Complaining about it won't bring it back and they definitely won't be coming back because of how broken it was, that's why the situation is what it is now. I wasn't part of those gamebreaking days, and every thing I've accomplished with my account/characters so far, was pretty much my own hard work, countless hours spent slaving away for accessories and money just to have them blow up and be left with only duos and tris every fs weekend. Months ago, I was 220+ AP getting stomped in crescent shrine by some full PEN/almost full PEN player and yes it was frustrating and unfair but I just stayed calm and switched channels or if that was problematic too, just waited for another chance to grind peacefully at crescent shrine again.

    And also please remember, there is a lot of good stuff from this private server as compared to retail. Free pearls just being the cherry on top. I think we all just have to look beyond mindless grinding (in any area whether life skilling or PVE) and realise that money and gear progression will always take time and RNG. Anything good, we usually have to work hard for it.. private server or not. If people are lucky, then they're lucky. It's not their fault that some of us aren't as lucky. I've had a friend join gamezbd months after me, and in less than 2-3 weeks, he had PEN weps and was getting tri-tet-PEN accessories after a few more weeks. I only caught up to him weeks later, and right now he still has 10+ AP more than me... :eek:

    Me joining the server much later than someone who been grinding and enhancing gear months before I did, usually will have better gear (like that PEN player at crescent shrine). Yes they had better conditions to do it in, but now everyone is in the same situation together. Only thing that we can do to improve this very situation is by providing the devs with constructive feedback that they can take into consideration and if it's possible, they might very well implement it and everyone will get to enjoy better conditions again.

    Long story short: we have to understand that money and gear progression will always take as much time as it takes. we just have to keep putting in effort till we finally get what we want because sometimes we might not be as lucky as others. Plus, we should try give the devs good feedback or suggestions that will help improve everyone's gaming experience in Gamezbd.
    Last edited: Nov 13, 2018
    Inferion, loboram and Toenail like this.
  14. BDlydNa

    BDlydNa Getting there

    Aug 2, 2018
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    You have to stop saying the Nerfes are coming from PA's Retail Version when you have zero Proof. We had no Update for two month and the Droprates went down alot in the meantime. What Bugs me currently most is that the Homepage still shows x10 Rates, which is clearly not the Case. I just did one Hour Gathering Session on Retail and got 14 Shards. Did exactly the same here and got 24. This is nowhere even close to x10 Rates. And even if this all comes from Retail Updates, i still would like to know why we are not going back to old Rates/Chances? Players reporting this for a long time now and the permanent decreasing Playerbase should also be noticeable. It's not like Devs don't know what is going on.

    For my Part, i am not someone who is going to Quit and stop Supporting when he reaches Full PEN. I am someone who Quit's when he needs to Play 24/7 to get anything done. And i know alot of People feel the same Way.
    Mafumi likes this.
  15. Boop

    Boop Proficient

    Jun 21, 2018
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    You're right, I have no actual evidence. What I mentioned is based off what other people have said to me/in general, as well as what Kolka said in a post or two a month or two ago. I failed to mention this explicitly and I apologise about that.
    But then again, there is no evidence that it isn't the case either.
    We all just feel the nerfs, but we don't actually have proof where it originates from. Like I said earlier, I believe in the integrity of the devs and when they (Kolka) said they did not change any rates, then I believe it is so.


    Especially the last link - it's from May 2018. Way before the influx of retail players into Gamezbd or any recent upsets. If you search thoroughly, you will find that that even months and months ago there were people complaining about rates. This issue is not new and is constantly revived.

    And in my opinion, you can get a lot of things done without having to play 24/7. Playing 24/7 sounds like it's more for people who have all day all week to spare and/or are incredibly impatient to get their full PENs. That said, I understand lifeskilling on an MMO 90% of the time isn't everyone's cup of tea either (because that is what the debate usually touches on a lot as well). I spent months here and I am still not full PEN, but I am fine with it because I am going at the game at my pace. That's why it's important to understand things aren't always going to go the way we want it, and we have to spend lots of time and effort to achieve things, just like any other MMO, private server or not.
    Last edited: Nov 25, 2018
    loboram likes this.
  16. Kamara

    Kamara New Member

    May 21, 2018
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    Just a few minutes ago I finished gathering. I am Master 19 with 172 energy. while gathering I wore clothing that gave me a total of +3 gathering lvl, consumed food that gave a +3%. had a blessing of Kama, a pearl shop hedge hog, maintained a potion that gave a +3 to gathering, wore a resplendent alchemy stone (gold) that gave a + 2 to gathering and a + 16% to gathering item drop rate...That gathering session yielded = 3 hards, 2 sharps, and 8 fairy wings. I'm not sure why gathering rates have become so awful and I don't want to waste anyone's time spewing a lot of salt over it. I just need to know if its going to remain like this so I don't waste "my time" hoping it will change because there are other things I can do and other games I could go check out.
  17. Boop

    Boop Proficient

    Jun 21, 2018
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    Those numbers are actually plain awful. Just 3-4 weeks ago when I was gathering logs daily, I yielded approximately 15-20+ sharps and 20++ hards per hour with Lv5 Gathering, hedgehog, kama buff, yellow resplendent alchemy stone and scroll on. I don't gather anymore since I completed my sailboat, so I can't speak for current rates. But the situation seems real bad for that particular session.
  18. Meks

    Meks New Member

    Jul 6, 2018
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    Instead of crying about what should be nerfed.. Why didn't people just yell for buffs? :<

    Retail is all about nerfs, which is what we hate and dislike. Being restricted and restrained.
    Gamez should be about buffs. But honestly, nothing on Gamez was ever as broken as Mystics, Strikers, Ninjas and Kunos. If anything needs to be looked into, it's that. That's an actual balancing issue.
  19. Kamara

    Kamara New Member

    May 21, 2018
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    I agree, and if anyone with admin wanted to check the logs on my account its there and that is how it went :/...
  20. ENAB

    ENAB New Member

    Nov 11, 2018
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    Wow, that horrible luck if it was actually happening. Personally, I have my gather+5, alchemy stone blue and cheapest one, with my HOHO (hedgehog T1), and magic tool. I can have 5 sharp and 50 hard in one-hour session in Sheep land. So you might fuky unlucky, or you gather in the wrong way and less hour. My suggestion is to go to another place such as golem or mining so it may drop more for you. Overall, hope someone reads this, but stop complaining when you guys give no proof and not even tell the detail of your gather session where you gather how long you were doing it. They only fix the fuky energy consumption but not the gather rates. I agree with anyone complain about the sharp and hard been reduce, but it is because of your feelings of energy. The more you gather, the higher the chance you get sharp and hard. Its basic math for RNG. Because of the fix of energy, so you guy cannot gather forever. Personally, I have to run back and forth to revive my energy by using quality wine. Over all, Fuk your point if you have no proof or detail. Be clear and be productive, fuck your feeling and give us (player and dev) some fact so we can talk about the situation. Forgot to mention, I am Artisan 9.
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