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Where to grind

Discussion in 'Black Desert Discussion' started by LordRadai, Jul 30, 2021.

  1. LordRadai

    LordRadai New Member

    Dec 31, 2020
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    Hello, I'm currently struggling to find a grind spot beside Stars End. I'm a ninja succession, I have 290 AP with PEN Blackstar mainhand and 360 DP.
    I'm currently stuck at Stars End, I've tried Sycraia and Hadum Bandits as alternate grind spots, but I litterally get melted by the mobs even tho my DP is absurdly high.
    People say its not true, but I feel that monster damage here is way higher that retail, cause in retail I could survive Sycraia with no problems with 330 DP.
    I'm on an Evasion build, so that might be it, but thats really not too much different than what I had in retail.
    Any spot suggestion? I'm tired of Stars End :(
    loboram and amano like this.
  2. skarpz

    skarpz Away ~ Forum Legend

    Jun 10, 2010
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    Sycraia is really good, get kutum
  3. LordRadai

    LordRadai New Member

    Dec 31, 2020
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    I already have a Kutum, and I get melted there even tho I have like 640 evasion
  4. Rjn

    Rjn New Member

    Mar 24, 2021
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    I had the same problem, the monster damage here is crazy, I think you can try playing another class to see the difference. Also Thornwood is a good grind point.
    Ps: Infinity Potion is needed.
    Noyah likes this.
  5. loboram

    loboram Respected Member Forum Legend

    Jan 29, 2018
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    The reason you might be experiencing a huge difference, in monster engagements between Retail-BDO and here on GamezBD, is mostly because there is NOT a limit, to how many monsters you can engage with, here on GamezBD.

    The skills still function as they do on Retail-BDO, and they DO have a limit to how many monsters they can affect at once. Some skills have a limit of maximum 5, but most have an uppper limit of 10 affected by the same skill attack at once.

    So, here on GamezBD, you will run into situations quite often, where you just attract too much attention, and then get your butt kicked :D

    Also, there seems to be some changes, to the way GamezBD handles the combat formulas, in comparison to how they are handled on Retail-BDO, but the differences should be minimal, so as to provide our community with a good Retail-emulation.
  6. Slade

    Slade New Member

    May 23, 2019
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    ninja is one of the worst pve classes, sorry. You're gonna struggle a while with the class unfortunately. With your ap, you can go to hadumsha areas, it's much better than stars. (unless your rng carried.)
  7. loboram

    loboram Respected Member Forum Legend

    Jan 29, 2018
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    Sorry but ALL Classes in Black Desert Online work, more or less, equally when playing against the monsters of the game-world.
    The most obvious differences, can be found in how they heal themselves, which is basically the number of skills that heal, and how often they can be used. However ANY good player, who has taken the time to get to know their Class, will be able to "grind" whatever they want to without much fuss at all.

    Which is the reason for players to choose whatever they like the most, and NOT to be sheeople (mainstream mindless), and just do what someone else tells them to do :p
  8. thika123

    thika123 New Member

    Oct 21, 2021
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    How is thornwood per hr compared to stars end? Can someone tell?
  9. Slade

    Slade New Member

    May 23, 2019
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    It’s worse, unless you get good rng with rings. Stars is better imo.
  10. Ermey

    Ermey New Member

    Oct 12, 2021
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    United States
    So far I've found both pretty comparable. Star's End benefits from down attacks more though, so is extremely easy to clear if your class has those modifiers. Of course all depends on RNG for the accessories. I swap between the places honestly.
    loboram likes this.
  11. Trill

    Trill New Member

    Mar 17, 2019
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    The mobs on here have far more ap/dp than on retail, it's most apparent at olun's golems. I watch toons on retail melt them in seconds with half the gear score i have, but on gamez you tickle them. Even more hilarious when you try to take out there left arm during his slam phase it takes no damage. Been a prob for a long time will prob never be fixed.
  12. loboram

    loboram Respected Member Forum Legend

    Jan 29, 2018
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    Hello there Trill, I am quite amazed at your general hostility, towards the immense amounts of work, that the Developers have put into making this wonderful project.

    Just to ask a question, that seems to have already been answered, have you ever created something, even remotely like a game, for a windows platform? If so, have you ever had to create a server version, for an existing client, and recode the entire thing?

    Those two questions were sarcastically asked, because it just seems obvious, that you have no idea how much work, goes into making this project. Look, I didn't write this reply, just to behave like a mean smartarse towards you, but because of the quote I selected.

    I would Very Much like to know, how you think you know this quote is factual?
    Has someone from the GamezBD staff said that, exactly in those words, or even something similar? Because the last official word from the GamezBD Developers, was actually that they have done their best to make a precise copy, of the retail-BDO server model.

    Now it may very well be, that our GamezBD project has some differences, in how combat is resolved, but surely you cannot be this lacking in common sense; the BDO game has been created, and marketed, as a MMORP-game, emphasis on MMO (Massively-Multiplayer-Online). So what to do when you run into situations, where you alone are unable to thrive in combat? That's right! You obviously call for backup, hence the MMO part of the game.

    Basically, the game wasn't created, so that one player alone, should/could be able to play the whole game by themself. It just stands to reason, that there are multiple occassions, where having just one other player with you, should be something that everyone wants, when playing a MMO game, otherwise why play a MMO game?
  13. Trill

    Trill New Member

    Mar 17, 2019
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    There was zero hostility in that post at best the final part was an observation "since it's been this way for years" if you found any hostility in the post it was self perpetuated.

