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[VOTE] GamezBD Specials

Discussion in 'Black Desert Discussion' started by loboram, Jan 4, 2021.


Do you want the GamezBD Specials removed and convert this server into a Complete Retail Copy?

  1. Yes, because we want a server Exactly like retail

  2. No, because GamezBD is a Private Server and should have Special Content

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  1. Hyleos

    Hyleos New Member

    Aug 8, 2018
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    it's really sad to see how gamez is repeating the same bad decisions from the opening until today, i remember when they enabled t9 horses registration and calling it a "bug" but leaving people selling horses for almost 1 month, i remember when they created gamez Eu and refused to transfer players data or even help them with a small margin of the cash shop players have spent on NA. i appreciate the vote and the effort my friend, but mark my word, they will fix this bug when the T10 unicorn update comes to gamez, since they will add it to the cash shop and in order for it to be sold is to fix the bug because it's special ability is running on top of the water. unfortunately i doubt votes or community opinion mean anything to gamez dev anymore. i hope a miracle would happen and they will take that 97% vote into consideration.Thanks again
    loboram likes this.
  2. loboram

    loboram Respected Member Forum Legend

    Jan 29, 2018
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    BUT, and this is quite important to know, the "underwater-breathing-horse" is UNDERwater. If you have Ever attempted the ride from Velia to the island of Iliya for instance, you would have realized that it is Far from a simple ride, from point A to B. There are sheer cliffs, and deep valleys, both of which lead to "dead-ends", so planing your route is a requirement, and you do spend time riding in the wrong direction.

    I get that it would be a good idea to "fix the underwater bug", once a Super-Horse is released, that actually has a water-ability, However we are talking about two Completely different things here;
    The T10-Super-Horse, can literally Run On Water, that means over the surface, which does indeed make for an extremely easy ride, point A to B style.

    The "bug/special" we're currently voting on (among other things), is the Underwater ability, which means a lot more work, because you cannot leave it on auto-route, nor can you at anytime dismount it for whatever reason, and you have to plan a route as well. That is a Lot more "work" involved in comparison to this Super-Horse ability, don't you think?
    Hyleos likes this.
  3. Hyleos

    Hyleos New Member

    Aug 8, 2018
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    True, 2 different separate things, However, the "bug" and unicorn new ability serve nearly the same purpose, which is going from A to B while crossing an area full of water, gamez dev will see it as threat to their sales. i started playing gamezbd when they first opened their server, i was one of the first few people to join, funny thing is kolka was not calling this as bug at all, and when i asked him on discord years ago he was proud of this underwater horse and he said that what makes gamez unique, but now they are calling it bug and they want to fix it. unfortunate really...
  4. Jujuba

    Jujuba Legendary Member Forum Legend

    Aug 5, 2019
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    We always said that underwater riding could be fixed one day, that was just not a priority. But remember that back on the days, we didn't had functional ships, nowadays we have Great Ocean update fully implemented and working! That alone would be reason enough to fix the "seahorse bug", however, again, it was not a priority and had no significant impact.
    But since PA already announced T10 Unicorn and stated that this horse will be able to run on surface for a while, that could be something that would bring new bugs since both codes, the new one for T10 Dine to ride on top of the water and the current bug to ride underwater could conflict.
    I'm not stating that this will be fixed, but it might be a possibility because it will turn into a must in order to make the real code work for T10 Dine. Or would you rather keep the bug and invalidate a new Dream Horse? I'm attempting my second Dine, already preparing to its T10, and it would definitely be a shock if it had to be released bugged because we "have to keep underwater riding". Could you imagine such a thing?

