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Seasonal server PvP

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Harbinger, Jun 21, 2021.

  1. Harbinger

    Harbinger Disgusting Creature

    Jun 21, 2021
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    I think it is only natural that the only seasonal server would be PvP type. It is a suggestion.
    Winning likes this.
  2. loboram

    loboram Respected Member Forum Legend

    Jan 29, 2018
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    Hello there, I gather that you are a diehard-fan of PvP in the BDO game then?
    Well the thing is, that BDO hasn't been marketed as a PvP game, and it is something of a misunderstanding, that the mainstreamer(meta)-gamers are running with.

    Having one server-channel already dedicated to PvP isn't enough for you somehow?

    Also knowing fully well, that the new players to the game arrive at the seasonal server channel, Because there is no need to be stressed out over some kids who are acting out online, you would like to take that away from these new players?

    Could it be that some players, really like going up against players who are unable to defend themselves, just so they can feel like they are SO good at playing a computer game, by trashing some stranger in an online game?

    Look, whatever your reasons for wanting this, it doesn't seem like a worthwhile project to put on the shoulders of the developement team, especially because the main issues are left undealt with as is.
    For instance the Central Market prices, are still one of the things making the whole game concept, go right into the toilet, not to mention the restrictions on the Trade-skills here on GamezBD.


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  3. Harbinger

    Harbinger Disgusting Creature

    Jun 21, 2021
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    Hello, thank you for the feedback.

    Answering your question, no, i do not consider myself a simple minded PvP tunnel vision player. I am a more of an exquisite connoisseur of the uniqueness the ultra immersive black desert online world has to offer. From enjoying a long day of questing and true deep bonding with our beloved NPCs, a walk along the river catching some flowers and relaxing to the sound of nature, from the immense desert to the small details of the critters' AI that make all the difference and the list goes on and on, a true endless world created for the gamers who only want the best, but you know what else makes BDO the greatest? The blood of the innocents, spilled on the grinding grounds, player corpses mixed with monsters, the constant aura of death, fear and awareness of your surroundings on a vile world where peace can never be taken for granted, survival of the fittest, welcome to the jungle, the ultimate gaming experience and exactly what BDO was born to be. And i myself consider that GameZBD vision is to transcend retail and create the ultimate BDO servers as they were meant to be, bypassing the cash greed pearl shops that hinder most people experience at BDO and reliving BDO to its expectations, so yea, it only makes sense that the seasonal server is PvP, like a true and complete BDO server has to be, the others non PvP servers still allow you to flag up and engaging PvP at the cost of karma, the seasonal one doesn't.

    On another note, i fully understand how part of the BDO community does not enjoy the PvP side of the game, but if we think about it, while some people defend on how BDO isn't a PvP game and it isn't JUST A PVP GAME, the MMO part of BDO is essentially PvP only, every other activity is "single player" except a few honorable mentions that most people don't care about anyways.
  4. loboram

    loboram Respected Member Forum Legend

    Jan 29, 2018
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    Funny picture you drew there, very vivid. However I am sure that you know for a fact, that there is more then one way to play a game, even a straight forward 2D-scroller. So with an open-world MMORP-game like Black Desert Online, the ways and reasons to play the game, are nearly infinite, or as infinite as there are differences between people.

    The thing is, the game is NOT a PvP-arena game, like so many other games, so there is NO realistic expectation of players being Forced, into needing to learn how to defend themselves. Mainly because, if you are a PvP'er (a player who likes PvP'ing) you will easily differentiate between players, who are game and want to do that, and players who are either new to the game, or players who really do not want to get their game interrupted (by some selfish player).
    So, like it has been known, from pretty much the beginning, you can stop and talk to players, using the chat (/s), and even if your English is really bad, you can make your point understood: "PvP?", "Duel?", "Fight?", Any of those will do quite nicely, the answer is a simple yes or no.

    So while there is an understanding of PvP being a part of the game, it is certainly an easy way to harass another player, using the guise of "This is a PvP game, get over it, snowflake, just for fun, grow up and just accept it, don't be a P***y, don't take it personally, this is just a game..." and so on, which really isn't helpful when you are interfering with someone elses game-time. That is essentially harassment.

    Well the thing is, the game itself has been revised quite a few times now, and that includes how to deal with partying and PvP. It is STILL up to players, to find ways to bring group events into the foreground, which really isn't that difficult, so there are PLENTY of things you can do as a group/party. The notion that there isn't, truly comes from the "simple minded PvP tunnel vision player", as you yourself put it :)

    Look the thing is, we can debate this until the end of time, but neither you nor I will change our minds. The game is as the creators made it, and they control how it was programmed, and how it evolved into the game it is today.
    If you want to argue, I suggest writting them (Pearl Abyss) instead of doing it in here.
    Also, I know this started because I said something to the fact, but this topic still should be centered on the OP; Whether there should be a Seasonal PvP server or not.

    Yeah, I know, that is indeed what we are debating, but it boils down to whether you are a mainstreamer (meta-gamer), who thinks that this game is all about PvP, or if you aren't one of those players and like how it is setup now.

    Last thing, I REALLY like what you said; "...that GameZBD vision is to transcend retail and create the ultimate BDO servers as they were meant to be, bypassing the cash greed pearl shops that hinder most people experience at BDO and reliving BDO to its expectations..."
    This is one of the reasons I was so outspoken to begin with, here on the forum and anywhere I could voice my opinion, about the GamezBD project which I found was absolutely amazing; BUT the thing that I didn't get, was that the creator and development team, really just wanted a COPY of the retail game, and not make it into their own amazing piece of gaming.

    Later I learned that it is mainly because of limitations, in what the dev. team can do with the game, that they aren't looking into making a Much better version of the game. But yes, I would have absolutely loved to see; more areas, more Classes, more and better storylines, more indepth Karma system with "criminal" cities, towns and villages where the "Evil" players could gather and fight it out on the streets if they wanted to, or even fight the NPC's if that is what they wanted, while still being barred from the "Neutral/Good" player cities, towns and villages. I mean the amount of game you could milk, from the basis of this game is incredible.
  5. skarpz

    skarpz Away ~ Forum Legend

    Jun 10, 2010
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    Agreed, game should have more action, less servers as well.

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