    Actually in fact yes i worked on and created a ton of scripts and other implements for Runuo which was the private server emulator for Ultima Online i currently code in HTML/CSS/Javascript/Java and a bit of C although i do have to admit my C coding is/was a bit sloppy as i mess up the syntax all the time when swapping between that and Java. I am really unsure why you would care to ask about my past exploits in the field but there you go.

    As a matter of "factual" myself and others i play with have played here for years, grinding sometimes 8+ hours at a time for years now, but where did we come from? Obviously retail where we can see the difference quite "factually" between the two games.

    Our? Pretty sure whenever i spend FAR more money than i should on games it goes to another member here "who anyone can clearly see the name of when they donate" which is in fact not you, i don't pay forum trolls who go around posting about things they know nothing about and throwing unwarranted insults
    at others senses/intelligence. We have grouped for Olun's every time we went and each time with max to near max toons and still have no where near retail clear speeds. The content isn't impossible but implying it's on the same side as retail is a blatant lie.

    I have been a member of a top guild for many years now we do communicate and group all the time still don't see why you made this self imposed belief everyone is solo'ing all the content here but i guess if you HAVE to post on every forum post just to keep that post count up doesn't hurt to create theatre/drama where it isn't needed.
  14. loboram

    loboram Respected Member Forum Legend

    Jan 29, 2018
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    Hello there @Trill, I really had NO intention of riling you up like that. I do apologize, because I can now see that my reply, could have been misread as a personal attack, which it was Not intended as.

    I might have been affected a bit, by the previous thread I tried to answer: https://forum.gameznetwork.com/thre...dmins-and-moderators-does-anyone-care.239436/

    Which might very well have clouded my "hostility" sensors. So, yeah you are indeed right, about my misreading your intentions here.

    I am guessing that you haven't been using the forum, despite all the many years that you have been playing here:
    Trill New Member
    Joined:Mar 17, 2019
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    Sure you have an old Forum Account, many players that have been here on and off do have that :)

    But don't you think that you went a bit overboard yourself here? Starting off by bragging that you have a bunch of money to spend on games, then somehow being pissed that I haven't been spending money on games.
    However it doesn't really make any sense this part though: "who anyone can clearly see the name of when they donate", since you cannot possibly see Every single donation ever made, right?

    Just for the record; I am not a troll, otherwise ALL I would be doing is behaving self-entitled, ego-centric, and childish. If you take the time to check, I do believe that you will find the ratio, to which I behave "badly" and helpful, is roughly 1:10, possibly 1:20, not quite sure.

    I do know that my personal views aren't met with open minds or hearts, because of the way people are used to interacting online. They prefer to be demeaning and abusive, instead of helpful and kind. As I just said -no need to bring it up again- I am aware, that I sometimes slip up, and might not be helpful at all in a reply. Although I do tend to do this Only, once someone has behaved like a prick.

    I wasn't aware of this part, and adding a video comparing the two, would surely gone a hellavulot further, than just saying that things are one way or another. Don't you agree?

    Once again here you start off by bragging, that you are a part of "a top guild", whatever that means, but it was unneccessary to mention. Just stating that you are a part of an active guild, that does a lot of group content, would surely have been sufficient.

    I am guessing that you are a part of the "anti-loboram" mob. Yeah, I dunno, 'cause I don't get invited to the hate parties that the group throws :D
    By the way, it really isn't a "self-imposed belief", but more an observation, that far too many players, either just prefer to play this game on their own, or actually think that it is supposed to be playable alone. Completely forgetting that it is indeed a MMO-game, and that they are playing on a server.

    It is fair, that some players have jumped onboard the "mindlessly hating" wagon, for various reasons. I am guessing that my general disdain for mainstream mentality, has been the main rallying point for many. I mean that it is surely the most obvious reaction for a mob to have, towards someone who is telling everyone; "Don't be a part of a mob".

    Another obvious reason, is that I have been really campaigning against the "usual internet" behaviour. Which means that I have on many occassions, called out players on the server-chat for breaking the server rules, and just generally behaving like dumbarsed backwards bullying pricks. I have also done this here in the forum, which means that a handful of players, have naturally made it one of their intents, to do whatever they have to, in order to "take me down", or whatever teenagers think is important as revenge.
    Mind you, they are taking "revenge" on the fact, that I have called them out for behaving badly, so it ain't a good start.

    Well, I do hope that you didn't take it too personally, or as an "insult", since at no point did I level curses or swears at you. While I do see that my "tone", could've been a lot better, however if you -like you told me- stop reading into the text, then you might see that the bulk of the reply, wasn't at all sarcastic, or demeaning, or hurtful.

    Basically I made two questions, and a statement about how I have been told things work here on GamezBD, as well as a statement about what the BDO game was created as. Sure, I could have been less of a smartarse, and I have already apologized for that, but all I can see here -in your reply- is; "doesn't hurt to create theatre/drama where it isn't needed". There was a Lot in your reply, that could've been said, without all the extra assumptions.

    I really liked your answer though, it was well crafted and I especially liked the insight, into your knowledge about Private servers. I am hoping that we might get passed this incident, because I do believe you to be an intelligent person, perhaps not a mainstreamer as such. Once again, I am sorry for my part in this.
    Last edited: Feb 1, 2022

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