    Yes, we did had T9 sells for a moment and it was indeed a bug. But don't you think our 10x rates makes it an easy money making? So we can call it a exploit. I mean... It's really easy to make a T9, even on first weeks of gameplay.
    I do hope you refrain from doing this type of comments so we can keep this thread respectful. I've been playing here for a really long time now and since before I've been a Black Desert Moderator I have never seen @Kolka state such things and I always had conversations with him about the game because I've been passionate about BDO since ever and I just wanted to learn. I can prove that he always said underwater riding could be fixed one day if it comes to a point of conflict. You on the other hand is just flaming this thread making false accusations.
  5. Hyleos

    Hyleos New Member

    Aug 8, 2018
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    My English is my 4th language and i have read my comments few times here and i don't think i said anything disrespectful, if you think that i did so, i do apologize. + i would never say anything rude to anyone's post. As i said before, i started my journey with gamez, from the first few days of server launch. i have donated a lot to this server because i truly believed in it, and i do appreciate the work @Kolka and @Carl have done. if you started playing gamez long time ago, i think we both spent quite sometime here. i was just hoping that u would see some issues from a player perspective not a mod perspective, u were a player like us, and seeing 97.5%+ votes not taking into consideration is just sad. Trust me, if me or anybody else did not care a lot about gamez, they would never bother making votes or speak up or bother writing comments. @Chiclete , The things that i have done for this server is hard to believe, i had a page for gamez with weekly giveaways + discord server with consistent free premium for more than 10 random people every single week, sharing the server everywhere every single day. (paying everything myself just because i saw huge potential in @Kolka) and wanted to help gamez grow and be popular, You were not mod back then yet, i hope u don't find this comment disrespectful or anything and i wish u guys the best of luck. thanks for ur work. (i included a screenshot of 2019 with kolka before i leave)

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    Last edited: Jul 23, 2021
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  6. Jujuba

    Jujuba Legendary Member Forum Legend

    Aug 5, 2019
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    Stating that a bug will be fixed so the administration can get more money through selling T10 Unicorns is really offensive, among other acusations.
    I do see a lot from both player and staff perspectives, and you can see it when I come over suggestion forum to give my own opinion or just state a fact why something should't or can't happen.
    Players tend to forget the main reason why GameZBD exists, players thinks that this server exists to fullfil their whishes regarding what retail doesn't have, and that's not the server's goal. The main goal is to provide the same content but free of charge. You don't get to have every costume, pet and buffs on retail, on the otherhand GameZBD offers you free Pearls and a lot of benefits if you choose to donate, which is not obligated to anyone.
    I'm not here to debate what I do in pro of the community and I certainly don't need to, that would be ridiculous of me. What I do is because I like it, wheter it's as a staff member or as a guild leader. I'm so passionate about the game that I put a lot of work on both. Actions speak for themselves.
    loboram likes this.
  7. skarpz

    skarpz Away ~ Forum Legend

    Jun 10, 2010
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    They don't care at all. Stop trying.
    Xyio and Sac like this.
  8. Hyleos

    Hyleos New Member

    Aug 8, 2018
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    @Chiclete , i did not say it that way "bug will be fixed so the administration can get more money through selling T10 Unicorns", i said that if the bug is still there after unicorn gets released there will be literally no reason for anyone to purchase it because they serve the same exact purpose, am i wrong ?+ there is absolutely NOTHING wrong with selling T10 horses in cash shop, i myself support this idea, I have nothing against the cash shop and if u want i can share my transactions so u can see how much i bought and i don't regret it because i spent enjoyable time in gamez. as i said i do apologize if u find anything that i said disrespectful, but please, kindly don't rephrase what I'm saying in an aggressive way. for the first "accusation" u said , i hope kolka replies to this with what has been said when they first launched gamez (when they first created gamez discord) i remember exactly what has been stated back in the day of gamez discord. i don't know you @Chiclete but i see how hard u work and try to reply to most topics, and i would never go on a debate with you either, my comments were never meant to accuse or disrespect anyone. i created my forum account since 2018 and i barely reply or make topics, i just wanted to support the idea that 97.5% of people agree with. sorry if there was any misunderstanding between us. good luck to you
    Last edited: Jul 23, 2021
  9. loboram

    loboram Respected Member Forum Legend

    Jan 29, 2018
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    Hey there @Hyleos, just wanted to remind you that this is supposed to be a thread about voting to keep the "GamezBD Specials", and not a debate forum :)

    Then I also really want to remind you, that the Development team doesn't have access to the Whole Server/Client content, which actually means that there are some aspects of the game, that they are unable to manipulate in any way. So we as players just have to be thankful for what they can tweak, that they have made the project in the first place, and most of all: That it is a free gaming service for the entire world to play.

