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[Suggestion] Central Market, Life skill Stuff

Discussion in 'Black Desert Discussion' started by NAinfini, Jun 29, 2023.


Do you think life skill needs to be changed

  1. Life skill profit needs a buff

  2. Life skill profit should not change

    0 vote(s)
  3. Life skill profit needs a nerf

  4. life gear enhancement should be easier(Owns tri Manos and above)

  5. life gear enhancement should be easier(Does not own tri Manos or above)

  6. life gear enhancement should be harder(Owns tri Manos and above)

    0 vote(s)
  7. life gear enhancement should be harder(Does not own tri Manos or above)

    0 vote(s)
  8. More events? Maybe? Fun ones and not necessarily rewarding ones?

Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. NAinfini

    NAinfini New Member

    Jun 4, 2021
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    Yesterday I had a conversation with some of the people on the server on the subject of in game marketplace, on how a lot of the items are back ordered, I got called out and I quote "He is whining so he could buy stuff off the market so he didn't have to farm it himself" and "You are not helping in anyway, go make a thread on GZ forum". So I am here making a thread that will probably go unnoticed.

    Anyways, my point of view:
    Stuff are back ordered on the market place, and here are why these items are back ordered:
    1) In game population, People leaving due to the lack of content, back in the time we had 2K-3K people playing on the server, and now we have 400, red battle field is pretty much dead, and they provided a lot of the resources from daily logins, workers, grinds and life skills.

    2) Marketplace price limitation, the price of everything is limited within a range to protect new comers from overpriced items, since veteran players can hoard up to trillions of silver in their marketplace, and the fact that how easy it is to profit by simply jacking up the prices of accessories in the market since the tax no longer applies, but that also limits profits for players.

    3) Life skill profit, If you grind at high level grind zones, you could easily get 2B/hour, but with life skill, you get at most 1B/hour with 2K mastery, Why would someone go life skilling if they could make a lot more silver in an hour. Those that grind life skills are not really there for profit, but most likely for the shards and meats and bloods or to simply enjoy life skills as it is more chill than grinding. That defeats the purpose of having a market, we have a market so we do what we enjoy most, and not forced to do something we hate, which is also why we play on GameZ on the first place.

    I also do not like the enchantment rates on life skill gears, it is way easier to get combat gears maxed, but life skill gears seems impossible, but It is too late to change, as people who already obtained good life gears do not want to see it happen as that would cut the price of life gears by half, thus cutting their net worth.

    the price of life gear on the market also didn't make any sense either, pen manos accessories sell for 60 Bill, tet manos sell for 6 bill and the chance of success is only 5%, The math simply does not add up, for each Pen attempt, you lose 3 billion on average, so why would someone ever tap a pen manos just to sell it?

    It's actually more than just central market, or life skill, or PVE, but overall stat balancing, when you copy the content over from BDO, and change some of their numbers, you can't just leave the rest of the numbers unchanged, they put a huge amount of time into balancing all the classes ,and into balancing the economy of the game. The problem never showed here because of the population and the events, but when veteran players leave with thousands of memory fragments and tens of thousands of shards, and their silver and resources is no longer circulating the market, the market starts to die down, and it only gets worth.

    and just for fun, I will poll to see I am the only one who thinks this way.
    loboram and Forte like this.
  2. DangerousDD

    DangerousDD New Member

    Mar 10, 2018
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    Life skills do need a buff but will require some custom market changes. I don't think it's possible to simply remove the price caps on every item. Might have to be done manually one by one.
  3. NAinfini

    NAinfini New Member

    Jun 4, 2021
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    Very much not possible to just remove the cap, the price of some of the items would just sky rocket, but something needs to be changed, supply demand after all, right now demand is way above supply.
    loboram likes this.
  4. DangerousDD

    DangerousDD New Member

    Mar 10, 2018
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    Yea... because nobody wants to put in the work to craft, let us say, Cron Meal and sell it for 800k... *The rest of this I posted on your profile*
  5. ony

    ony New Member

    Aug 26, 2020
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    Life is also a part of this game, and it is not enough to only increase combat revenue while compressing life revenue. Suggest increasing income in daily life. Otherwise, if players strive to improve their proficiency in life, it will become completely meaningless. Not all players like to eliminate monsters
  6. loboram

    loboram Respected Member Forum Legend

    Jan 29, 2018
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    I've tried a couple of times now, to make some reasonable changes happen here on GamezBD, however the developer Kolka told me, that it is going to be near impossible to manually change the Central Market prices, due to how the database file is formatted. It is plain text, which means that making any changes will take hours and hours, and every time the game is patched, or updated ALL the changes have to be updated again.