    I am merely saying this because some (if not most) suggestions made, have either been specifically for only one group of players, with a certain playing style that doesn't represent the entire community, or simply have been changes proposed that were too elaborate for the dev. team to make happen.

    I get what @Chiclete says, when they say that; "...the new one for T10 Dine to ride on top of the water and the current bug to ride underwater could conflict.", and that would indeed be a terrible way to introduce the new Mythical Mount. So of course I will back the dev. team in that case, and let go of the notion that the "underwaterhorse" can be kept, as a GamezBD special custom content.

    But please...lets keep the thread going, and perhaps even add more perculiar custom content to the thread :D
  10. LegendaryN

    LegendaryN New Member

    Jun 1, 2018
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    This thread is like a political champaign rather a simple (meant) voting pool.

    Also the percantages created by ~200 votes do not represent so called GamezBD Community (unless someone prove mutliclient is a real deal here) if there is any.

    Forum can be a discussion/ debate platform so as gameznetwork but for this type of voting threads (like creating a technical argument about constructed 'complex' thing), imo (ex)players should focus on creating constructive criticism and mods giving why's and why not's about that criticism.
    Maybe this thread did not explode to 100 pages but in future unhelpful/unnecessary/trashTalks may happen for important threat topics.
  11. loboram

    loboram Respected Member Forum Legend

    Jan 29, 2018
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    Hmm, sorry but what exactly are you saying here; "...votes do not represent so called GamezBD Community...if there is any"?

    Am I to think that you believe that there is no GamezBD Community at all?

    Is it about the incredible lack of players, who Want to Read things in a forum, that you are referring to perhaps?

    I do get that this isn't a good representation of the entire GamezBD community, nor will it ever be, since reading is now a bad thing according to the mainstream ideology, however I do try to post it on the server-chat and on the English Group Chat in-game, as well as on the Telegram Channel that Kolka has provided. Although whatever, English communicating, players Do want to read, is not within my power to change.

    Lastly I truly wonder how the idea of "multiboxing" came to you? If you read the server and forum rules, then you will know that it is forbidden to create more than one forum account, and that "multiboxing" in-game is greatly frowned upon, especially if it is to create a cheat scenario, which abuses the right to do so. "Multiboxing" being the term for when players are using several computers, or virtual machines, to run the same game (or access a website), and play more than one account at the same time.
    "Forum can be a discussion/ debate platform so as gameznetwork but for this type of voting threads"? Did I miss something there? I am not quite understanding this part.

    "like creating a technical argument about constructed 'complex' thing), imo (ex)players"? Sorry but once again I am at a loss here. What do you mean by "technical argument about constructed 'complex' thing"?

    Also what is this about "ex"-players? Where are they at? Why are they "ex"-players at all? Also more importantly, how would you know who is playing the game or not?
    Hmmm, I am sorry but once again I fail to see your point here; "explode to 100 pages" what did you mean by this?

    Also about being impolite and rude towards others on the forum, I would again have to point you in the direction of the Forum rules.
  12. Xyio

    Xyio New Member

    Dec 13, 2020
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    Hai hai, after reading this thread I guess I will post my reply here since it has more eyes on it. This private server is very inconsistent and doesn't know what it wants to be.

    We had gold events, insane Special Deals(which was great for the server since it promoted party play, you know an mmorpg and players actually interacting and playing together) or t9s enabled to be sold back in the day. People used that to the fullest extent and then these "exploits" or whatever they are gonna be referred as have been "patched" out while so much of the community benefited others haven't and we still haven't seen anything new to replace them or a compensation for others that weren't part of it so that they don't feel left out in the economy.

    I see Kolka constantly saying this server is retail-like and he wants to be like retail, sadly we are nothing like retail, never have been and most likely never will be. With us being barely 2000 players, this game was never meant to be played with such a small playerbase. We have scroll exchange for memory fragments, artisan memory for caphras, 8000 pearls for secret book of old moon, lots of pearl items locked behind webshop(Not talking about Timed Exclusive ones) and no other way to obtain them, not being able to sell t9s, trading lifeskill cap of 400mil a day etc. the list goes on. Clearly we are nothing like retail cause while some of these things alone don't make a huge impact, all of them combined plus the stuff that I mentioned that happened back in the day now labeled as "bugs" or "exploits" (which clearly if they were users that partaken in them should have been punished and ripped from their earnings or others that haven't should have been compensated for them) make this server very different than retail.

    Why do we keep pretending though? For the sake of balance? Have u ever played this game called Black Desert? It's never been balanced, PvP especially maybe in the early +15 max gear days when game launched in 2015 or smth, but for the past few years retail and gamezbd it's always been Strikers and Wizards that dominate as classes being played, clearly a game that is balanced(sarcasm intensifies). Now I am aware that what the dev team is doing here takes a lot of time and skill, reverse engineering code and for any deviation they make, any update that we get they have to manually change it every time. This is why I have never wanted too much from the server, but when they are purposefully removing, capping or setting high prices on pearl items that is what I and most of the playerbase have an issue with. Why punish us, for the sake of balance? Let's look at lifeskills then, again not Gamezbd Developer fault, this is an issue on retail as well. Oasis event has killed meals, they are rendered useless cause u can buy for 1 Silver a meal that beats any other in the game the Cron meals since they have the most powerful combined buffs. With lifeskills on Gamezbd its always been do 2-3 things that make the most money while everything else can't keep up and is left forgotten. I understand that it would be hard to manually change the price of Meats, Skins, Fishes etc in order for them to keep up, Lakiaros made valuable again and then change these values anytime there is a new update again, it is a lot of work.

    But isn't there a better compromise? Maybe don't restrict us from selling t9s while Carracks can be sold for a few billions of silver? Just make t9 sell for 2 billion silver, it wont be like retail but at least players will have something to work with. Maybe don't make Secret book of Old Moon 8000 pearls, we are a private server, we should enjoy the benefits of everything retail has to offer right? Kolka correct me if I'm wrong but you want the server to be like retail, so why is it that Secret book of Old Moon is so expensive. If you believe that retail is balanced, shouldn't we be consistent and keep up with the standards there???? Another example, tradinding lifeskill cap of 400mil silver a day, if you truly believe in balance, why is this capped at such a small rate till today. I understand how powerful it is, but right now I just learn Sprint on a level 1 T8, then with Manos Riding Crop and Auto Sprint while afk and with buffs I can get it to level 30 in less than a day, boom I just made 1 billion silver of just afking with horse. So then why is Trading still capped at 400mil, you believe in balance right, how is that balance the math just doesn't add up. Or my most recent thread about Guild Attendance Rewards for Smaller Guilds for it to be enabled. I understand what retail was thinking as a reward for bigger guilds cause they are harder to grow and obtain however, that is easy there on retail, since both NA and EU I had my own guilds and we had more than 70 members within a week of recruitment cause u know retail has 40mil registered users so far and also million of active players daily, yes active, not ones that are just afk-ing in town all day though there are many there as well. Here with barely 1000 players active, that are just not afking all day long, especially on NA since most of us didnt think transferring to EU was worth it since we had to start from scratch while Kolka didn't offer any server transfer or compensation for doing so, NA server has people from everywhere around the world and communication is hard when not everyone speaks the same language. So to sum it up, small active playerbase, on top of most of playerbase doesn't speak the same language since we are scattered from everywhere around the World. Suddenly you begin to realize that we are actually fulfilling the original idea of the Developers on retail, its truly rewarding to have a Medium or larger guild size here and its ultra difficult. Sadly when u compare it to retail that u can get a max extra large guild within less than 2 weeks, it just doesn't seem balanced. We should take into consideration that not only we are a very small playerbase, but also a small daily active playerbase, on top of that players both on NA and EU don't speak the same language, therefore our goals from Guild Attendance Rewards should reflect that, they should be for Small Guilds if we truly believe in balance and being like retail, you have to take all of these things in consideration and do the simple math.