    I tried to make it clear, that it is possible to create a database file, that can encompass categories, which means that you can sort the list with one click, and only display certain items, however you'd have to build that database yourself. So it will take an enormous amount of time, just creating the base upon which the devs. can rebuild things more easily. More importantly, it might not work for updates and patches, which means that you'd be back at step one again, having to do it manually every time.

    I am unsure how to help GamezBD, and somehow get our population back, but it is absolutely cleear to me, that many opt out due to the lack of catering to the life-skillers here :(
  7. DangerousDD

    DangerousDD New Member

    Mar 10, 2018
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    Other servers were able to remove the cap and allow a free market, unfortunately, they lack population and give out way too much free stuff. Once the compiling is done once, wouldn't it be simple to do it again? If that database is plain text shouldn't there be plenty of other aspects of the game that were plain text? Looking at this server, they've done plenty of acute and obtuse changes but the market is where they hit a brick wall?

    Pfft, I believe they can fix it if they wanted. They made all of this. After that, fixing the population will be next. They can bring back the youtube video contest. That was fun.
  8. NAinfini

    NAinfini New Member

    Jun 4, 2021
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    The easiest way to fix literally all of these problem would be to improve life profit, about 70% of the things on the central market back ordered are about life skills. The profit of combat was buffed, by giving everyone default item drop boost, since that is easy, but life doesnt work like that, so if somehow, life related stuff were buffed, a lot of our problems would be solved. for example, change the way of life accessories, extra gather rate, or just plain extra life mastery and change the cap on life masteries. This would be the one time change that will benefit everyone, instead of changing and managing central market prices.
    loboram likes this.
  9. loboram

    loboram Respected Member Forum Legend

    Jan 29, 2018
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    I thought the exact same thing, then I looked into how coding and server management works, and I realized that it ain't as easy as I thought.

    This seems like an idea worth trying out, however the randomness of the game mechanics, might end up being a bottleneck as well. If we all have +2000 Mastery in all life-skills for instance, wouldn't there suddenly be a problem, with the "low leveled life items" dropping?
  10. Luren

    Luren New Member

    Dec 22, 2020
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    I'm a lifeskiller at heart, although I enjoy doing PvE (not PvP) content. It is unfortunate to see that I was able to fully equip myself with the best armors created by myself (Labreska, God, Darkstar...) but I had only difficulties and the impossibility of obtaining until then a PEN Manos (clothes) because the success rate is too low, and his cost of production is disproportionate compared to the advantage that I will obtain on paper. So as for the accessories... I dare not imagine the hassle and it is enough to see the rate of sale of these to note that almost nobody obtains these. Yet I'm hoping to get these one day, but I think so, it should make their accessibility safer or easier.

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  11. loboram

    loboram Respected Member Forum Legend

    Jan 29, 2018
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    While I agree that the cost and creation headache, of these specific Life-skilling Manos items is unexpectedly high, it stands to reason that retail made these items incredibly rare, due to the changes they made with the Life-Skill Masteries.

    The reason they are extra difficult to get, or create here is as per usual; Low population. On retail on any given day, they have around 10.000 players doing stuff. That translates into 100s of enhancements, and materials gatherings. Something we unfortunately lack here.

    Maybe the developers should look into how to balance; the extremely rare/difficult to get items, with the low population that is currently here. But it can lead to a core imbalance in how it affects the entire server, if we then get more than 2000 players a day.

    It is a sensitive area for sure, and whatever happens I do hope that you will understand that they are meant to be really rare to get to PEN.

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