    The reason all of us are still here is because we don't have a better alternative, it's just retail that is the option so not a good one. We aren't complaining or insulting, we are criticizing cause we love the game and the server and we want them to be better that's all. I understand the Dev Team has a lot of work, and whatever they say stays, but I like many others just can't justify or agree with a lot of the decisions that have been made in the sake of balance when clearly with just simple math they are proven wrong.
    Last edited: Sep 28, 2021
    loboram likes this.
  13. loboram

    loboram Respected Member Forum Legend

    Jan 29, 2018
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    I really admire @Xyio for coming in here and speaking their peace. They clearly know the hardships that is set squarely on the shoulders of the development team, which is to say that they are really overworked and not appreciated enough for all they do.

    However Xyio brings up some really good points, which I tried once upon a time to clear up for the users of GamezBD, with a post about where GamezBD was heading...unfortunately it has been deleted now :(

    I made this VOTE about the Trade Reform possibility: https://forum.gameznetwork.com/threads/vote-gamezbd-trade-reform.237382/

    However due to the forum being underused (https://forum.gameznetwork.com/threads/vote-survey-forum-usage.235201/), it is really hard to gauge whether it is because the life-skill part of this game is being ignored by the majority, or if it is because it isn't being used due to lack of silver income.

    There are many reasons why GamezBD is the best Private BDO-server project, at least in my opinion, but it has been far too long since the staff actually tried to meet the GamezBD community, in all their attempts to make this a bigger and better community.

    I am Fully aware that the recent delays in that department, have mainly been due to the various new big to huge updates, made by the Pearl Abyss team, which need to be recoded and implemented here. Which is a real and understandable reason to not take on more work.

    I just hope that in the future, after the updates and bug solving, that we the community of GamezBD, have a bigger say in what we really want.

    I already know that it is a terribly slippery slope, since the "majority" already gave GamezBD some really bad content, which made the game even more unbalanced, but it stands to reason that if the changes could be implemented as trial periods, and tweaked as the community and staff see fitting, then we would have a chance at seeing the populations from back in the days, of up to 4000 active users.

    Lastly I just want to thank the staff and especially the developers once again, I don't think the community does that enough.
  14. Xyio

    Xyio New Member

    Dec 13, 2020
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    Thank you, but I've been here since the beginning, I remember back when we were up to 12000 members or smth along that line. But after so many were quitting by the poor decisions made by the staff and the staff not trying to bring them back by apologizing or making amends, those bridges were burned long time ago and the reputation of this server was severely damaged. I've tried to get some people back but I've failed to do so. You know you messed up big time when people prefer to play on retail than on a private server. Thankfully I wasn't impacted by this much, sure some things are not as I or many of the community want them to be, but I do enjoy different things in the game and can still appreciate the free pearls.

    And yes I agree, developers overall don't get much appreciation. So if any staff of Gamezbd are reading this, thank you very much for your hard work, know that It's appreciated a lot and understood. Please know that the reason I and many others are vocal and criticize is because we love the server and community, that is why we stay, we support, we donate and we try suggest changes that are going to benefit the community.
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  15. loboram

    loboram Respected Member Forum Legend

    Jan 29, 2018
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    I do not want to detract from your reply, however I feel like I have to say something about this part.

    While it is likely true, that a large portion of the used-to-be-players here, were upset and angry over something, it was the same players who started the bad reputation campaign. Using all their online outlets, to let everyone know; "just how bad this project was and how stupid the management was", for basically just not doing exactly what they wanted, which is Extremely childish to say the least.

    Also it really isn't something a company, or private server project, should do in general; to apologize and beg for forgiveness, since they either got players, or they don't. If they don't they will surely change their policies, until they have the amount of players they need. While making amends might be an idea, it will become a problem, because to whom do you make amends?
    The private server would have to make amends to ALL the players, not just the ones who felt insulted by whatever desicion that management made. Then everyone else who join the server right afterwards, are going to be really upset that they didn't get that reward. :grin: :playful:

    Alright...the answer became a bit too long here...also sorry if it seems like I am being mean towards you, or anyone else, I am merely stating my opinion. I know it is a really difficult thing, to run a business, much less a server, that is dependant on visitors and donations. Trying to balance the ideology of what you created, and the wants/needs of the people who are using it.

    There are some things I strongly disagree with, how the GamezBD management run some things around here. I will gladly stand up for those problems, to cast a light upon them for all players to see, and to make their own minds up about how to solve the problem. Hence why I like to make Voting :bookworm:
  16. NothingNerfed

    NothingNerfed New Member

    Apr 11, 2020
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    great msg... i think the same, reputation become nothing when we got a lot of "ninja" nerfs years ago, and when people ask about it in forums... white knights appears saying "nothing nerfed", idk how to fix it, i dont know how to destroy the GREAT RIFT, from players who farm with old specials deals, from players who got billions farming afk horse, from players who hit pen with 50 fs, old gather system where u get x5 more shard and hards with scrolls and buffs, this people got a lot of things, i get a lot of things with that, but now is TOTALLY DIFF server, and if someone asks me "u recommend gamezbdo?" i say no, but...have another option? nah, so play here if u want bdo. The main problem comes where Devs will change the rates and game (i dont want complain about nOtHiNg NeRfEd bois, simple, see the game years ago, see the game now, see the incoming gold, progress, etc) but dont want another server, in MY honest opinion, new changes should have been on a new server, and not the one we were all on, but ... we got what we have, rage and bad reputation from EXPERIENCED players, and not opinions from mods or white knights.

    But, to resume: devs here did a lot of ninja nerfs and negate it? yes, white knights and mods negate it? yes, is recomended sv to play? NO. Have another option REAL NO, in future we have another option? ULTRA NO, the majority of new private servers are sh*t, sorry for the expresion, but every new private server have st*pids devs who never listen the community.

    Simple, gamezbdo is good server? yes or no, is personal opinion, but gamezbdo IS the best private server, and gonna be THE BEST bdo private server ever
  17. Xyio

    Xyio New Member

    Dec 13, 2020
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    Yes, I agree there are bad apples, but still around 10000 members aren't all bad apples, sure some of them, maybe 2000 but the rest 8000 players were just fed up with the poor decisions. Also yes regardless of a company or private server, any community in general should apologize if they have done poor decisions or impacted the members negatively if they want to retain them. I never said beg for forgiveness that is different, I said make amends and try to rebuild the relations if they want to have a healthy playerbase/members. It's called PR in the world of business and marketing long version of "PR" means Public Relations, companies and communities do this always when they fuck up in order to not make a bad situation turn into worse. What Gamezbd Staff however did was start a fire and instead of extinguishing it they keep adding more wood to the fire for years. Private servers are by the people for the people, but if you dont have people to play on them then what is the point, how will you keep them going if u don't have income? See why Public Relations is so important and preserving a good reputation and being in a healthy relation with playerbase is important?

    And no please don't worry no need to apologize, but I appreciate you being considerate. Communities are made by its members and they live and exist while the members are there. Since this is a private server made by the people for the people and we are a community, the reason all of this exist is because of us the members. At any point all of us remaining can stop playing and then there will be no private server. This is why Companies/Communities/Private Servers or anything of that kind should try to have a healthy positive relation, apologize when they do something wrong and make amends because without us they won't exist. Usually when you have something new you want it to grow, but sadly for this private server it has been a steep decline and as the years go by we lose more members I just don't want that to happen I want us to be hundreds of thousands, hell even million of players so that we can keep the server growing.

    Back in the day the reason private servers started wasn't because of "oh look free game" or an mmorpg without bullshit microtransactions(Most mmorpgs before 2010 didn't have terrible monetization), but they were a public statement against the Developers to show them that they want change, to show them how many players have interest in a different version or state of the current mmorpg. World of Warcraft was the biggest one cause they refused to give legacy servers for older expansions even though people agreed that they will buy their new shitty expansions and still pay the monthly subscription just to play an older version. This is why private servers in the thousands became alive, just to show Blizzard that there is interest in playing the first 3 expansions of the game. Nowadays sadly private servers are just more of a way to avoid terrible monetization, people have become complacent, gamers just eat up terrible monetization, look at sports games like Fifa or GTA V that has an ingame casion or Genshin Impact, all terrible unethical monetization but people are sheep so they pay up and have no issue with burning money away. Anyhow this is taking too long and I don't want to even start talking about the new generation of gaming and gamers, I'll end it here.

    I fully agree! New changes can be bad if they are done in a nerfed way, but if everything gets buffed up to par it's positively received. it all comes back to a timeless philosophy of "the feeling of loss". Example: You don't have 100$. You don't care since u have nothing right now. But if I give you 100$ and then take them away from you, you still don't have 100$ but the feeling of loss is there, this is why nerfs are generally negatively received, but for someone reason Developers of video games for the past 25 years still haven't figured this out (cwl)
    Last edited: Sep 30, 2021
    loboram likes this.
  18. Jujuba

    Jujuba Legendary Member Forum Legend

    Aug 5, 2019
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    I'm not gonna say that I felt offended by some commentaries around here, because it's not entirely true, but as a Staff Member that is always trying to do what's possible, I'll have to bring back a comment made by me longe time ago, which hasn't changed in the past few years and @loboram is one of the players that can confirm that I've been pressing this button since forever.
    Players always want things in their way, what's best for them, and I do include myself on this. Before caming to GBD I've played a lot on retail and I can definitely say that nothing compares to GBD.
    GameZ always had this type of service, providing gaming to anyone who didn't want to get bored or robbed around retail's systems, wheter it's Aion or BD.
    I can say for sure that 90% of players that are on GameZBD really forgot about how hard is to play on retail. I mean... Does anyone like to hit a Dim Tree to V with 229 FS and FAIL? Yeah, meanwhile it's really easy to make tons of money enhancing items on GBD and using only 50~60fs to hit a V. Also, I didn't wanted to talk about GBD being free, but what's best than this?! Only free pearls, and we DO HAVE THAT! Isn't that amazing? You also don't have to wait a whole year to get an outfit from a particular event because we do have Web Shop. But some might call it p2w, is it tho? But you can get those so called "p2w items" by playing the game. Also, isn't everything on retail "p2w"? Because if you HAVE to PAY for an OUTFIT that IMPROVES your gain with Buffs and such that's p2w. You don't have to pay for anything to play on GBD, on the contrary! WE get paid to play here... We have FREE access to every single content in this game, truly. And I could make a list (wait, we do have a list of "GameZ Specials", it's in my signature) but that alone is already better than retail.
    On top of all of that, I wanted to say that we do listen to suggestions, but once again, mostly of them are self concerned suggestions and really shouldn't be applied. And sure, there are a lot of good suggestions that cannot be done due to development factors, we can't edit every little code present in the game. Does anyone know another pserver that implemented and changed a lot of the base code that is still alive? I can say that there's none. They all die, eventually.
    To conclude, I will only say that: wait for the next build update. We have a lot of changes and surprises coming.
    proteo, Xyio and loboram like this.
  19. Kolka

    Kolka <Prison Officer> Staff Member Super Moderator

    Dec 11, 2011
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    Its bad vote. Look like manipulation. You ask if u want gamez to be retail copy or have some great custom. Yes for sure man it will never be same like retail it always will be x10 better than retial and we will continue adding new customisations and improvement to show you our game vision. 90% of all gamez customizations its was player suggestions. Drop filter, Premium buffs, Free pearls, Teleporters on map, even .rescure command and tons of other gamez customisations it made by player suggestions. But you should understand , that we have gamedesigners in our team. They good analytics and statistic human. So they investigate all incoming suggestions but if some suggestion is not implemented and cancelled, it mean was reason to do it and no need come and cry here that your suggestion was not implemented. We give you possibility to offer and we fairly use player ideas when that ideas is compatible with GamezBD. You can not agree with how Gamez Management come but you have to consider the fact that from all 22+ other BDO private server on our planet for this last 4 years when gamez was not first server and was not largest team, and no any high advertisement budget its become main BDO pserver on planet. So please next time when you try make such poll - ask self twice is it really poll what somebody need or its just try of some manipulation to get some more attention than other community members.
    Hamingways, RadiantCure and loboram like this.
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